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Russian Entomol. J. 22(1): 931


New and little known taxa of neotenic Lycidae (Coleoptera), with discussion of their phylogeny Новые и малоизвестные таксоны неотеничных Lycidae (Coleoptera), с обсуждением их филогении Sergey V. Kazantsev С.В. Казанцев
Donetskaya 13326, Moscow 109651, Russia. e-mail: kazantss@mail.ru Россия, 109651, Москва, ул. Донецкая 13-326.

KEY WORDS: Coleoptera, Lycidae, new subfamily, new tribes, new genera, new species, taxonomy, Afrotropical and Neotropical regions. КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: Coleoptera, Lycidae, новое подсемейство, новые трибы, новые рода, новые виды, таксономия, Афротропическая и Неотропическая области. ABSTRACT. A new subfamily of neotenic netwinged beetles, Mimolibnetinae subfam.n., two new tribes, Dominopterini tr.n. and Electropterini tr.n., four new genera, Tishechkinia gen.n., Dominopteron gen.n., Nanolycus gen.n. and Prioceraton gen.n., and seven new species, Mimolibnetis patruelis, Dominopteron hispaniolum, Electropteron nepos, E. cursarius, Nanolycus gnomus, Ceratoprion sobrinus and Pseudacroleptus gorgonus spp.n., are described from the Afrotropical and Neotropical regions. Extant representatives of the fossil genus Electropteron Kazantsev, 2012 (previously known only from the Dominican amber) are described for the first time, also from the Dominican Republic. The genera Ceratoprion Gorham, 1884, Mimolibnetis Pic, 1936 and Electropteron are redescribed, and Mimolibnetis apicalis Pic, 1936 and M. obscurus Pic, 1936 are illustrated. Tishechkinia carltoni (Kazantsev, 2005), comb.n. is transferred to Tishechkinia gen.n. from Neolyrium Kazantsev, 2005, and Prioceraton ignavum (Kazantsev, 2008), comb.n. is transferred to Prioceraton gen.n. from Ceratoprion. A cladistic analysis of the 'neotenic' lycid lineages is provided. РЕЗЮМЕ. Из Афротропической и Неотропической областей описывается новое подсемейство неотеничных Lycidae, Mimolibnetinae subfam.n., две новых трибы, Dominopterini tr.n. и Electropterini tr.n. , четыре новых рода, Tishechkinia gen.n. , Dominopteron gen.n., Nanolycus gen.n. и Prioceraton gen.n., и семь новых видов, Mimolibnetis patruelis, Dominopteron hispaniolum , Electropteron nepos, E. cursarius, Nanolycus gnomus, Ceratoprion sobrinus и Pseudacroleptus gorgonus spp.n. Впервые описываются рецентные представители ископаемого рода Electropteron Kazantsev, 2012 (ранее известного лишь из Доминиканского янтаря), также из Доминиканской Республики. Приводятся переописания родов Ceratoprion Gorham, 1884, Mimolibnetis Pic, 1936, Electropteron и иллюстрации Mimolibnetis apicalis Pic, 1936 и M. obscurus Pic, 1936. Tishechkinia carltoni (Kazantsev, 2005), comb.n. переносится в Tishechkinia gen.n. из Neolyrium Kazantsev, 2005, а Prioceraton ignavum (Kazantsev, 2008), comb.n. переносится в Prioceraton gen.n. из Ceratoprion. Приводится кладистический анализ неотеничных групп Lycidae.

Neotenia, or, in case of Lycidae, complete absence in the female metamorphosis of the pupa stage, is presumed to be a widespread phenomenon among Lycidae of the tropical areas. As females are (or presumed to be) so morphologically different, their mode of life is apparently also different and they still remain, with very few exceptions, undiscovered. Apart from the unavailability of females despite sometimes noticeable presence of males in collections, the latter in most cases may be separated from normal lycids at first glance, due to a number of their morphological peculiarities, both of hypothetically plesio- and apomorphic nature. First genera of net-winged beetles with unknown females were described at the end of the XIX century (oriental Lyropaeus Waterhouse, 1878, Atelius Waterhouse, 1878 and Scarelus Waterhouse, 1878), and at the beginning of the XX century a first higher taxon, Leptolycinae, was established for the Caribbean Leptolycus Leng et Mutchler, 1922 [Leng & Mutchler, 1922]. Since then several dozen neotenic genus- and several family-group taxa were described, from all parts of the Palaeotropical zone, with the exception of Madagascar. An apparently neotenic taxon was also found in the Dominican amber [Kazantsev, 2012]. Although, as recent surveys reveal [e.g., Kazantsev, 1999; 2005a; 2005b;

