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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Tue Mar 29 23:22:28 2005
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Tue Oct 2 09:50:31 2012

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The International Linear Collider
Expectations for significant results from 0.5-1 TeV linear collider Needed to complement/extend LHC results

Accelerator technology is mature, -and Cold option has been chosen Details of design under development Central team soon to be assembled

R&D program built around a few integrated detector concepts

CDR, TDR, site selection, start construction ­ international discussions at the highest levels
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 1

The Universe and the Linear Collider
The physical universe is a curious place
Symmetry in Leptons/Quarks broken Very Heavy Top - why? Standard Model-like Electroweak couplings but unsatisfying Standard Model Evidence for light Higgs boson - can we find it? Dark Matter - what is it? Dark Energy - WHAT IS THIS?? Extra dimensions? - can we "see" them?

The Linear Collider has a critical role in exploring and uncovering the underlying reasons for many of these effects

1. The Physics Case
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 2

Special Advantages of Experiments at the International Linear Collider
Elementary interactions at known Ecm eg. e+e- Z H Democratic Cross sections eg. (e+e - ZH) Inclusive Trigger total cross-section Highly Polarized Electron Beam ~ 80% (positron polarization also possible ­ R&D) Exquisite vertex detection eg. Rbeampipe ~ 1 cm and ~ 3 mm

~ 1/2 (e+e - d d)


Calorimetry with Particle Energy Flow E/E ~ 30-40%/E
* beamstrahlung must be dealt with, but it's manageable

1. The Physics Case
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 3

Power of the Constrained Initial State and Simple Reactions
·Well defined initial state ·Democratic interactions

Higgs recoiling from a Z, with known CM energy, provides a powerful channel for unbiassed tagging of Higgs events, allowing measurement of even invisible decays ( - some beamstrahlung)

500 fb-1 @ 500 GeV, TESLA TDR, Fig 2.1.4 J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005

1. The Physics Case

The Electroweak Precision Measurements Anticipate a Light Higgs ­ Then What?
Measurement of BR's is powerful indicator of new physics e.g. in MSSM, these differ from the SM in a characteristic way. Higgs BR must agree with MSSM parameters from many other measurements.

1. The Physics Case
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 5

Is This the Standard Model Higgs?
Z vs. W b vs. c

TESLA TDR, Fig 2.2.6


ws at: = 200-400 = 400-600 = 600-800 = 800-1000
b vs. W b vs. tau

HFITTER output conclusion: for MA < 600, likely distinguish

J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005

1. The Physics Case


Supersymmetry at the Linear Collider

1. The Physics Case
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 7

Physics at the Linear Collider
Mass measured to ~ 100 MeV (threshold scan) Yukawa coupling

EWSB Higgs Mass (~50 MeV at 120 GeV) Width BRs (at the few% level) Quantum Numbers (spin/parity) Self-coupling Strong coupling (virtual sensitivity to several TeV) SUSY particles Strong on sleptons and neutralinos/charginos Extra dimensions Sensitivity through virtual graviton
1. The Physics Case
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 8

The Linear Collider and the LHC
The Linear Collider will be an essential complement to the LHC
We know now the energy regime of the new physics from virtual effects at lower energy
Success of 90's was to establish SU(2)xU(1) spontaneously broken symmetry, which the standard model cannot satisfactorily explain

The Linear Collider data will enhance the value of the LHC data
eg. Higgs mass, Higgs BRs, precision measurements, SUSY searches/msmts

There are scenarios where the physics value of the Linear Collider is unique to that of the LHC
eg. ambiguous interpretations of signals with missing energy

The momentum and technical know-how cannot easily be reestablished ­ don't delay
Be prepared to start construction in 2010 ­ requires significant R&D now

Linear Collider operating concurrently with the LHC would be a powerful duo
1. The Physics Case
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 9

The Linear Collider and the LHC
The Linear Collider would be able to distinguish these dark matter candidates, which might be indistinguishable at the LHC (hadron colliders tend to produce model dependent results, unlike electron-positron colliders)

