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Russian Entomol. J. 21(2): 165168


The spider fauna of Russia and adjacent regions: a 2009 update Фауна пауков России и прилежащих регионов: обновление 2009 года K.G. Mikhailov К.Г. Михайлов
Zoological Museum MGU, Bolshaya Nikitskaya Str. 6, Moscow 125009 Russia. E-mail: mikhailov2000@gmail.com Зоологический музей МГУ, ул. Большая Никитская, 6, Москва 125009 Россия.

KEY WORDS: spiders, Russia, former Soviet Union republics, physiographical areas, fauna, catalogue. КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: пауки, Россия, республики бывшего СССР, физико-географические области, фауна, каталог. ABSTRACT. Recent (2009) calculations of the spider species richness in Russia, and in the former Soviet Union (FSU) republics, as well as in the main physiographical areas are provided as compared to earlier data. As of 31st December 2009, 3,249 spider species were reported from the FSU territories, including 2,297 species from Russia. Updated forecasts of the total spider faunas of the FSU and Russia are given. РЕЗЮМЕ. В сравнении с данными предыдущих лет, на 2009-й год приведены подсчеты видового богатства пауков России и республик бывшего СССР. По состоянию на 31 декабря 2009 г. с территории бывшего СССР отмечено 3249 видов пауков, с территории России 2297 видов. Даны обновленные прогнозы общего числа видов пауков в фаунах бывшего СССР и России. The material presented below is a result of my own project started in 1981, aiming at compiling all available literature data, albeit with some criticism, concerning the spiders of Russia and other post-Soviet republics (former Soviet Union, FSU) since the 18th century. Publication of all material (like the famous Catalogue of the Russian Spiders by D.E. Kharitonov [Charitonov, 1932, 1936], comparable with or exceeding in size P. Bonnets Bibliographia Araneorum) currently is impossible, first of all due to purely technical reasons. Only a checklist of the spiders together with a bibliographical index covering all literature data as of July 2000 has hitherto been published [Mikhailov, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000]. This paper updates Russias spider fauna as of 31st December 2009 and, more generally, reflects changes in the knowledge of FSU spiders. Earlier calculations have been published elsewhere [Mikhailov, 1992, 1997, 2002, 2011, etc.]. An updated bibliographical list is in preparation. Until now, 3,249 spider species have been reported from the FSU territories (Tables 1, 2). Since the 2000 evaluation, the main increase in species composition is recorded in Linyphiidae (+106 species), followed by Gnaphosidae (+63), Lycosidae (+56), Theridiidae (+35), and Salticidae (+31). The increase in species number
Table 1. Species diversity of main spider families, FSU territory. Таблица 1. Видовое разнообразие основных семейств пауков, территория бывшего СССР.

Family Linyphiidae Gnaphosidae Salticidae Lycosidae Thomisidae Theridiidae Araneidae Clubionidae Philodromidae Dysderidae Agelenidae Dictynidae Tetragnathidae Liocranidae (+Phrurolithus) Zodariidae Pholcidae Hahniidae Titanoecidae Cybaeidae Nesticidae Nemesiidae Pisauridae Amaurobiidae others TOTAL

No. of species (percentage is given in brackets) 2000 2009 873 (30.88) 979 (30.13) 294 (10.40) 357 (10.99) 307 (13.19) 338 (10.40) 263 (9.30) 319 (9.82) 168 (5.94) 177 (5.45) 132 (4.67) 167 (5.14) 113 (4.00) 128 (3.94) 99 (3.50) 112 (3.45) 74 (2.62) 92 (2.83) 91 (3.22) 90 (2.77) 54 (1.91) 80 (2.46) 59 (2.09) 71 (2.19) 43 (1,52) 40 (1.23) 29 (1.03) 36 (1.11) 23 18 17 19 6 13 11 12 8 (0.81) (0.64) (0.60) (0.67) (0.21) (0.46) (0.39) (0.42) (0.28) 101 2,827 26 22 21 20 15 14 13 12 10 (0.80) (0.68) (0.65) (0.62) (0.46) (0.43) (0.40) (0.37) (0.31) 110 3,249


K.G. Mikhailov

Table 2. Spider species composition in the FSU and post-Soviet republics, data for 1989, 1996, 2000, 2008, and 2009. Таблица 2. Видовой состав фауны пауков всей территории и отдельных республик бывшего СССР, данные 1989, 1996, 2000, 2008 и 2009 гг.

