... Category: Total Time Requested: Minimum Useful Time: Prop osal Title: ABSTRACT: Regular Planetary Radar 41.5 hrs Hours 3 hrs Survey of XME asteroids We propose to continue our campaign of observing X, M, and E-class asteroids using the S-band radar ...
Ссылки http://www.naic.edu/vscience/schedule/tpfiles/ShepardtagR2319tp.pdf -- 46.6 Кб -- 09.02.2007 Похожие документы
... Near-Earth Asteroids During September 2010- February 2011 ABSTRACT: We plan to observe nine near-Earth asteroids with the Arecibo S-band planetary radar system to continue our very successful program of characterizing the near-Earth asteroid population ...
Ссылки http://www.naic.edu/vscience/schedule/tpfiles/TaylortagR2564tp.pdf -- 48.0 Кб -- 15.02.2010 Похожие документы
... Total Time Requested: Prop osal Title: ABSTRACT: Urgent Planetary Radar Solar System 9 Hours Radar Observations of Near-Earth Asteroid 2003 TL4 We prop ose to obtain high-resolution (15m) imaging of near-Earth asteroid 2003 TL4 in late Octob er of 2003 ...
Ссылки http://www.naic.edu/vscience/schedule/tpfiles/NolantagR1897tp.pdf -- 39.0 Кб -- 19.07.2004 Похожие документы
... Total Time Requested: Prop osal Title: ABSTRACT: Regular Planetary Radar Solar System 36 Hours Radar Imaging of Near-Earth Asteroids 1998 ST49 and 2002 HW We prop ose to obtain high-resolution (15-30m) imaging of near-Earth asteroids 1998 ST49 and 2002 HW ...
Ссылки http://www.naic.edu/vscience/schedule/tpfiles/NolantagR2137tp.pdf -- 41.8 Кб -- 18.10.2005 Похожие документы
... Category: Total Time Requested: Minimum Useful Time: Prop osal Title: ABSTRACT: Urgent Planetary Radar Solar System 11.5 Hours 2.5 Observations of Main-belt asteroids 2035 Stearns and 246 Asporina We wish to observe asteroids 2035 Stearns and 246 Asporina ...
Ссылки http://www.naic.edu/vscience/schedule/tpfiles/ShepardtagR2892tp.pdf -- 46.6 Кб -- 24.01.2014 Похожие документы
... Solar System 3.5 Hours 2.0 Radar Observations of Small Near-Earth Asteroids 2015 KQ120 and 2015 KM57 We request one 3.5-hour observing track (including transmitter warm-up time) to detect recently discovered near-Earth asteroids 2015 KQ120 and 2015 KM57 ...
Ссылки http://www.naic.edu/vscience/schedule/tpfiles/TaylortagR3010tp.pdf -- 49.9 Кб -- 03.06.2015 Похожие документы
... 45 minutes Urgent proposal for S-band radar imaging of Near-Earth Asteroid 2011 LC19 This is an urgent proposal requesting ~ hours of observing time during October and November 2011 for newly 24 discovered potentially hazardous asteroid (PHA) 2011 LC19 ...
Ссылки http://www.naic.edu/vscience/schedule/tpfiles/BrozovictagR2661tp.pdf -- 51.7 Кб -- 15.08.2011 Похожие документы