Peskin, Victoria ALCPG Workshop, July, 2004

1. The Physics Case
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 10

The First Linear Collider
The linear collider concept was demonstrated at SLAC in an ILC prototype operating at ~91 GeV (the SLC) SLC was built in the 80's within the existing SLAC linear accelerator Operated 1989-98
precision Z0 measurements
ALR = 0.1513 ± 0.0021 (SLD) asymmetry in Z0 production with L and R electrons

established Linear Collider concepts

J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005


International Linear Collider Scope
Important step in moving to a final design for the International Linear Collider was to establish the Physics Motivated Linear Collider Scope

ECM of operation 200-500 GeV Luminosity and reliability for 500 fb-1 in 4 years Energy scan capability with <10% downtime Beam energy precision and stability below about 0.1% Electron polarization of > 80% Two IRs with detectors http://www.fnal.gov/directorate/ ECM down to 90GeV for calibration icfa/LC_parameters.pdf ECM about 1 TeV Allow for ~1 ab-1 in about 3-4 years


Extend to 1 ab-1 at 500 GeV in ~ 2 years e-e-, , e-, positron-polarization Giga-Z, WW threshold 2. The Accelerator
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 12

Steps to a Technology Selection
1994 - A Technical Review Committee was created in 1994 1995 - report 2001 ­ ICFA requested a second report ­ new committee ­ same chair: G. Loew
To assess the present technical status of the four LC designs at hand, and their potentials for meeting the advertised parameters at 500 GeV c.m.. Use common criteria, definitions, computer codes, etc., for the assessments To assess the potential of each design for reaching higher energies above 500 GeV c.m. To establish, for each design, the R&D work that remains to be done in the next few years To suggest future areas of collaboration

2004 ­ ITRP meets to review technologies and recommend a choice

2. The Accelerator
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 13

The "next" Linear Collider
The next Linear Collider proposals include plans to deliver a few hundred fb-1 of integrated lum. per year



Superconducting Room T RF cavities structures

Room T structures



(1034) (GeV)

3.4 5.8 500 800 23.4 35 1.3 337 176 2820 4886 3.2 4.4

0.43 500 34 5.7 2.8 72

2.2 3.4 500 1000 65 11.4 1.4 190 4.6 8.8
* US and Japanese X-band R&D cooperation, but some machine parameters differ


Eff. Gradient (MV/m) RF freq. (GHz) tbunch (ns) Beamstrahlung (%)

2. The Accelerator
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 14

TRC Ranking Criteria for R&D Tasks - 2003
R1: R&D needed for feasibility demonstration of the machine R2: R&D needed to finalize design choices and ensure reliability of
the machine

R3: R&D needed before starting production of systems and

R4: R&D desirable for technical or cost optimization

Executive Summary: "did not find any insurmountable obstacle to building TESLA, JLC-C, JLC-X/NLC within the next few years..."
2. The Accelerator
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 15

Accelerator Technology Selection (ITRP)
International Technology Recommendation Panel (ITRP) asked to recommend to ILCSC/ICFA the RF technology of the main linacs Committee set up in Nov, 2003 - held 6 intensive meetings in 2004

2. The Accelerator
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 16

ITRP Recommendation
At the Beijing ICHEP meeting, the ITRP recommendation was presented to the ILCSC/ICFA, which accepted it, and it was announced by ICFA chair Jonathan Dorfan

Barish for the ITRP

2. The Accelerator
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 17

Advantages of Superconducting RF

Barish for the ITRP

2. The Accelerator
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 18

ITRP Report (cont.)

Barish for the ITRP

2. The Accelerator
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 19

Forming an International LC Design Group
ILCSC established a task force in 2003 to study and recommend how best to establish an internationally federated design group
Start the globalized machine design as soon after the technology decision as possible, early next year. First step in internationalizing the LC. The goal was to have the structure of this design group agreed upon by ICFA and the funding agencies prior to finalizing the technology choice.

http://www.fnal.gov/directorate/icfa/04-03-31_GDI_TF_Report.pdf Selection and appointment of Central Team Director Selection of Central Design Team site
2. The Accelerator
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 20

Global Design Intiative
The Global Design Initiative proposed by the task force, will work to proposed move quickly toward a TDR now that we have the technology decision

2004 International technology selection. Multi-laboratory MOU's to define and initiate the Global Design Effort. 2005 Complete the accelerator CDR, including site requirements, and initial cost and schedule plan. 2006 Initiate detailed engineering designs under the leadership of the Central Team. 2007 A complete detailed accelerator TDR with the cost and schedule plan, establish the roles & responsibilities of regions, and begin the process for site proposals. 2008 Site selection and approval of international roles & responsibilities by the governments. Plan designed to start construction in 2010, and collisions in 2015
2. The Accelerator
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 21