Regions/Years Ex-USSR Russia Estonia Latvia Lithuania Byelorus(sia) Ukraine Moldova Georgia Azerbaijan Armenia Kazakhstan Uzbekistan Turkmenistan Kyrgyzstan Tadjikistan

1989 2,184

1996 2,694 1,874 506 401 241 383 808 291 326 500 118 679 290 353 358 293

2000 2,827 1,974 509 402 271 412 830 292 456 559 127 719 309 377 464 310

2008 3,213 2,260 505 414 385 418 936 292 463 642 134 819 320 387 474 316

2009 3,249 2,297 507 415 392 421 958 292 467 644 135 847 321 387 476 317

A G1 B R S2 D V M N+O S1 S4 S1

E1 E2 Zh1 K

G2 P L Z+I Z+I P T1


S3 T3


Fig. 1. Physiographical areas of the FSU (after Gvozdetsky [1968]). A Atlantic-Arctic area, B (Б) Fennoscandia, V (В) Russian Plain, G1 (Г1) Novaya Zemlya, G2 (Г2) Urals, D (Д) Carpathians, E1 Crimea, E2 Caucasus, Zh1 (Ж1) Armenian Upland, Zh2 (Ж2) Kopetdagh Mts., Z+I (З+И) Mountains of Middle (= Central) Asia, K Deserts of Middle (= Central) Asia, L (Л) Kazakhstan hills, M West Siberia, N+O (Н+О) Middle Siberia, P (П) Mountains of South Siberia, R (Р) Northeastern Siberia, S1 (С1) Continental Far North-East, S2 (С2) Kamchatka, S3 (С3) N-Kuriles, S4 (С4) Commander Islands, T1 Continental southern Far East, T2 Sakhalin, T3 S-Kuriles. Рис. 1. Физико-географические области бывшего СССР (по: Гвоздецкий, 1968). A Атлантико-Арктическая область, B (Б) Фенноскандия, V (В) Русская равнина, G1 (Г1) Новая Земля, G2 (Г2) Урал, D (Д) Карпаты, E1 Крым, E2 Кавказ, Zh1 (Ж1) Армянское нагорье, Zh2 (Ж2) Копедаг, Z+I (З+И) горы Средней Азии, K пустыни Средней Азии, L (Л) Казахстанский мелкосопочник, M Западная Сибирь, N+O (Н+О) Средняя Сибирь, P (П) горы Южной Сибири, R (Р) Северо-восточная Сибирь, S1 (С1) континентальный Дальний Северо-Восток, S2 (С2) Камчатка, S3 (С3) Северные Курилы, S4 (С4) Командорские о-ва, T1 континентальный юг Дальнего Востока, T2 Сахалин, T3 Южные Курилы.

The spider fauna of Russia and adjacent regions: a 2009 update


Table 3. Spider species composition in the FSU physiographical areas, data for 1989, 1996, 2000, 2008, and 2009. Таблица 3. Видовой состав фауны пауков физико-географических областей бывшего СССР, данные 1989, 1996, 2000, 2008 и 2009 гг.

Regions/Years A B V G1+G2 G1 G2 D E1 E2+Zh1 E2 Zh1 Zh2 Z+I K L M N+O P R S1+S2+S3+S4 S1 S2 S3 S4 T1+T2+T3 T1 T2 T3

1989 1 385 936 600 435 308 671

1996 1 429 1,001 21 683 421 311 752 127 221 773 318 129 440 624 813 395 411 184 54 19 507 343 144

2000 2 516 1,026 21 750 428 342 834 135 240 833 338 143 554 634 912 397 415 182 60 20 566 338 149

2008 2 532 1,294 20 786 459 478 927 228 243 878 352 160 602 667 1,002 408 446 204 81 20 797 361 165

2009 2 534 1,314 24 790 485 500 940 231 244 880 360 160 652 666 1,015 408 451 205 81 20 843 361 166

291 103 243 532 436 277 278


Regions: A Atlantic-Arctic area, B (Б) Fennoscandia, V (В) Russian Plain, G1 (Г1) Novaya Zemlya, G2 (Г2) Urals, D (Д) Carpathians, E1 Crimea, E2 Caucasus, Zh1 (Ж1) Armenian Upland, Zh2 (Ж2) Kopetdagh Mts., Z+I (З+И) Mountains of Middle (=Central) Asia, K Deserts of Middle (=Central) Asia, L (Л) Kazakhstan hills, M West Siberia, N+O (Н+О) Middle Siberia, P (П) Mountains of South Siberia, R (Р) Northeastern Siberia, S1 (С1) Continental Far North-East, S2 (С2) Kamchatka, S3 (С3) N-Kuriles, S4 (С4) Commander Islands, T1 Continental southern Far East, T2 Sakhalin, T3 S-Kuriles.

