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Russian Entomol. J. 15(1): 33-34


A new Aphodius species of the subgenus Sinodiapterna from Far East Russia (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) Новый вид Aphodius подрода Sinodiapterna с Дальнего Востока России (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) A.A. Gusakov А.А. Гусаков
Zoological Museum of the Moscow Lomonosov State University, Bolshaya Nikitskaya 6, Moscow 125009, Russia. . .. , . 6, 1 2 500 9 , .

: Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Aphodius, , . KEY WORDS: Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Aphodius, new species, Far East of Russia. ABSTRACT: Aphodius gorodinskiyi, a new species of the subgenus Sinodiapterna Dellacasa, 1986, is described from Far East of Russia. The new species can be distinguished from all related species by matt, very coarsely punctate dorsal surface of the body and by presence of strongly developed denticles in the shoulder area of elytra. : -- Aphodius gorodinskiyi, Sinodiapterna Dellacasa, 1986. , . A. Gorodinskiy collected in the Primorskiy Kray of Russia a hitherto unknown species of coprophagous beetle from the genus Aphodius Illiger, 1798. The description of the new species is given below. Aphodius (Sinodiapterna) gorodinskiyi Gusakov, sp.n. Figs 1-2.
TYPE MATERIAL. Holotype, $ with two labels: 1) red: "Holotypus [printed] Aphodius gorodinskiyi Gusakov [handw r itt e n b y t h e a u tho r ]" ; 2) wh i te , pri n te d : " Р осс и я, П р и м орск . [ ий ] к р . [а й, ] Б ара б а ш- Л евада [ , ] в по чв е нную ловушку[,] 10 VII-5 VIII 2004[,] А. Городинский" [Russia, Primorskiy Kray, Barabash-Levada, in soil trap, 10. VII-5. VIII. 2004, A. Gorodinskiy leg.]. The holotype are deposited in the collection of Zoological Museum, Moscow State University.

DESCRIPTION. Holotype (Figs 1-2). Female. Short, stout, strongly convex, strongly microreticulate and, thus, strongly dull, without pubescence. Length 5.3 mm. Head convex, irregularly and not punctured; clypeus very weakly and broadly sinuate at middle, distinctly denticulate at each side; lateral margins of clypeus almost straight; small groove between lateral margin of clypeus and gena absent; frontal suture without tubercles; lower portions of eyes small, distinctly smaller than diameter of antennal club. Pronotum wider than long, margins without beading, hind angles well pronounced, blunt. Punctation of prono-

tum very dense and coarse but punctures not confluent; punctures denser and coarser at posterior margin of pronot um. Mesosternum with very large and coarse, well isolated punctures. Elytra relatively short, strongly convex, with shoulder denticles sharply delimited, with 10 fine, shallow grooves. Punctures in grooves 1-5 almost indiscernible even at high maginification; punctures in grooves 6-10, on the contrary, quite conspicuous for their margins reaching into intervals. Some of grooves near apex of elytra confluent, not reaching posterior margin. Intervals of elytra densely and coarsely punctured, with punctures somewhat less pronounced than on pronotum. Scutellum large (about 1/3 length of elytra), rather narrow, with sides almost parallel for some significant length, with barely visible impression, with punctation similar to that on intervals of elytra. Middle of metasternum flat, without pubescence, with large coarse punctures. Wings fully developed. Femora, especially profemora, with large dense punctures ventrally. Protibiae narrow, with three denticles on outward margin, basal denticle being weakly pronounced and very close to middle denticle. Metatarsomere 1 slightly longer than metatarsomeres 2 and 3 together. Dorsal (often called larger) spurs of both metatibiae apparently grinded down, being considerably smaller than ventral spurs. Claws short, less than 1/2 tarsomere 5. 6th visible abdominal sternum with large coarse punctures. Male unknown. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS. The new species is from the well delimited group of Aphodius with large scutellum, which was superbly monographed by the Italina entomologist Giovanni Dellacasa [1986], namely , to the small East Asian subgenus Sinodiapterna Dellacasa, 1986. This subgenus comprises three species in addition to the new one: A. troitzkyi Jacobson, 1898, known from Russia (Minusinsk, Far East), Korea, China (including Taiwan), and Japan; A. hammondi Dellacasa, 1986, described from a single male from the northeastern Heilongjiang Province of China; and A. songrini Stebnicka & Galante, 1992, derived fr om N or th K or ea (".. .Pro v. R y a ng ang , Sa mj iy on .. ." ). A. gorodinskiyi sp.n. differs from all these species by very strongly , chiefly in matt, very coarsely punctate dorsal


A.A. Gusakov



Figs 1-2. Aphodius (Sinodiapterna) gorodinskiyi sp.n., habitus of holotype: 1 -- dorsal view, 2 -- ventral view. Рис. 1-2. Aphodius (Sinodiapterna) gorodinskiyi sp.n., внешний вид голотипа: 1 -- сверху, 2 -- снизу.

surface of the body and by presence of strongly developed denticles in the shoulder area of elytra. All the hitherto known species of the subgenus Sinodiapterna have smooth, strongly or very strongly shining elytra, dorsal surface of the body finely punctate, and shoulders of elytra rounded, without any traces of denticles. DISTRIBUTION. Known from a single specimen from sothern Primorskiy Kray. ETYMOLOGY. The new species is named after the collector of the holotype, Andrey Aleksandrovich Gorodinskiy.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. I and P.N. Petrov (Moscow) for his tion of this publication as well (Moscow) for providing me with t

thank to K.V. Makarov assistance in the preparaas to A.A. Gorodinskiy he material for this work.

Dellacasa G. 1986. A world-wide revision of Aphodius sharing a large scutellum (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Aphodiinae) // Frustula Entomologica. N.S. Vol.7-8 (20-21). P.173-282.