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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Fri Oct 1 20:03:49 2004
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Tue Oct 2 09:38:23 2012

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"Summary" of Calorimetry and Muons
Ray Frey University of Oregon Victoria ALCPG Workshop July 31, 2004


Brief overview, recent progress, R&D issues and coverage ! Muons ! Calorimetry


R. Frey


Gene Fisk

Status of ALC Muon Detector R&D
Colo. State, UC Davis, Fermilab, Northern Illinois Univ., Univ. of Notre Dame, Wayne State Univ., Univ. of Texas Austin


TASK: What apparatus do we need to identify/measure muons and separate them from hadrons?

· P from central tracking · Penetration of Emcal, Hcal, SC Coil, µFe · Matching µ detector track with central track ­ how well? (Simulation studies) · Background environment: shower leakage? · Punchthrough hadron rejection/fakes · Energy deposition, min. ion. vs. Eh
Victoria04 R. Frey 3

Proposal: Scint. + (WLS+Clear) Fiber + MAPMTs
· · · · · · · · · Choice of Scintillator ­ extruded plastic strips WLS: choice of dia., glue, key-hole groove, .. WLS " Clear: thermal splice, optic. connectors Fiber routes, bending, securing, light tighting Photodetectors ­ MAPMTs; Other options are APDs and NIU SS det,. Electronics ­ LED test source for PMT meas., scint. QA (= #p.e.s) and perhaps: Calibration scheme Front end electronics/signal processing/digitz'n In Principle: R&D Unique to LC detector
Victoria04 R. Frey 4

Fermi-NICADD Extruder


R. Frey


Prototype 5 m X 2.5 m plane

Layout of Scintillator Strips in one Plane

MINOS MAPMT and base

R. Frey 6


R&D Goals Unique to LC Muon Sys
· · · · · · Simulation studies (NIU/Fermilab) LED - pulser/calibration (WS) MAPMTs ­ learn how to use them (WS) APDs New tech w/ industry (Colo State) FE/Digitizat'n/Read out, ProtoSpecs (UCD) Scintillator Protype Modules to understand: mech engr, assembly, fiber optics splicing, routing, light tighting, coupling to photodet, calibration hardware · Test Beam
Victoria04 R. Frey 7

R&D Accomplishments
· R&D proposals ­ rated excellent/barely funded · Simulation software ­ framework, m & p , bb^bar studies - NIU/Fermilab, Frascati · MAPMT tests ­ LED pht spectra/yields - WS · Fiber splicing + routing design ­ ND · Prototype electronics ­ UCD · Scintillator procurement/tests ­ Fermilab/NIU Good progress and lots of fun ­ more funding for universities is essential for R&D progress!
Victoria04 R. Frey 8

gluing and light yield tests 3m long scintillator

Sasha Dychkant's Measurements of Strip Response using a Cs137 source.

May 19, 2004

Sam p l e

00 CUR B ED 5A/

BC6 RT V6 1 RTV 61

R esp o n se t o C s

So u rce ( n A )








1 .2 m m WLS G luing Tes t s

Victoria04 R. Frey 9

fa r

da rk

ne a r

mi d d le

U N 10 DE 0/ 81 5A/ R 10 5C B CE VAC /E 10 PI N 0/ T RI UU CURE 8 1 5 10 C/ FU M CE EP G NT 32 ICUR 34 RI E D FU 10 E G 0/ 32 13 34 E D C 100 EN /1 T RI 3 BC FU G 81 60 E TA D 5C/ 0 CK BC 100 E AT PI /2 60 CU TA 8 0 CK EN RE 10 D S AT 0/ 323 28 END W IT 4 H 10 81 S 81 0 W 5C 5C/ /1 3 IT H EP C E 81 ICUR NT 5C R BC IF E U 60 32 ZE 0 3 PUM 4 1 D BC 00 60 PE /1 0 3 PUM D DO PE W N D DO WN

Further Work:
· Caroline Milstene: Simulation Studies · Arthur Maciel: Framework (not here) · Paul Karchin: MAPMT LED Pulser Development/Method · Mitch Wayne: Fiber Optics (not here) · Mani Tripathi: Electronics, Digitization, Readout · Bob Wilson: APD developments · Marcello Piccolo: RPCs
Victoria04 R. Frey 10

Muon R&D Summary
· · · · · · · R&D focused on scintillator strips (1 cm) readout by MAPMTs via fibers, interleaved with 5 cm Fe Complementary to other regions ! RPC detectors; recon. algorithms ­ M. Piccolo Initial reconstruction software exists, but is immature Preparing for a test beam prototype in 1-2 years Detector R&D "straightforward" but needs to be done Progress substantially limited by funding Similar techniques to be used for a tail catcher (V. Zutshi 4) ­ ! Initially for the CALICE test beam to validate MC ! Possibly of interest for full detector ! Readout by SiPMTs


R. Frey


Some Calorimeter R&D Issues Simulations # Evaluate EFlow
1. 2. 3.