S.V. Kazantsev
tened; margins of antennomeres uneven; antennomere 2 short, much shorter than antennomere 3; pubescence on antennomeres 310 represented by long scarce hairs (Figs 13). Pronotum transverse, with inconspicuous narrow median carina and transverse heart-shaped structure in posterior half; posterior angles produced laterally (Figs 13). Prosternum short, semi-triangular (Fig. 5). Thoracic spiracles elongate, small, not projecting beyond coxae. Mesoventrite transverse, not divided by median suture, slightly concave anteriorly, semi-fused to mesepisternum, separated by partial, present in posterior half, transverse suture; mesepimeron almost as long and wide as mesepisternum. Mesonotum with scutellum not attaining to anterior margin, scutal halves not divided; scutellum with inconspicuous postnotal projection (Fig. 6). Elytra elongate, narrowing distally, completely covering wings, with four primary costae, costa 1 present in proximal third, costa 2 present proximal two thirds (Figs 13); interstices 24 with one row of more or less regular subquadrate cells, interstices 1 and 5 with two rows of irregular cells; long erect pubescence uniform. Metanotum transverse, with slightly convex scutoscutellar ridge subequal in length to allocrista; prescutum with median suture; intrascutal suture inconspicuous; scutellum with median suture anteriorly; postnotal plate short, without median suture. Metaventrite subquadrate, with blunt posterior angles; discrimen incomplete, attaining to middle. Metendosternite small, without transverse suture and lateral arms. Metathoracic wing with fringe of short hairs, sparser and more decumbent at anterior, denser and straighter at posterior margins; anal cell closed; wedge cell present, Cu veins vestigial. Protrochantins slightly more prominent than mesotrochantins. Pro- and mesocoxae elongate; metacoxae narrowly separated. Legs slender; trochanters elongate, but considerably shorter than femurs, cylindrical, connected to femora obliquely, with anterior incision occupying more than half its length (Fig. 7); femurs widened and flattened, tibiae slightly curved proximally and strongly widened distally, tibial spurs prominent; tarsomeres 14 narrow, without plantar pads; all claws simple. Abdomen with 9 ventrites (visible sternites), ventrite 1 almost completely interrupted medially by metaventrite and metacoxae. Abdominal spiracles minute, located on lateral surface of tergites ventrally; tergites undivided. Paraproct not divided by median suture, proctiger not subdivided (Fig. 8); sternite 9 narrow, with short spiculum gastrale. Aedeagus symmetric; short phallobase provided with elongate median process and short, but conspicuous latero-proximal apodemes; parameres developed (Figs 910). Female. Unknown, presumably larviform. REMARKS. Mimolibnetis is among the rare Lycidae that possess conspicuous latero-proximal apodemes of the phallobase (Figs 910); the nearest approach of these are the lateral apodemes of Electropteron Kazantsev, 2012 described below and Leptolycus [Kazantsev, 2009b]; the other related groups where similar structures occur being Omalisidae and Euanomini (Thilmaninae) in Drilidae [Kazantsev, 2010]. At the same time the obliquely connected to femurs trochanters (Fig. 7) of Mimolibnetis, of all the net-winged beetles, are shared only by Dexoris Waterhouse, 1878 and Lampyrolycus Burgeon, 1937, also from Africa. As for the tibial spurs, which are manifest in Mimolibnetis, the (presumably) neotenic lycids seem to lack them in Western Hemisphere (with the exception of Lycinella Gorham, 1884 and Dominopteron gen.n.), while the Oriental 'neotenic' taxa happen to have them, except for Scarelus Waterhouse, 1878. In the Afrotropical region of the three 'neotenic' genera two (Mimolibnetis and Lampyrolycus) have tibial spurs, and one (Dexoris Waterhouse, 1878) does not.