Global Design Effort

2. The Accelerator
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 22

ILC Technical Work Structure

2. The Accelerator
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 23

DRAFT management plan

2. The Accelerator
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 24

Designing the ILC

2. The Accelerator
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 25

Designing the ILC
Working Group 1 ­ Overall Design
Discuss on the overall design including the conventional facilities. The topics include: Choice of the initial and final stage energies and the accelerating gradient. Review of the machine parameters and their inter-relationship. Clarify the impact of their choices on the machine relationship. impact design. Conventional facilities for the main liacs: Two-tunnels vs single-tunnel. tunnel Damping ring design: Dog-bones to share the tunnels with the main linacs vs rings in separate tunnels. Positron source: Undulator-based vs conventional designs. Priority of the polarized positrons? Beam crossing angle at the interaction point. Beam dynamics issues. Tolerances.

Working Group 2 ­ Main Linacs
Main linac system issues, including: g: RF power sources; modulators, HV-cables, klystrons. modulators, RF power distribution RF controls on the cavities Cryogenic systems Superconducting magnets Cryomodule engineering Instrumentation

2. The Accelerator
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 26

Designing the ILC
Working Group 3 - Injectors
Electron/positron sources, damping rings, and bunch compressors: compressors: Polarized electron sources Positron source system designs Damping ring designs

Working Group 4 ­ Beam Delivery
Collimators, machine protection, final focus, machine detector interface, beam dumps: i.e., everything face, downstream of the main linacs.

Working Group 5 ­ High Gradient Cavities
Discuss about the accelerating cavities, in particular establishing the baseline performance and going beyond it.

2. The Accelerator
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 27

The Collider Detectors
International Scope Document specifies two operational detectors from the start Why two? ­ split luminosity
Complementarity Competition Cross-check Efficiency Insurance Scientific opportunities

What two? How do we get there?

3. Detector R&D
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 28

Two Detectors
Several detector concepts have been or are under study
GLC Detector ­ in Asia TESLA TDR Detector American Large Detector Silicon Detector (SiD)

Global organization of preparation for the Experimental Program
WWS Organizing Committee developed a plan Presented to the ILCSC and accepted

3. Detector R&D
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 29

Steps to Detector TDRs
GDI Milestone Steps toward Detector Realization ITRP Technology initiate global Detector R&D review, MDI task force, Recommendation (2004) costing task force - early 2005 Accelerator CDR (2005) Preliminary costing of at least two whole-detector concepts (single joint document with performance estimates for each concept, plus reference to R&D done and that still required.) This document should be produced in time to be included in the Accelerator CDR process of the GDI. Accelerator TDR (2007) CDRs ­ WWS receives CDRs for experiments (these could be different set of concepts from, step above, as new ideas come with new people) LC Site Selection (2008) Proposal ­ Collaborations form around the CDR detector concepts to prepare proposals (including performance, costs, and technical feasibility). The Global Lab will invite groups to produce TDRs. Site Selection + 1 Year TDR ­ Global Lab receives TDRs from invited Proposals and selects experiments.
3. Detector R&D
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 30

Detector R&D is Critical

Graphically summarized by Jae Yu

3. Detector R&D
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 31

Detector Design Studies
Silicon Detector Design (SiD) Study
Silicon tracking Silicon/tungsten EM calorimeter

Large Detectors
TESLA TDR GLC Very Large American Large Each of these originates as regional efforts ­ w/ gaseous tracking (TPC) Some difference in the choices
eg. GLC Very Large employs more cost effective calorimetry, allowing larger tracking volume.