May 2002

Full simulation [ GismoGeant4 ] Pattern recognition algorithms [ emerging...] , merge with tracks, etc Full reconstruction [ JAS, Root ] Optimize detector configuration Opportunities: algorithm development, validity of Geant4, parameterizations, detector ideas

· ·

Case for jet physics
Low-rate processes (eg Zhh, tth) Beam constraints vs not
· · t-channel reduce combinations for mult-jet recon. (eg tt6 jets)


How to combine with other info. (eg flavors from vxd)

# #

e, photon id; muon id; forward (2-photon), missing E Timing requirement (viz. 2-photon, beam bkgds.)


R&D (2) ECAL # Si/W
· · · Cost, readout config., packaging, cooling Mechanical structure Optimize sampling vs Si area Opportunities: generic detector development; detector and electronics prototyping; comparative and detailed simulations

May 2002

Addressed in part


· · · ·

Alternatives! [issues]
Scint. tiles [segmentation, light output, readout]
· With Si layer(s) ?

Shashlik [segmentation] Crystals [segmentation, physics case for reso.? ] LAr
Victoria04 R. Frey 13

R&D (3) HCAL # Required segmentation for EFlow? # "Digital'' detector [issues]
· · · · RPCs [reliability, glass?, streamer/avalanche] Scint. [segmentation, light, readout] GEMs [reliability] Other?

May 2002


Other options
Scint. tiles, ....?

Much of this addressed

· · · ·

Generic Issues:
In/out ­side coil Compensation (partial?) Absorber material and depth Integrate muon id with dedicated muon det.

Opportunities: Wide open: detailed simulations in conjunction with various detector options; detector prototyping
Victoria04 R. Frey 14

July 2004: Where are we?
· Essentially all issues are being/have been addressed... ...at "some level" not necessarily a good level The BIG R&D issues · Development of full particle flow algorithm codes (N. Graf talk) ! Goal: Physics signals (jet final states) optimized as a function of basic detector parameters: B, Rtrk, cal. segmentation, etc. ! Parts of problem have been attacked incompletely ! Not easy! Needs to be recognized as a top R&D priority. Validation of key, new detector innovations Validation of the MC codes for simulating hadronic showers which in turn will be used to design the calorimeter (using PFAs). This is fundamental to calorimeter progress. Prototypes in a test beam
Victoria04 R. Frey 15

· ·

Where are we (contd.) ?
· · · Development of full PFAs. Validation of detector innovations. Validation of the MC codes Prototypes in a test beam All of these require money ... which we do not have. We are likely to miss the window of opportunity (Jae Yu).


R. Frey


Hadronic final states and PFAs
D. Green, Calor2002

LHC Study: Z 2 jets
· FSR is the biggest effect. · The underlying event is the second largest error (if cone R ~ 0.7).
dE (Calor) Fragmentation Underlying Event Radiation B=4T

Z -> JJ , Mass Resolution

· Calorimeter resolution is a minor effect.
M / M 13% without FSR

At the LC, the situation is reversed: Detection dominates. Opportunity at the LC to significantly improve measurement of jets.


R. Frey


Particle flow and calorimeters (contd)

Complementarity with LHC: LC should strive to do physics with all final states.
1. Charged particles in jets more precisely measured in tracker 2. Jet energy 64% charged (typ.) Separate charged/neutrals in calor. The "Particle Flow" paradigm · · ECAL: dense, highly segmented HCAL: good pattern recognition
H. Videau


R. Frey


Particle-Flow Implications for S. Magill Calorimetry
Traditional Standards Hermeticity Uniformity Compensation Single Particle E measurement Outside "thin" magnet (~1 T) P-Flow Modification ermeticity Optimize ECAL/HCAL separately Longitudinal Segmentation Particle shower reconstruction Inside "thick" coil (~4 T)


Optimized for best single particle E resolution

Optimized for best particle shower separation/reconstruction

3-D shower reconstruction in ECAL/HCAL requires high degree of longitudinal segmentation and transverse granularity 19

calorimetry (contd) Reconstructing jets using particle flow algorithms:
D. Karlen



=E =





neut. had. 2 Eneut.had.