2009a; 2009b; Kazantsev & Zaitsev, 2009], morphology of these beetles demonstrates an astounding range of conditions, their classification is still rather geographic than phylogenetic, with oriental taxa grouped in Lyropaeinae or Miniduliticolinae, Afrotropical in Dexorinae, and neotropical taxa in Leptolycinae or attributed to Calopterini (Lycinae) [e.g., Bocбk & Bocбkovб, 2008]. One of the aspects of the problem is that many, if not most, neotenic genera are monotypic, and quite a number of their type species have been known so far just by the holotypes, due to their rarity, effectively precluding their comprehensive morphological and phylogenetic analysis. A possibility to study recently collected neotenic Lycidae, sometimes in decent series, allows, apart from describing new taxa, to contribute to the knowledge of morphology of this group and to attempt addressing the problem of its phylogeny. A new subfamily, two new tribes, four new genera and several new species, including two extant species in the previously exclusively fossil Electropteron Kazantsev, 2012, were discovered in the Afro- and Neotropical material. Presented below are descriptions of these new taxa, complemented with redescriptions of several poorly known 'neotenic' lycids and followed by a cladistic analysis. The following abbreviations are used in this paper: FMNH Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago; ICM Insect Center, Moscow; INBio Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad, Heredia, Costa Rica; LSAM Louisiana State Arthropod Museum, Baton Rouge; MNHN Musйum national dHistoire naturelle, Paris.

Material and Methods
The material studied was glued on cardboard plates. For examination specimens were relaxed in water, then, for approximately 24 hours, in 10% KOH at room temperature. The KOH treated parts of the body, including the aedeagi and ultimate abdominal segments, were placed in microvials with glycerin. MSP-1 zoom stereoscopic dissecting microscope with x8x80 magnification range and Micromed-2/3 20 zoom stereoscopic light microscope with x100 x400 magnification range were used.

Mimolibnetis Pic, 1936
Type species: Mimolibnetis apicalis Pic, 1936 (designated in Kazantsev, 1999).

REDESCRIPTION. Male. Alate, slender, elongate. Head subquadrate, not narrowed behind eyes. Fastigium acute, ca. 60 degrees. Eyes moderately large, spherical. Labrum minute, transverse, lightly sclerotized, lying inside epistoma. Mandibles vestigial. Maxillary palps slender, four-segmented, with ultimate palpomere pointed distally. Labium miniature, prementum fused to gula, palps minute, one-segmented (Fig. 4). Gula long. Antennal prominence conspicuous, but relatively short, antennal sockets separated by minute lamina. Antenna with ten segments, moderately long, filiform to slightly flat-

New and little known taxa of neotenic Lycidae
Another peculiarity of Mimolibnetis, of all lycids reported only in Neolyrium Kazantsev, 2005 from the Neotropics, is the location of abdominal spiracles at the edge of tergites. This condition has also been observed in Thilmanus Gemminger, 1869 (Thilmaninae, Drilidae). On the other hand, the prementum fused to the gula (Fig. 4) has no match in the family, while the semi-fused mesoventrite in Mimolibnetis matches that only of Platerodrilus Pic, 1921 and seems to be a transitional condition between Dominopteron gen.n. and the rest of Lycidae. In Mimolibnetis obscurus Pic, 1936 (Fig. 3) the phallobase is almost as long as the median lobe of the aedeagus [Kazantsev, 1999].

Mimolibnetis patruelis Kazantsev sp.n. Figs 1, 410
MATERIAL: Holotype, , Cameroon, Southwest Prov., W Limbe, Bakingili, 35 m, FIT, 115.VII.2004, M. Fischer leg. (ICM); paratype, , same label (ICM).