Considering how to develop
- TESLA/American Large have merged into LDC ­ GLC Very Large remains distinct (GLD)

Detector efforts must be inter-regional ­ we have a ways to go
3. Detector R&D
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 32

Geometries of Principal Concepts

Main Tracker EM Calorimeter H Calorimeter Cryostat Iron Yoke / Muon System

3. Detector R&D
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 33

Geometries of Principal Concepts



TPC Tracking Scin/Pb EM Cal B = 3T

TPC Tracking Silicon Tracking Si/W EM Cal Si/W EM Cal B = 5T B = 4T Digital HCAL w/RPCs

Main Tracker EM Calorimeter H Calorimeter Cryostat Iron Yoke / Muon System

3. Detector R&D
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 34

SiD (the Silicon Detector)
CALORIMETRY IS THE STARTING POINT IN THE DESIGN assumptions Particle Flow Calorimetry will result in the best possible performance Silicon/tungsten is the best approach for the EM calorimeter Silicon tracking delivers excellent resolution in smaller volume Large B field desirable to contain electron-positron pairs in beamline Cost is constrained
3. Detector R&D
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 35

LC Detector Requirements
Any design must be guided by these goals: a) Two-jet mass resolution comparable to the natural widths of W and Z for an unambiguous identification of the final states. b) Excellent flavor-tagging efficiency and purity (for both b- and cquarks, and hopefully also for s-quarks). c) Momentum resolution capable of reconstructing the recoil-mass to di-muons in Higgs-strahlung with resolution better than beamenergy spread. d) Hermeticity (both crack-less and coverage to very forward angles) to precisely determine the missing momentum. e) Timing resolution capable of separating bunch-crossings to suppress overlapping of events.
3. Detector R&D
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 36

SiD Nominal Configuration
Quadrant View
8.000 7.000 6.000 5.000 4.000 3.000 2.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 Beam Pipe Ecal Hcal Coil MT Endcap Endcap_Hcal Endcap_Ecal m VXD T rack Angle Endcap_T rkr_1 Endcap_T rkr_2 Endcap_T rkr_3 Endcap_T rkr_4 Endcap_T rkr_5 Trkr_2 Trkr_3 Trkr_4 2.000 4.000 m 6.000 8.000 Trkr_5 Trkr_1


Scale of EMCal & Vertex Detector

3. Detector R&D
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 37

Cost (and physics) balance R and B
High Field Solenoid and Si/W Ecal are major cost drivers. Magnet Costs Stored Energy (SiD ~1.1GJ 80-100 M$) Cost [M$] Fix BR2=7.8, tradeoff B and R
250. 00

200. 00

150. 00 Linear Power 100. 00 Ex p Data

50. 00

C ost P ar tial, Fixe d B R ^ 2
70 60 50 De lta M $ 40 1. 55 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 B 4 5 6 1. 45 1. 35 1. 25 1. 85 1. 75 1. 65 Linear Power Radius

0. 00 0 0.5 1 1. 5 2 2. 5 3 3.5 4

Stored Energy [GJ]

Delta M$ vs B, BR2=7.8 [Tm2] J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005

3. Detector R&D

Tracking for any modern experiment should be conceived as an integrated system, combined optimization of: the inner tracking (vertex detection) the central tracking the forward tracking the integration of the high granularity EM Calorimeter Pixelated vertex detectors are capable of track reconstruction on their own, as was demonstrated by the 307 Mpixel CCD vertex detector of SLD, and are being developed for the linear collider Track reconstruction in the vertex detector impacts the role of the central and forward tracking system
3. Detector R&D
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 39

Silicon Tracking
The barrel tracking is baselined as 5 layers of pixellated vertex detector and 5 layers of Si strip detectors (in ~10 cm segments) going to 1.25 m. With superb position resolution, compact tracker is possible which achieves the linear collider tracking resolution goals Compact tracker makes the calorimeter smaller and therefore cheaper, permitting more aggressive technical choices (assuming cost constraint) Linear Collider backgrounds (esp. beam loss) extrapolated from SLC experience also motivate the study of silicon tracking detector, SiD Silicon tracking layer thickness determines low momentum (1.5% / layer) performance 3rd dimension will be achieved with segmented silicon strips, 10 cm (TPC)

3. Detector R&D
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 40

Central Tracking (Silicon)
Optimizing the Configuration

Cooper, Demarteau, Hrycyk

R. Partridge

3. Detector R&D
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005

H. Park 41

Silicon Tracking w/ Calorimeter Assist

Primary tracks started with VXD reconstr.

V0 tracks reconstructed from ECAL stubs. Efficiency and impact under study.