2 Ejet

2 Echarged


2 Ephotons



2 confusion

Inserting resolutions for · charged hadrons (tracker) · photons (EM cal.) · neutral hadrons (hadronic cal.) 64% Ejet 25% Ejet 11% Ejet

· ·

2 Ejet


) (E


GeV ) +

2 confusion

(0.3) (E jet GeV


So the "confusion" term ­ correctly assigning energies ­ will dominate pattern recognition (+ QCD). 0.3/Ejet is a reasonable goal with good physics justification.
Victoria04 R. Frey 20

Shower reconstruction by track extrapolation
S. Magill



Mip reconstruction :

Extrapolate track through CAL layer-by-layer Search for "Interaction Layer" -> Clean region for photons (ECAL)

Shower reconstruction : IL track shower

Define tubes for shower in ECAL, HCAL after IL Optimize, iterating tubes in E,HCAL separately (E/p test)

Track Substitution, Neutral Sum Results


Jet cones ­ 0.5 Neutral contribution to E sum ~3.7 GeV (most) -> Goal is ~3 GeV (all)

Includes mips + cell energies in conical tubes Further tuning of E/p parameter is still needed


R. Frey


It's not just for jet physics...
Brient, Calor2004



Such a calorimeter will also do very well for: ! Photons, including non-pointing ! Electrons and muons Tau id. and polarization ! 3rd generation ! Yukawa coupling ! Separation of tau final states




R. Frey


LC Calorimeter Themes Current paradigms ECal: Silicon/tungsten HCal: ! "Analog" (5-10 cm seg.)

· ·


"Digital" (1 cm seg.)
· ·

Alternatives · E C a l: ! Si/scint/W hybrids ! Scint/W ! Scint/Pb HCal: ! Scint/Pb


Large/Huge Detectors

Comment: Good to see some new thinking about Large Detector calorimeters
· Area of EM CAL (Barrel + Endcap) ! SD: ~40 m2 / layer ! TESLA: ~80 m2 / layer ! LD: ~ 100 m2 / layer ! (JLC: ~130 m2 / layer)


GLD: 2.1m SD: 1.27m

S. Komamiya



What's New: Silicon/W, SLAC-Oregon-BNL


R. Frey



Dy ! ! !

namically switched Cf (D. Freytag) Much reduced power Much better S/N Allows for good timing measurement

what's new Si/W (SOB), contd


R. Frey


Timing with Si/W ECal
50 ns time constant and 30-sample average ns resolution
D. Strom

Concerns & Issues: · Needs testing with real electronics and detectors · verification in test beam · synchronization of clocks (1 part in 20) · physics crosstalk · For now, assume pileup window is ~5 ns (3 bx)


R. Frey


Timing is good
T. Barklow

Warm detector concern: Pileup of hadrons over bx train

Si/W ECal Timing 1 ns

192 bx pileup
(56 Hadronic Events/Train)
Victoria04 R. Frey

3 bx pileup (5ns)

What's New: Silicon/W, CALICE

A. White


what's New: Silicon/W, CALICE (contd)
Wafers: Russia/MSU and Prague/IOP

First structure from LLR


R. Frey

PCB: LAL design, production ­ Korea/KNU

What's New: Scintillator/W ECal, Colorado (contd)
U. Nauenberg


What's New: DHCal with GEMs, UT Arlington GEM foil etching
140µm 70µm

GEM field and multiplication
From CERN-open-2000-344, A. Sharma

A. White
Victoria04 R. Frey 33

What's New: DHCal with GEMs (contd)

Installing 2nd 1mm walls and fishing line spacers


What's New: DHCal with RPCs, Argonne NL AIR4 is a 1-gap RPC built with 1.1mm glass sheet
1.2mm gap size Resistive paint layer is about 1M/
(On-board amplifiers) Pad array 1.1mm Glass sheet 1.1mm Glass sheet Aluminum foil