DESCRIPTION. Male. Dark brown; head anteriorly and ventrally, antennomeres 12, pronotum, tibiae and tarsi yellowish brown; prosternum, meso- and metaventrite, penultimate tergite and legs, except tibiae and tarsi, yellow. Eyes relatively large, interocular distance ca. 1.5 times greater than eye radius. Antennae attaining to elytral two thirds, with antennomere 2 transverse, about 8 times shorter

than antennomere 3, antennomere 3 the longest, 1.3 times longer than antennomere 4. Pronotum transverse, ca. 1.6 times as wide as long, bisinuate basally, straight anteriorly, with conspicuous median suture and small acute posterior angles; margins roughly punctured. Scutellum with small subquadrate postnotal plate, slightly emarginate at apex (Figs 1, 6). Abdomen with two ultimate segments protruding beyond elytra (Fig. 1). Aedeagus with bottle-shaped, proximally widened median lobe; parameres about half length of median lobe, rounded distally (Figs 910); apices of parameres and apex of median lobe conspicuously exposed (Fig. 1). Female. Unknown. Length: 2.82.9 mm (from anterior part of head to apices of elytra). Width (humerally): 0.70.8 mm. ETYMOLOGY. The name of the new species is derived from the Latin noun 'paternal cousin', alluding to its similarity with M. apicalis Pic, 1936, the type species of the genus. DIAGNOSIS. M. patruelis sp.n., being similar both to M. apicalis (Fig. 2) and M. obscurus (Fig. 3) (lectotypes in MNHN), differs by the longer and more erect antennal and elytral pubescence (Fig. 1), bottle-shaped median lobe, short and rounded distally parameres of the aedeagus, with short phallobase, as well as exposed apices of parameres and median lobe (Figs 1, 910).




Figs 13. General view of Mimolibnetis, males: 1 Mimolibnetis patruelis sp.n.; 2 Mimolibnetis apicalis; 3 Mimolibnetis obscurus; 1 holotype; 23 lectotypes. Рис. 13. Общий вид Mimolibnetis, самцы: 1 Mimolibnetis patruelis sp.n.; 2 Mimolibnetis apicalis; 3 Mimolibnetis obscurus; 1 голотип; 23 лектотипы.

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Figs 410. Details of Mimolibnetis patruelis sp.n.; holotype male: 4 labium; 5 prosternum; and femur; 8 ultimate tergites; 910 aedeagus; 45, 7, 9 ventral view; 6, 8 dorsal view; Рис. 410. Детали строения Mimolibnetis patruelis sp.n.; голотип, самец: 4 нижняя губа; 7 задний вертлуг с бедром; 8 вершинные тергиты; 910 эдеагус; 45, 7, 9 снизу; 6,8 линейка: 0.5 мм.

6 mesonotum; 7 hind trochanter 10 lateral view. Scale: 0.5 mm. 5 переднегрудь; 6 мезонотум; сверху; 10 сбоку. Масштабная

Tishechkinia Kazantsev gen.n.
DESCRIPTION. Male. Alate, elongate, flattened, small (3.23.4 mm long) (Fig. 11). Head transverse, narrowed behind eyes. Fastigium acute, ca. 30 degrees. Subantennal sutures conspicuous. Tentorium represented by posterior pits and a pair of relatively long slender ventral arms. Eyes relatively large (interocular distance ca. 1.5 times as long as diameter), spherical. Labrum lightly sclerotized, lying inside
Type species: Neolyrium carltoni Kazantsev, 2005

epistoma. Mandibles vestigial. Maxillae reduced to paired fused cardo and stipes; palps absent. Labium miniature, reduced to prementum with a pair of narrow elongate sensillae; palps absent. Gula absent (Fig. 13). Antennal prominence conspicuous, antennal sockets separated by minute lamina. Antenna 10segmented, relatively long, reaching over elytral middle; antennomeres 310 conspicuously flattened, 39 slightly dentate; antennomere 3 the longest, 6 times longer than antennomere 2 and 1.3 times longer than

Figs 1112. General view hispaniolum gen.n., sp.n., 11 Рис. 1112. Общий вид hispaniolum gen.n., sp.n., 11


of Tishechkinia gen.n. and Dominopteron gen.n., males: 11 Tishechkinia carltoni; 12 Dominopteron paratype; 12 holotype. Tishechkinia gen.n. и Dominopteron gen.n., самцы: 11 Tishechkinia carltoni; 12 Dominopteron паратип; 12 голотип.

