Документ взят из кэша поисковой машины. Адрес оригинального документа : http://xray.sai.msu.ru/~ivan/gmt/man/filter1d.html
Дата изменения: Fri Mar 19 17:19:41 1999
Дата индексирования: Tue Oct 2 07:13:45 2012

Поисковые слова: photosphere


      filter1d - Time domain filtering of 1-D time series


      filter1d [ infile ] -F<type><width> [ -Dincrement ] [ -E ] [ -H[nrec] ]
      [ -Iignore_val ] [ -Llack_width ] [ -Nn_cols/t_col ] [ -Qq_factor ] [
      -Ssymmetry_factor ] [ -Tstart/stop/int ] [ -V ] [ -bi[s][n] ] [ -bo[s]


      filter1d is a general time domain filter for multiple column time
      series data.  The user specifies the number of columns of input and
      which column is the time.  (See -N option below).  The fastest
      operation occurs when the input time series are equally spaced and
      have no gaps or outliers and the special options are not needed.
      filter1d has options L, Q, and S for unevenly sampled data with gaps.

           Multi-column ASCII (or binary, see -b) file holding data values
           to be filtered.

      -F   sets Filtertype, type is one of b(oxcar), c(osine arch),
           g(aussian), m(edian), or p(maximum likelihood Probability
           estimator -- a mode estimator), and specify full filter width in
           same units as time column, OR, use -Ffname to give the name of a
           one-column file of your own coefficients.  Upper case type B, C,
           G, M, P, F will use robust filter versions: i.e., replace
           outliers (2.5 L1 scale off median) with median during filtering.


      -D   increment is used when series is NOT equidistantly sampled.  Then
           increment will be the abscissae resolution, i.e., all abscissae
           will be rounded off to a multiple of increment.  Alternatively,
           resample data with sample1d.

      -E   Include Ends of time series in output.  Default loses half the
           filter-width of data at each end.

      -H   Input file(s) has Header record(s).  Number of header records can
           be changed by editing your .gmtdefaults file.  If used, GMT
           default is 1 header record.

      -I   To ignore values; If an input value equals ignore_val it will be
           set to NaN.

      -L   Checks for Lack of data condition.  If input data has a gap
           exceeding width then no output will be given at that point
           [Default does not check Lack].

      -N   Sets number of columns in input and which column contains the
           independent variable (time). The left-most column is # 0, the
           right-most is # (n_cols - 1).  [Default is n_cols = 2, t_col = 0;
           i.e., file has t, f(t) pairs].

      -Q   assess Quality of output value by checking mean weight in
           convolution.  Enter q_factor between 0 and 1.  If mean weight <
           q_factor, output is suppressed at this point [Default does not
           check Quality].

      -S   Checks symmetry of data about window center.  Enter a factor
           between 0 and 1.  If ( (abs(n_left - n_right)) / (n_left +
           n_right) ) > factor, then no output will be given at this point
           [Default does not check Symmetry].

      -T   Make evenly spaced timesteps from start to stop by int [Default
           uses input times].

      -V   Selects verbose mode, which will send progress reports to stderr
           [Default runs "silently"].

      -bi  Selects binary input.  Append s for single precision [Default is
           double].  Append n for the number of columns in the binary

      -bo  Selects binary output.  Append s for single precision [Default is


      To filter the data set in the file cruise.gmtd containing evenly
      spaced gravity, magnetics, topography, and distance (in m) with a 10
      km Gaussian filter, removing outliers, and output a filtered value
      every 2 km between 0 and 100 km, try

      filter1d cruise.gmtd -T0/1.0e5/2000 -FG10000 -N4/3 -V >

      Data along track often have uneven sampling and gaps which we do not
      want to interpolate using sample1d.  To find the median depth in a 50
      km window every 25 km along the track of cruise v3312, stored in
      v3312.dt, checking for gaps of 10km and asymmetry of 0.3, try

      filter1d v3312.dt -FM50 -T0/100000/25 -L10 -S0.3 > v3312_filt.dt


      gmt, sample1d

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