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    1. INTAS project 99/652: Monographs
    ... Kiselev N.N. Scattering Light on Dust Particles of Comets, Asteroids and Circumstellar Disks: Observations and Interpretation. ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 2.8 Кб -- 19.11.2010
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    ... The albedo of the S-type asteroids increases with wavelength, while the albedo of the C-type asteroids is almost constant in the visible range of spectra (Tedesco et al. ...
    [ Текст ]  Ссылки -- 272.2 Кб -- 19.11.2010
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    ... on the last topics 15.45 Break 16.40 V.P. Tishkovets -- Collective scattering effects (quasifractal clusters, polarization of comets and asteroids) 17.40 P.V. Litvinov -- Quasifractal clusters and polarization of Saturn rings 18.00 Coffee-break 18.15 V.A ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 4.1 Кб -- 19.11.2010
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    ... Dr. Kiselev is a high-level expert in polarimetry and world known observer of comets, asteroids, and stars. ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 8.0 Кб -- 19.11.2010
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    ... The effect of falling particles on the shape and spin rate of . an asteroid" . Vasilkova O. A&A, 2003, v.403, p.413-418 . 29. ... equilibrium points of an asteroid" . Vasilkova O. A&A, 2005, v.430, p.713-724 . 62. ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 108.7 Кб -- 12.01.2010
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    ... on dust particles of comets, asteroids and circumstellar disks: observations and ... T5.3 Observational data for asteroids and cometary dust were summarized and ... of the synthetic phase dependence of polarization of comets and asteroids was made ...
    [ Текст ]  Ссылки -- 239.5 Кб -- 19.11.2010
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    7. Cometary dust bibliography (draft version)
    ... Polarimetric characteristic of dust particles as observed in 13 comets: Comparison with asteroids , by G.P.Chernova, Icarus , 103 , 144-158, 1993. ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 12.9 Кб -- 19.11.2010
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    ... In: Delsemme, A.H. (Ed.), Comets, Asteroids, Meteorites, Interrelations, Evolution and Origin. ... Polarimetric characteristics of dust particles as observed in 13 comets: comparison with asteroids. Icarus 103, 144-158. ...
    [ Текст ]  Ссылки -- 123.1 Кб -- 19.11.2010
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    9. Local Access to Electronic Journals
    ... Proc. Conf. Asteroids, Comets, Meteors v.1 (1983) -- v.4 (1991) Free access via the ADS from any PC. ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 56.8 Кб -- 19.11.2010
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    ... Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 1993, 14­18 June 1993, Belgirate, Italy. LPI 810, Houston, p. 194. Michalsky, J. J.: 1981, Icarus 47, 388­396. ...
    [ Текст ]  Ссылки -- 90.8 Кб -- 19.11.2010
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