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El Nino Warm Waters: This image from NASA's Jason oceanography satellite, taken during a 10-day collection cycle ending December 2, 2002, shows the Pacific dominated by two significant areas of higher-than-normal sea surface temperatures. In the central equatorial Pacific, the large area of warmer than normal sea surface temperatures (large area outlined in red with a white center) associated with growing El Nino conditions has recently migrated eastward toward the coast of South America.
На этой странице есть презентации с конференции, где активно обсуждалась
Данная тематика.
Tinsley & Deen correlation between Forbush events and 'storminess' (vorticity area index). Облака уменьшают поток солнечного излучения на Земле на 13 % (Kirkby et al. p.1) Forbush decrease- уменьшение потока галактических космических лучей после коронального выброса на Солнце.
Vorticity area index описывает параметры циклонов
http://physicaplus.org.il/zope/home/en/1105389911/1113511992_en Fig. 3
http://www.tmgnow.com/repository/global/CREC.html - здесь есть статья Svensmark
The remnant of the brightest historical supernova exploded in AD1006, now provides us with the first conclusive evidence for a lineless, power-low component of X-ray emission from a shell supernova remnant, and thus represents the nonthermal X-rays from shell SNRs. This implies that electrons emitting synchrotron radiation at these X-ray energies must have energies of order 100 TeV, among the highest ever observed or directly inferred in any context, astrophysical or otherwise. They are certainly the highest energies seen in the absence of collapsed objects such as neutron stars of black holes. Since we are observing 8 keV synchrotron photons. The electrons producing them must have energies of 2.e5 (B/10 microGauss)^-1/2 GeV, or 200 TeV for this magnetic field. This energy is close to that of the 'knee' in the cosmic-ray spectrum, and provides strong evidence that SNR shock waves can accelerate electrons to these energies. The process of shock acceleration, while well-studied theoretically, has lacked direct evidence of operation to the extremes of energies for which it has been invoked, and SN1006 makes an important contribution to providing such evidence. Figure 1. The ASCA X-ray image of SN1006. X-ray spectra were made from the two elliptical regions.
Figure 2. The X-ray spectra from the rim and central regions; the former is non- thermal spectrum, while the latter is that of thin thermal plasma typical to shell-like SNRs.
Картинка со страницы со статьей Шавива.
Astro-ph/0209252 Fig. 10
Максимум соответствует малому потоку космических лучей (т.е. Тогда 'часы' тикали медленно,
Поэтому 'возраста' меняются в это время медленно).
Figure 5: Correlation between the cosmic ray flux reconstruction (based on the exposure ages of Iron meteorites) and the geochemically reconstructed tropical temperature. The comparison between the two reconstructions reveals the dominant role of cosmic rays and the galactic "geography" as a climate driver over geological time scales. (Shaviv & Vezier 2003)
АНКа, посвященная звездообразованию в окрестности Солнца
Nir Shaviv astro-ph/0209252 page 1.
Отличная страница по длительным вариациям космических лучей
http://www2.slac.stanford.edu/vvc/cosmicrays/cratmos.html Здесь можно много по космическим лучам почитать. Шавив указывает, что эффект магнитного поля не может быть сильным.
На нижней панели красным показана реконструкция поля из данных на верхнем рисунке в предположении о том, что вариации магнитного поля являются единственной причиной вариации потока космических лучей.
Сталагмиты растут, когда тепло.
18О (в морских отложениях) дает данные о температуре.
The water from which continental ice sheets grow derives from evaporation of ocean water and its deposition at high latitudes as snow. Thus, as ice sheets grow, sea level falls. Moreover, compared with sea water, the snow is enriched in the lighter isotope of oxygen, 16O. So, as ice sheets grow, the ratio of 18O to 16O in the oceans increases; the ratio is generally presented as the standardized ratio delta-18O. Organisms that precipitate skeletons of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) do so close to oxygen isotopic equilibrium with the waters in which they grow, so the delta-18O of fossil skeletons provides a proxy measure for ice-sheet size in the past. However, as the equilibrium delta-18O of the CaCO3 also depends on temperature, an unambiguous interpretation of ice-sheet size from fossil delta-18O requires additional temperature information. Tripati et al[4] use an independent temperature proxy -- the amount of magnesium incorporated into CaCO3 shells -- to isolate the effects of changing ice volume
Milankovitch cycles are the collective effect of changes in the Earth's movements upon its climate, named after Serbian geophysicist Milutin Milanković. The eccentricity, axial tilt, and precession of the Earth's orbit vary in several patterns, resulting in 100,000 year ice age cycles of the Quaternary glaciation over the last few million years. The Earth's axis completes one full cycle of precession approximately every 26,000 years. At the same time the elliptical orbit rotates, more slowly, leading to a 22,000 years cycle in the equinoxes. In addition, the Earth's tilt relative to the Sun changes between 21.5 degrees to 24.5 degrees and back again on a 41,000 year cycle. The Earth's axis today is tilted 23.44 degrees relative to the normal to the plane of the ecliptic. (из Википедии)