was 510 during 19891995, i.e. approximately 73 species annually. In 19962000, these values were 130 and 33, versus 422 and 47 in 20012009, respectively. The main spider families treated here (Table 1) are represented in 2009 by 10 or more species. Linyphiidae show the highest diversity, as usual. Gnaphosidae and Salticidae share the second and third places (vice versa in 2000, but the same in 1996 and 1989, see Mikhailov, 2002). An analysis of the spider fauna of the post-Soviet republics (Table 2) reveals almost the same patterns as earlier: Russia supports the highest diversity (2,297 species), followed by Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Azerbaijan (958, 847, and 644 species, respectively). The spider faunas of Moldova and Armenia are still insufficiently well studied. In Lithuania, more than 100 species have been recorded since 2000, the fauna having become similar to the Latvian one in species richness. The main increase in species in 20002009 concerns Russia (+323 species), Ukraine (+128), Kazakhstan (+128), Lithuania (+121), and Azerbaijan (+85), but

not Georgia or Kyrgyzstan, as noted for 19962000 [Mikhailov, 2002]. Only small changes can be documented for Estonia, Latvia, Byelorussia, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, and Middle (= Central) Asian republics. As compared to 19962000, in 20012009 the activities of local arachnologists increased only in Russia, Lithuania, Ukraine and Azerbaijan (together with foreign specialists in the latter case). Most of the contributions to the spider fauna of Kazakhstan belong to foreign, non-Kazakhstan araneologists. The division of the FSU territory into physiographical areas is accepted according to Gvozdetsky [1968] (Fig. 1). The main increase during 20002009 is reported from the Russian Plain (V, +288 species, or 28.1% of the 2000 number), continental southern Far East (T1, +277 species, or 48.94%), Crimea (E1, +158 species, or 46.2%), Caucasus (E2, +106 species, or 12.71%), the mountains of South Siberia (P, +103 species, or 11.29%), West Siberia (M, +98 species, or 17.69%) (see Table 3). Crucial contributions have been made in


K.G. Mikhailov
Charitonov D.E. 1946. [Addition to the catalogue of Russian spiders] // Uchenye zapiski Permskogo Univ. Vol.2. No.1. P.167 225 [in Russian, with German summary] Gvozdetsky N.A. 1968. [A physiographical regionalization of the USSR]. Moscow: MGU Publ. 576 p., 1 map [in Russian]. Mikhailov K.G. 1992. [Results of the study of the USSR spider fauna] // V.I. Ovtsharenko (ed.). Fauna i ekologiya paukov, skorpionov i lozhnskorpionov SSSR. Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta AN SSSR. Vol.226 (for 1990). P.127129 [in Russian]. Mikhailov K.G. 1997. Catalogue of the spiders of the territories of the former Soviet Union (Arachnida, Aranei) // Sbornik trudov Zoologicheskogo Muzeya MGU (=Archives of the Zoological Museum of the Moscow State University). Vol.37. 416 p. Mikhailov K.G. 1998. Catalogue of the spiders (Arachnida, Aranei) of the territories of the former Soviet Union. Addendum 1. Moscow: KMK Sci. Press. 50 p. Mikhailov K.G. 1999. Catalogue of the spiders (Arachnida, Aranei) of the territories of the former Soviet Union. Addendum 2. Moscow: Zoological Museum MGU. 39 p. Mikhailov K.G. 2000. Catalogue of the spiders (Arachnida, Aranei) of the territories of the former Soviet Union. Addendum 3. Moscow: Zoological Museum MGU. 33 p. Mikhailov K.G. 2002. The spider fauna of Russia and other postSoviet republics: a 2000 update // S. Toft, N. Scharff (eds.). European Arachnology 2000. Proc. 19th Europ. Colloq. of Arachnology, Еrhus 1722 July 2000. Еrhus. P.255259. Mikhailov K.G. 2011. [The spider fauna of Russia and adjacent territories: advances in the study] // B.R. Striganova (ed.). Problemy pochvennoi zoologii (Materialy XVI Vserossiyskogo soveshchaniya po pochvennoi zoologii). Moscow: KMK Sci. Press. P.83 [in Russian].

the continental southern Far East (Russia), yet mostly by extra-regional arachnologists, as opposed to the Crimea (Ukraine) which has been worked out by regional specialists. Earlier, during 19962000, the main progress was made in West Siberia (M, 29.91% of the 1996 number), Fennoscandia (B, 20.28%), the mountains of South Siberia (P, 12.18%), the Far East (T1, 11.64%). Earlier evaluations of the total FSU spider fauna were at 2,7003,000 species [Mikhailov, 1992], increased to 3,4003,500 species [Mikhailov, 1997]. Current data allow me to increase the estimated number to 3,7003,800 species in the FSU, including 2,5002,600 species in Russia. Faunistic studies on the spiders of Russia and the FSU are still incomplete and go on. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. I am deeply obliged to Sergei Golovatch (Moscow, Russia) who kindly checked the English of an advanced draft.

Charitonov D.E. 1932. Katalog der russischen Spinnen. Leningrad: AN SSSR Publ. 206 S. [bilingual, in Russian and German]