Äîêóìåíò âçÿò èç êýøà ïîèñêîâîé ìàøèíû. Àäðåñ îðèãèíàëüíîãî äîêóìåíòà : http://zebu.uoregon.edu/~uochep/talks/talks05/torrence-1.pdf
Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Sat Jul 9 00:19:36 2005
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Tue Oct 2 11:26:29 2012

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: m 43
Extraction Line Diagnostics

ILC-BDIR WG4 Interim Workshop Royal Holloway University of London

Eric Torrence University of Oregon

Eric Torrence


June 2005

Mea Culpa

Real Work · SLAC/BNL/UK/France 2 mRad consortium (Yuri) · Ken Moffeit (Woods, myself)

Outline · X-line instrumentation overview · 20 mRad instrumentation reminder · 2 mRad instrumentation design · Polarization issues · Spectrometry issues Instrumentation = Energy Spect. + Polarimetry Mistakes (of course) are mine
Eric Torrence 2/19 June 2005

Beam Instrumentation Introduction
0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 490 492 494 496 498 500 502 504 Root(s) (GeV)

( -, - ), ( +, + ), ... dL -----dE L


s Fundamental Goal Spin-dependent absolute collision energy spectrum Typical Components · · · · · Beam Energy Beam Energy Width Beam Polarization Absolute Luminosity Differential Luminosity Spectrum

All are intrinsically related in fundamental goal
Eric Torrence 3/19 June 2005

Instrumentation Goals

Goals often defined by what is considered "achievable" · s understood to 50-100 ppm - m H , m t , m Beam energy necessary but not sufficient · Polarization P 0.25 % - A

at high energy

Goal for polarimeter, could use better, 0.1% with P · Absolute luminosity ALCPG view: L 0.2 % ("easy") Tesla view: L 0.01 % ("very hard") LEP expt. 3.4 â10

Theory 5.4 â10


Motivations given are Z and

Baseline goals for high energy, high luminosity running Use mixture of beam-based and physics-based observables Redundancy is key to precision
Eric Torrence 4/19 June 2005

Why Downstream?

Polarimetry · That's what was done at SLC · Diagnostic for IP spin depolarization · Easier spin vector alignment? · Main detector backgrounds?

Energy Spectrometry · WISRD-style complimentary to upstream BPM · Possible to monitor IP disruption · Potential to get info on lumi spectrum

General strategy for high accuracy measurements: redundancy and complementarity

Eric Torrence


June 2005

Downstream Instrumentation Constraints Designing an extraction line at High Energy and High Luminosity is difficult (impossible?) Instrumentation needs imply the following additional constraints Polarimetry · Spin vector parallel at Compton and main IP jitter tolerance - spin vector alignment · Secondary focus at point of high dispersion polarimeter chicane · Desire for favorable transfer function (R22) · Quiet location for detector at compton endpoint Spectrometry · Production of "signal" synchrotron radiation · Line of sight to SR detectors outside beam stayclear · Secondary focus at SR detector plane

Additional constraints must be satisfied with realistic magnets, apertures, beam losses, and backgrounds (still to be done!)
Eric Torrence 6/19 June 2005

20 mRad optics design

Yuri Nosochkov - June 1st

Energy Polarimeter

2nd Focus = 2 cm y

Eric Torrence


June 2005

20 mRad instrumentation layout Ken Moffeit - LCWS
10 meters 10 cm

10 cm (y)
Energy Chicane
BVX4 BVX6 z=70.49 m z=75.09 m BVX3 BVX5 z=68.19 m z=72.79 m BVX8 z=83.59 m BVX7 z=81.29 m