E. von Toerne
3. Detector R&D
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 42

Current paradigm: Particle/Energy Flow (unproven) Jet resolution goal is 30%/E In jet measurements, use the excellent resolution of tracker, which measures bulk of the energy in a jet

Neutral Hadrons EM Charged Hadrons

Headroom for confusion
Particles in Jet
Charged Photons Neutral Hadrons

Fraction of Visible Energy ~65% ~25% ~10%

Detector Tracker ECAL

Resolution < 0.005% pT negligible ~ 15% / E

~ 20% / E

ECAL + HCAL ~ 60% / E
3. Detector R&D

J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005


Energy/Particle Flow Calorimetry
Identify EM clusters not associated with charged tracks (gammas) Follow charged tracks into calorimeter and associate hadronic showers

Remaining showers will be the neutral hadrons
3. Detector R&D
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 44

EM Calorimetry
Physics with isolated electron and gamma energy measurements require ~10-15% / E 1% Particle/Energy Flow requires fine grained EM calorimeter to separate neutral EM clusters from charged tracks entering the calorimeter
Small Moliere radius

material Iron Lead Tungsten Uranium

RM 18.4 mm 16.5 mm 9.5 mm 10.2 mm

Small sampling gaps ­ so not to spoil RM Separation of charged tracks from jet core helps
Maximize BR

Natural technology choice ­ Si/W calorimeters
Good success using Si/W for Luminosity monitors at SLD, OPAL, ALEPH Oregon/SLAC/BNL CALICE

3. Detector R&D
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 45

Silicon/Tungsten EM Calorimeter

SLAC/Oregon/BNL Conceptual design for a dense, fine grained silicon tungsten calorimeter well underway First silicon detector prototypes are in hand Testing and electronics design well underway Test bump bonding electronics to detectors early `05 Test Beam in '05/'06 3. Detector R&D
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 46

Silicon/Tungsten EM Calorimeter (2)
Pads ~5 mm to match Moliere radius Each six inch wafer read out by one chip < 1% crosstalk Electronics design Single MIP tagging (S/N ~ 7) Timing < 200 nsec/layer Dynamically switchable feedback capacitor scheme (D. Freytag) achieves required dynamic range: 0.1-2500 MIPs 4 deep buffer for bunch train Passive cooling ­ conduction in W to edge

Angle subtended by RM GAP

3. Detector R&D
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 47

Digital Hadron Calorimetry
1 m3 prototype planned to test concept
Lateral readout segmentation: 1 cm2 Longitudinal readout segmentation: layer-bylayer Gas Electron Multipliers (GEMs) and Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) being evaluated

Validate RPC approach (technique and physics) Validate concept of the electronic readout Measure hadronic showers with unprecedented resolution Validate MC simulation of hadronic showers Compare with results from Analog HCAL

Argonne National Laboratory Boston University University of Chicago Fermilab

3. Detector R&D
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005

University of Texas at Arlington


Inner Tracking/Vertex Detection
Detector Requirements Excellent spacepoint precision ( < 4 microns ) Superb impact parameter resolution ( 5µm 10µm/(p sin3/2) ) Transparency ( ~0.1% X0 per layer ) Track reconstruction ( find tracks in VXD alone ­ combine with SiTkr ) Concepts under Development for Linear Collider Charge-Coupled Devices (CCDs)
demonstrated in large system at SLD

Monolithic Active Pixels ­ CMOS (MAPs) DEpleted P-channel Field Effect Transistor (DEPFET) Silicon on Insulator (SoI) Image Sensor with In-Situ Storage (ISIS) HAPS (Hybrid Pixel Sensors)
3. Detector R&D
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 49

Inner Tracking/Vertex Detection (CCDs)
Issues Readout speed and timing Material budget Power consumption Radiation hardness EMI immunity SLD VXD3 307 Mpixels 5 MHz 96 channels 0.4% X0 / layer ~15 watts @ 190 K 3.9 µm point res.
av. - 2 yrs and 307 Mpxl

R&D Column Parallel Readout ISIS Radiation Damage Studies Fully depleted, small pixels

3. Detector R&D
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 50

CMOS Monolithic Sensors
Of the options, CMOS monolithic sensors appear the most promising
Rad hard Fast EMI immune? Thin

Several efforts to design and optimize such devises
Strasbourg - MIMOSA series Rutherford Yale/Oregon - SARNOFF Interest at Berkeley and Fermilab .........