New and little known taxa of neotenic Lycidae
antennomere 4; antennal hairy pubescence short and decumbent, scaliform pubescence relatively dense. Pronotum transverse, trapezoidal, margined at sides, with narrow median carina transformed into very narrow groove in posterior two thirds; anterior margin almost straight, posterior margin conspicuously bisinuate; anterior angles prominent, posterior angles long and acute (Fig. 11). Prosternum short, V-shaped, posteriorly bifurcate (Fig. 14). Thoracic spiracles elongate, relatively small, slightly protruding beyond prothorax. Mesoventrite transverse, slightly concave anteriorly, separated from mesepisternum by conspicuous suture and semi-triangular sternopleural sclerite; mesepimeron conspicuously narrower and shorter than mesepisternum. Mesonotum with scutellum not attaining to anterior margin, mesoscutal halves divided; scutellum with very short and almost straight distally postnotal plate (Fig. 15). Elytra long,


almost 9 times longer than pronotum, almost parallel-sided, dehiscent in distal two thirds, slightly narrowing posteriorly, bicostate, with equally developed primary costae (2 and 4) reaching elytral apices; interstices finely irregularly alveolate; short elytral pubescence uniform. Metanotum transverse, with straight scuto-scutellar ridge forming no loop; allocristae inconspicuous, about twice as short as scutoscutellar ridge; intrascutal suture small, emerging at distal third of scutum; scutellum with complete median suture; postnotal plate very short, with two small median semicircular appendices. Metaventrite elongate, with rounded, almost straight posterior angles; discrimen (metasternal suture) complete, attaining to mesosternum (Fig. 16). Metendosternite small, broad, without transverse suture, with small arms (Fig. 16). Metathoracic wing with vein Sc joining RA near apical hinge; anal cell long, almost rectangular distally;

Fig. 13. Head of Tishechkinia carltoni, paratype, ventral view. Рис. 13. Голова Tishechkinia carltoni, паратип, снизу.


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23 24 25

Figs 1425. Details of Tishechkinia gen.n. and Dominopteron gen.n., holotype males: 1419 Tishechkinia carltoni; 2025 Dominopteron hispaniolum gen.n., sp.n.; 14, 20 prosternum; 15, 21 mesonotum; 16 metaventrite; 17, 22 ultimate tergites; 18, 23 ultimate sternite; 19, 2425 aedeagus; 14, 16, 18, 19a, 20, 2324 ventral view; 15, 17, 2122 dorsal view; 19b, 25 lateral view. Scale: 0.25 mm. Рис. 1425. Детали строения Tishechkinia gen.n. и Dominopteron gen.n., голотипы, самцы: 1419 Tishechkinia carltoni; 2025 Dominopteron hispaniolum gen.n., sp.n.; 14, 20 переднегрудь; 15, 21 мезонотум; 16 метаветрит; 17, 22 вершинные тергиты; 18, 23 вершинный стернит; 19, 2425 эдеагус; 14, 16, 18, 19a, 20, 2324 снизу; 15, 17, 2122 сверху; 19b, 25 сбоку. Масштабная линейка: 0.25 мм.

wedge cell semi-closed; cu-a brace vestigial, located at proximal third of wedge cell; Cu veins vestigial. Protrochantins subequal in size to mesotrochantins. Proand mesocoxae elongate; metacoxae rather broadly separated, their meral sutures extending to half length of coxa. Legs relatively short; trochanters elongate, about as long as half of tibia, cylindrical, connected to femora distally; femurs and tibiae flattened, straight and moderately wide, tibial spurs absent; tarsomeres 14 narrow, without plantar pads; all claws simple. Abdominal spiracles located laterally on membrane between sternite and tergite. Paraproct undivided; proctiger medially short, with median suture (Fig. 17); spiculum gastrale relatively short, distinctly shorter than distal portion of sternite 9 (Fig. 18). Aedeagus symmetric, with long, slightly outwardly hooked parameres, elongate straight median lobe and relatively large phallobase; phallobase without median suture (Fig. 19). Female. Unknown, probably paedomorphic and larviform. ETYMOLOGY. The genus is named after Dr. A.K. Tishechkin (Santa Barbara, California) who together with Dr. C.E. Carlton collected the type series of the type species. Gender feminine.

