... Venus . ___________ . Earth . ____ . Mars ... Asteroid Belt . ______________________________-______________________________-________ . Jupiter . _____________________________ . Saturn . the line of the symmetry inside the Solar planetary system . ...
... Neptune also has Trojan asteroids. Click on the planet link under its current satellite count to learn more about each of the satellite systems. ...
... О причинах можно прочесть в крупном обзоре: Toon O.B., Turco R.P.,Covey C. Environmental perturbations caused by theimpact of asteroids and comets // Reviews of Geophysics, v. 35, N 1, p. 41-78. ...
... Major departures from the theoretical norm are the ASTEROID BELT, NEPTUNE, and EARTH in a resonant synodic position between VENUS and MARS. http://www.spirasolaris.ca/sbb4c.html . ...
... Событие дифференциации произошло примерно 30 млн лет после образования Солнечной системы [Kleine T., Munker C., Mezger K., Palme H. Rapid accretion and early core formation on asteroids and the terrestrial planets from Hf-W chronometry // Nature. ...
... astro-ph/0309112 Цветовая переменность астероидов по данным каталога движущихся источников SDSS (Color Variability of Asteroids in SDSS Moving Object Catalog) . ...
... Событие дифференциации произошло примерно 30 млн лет после образования Солнечной системы [Kleine T., Munker C., Mezger K., Palme H. Rapid accretion and early core formation on asteroids and the terrestrial planets from Hf-W chronometry // Nature. ...
... Objects to be considered in the future include the planets, satellites, asteroids, comets, sun, and extra-solar-system objects; descriptive parameters of these objects may be masses, shapes, gravity fields, orientation parameters, etc. ...