BVX9 z=100.59 m

BVY1 z=120.59 m

Polarimeter Chicane
25 GeV

Synchrotron Stripe Detector z=143.69 m

BVY2 z=132.59 m 3 mrad energy stripe

SR Detectors
BVY3 z=152.59 m QFX4 z=156.59 m

BVX1 z=59.69 m BVX2 z=61.99 m

0 .75 m ra d

2 mrad energy stripe 45.59 GeV

Stripe Detector


Compton IP

250 GeV



25.1 GeV

35.7 GeV

12.0 cm

0. 75 mr ad
2 mrad energy stripe 3 mrad energy stripe

1 7. 8 cm

z=64.29 m

Low Field BLEX

z=66.89 m


BLEX BLEX z=77.39 m z=79.99 m WEX1 z=78.69 m

WEX1 z=65.59 m Wiggler

SR Fan

K Moffeit 4 Apr 05

Synchrotron Stripe Detector


Cerenkov Detector

Key Points/Issues

C Detector

· Apertures: 20 cm gap for "wigglers", 20x40 cm for Pol Chicane dipoles Energy bandwidth, SR line-of-sight, stayclear, Compton endpoint · SR detectors slightly downstream of 2nd focus - resolution issue · Detectors very tight to nominal stayclear - background issue

Eric Torrence


June 2005

2 mRad optics design Yuri Nosochkov

Three vertical chicanes! Energy collimation at ~10% Enom Parallel beam at compton IP
Eric Torrence 9/19 June 2005

2 mRad optics design Yuri Nosochkov

Turtle Tracking X CIP

Turtle Tracking Y CIP

Eric Torrence


June 2005

2 mRad instrumentation layout
Polarimeter Chicane Energy Chicane
BHEX3A z=190.06 m x=-- cm BHEX3B z=192.36 m x=-- cm BYCHIC z=~198 m x=-- cm BYCHICM z~208 m x=-- cm

Ken Moffeit - June
2 mrad extraction line Plan View
10 cm 10 m
BHEX2 z=129.060 m x=71.25 cm SEXF2 z=116.66 m x=63.98 cm QEXF5 z=123.060 m x=67.73 cm

Focus z~214 m

BYCHICM z~218 m x=----- cm

BYCHIC z~228 m x=----- cm

BHEX3C z=194.66 m x=-- cm

Stripe Detector
Beam Stay Clear +- 10 cm


Angle 10.563 mrad

20 x 50 cm
BYCHIE z~ 131.0 m x= cm BYCHIE z~151.0 m x= cm BYCHIE z=154.4 m x=----- cm

BYCHIC z=174.4 m x=----- cm Angle 3.621 mrad Angle 5.242 mrad

Angle 2.0 mrad

Angle 8.850 mrad Angle 7.138 mrad Angle 5.425 mrad Angle 3.712 mrad

Compton IP

BHEX4C z=m x= cm

BYCHIC z=106.46 m x=58.00 cm

QEXF4 z=112.460 m x=61.52 cm

QEXF4B z=118.860 m x=65.27 cm

Angle 6.863 mrad

SR Detectors

BHEX4B z= m x= cm BHEX4A z=~232 m x= cm

BHEX4D z= m x= cm BHEX4E z= m x= cm

BYCHICM z=82.360 m x=43.87 cm BYCHIC z=60.364 m x=30.973 cm

BYCHICM z=84.460 m x=45.10 cm

SEXF1 z=28.861 m x=12.51 cm QEXF1 z=26.161 m x=10.92 cm QEXF1B z=31.061 m x=13.79 cm Beam Stay Clear +- 10 cm

Angle 5.863 mrad

20 cm
Photon Beamstrahlung Cone +- 1 mrad

1 mRad Cone Wigglers
8 meters

Angle 2.0 mrad at IR


Sextupole Quad Quad Quad

Stripe Detector


2nd Focus 214 meters
Cerenkov Detector
17.8 cm 35 GeV
1 .3 2 cm

10 cm 5 cm 0 -5 cm -10 cm Dispersion = 66 cm 250 GeV

Beam Stay Clear 10cm

Side View

Compton IP
Angle -3 mrad Angle 3 mrad Angle 2 mrad

25.1 GeV

Angle -3 mrad

Angle 3 mrad

Dispersion = 20 mm 250 GeV

C Detector
Vacuum Chamber

Beam Stay Clear 10cm

Dispersion = 66mm 250 GeV

25 GeV

Wiggler Low Field
25 GeV

Energy Slit
Eric Torrence

3 mRad
25 GeV

2 mRad SR Detectors

Stripe Detector


K Moffeit 20 Apr 05


June 2005

IP-Polarimeter differences
3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 0 5 10 15 dy / 0 5