DIAGNOSIS. Tishechkinia gen.n. differs from Neolyrium, the only other Neotropic lycid taxon with 10segment antennae, by the reduced maxillary palps (Fig. 13), relatively longer antennomere 2 (only 6x shorter than antennomere 3 vs. 16x shorter in Neolyrium), divided scutal halves and almost straight distal margin of postnotal plate of the mesonotum (Fig. 15) (vs. undivided scutal halves and deeply incised postnotal plate in Neolyrium), short spiculum gastrale, which is distinctly shorter than distal portion of sternite 9 (Fig. 18) (vs. spiculum gastrale about as long as distal portion of sternite 9 in Neolyrium), short legs (Fig. 11) and by the long parameres and internal position of median lobe of the aedeagus (Fig. 19) vs. short parameres and distal position of median lobe of the aedeagus in Neolyrium [Kazantsev, 2005a]. DISTRIBUTION. Tishechkinia carltoni (Kazantsev, 2005), comb.n., from Ecuador, is the only known species of the genus.

Tishechkinia carltoni (Kazantsev, 2005), comb.n. Figs 11, 1319
Neolyrium carltoni Kazantsev, 2005: 57. MATERIAL: Holotype , Ecuador, Napo, Yasuni Res. Stn. on mid Rio Tiputini, 0њ40.5?S 76њ24?W, FIT 1, 2330.VI.1999, A.K. Tishechkin, C.E. Carlton leg. (LSAM); paratypes, 11 , same label; Ecuador, Napo, Yasuni Res. Stn. on mid Rio Tiputini, 0њ40.5?S

New and little known taxa of neotenic Lycidae
76њ24?W, FIT 1, 1723.VI.1999, A.K. Tishechkin & C.E. Carlton leg.; Ecuador, Napo, Yasuni Res. Stn. on mid Rio Tiputini, 0њ40.5?S 76њ24?W, FIT 2, 2029.VI.1999, C.E. Carlton & V.L. Moseley leg.; Ecuador, Napo, Yasuni Res. Stn. on mid Rio Tiputini, 0њ40.5?S 76њ24?W, FIT M1, 28.V-5.VII.1999, C.E. Carlton & A.K. Tishechkin leg.; Ecuador, Napo, Yasuni Res. Stn. on mid Rio Tiputini, 0њ40.5?S 76њ24?W, FIT 3, 28.VI-5.VII.1999, A.K. Tishechkin leg.; Ecuador, Napo, Yasuni Res. Stn. on mid Rio Tiputini, 0њ40.5?S 76њ24?W, FIT 6, 417.VII.1999, A.K. Tishechkin, C.E. Carlton leg.; Ecuador, Napo, Yasuni Res. Stn. on mid Rio Tiputini, 0њ40.5?S 76њ24?W, FIT 3, 1823.VII.1999, A.K. Tishechkin leg.; Ecuador, Napo, Yasuni Res. Stn. on mid Rio Tiputini, FIT 2, 25.VII3.VIII.1999, A.K. Tishechkin leg.; Ecuador, Napo, Yasuni National Park, Yasuni Biological Station, 0њ40?32??S 76њ23?50??W, FIT 1, 25.VII-4.VIII.1999, A.K. Tishechkin leg.; Ecuador, Napo, Yasuni Res. Stn. on mid Rio Tiputini, 0њ40.5?S 76њ24?W, FIT 6, 26.VII4.VIII.1999, A.K. Tishechkin leg. (ICM and LSAM); 2 , Ecuador, Orellana, Yasuni Research Station, FIT, 1126.VII.2008, A.K. Tishechkin leg. (ICM).


