... Internal fine calibration sources (FCS) provide a reproducible reference flux, that is absolutely calibrated during the mission by comparison with known celestial standards (stars, planets, asteroids). ...
... Internal fine calibration sources (FCS) provide a reproducible reference flux, that is absolutely calibrated during the mission by comparison with known celestial standards (stars, planets, asteroids). ...
Ссылки http://www.stecf.org/conferences/adass/adassVII/reprints/huths.pdf -- 204.1 Кб -- 12.06.2006 Похожие документы
... have to be more compact planets in the outer part of the Solar System or asteroids ... ranges, calibration sources might have to be asteroids (e.g., Ceres, Pallas, Vesta ... The sources might be dust from asteroids or comets, or local production. ...
Ссылки http://www.stecf.org/coordination/esa_eso/alma-herschel/report.pdf -- 1000.5 Кб -- 04.09.2008 Похожие документы
... Figure 1: The user (eg., students) provide test velocities to the astronaut for hitting a golf ball while standing on the surface of a planet, asteroid or comet in the Amazing Space module on gravity and escape velocity. ...
... The user (eg., students) provide test velocities to the astronaut for hitting a golf ball while standing on the surface of a planet, asteroid or comet in the Amazing Space module on gravity and escape velocity. ...
Ссылки http://www.stecf.org/conferences/adass/adassVII/reprints/christianc.pdf -- 273.6 Кб -- 12.06.2006 Похожие документы
... The user (eg., students) provide test velocities to the as tronaut for hitting a golf ball while standing on the surface of a planet, asteroid or comet in the Amazing Space module on gravity and escape velocity. ...
Ссылки http://www.stecf.org/conferences/adass/adassVII/reprints/christianc.ps.gz -- 312.4 Кб -- 12.06.2006 Похожие документы
... to detect and characterise Earth-approaching ob jects, both asteroids and comets, that might pose a danger to our planet ... on rapid time-scales, like exploding supernova, potentially hazardous near-Earth asteroids, and distant Kuiper Belt Ob jects ...
Ссылки http://www.stecf.org/coordination/esa_eso/galpops/report.pdf -- 2038.4 Кб -- 04.09.2008 Похожие документы