Mylar sheet
Resistive paint

1.2mm gas gap
Resistive paint


Mylar sheet

Running at 6.8 KV
Avalanche signal ~5pc Efficiency >97%

Total RPC rate from 64 channels <10 Hz
Very low noise!
Lei Xia

what's New: DHCal with RPCs, Argonne NL (contd.)
J. Repond
R&D with chambers Essentially completed Electronic readout system Design and prototype ASIC Specify entire readout system Prototype subcomponents Construction of m3 Prototype Section Build chambers Fabricate electronics Tests in particle beams Without and with ECAL in front
Victoria04 R. Frey 36

Calorimeter R&D Summary
Calorimeter Electromagnetic Technology Silicon-Tungsten Silicon-Tungsten Scintillator/Silicon-Lead Scintillator/Silicon-Tungsten Scintillator-Lead Scintillator-Tungsten Hadronic (analog) Hadronic (digital) Scintillator-Steel Scintillator-Lead Gas Electron Multipliers-Steel Resistive Plate Chambers-Steel Resistive Plate Chambers-Steel Tail catcher Scintillator-Steel Resistive Plate Chambers-Steel Groups BNL, Oregon, SLAC Britain, Czech, France, Korea, Russia Italy Kansas, Kansas State Japan Colorado Czech, Germany, Russia NIU Japan FNAL, Texas Russia ANL, Boston, Chicago, FNAL FNAL, Northern Illinois Italy

J. Repond


R. Frey

J. Repond

Motivation for prototype construction and beam tests
Validate various technical approaches (technique and physics)
Many novel concepts: Fine granularity E/HCAL, DHCAL, Calorimeters with RPCs/GEMs, SiPMs...

Validate various concepts of the electronic readout
Many novel concepts: Imbedded ECAL readout, cheap digital readout...

Measure hadronic showers with unprecedented spatial resolution Validate MC simulation of hadronic showers

Prerequisite for designing the LCDs
Compare performance of Analog and Digital HCAL

Comparison of hadron shower simulation codes by G Mavromanolakis


The Test Beam Prototypes
· · Particle Flow will be tested and detectors optimized using full Monte Carlo simulations These Monte Carlos (ie Geant4) must be validated with test beam ! A new regime: "Imaging" hadron (and em) calorimeters ! Previous MC-cal comparisons not especially relevant Hadron showers are spatially large a large prototype is needed (with an ECal in front) ! 1 m3 , 4â105 readout channels This requires money (more than current LCRD/UCLC awards) Meanwhile, initial R&D goals are at or near completion .... stuck


· · ·


R. Frey


Calorimeter Summary
· Based on preliminary Particle Flow results and educated guesses, the critical detector R&D has gone very well. ! Si/W ECal and digital (semi-digital) HCal ! Innovative and interesting approaches ! But these efforts will soon be stalled by lack of resources ! Other detector R&D is coming up to speed ! Goal: A feasible calorimeter design for a Large Detector We have learned much about LC requirements ! eg timing and hermeticity requirements (The ITRP process) Further progress on PFAs is critical for detector optimization Test beam validation of simulations is crucial for the cal. effort. ! This can go on in parallel with the PFA developments Thanks to my colleagues for interesting sessions, as usual !
Victoria04 R. Frey 40

· · ·


calorimetry (contd)
Expectations for jet resolution · · Let (confusion)=0 (QCD+res) What can we expect for (conf) ? ! Requires full simulations with believable MC (Geant4?) ! To be verified at test beams ! Development of algorithms Studies to date: jet res 0.3/ Ejet


· Z peak · ZH 500GeV
Brient, Jeju LCWS

Z 2 jets

Hope to see more PFA results


R. Frey


· This is a 4 issue, of course · We focus on the forward region, which has been "under appreciated".



R. Frey


hermiticity (contd)
· Consider as an example: sleptons nearly massdegenerate with neutralinos ! Favored by SUSY-WIMP consistency with CDM The SUSY events will look like 2-photon events... unless the 2-photon electron is vetoed. Requires good forward veto coverage
OPAL G. Wilson

e+ e- smu+ smu



e+ e- e+ e- µ+ µ




R. Frey


hermiticity (contd)
Veto < 25 mrad ?
T. Maruyama

(Msmu-MLSP)/Msmu = 2.8%,5.6%,11%

G. Wilson


2-photon bkgd
Veto to 25 mrad No veto

250 GeV e-

· requires few ns readout (warm) · TESLA: veto to 6 mrad (Lohmann)