Dominopteron Kazantsev gen.n.
DESCRIPTION. Male. Alate, slender, elongate, flattened (Fig. 12). Head elongate, parallel-sided behind eyes, finely granulose. Fastigium acute, ca. 30 degrees. Tentorial ventral arms vestigial; dorsal tentorial maculae present. Eyes relatively small, flattened. Labrum transverse, small, sclerotized, located anteriad of epistoma. Mandibles vestigial. Maxillary palps four-segmented, slender, very narrow, with ultimate palpomere pointed distally. Labium consisting of non-paired prementum and a pair of three-segment minute palps; ultimate palpomere pointed distally. Gula long, gular sutures prominent, gular area bulging. Antennal prominence prominent, elongate, triangularly produced forward, antennal sockets separated by minute lamina. Antenna 11segmented, relatively long, reaching over elytral apices, filiform; antennomere 3 considerably longer than antennomere 2; antennomeres 311 roughly granulose; scaliform pubescence absent, hairy pubescence short and decumbent (Fig. 12). Pronotum elongate, trapezoidal, ca. 9 times shorter than elytra, with fine median carina in anterior and inconspicuous narrow median furrow in posterior half, finely granulose; median suture absent; posterior margin medially slightly produced posteriorly, anterior margin slightly concave; anterior angles prominent and acute, posterior angles long and acute (Fig. 12). Prosternum relatively long, deeply medially emarginate anteriorly, with long narrow posterior process (Fig. 20). Thoracic spiracles elongate, rather prominent, protruding beyond prothorax,with additional basal sclerite. Mesoventrite transverse, fused to mesepisternum; mesepimeron conspicuously narrower and 2 times shorter than mesepisternum. Mesonotum with scutellum not attaining to anterior margin, mesoscutal halves not divided; scutellum with relatively large, elongate, emarginate distally, dorsally alveolate postnotal plate (Fig. 21). Elytra long, not dehiscent, tapering posteriorly, with three primary costae (24) (costa 1 noticeable proximally): costa 2 reaching elytral four fifths, costa 3 reaching two fifths, costa 4 reaching elytral apices; costa 4 conspicuously more developed in elytral two thirds; interstices with one row of regular elongate cells; short decumbent pubescence on longitudinal and transverse costae (Fig. 12). Metanotum elongate, with somewhat concave scuto-scutellar ridge forming no loop; allocrista considerably shorter than scuto-scutellar ridge; intrascutal suture small, emerging at middle of allocrista; scutellum with complete, but inconspicuous median suture. Metaventrite elongate, almost triangular, with concave sides and straight posterior angles; discrimen (metasternal suture) complete, attaining to mesosterType species: Dominopteron hispaniolum Kazantsev, sp.n.

num. Metendosternite small, very narrow, without arms and transverse suture. Metathoracic wing with vein Sc joining RA near apical hinge; anal cell elongate, pointed distally; wedge cell absent; cu-a brace vestigial, located just below apex of anal cell; Cu veins vestigial. Mesotrochantins conspicuously slenderer than protrochantins. Pro- and mesocoxae elongate; metacoxae distinctly separated. Legs slender; trochanters elongate, but considerably shorter than tibia, cylindrical, connected to femora distally; femurs not flattened, narrow; tibiae slightly flattened, straight and narrow, tibial spurs conspicuous; tarsomeres 1 4 narrow, without plantar pads; all claws simple. Abdominal spiracles located laterally between sternite and tergite. Paraproct undivided, proctiger without median suture (Fig. 22); sternite 9 without spiculum gastrale (Fig. 23). Aedeagus symmetric, with shortened parameres; median lobe elongate, slightly curved and pointed distally; elongate phallobase without median suture (Figs 2425). Female. Unknown, probably paedomorphic and larviform. ETYMOLOGY. The name of the genus is derived from 'Dominican Republic', according to the country where it occurs, and 'pteron', the Greek for 'wing'. Gender neuter. DIAGNOSIS. Dominopteron gen.n. differs from Nanolycus gen.n., also from the Dominican Republic, by the longer head and pronotum (Fig. 12), conspicuous gular sutures and bulging gular area, regular and conspicuous elytral reticulation (Fig. 12). The new genus differs from Ceratopriomorphus Pic, 1922, described from Brazil, by the long head, barely compressed antennomeres and bicostate elytra. It differs from Cessator Kazantsev, 2009, also with long head and relatively long antennomere 3, by the parallel-sided behind eyes head, long pronotum, regularly and conspicuously reticulated elytra, undivided mesoventrite and differently structured aedeagus (Figs 2425). Dominopteron gen.n. appears to be quite unique in Lycidae in having relatively long and medially emarginate prosternum, provided with a long narrow posterior process (Fig. 20). It is similar to Scarelus Waterhouse, 1878, another 'neotenic' lycid, in the shape of the anterior prosternal margin [Kazantsev, 2005b], and, at the same time, to Omalisidae, in the shape of the posterior process [Kazantsev, 2007; 2010]. It also differs from all studied net-winged beetles by the fused condition of the mesoventrite. Such condition is typical of Lampyridae, the sister group of Lycidae, or Cantharis Linnaeus, 1758, in Cantharidae. DISTRIBUTION. Dominopteron hispaniolum sp.n., the only species of the genus, was discovered on the Greater Antillean island of Hispaniola.