Depolarization in collision · Sokolov-Ternov and BMT precession · Overall lumi-weighted ~ 1/4 total depol. · P lum ~ 0.5%, should be re-evaluated with modern machine parameters IP-polarimeter spin precession (g ­ 2) = ---------------- 2

Outgoing Bunch



Lumi Weighted S-T BMT Total

· 1000x amplification, need spin vector longitudinal and parallel to ~ 50 µRad · Harder with 2 IPs (double spin rotators) · Must worry about solenoid in x-angle


New IP simulation (GuineaPig) with spin transport may help guide arguments here Ultimately want to measure these effects

Eric Torrence


June 2005

R22 IP Energy Polarimeter

|x chicane = R |x IP where x = { x, x', y, y', E / E } R22 most important as horizontal angles dominate
Spin Direction Spin Direction

Beam Direction

50 mrad

D e p o l a r i z a ti o n

at Compton IP (using R22)

D e p o l a r i z a ti o n

After IP

after IP

With 1% energy cut Luminosity-wted

Luminosity-weighted Horiz offset (x)

R22 = -0.6

Horiz offset (x)

Eric Torrence

June 2005

Negative vs. Positive Ken Moffeit - LCWS
50 mrad D e p o l a r i z a ti o n R22 = -0.595 after IP D e p o l a r i z a ti o n Spin Direction Beam Direction R22 = + 0.595 after IP

at Compton IP, using R22 With 1% energy cut Luminosity-wted Horiz offset (x)

With 1% energy cut Horiz offset (x)

(Moffeit, MÆnig, Woods, Schuler, Nososchkov) My understanding is that positive R22 possible, at expense of longer 2 mRad extraction line Only BMT, S-T (spin flip) evolution not included (need GP/Cain)
Eric Torrence 14/19 June 2005

Wiggler Design · Focus at detector plane WISRD-style · Wigglers reduce SyncRad alignment systematics Detector · Wigglers can be turned Plane off for bgd studies · Up/down to maximize y / l (resolution) IP Wigglers cm Split Option Detectors +20 0

cm Joined Option Detectors +20 0

-20 Large wiggler

-20 Small + Soft Bends

Eric Torrence


June 2005

Assorted Wiggler Issues Aperture constraints




Large 20 cm aperture unsuitable for "traditional" wigglers Dipole SR background Ebeam 50 250 500 Ecrit (MeV) 0.3 34 275 (for 1 mRad/m) E

= 3 hc 3 / ( 2 )

Need Wigglers at all? I Endpoint of dipole SR x Too sensitive to width?
Eric Torrence


Sum of both

dI ----dx

x Subtract wiggler-off background?
16/19 June 2005

2 mRad detector plane

Horizontal bend to align IP - CIP spin vectors

Separates SR and Compton signal

SR Stripe

Compton Electrons

Looks very nice

Outgoing Beam

Eric Torrence


June 2005

2 mRad detector plane

Dipole SR is potentially a serious background problem for both detectors...

Gas Cerenkov: 10 MeV Quartz Fiber: 0.7 MeV

High Flux of HE SR Will strike surrounding material (30-300 MeV) H Bend Pol Chicane

Need careful study of backgrounds and shielding options

Not at all clear whether this will work! (2 mRad or 20 mRad) Energy Chicane

Eric Torrence


June 2005

Summary and Plans Summary · 2 mRad vertical crossing-angle w/ diagnostic chicanes available for Ebeam = 250 GeV · Not obviously worse than 20 mRad solution · No detailed study showing any of this will work! Immediate Plans · I have so far failed to get BDSIM running for X-line studies, but Orsay group (Olivier Dadoun) have this working now (IP->dump) · Have 2 mRad and 20 mRad model available for spectrometer (and eventually polarimeter) performance and background studies by Snowmass · Start some real thought on wiggler design/usage Longer Term · Incorporate realistic solenoid, DID, anti-solenoid, final doublet fringing field, etc · Detailed Geant4 detector description
Eric Torrence 19/19 June 2005