3. Detector R&D
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 51

Very Forward Instrumentation
· Hermiticity depends on excellent coverage in the forward region, and forward system plays several roles
maximum hermiticity precision luminosity shield tracking volume monitor beamstrahlung
GeV 516.71 5 387.53



· High radiation levels must be handled
· 10 MGy/year in very forward detectors
-5 Y, cm -5 X, cm 0 5


0 10

3. Detector R&D
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 52

Machine Detector Interface
A critical area of detector R&D which must be optimized is where the detector meets the collider
Preserve optimal hermiticity Preserve good measurements Control backgrounds Quad stabilization

20 mr crossing angle, silicon detector

3. Detector R&D
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 53

SiD Design Study
A systematic investigation of the Silicon Detector is needed soon. The detector concept is being developed in a Detector Design Study
led by John Jaros and Harry Weerts

Web page:

Participants are being sought to join the study ­ You? Goals:
Conceptual design Demonstrated physics performance Defined R&D path 1 DAY MEETING MARCH 17, BEFORE LCWS BIG STUDY AT SNOWMASS, AUGUST 14-27 Cost estimate
3. Detector R&D
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 54

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OECD Global Science Forum analysis of particle physics (July 2002)
agreed with the world-wide consensus on LC ­ concurrent operation with LHC recommends continuation of consultations in preparation of the meeting of the OECD science ministers in 2004.

Meeting of the OECD Science Ministers
January 28-29, 2004
·Acknowledged the importance of ensuring access to large-scale research infrastructure and the importance of the long-term vitality of high-energy physics. ·Noted worldwide consensus of the scientific community for an electron-positron linear collider as the next accelerator-based facility to complement and expand on the discoveries of the LHC ·Agreed that the planning and implementation should be carried out on a global basis, and should involve consultations among scientists and representatives of science funding agencies from interested countries. ·Noted the need for strong international R&D collaboration and studies of the organisational, legal, financial, and administrative issues required to realise the next major accelerator facility, a next-generation electron-positron collider with a significant concurrent running with the LHC. 4. International Planning by Govts
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 55

Funding Agencies Meetings (FALC)
July, 2003 "premeeting" of Agency folks (Europe and N.America) in London to enumerate the challenges and questions facing creation of agency based governance for an international project organization.
This meeting was an informal body to share views and opinions on prospects and issues in each of the states involved. The group discussed the status of current funding for a linear collider (LC) and their perceptions of the prospects for the future.

April, 2004

Second meeting of "Agency folks" in London

UK, Germany, France, Italy, US, Canada, Japan, CERN Stressed importance of ITRP in 2004. Discussed three year R&D, followed by engineering design phase with completion of design in 2010. Earliest operation of linear collider 2015. Commissioning of a LC in 2015 could provide 5 years of concurrent running with the LHC. Timetable is consistent with the OECD Ministerial announcement of 29 ­ 30 January 2004.
Minutes on the web: http://www-jlc.kek.jp/licopo/documents/FALC/LC.april04.htm

Subsequent meetings of this group continue to advance international planning
4. International Planning by Govts
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 56

LCWS 2005 and ILC @ Snowmass
LCWS 2005 - at Stanford March 18-22, 2005
World wide Study meeting Next meeting in Asia ~April, 2006

A joint workshop for the Physics and Detectors Studies
concentrating on the detector concepts and physics studies

and the ILC Workshop (2nd after 1st at KEK in November)
concentrating on the preparation of an ILC CDR

will be held at Snowmass, August 14-27

J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 57

The past three years have seen many important advances toward realizing the linear collider (incomplete list)
Regional Steering Groups Formed International Steering Committee Formed Scope Defined Internationally TRC Evaluation of Technologies ITRP Recommendation for Main Accelerator Technology Central Design Group Nearly Established (GDE) Detector Design Concepts and Detector R&D advancing Office of Science designates LC as "top priority" mid-term project OECD and Governmental Attention and Deliberation

Many of the necessary steps are being taken The Linear Collider could have collisions by about 2015
J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005 58

ALCPG and World Wide Study Web Pages
American Linear Collider Physics Group (ALCPG)

World Wide Study of the Physics and Detector for Future Linear electron-positron Colliders

J. Brau - UCLA - February 9, 2005