Dominopteron hispaniolum Kazantsev sp.n. Figs 12, 2025
MATERIAL: Holotype, , Dominican Republic, Hato Mayor, env. Los Haitнses, 8 km W Sabana de la Mar, 20 m, mesic lowland forest, sweeping, 14.II.2006, S. Kazantsev leg. (ICM); paratype, , same label (ICM).

DESCRIPTION. Male. Dark brown to black; frons distally, antennomere 11, transverse band at elytral fourth fifths and legs, except tibiae distally and tarsi, yellowish testaceous (Fig. 12). Eyes relatively small, interocular distance ca. 1.3 times greater than their diameter. Antennae long, antennomere 10 attaining to elytral apices, with antennomere 2 wider than long and about 7 times shorter than antennomere 3 (Fig. 12). Pronotum elongate, ca. 1.2 times longer than wide, somewhat constricted anteriorly, posterior angles ca. 45њ. Scutellum trapezoidal, with slightly emarginate at apex (Fig. 12).


S.V. Kazantsev
tentorial maculae small and approximate. Eyes moderately large, spherical. Labrum minute, transverse, lying inside epistoma. Mandibles vestigial. Maxillary palps slender, four-segmented, with ultimate palpomere miniature, pointed distally. Labium greatly reduced, consisting of free non-paired prementum with a pair of one-segment sensillae and noticeable short ligula (Fig. 28). Gula short, lying anteriad of posterior tentorial pits, gular sutures somewhat approximate anteriorly, but well separated posteriorly. Antennal prominence inconspicuous, antennal sockets separated by minute lamina. Antenna 11segmented, relatively long, with antennomeres 411 conspicuously flattened, with rounded angles; antennomeres 2 and 3 wider than long, subequal in length and considerably shorter than antennomere 4; antennal pubescence long and erect (Figs 26, 29), complemented with scarce minute roundish scales on antennomeres 411. Pronotum short and transverse, trapezoidal, with obscure median furrow; median suture absent; posterior angles acute, conspicuously produced laterally (Fig. 26). Prosternum relatively short, semi-triangular, with median part separated by conspicuous sutures (Fig. 30). Thoracic spiracles elongate, relatively small, not protruding beyond prothorax, provided with additional basal sclerite. Mesoventrite transverse, straight anteriorly, separated from mesepisternum by transverse su-

Elytra long, 4.5 times as long as wide at humeri, with elongate roundish cells in interstices; bottom of cells glabrous (Fig. 12). Aedeagus with shortened, almost three times shorter than median lobe, parameres; phallobase widened distally (Figs 24 25). Female. Unknown. Length: 3.53.6 mm. Width (humerally): 0.550.6 mm. ETYMOLOGY. The name of the new species is derived from the country where it was collected. DIAGNOSIS. Dominopteron hispaniolum sp.n. may be easily distinguished from other lycid taxa by the generic characters. Unlike other Hispaniolan 'neotenic' lycids D. hispaniolum sp.n. has a yellow postdiscal band on elytra (Fig. 12), which is more typical of net-winged beetles from the mainland Neotropics.

Electropteron Kazantsev, 2012
REDESCRIPTION. Male. Alate, slender, elongate (Figs 2627). Head elongate, narrowed behind eyes, alveolate, with conspicuous round excavation behind antennal prominence, in relatively long dense pubescence. Fastigium acute. Posterior tentorial pits minute; ventral arms seemingly absent; dorsal
Type species: Electropteron avus Kazantsev, 2012 (by monotypy).



Figs 2627. General view of Electropteron, holotype males: