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Дата изменения: Wed May 30 19:51:42 2001
Дата индексирования: Tue Oct 2 01:10:40 2012

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Viscous evolution of an accretion disk in a binary system 
Galina V. Lipunova y and Nikolai I. Shakura
Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow State University, Universitetskii pr. 13,
Moscow, 119899 Russia (galja@sai.msu.ru)
Abstract. A new analytical solution describing a time-dependent disk in a binary
system at outburst, which has a xed tidally-truncated outer radius, is applied to
1975 X-ray nova burst of A0620-00. The X-ray ux of a multicolor (black-body)
-disk decays quasi-exponentially with time. Modeling the X-ray and the optical
light curves of A0620-00, we can estimate and obtain `distance{mass of compact
object' relation.
Keywords: accretion disk, close binaries, X-ray novae, A0620-00 (=V616 Mon)
We consider the basic viscous di usion equation (e.g., Lipunova and
Shakura, 2000) as applied to accretion disks. This equation shows that
the time behaviour of a disk depends on the relation between kinematic
coeфcient of turbulent viscosity , column density of a disk , and
radius r.
If  is a function of radius alone, the basic di erential equation of
di usion type is linear. This case was considered by Weizsacker (1948),
Lust (1952), Lynden-Bell and Pringle (1974).
The general case, when  is a power{law function of  and r, was
considered by Filipov (1984; 1988), Lyubarskii and Shakura (1987).
We adopt the  /  l r m relation and pioneer in considering a con-
ned accretion disk. We assume speci c outer boundary conditions for
a disk in a binary system (Lipunova and Shakura, 2000) and obtain a
new solution. The standard -model of the viscosity is assumed.
The bolometric luminosity is found to vary with time as a power low
with an index of 5=2, if Thomson scattering dominates the opacity,
and 10=3, if free-free and free-bound transitions do.
Assuming the spectrum to be a multi-color black body one, the X-
ray luminosity is obtained to vary as exp ( t 5=6 ). This is quite close to
the exponential behaviour.
To illustrate how the parameters of the disk can be obtained, we
model the 1975 burst of A0620-00 (Fig. 1). We used the X-ray data in
the 3{6 keV band of Ariel-5 (Kaluzienski et al. 1977) and the data in
B and V optical bands (Kuulkers 1998, and references therein).
 The work is partially supported by the RFBR grant 00{02{17164, the program
`Universitety Rossii' (grant 5559), and NTP `Astronomia' grant (Russia)
y GVL is thankful to Instituto de Astro sica de Andalucia for supporting her
visit to Granada. She is also supported by ISSEP.
2000 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
allbook.tex; 15/11/2000; 21:23; p.211

212 G.V. Lipunova and N.I.Shakura
Figure 1. A multitude of models is restricted to the following values of parameters:
mx = MBH=M = 525, B V (27th day after peak) = 0:170:26. We checked the
values of : 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45, 0.5, 0.55, 0.6. d is the distance to the
source. The right upper panel displays the corresponding values of to (see Lipunova
and Shakura, 2000) if we set t to be the time after the peak of the outburst, MJD
42638.4 = 13/08/1975.
We see that the model is consistent with the idea of a black hole
in this binary and with the distance estimates available in literature
(Barret et al., 1996; Chen et al., 1997). We choose the models with
E(B V)=0.39 (Wu et al., 1976). From Kuulkers (1998) we have
B V (27 d)= 0.24 (10%), then BH mass lies in the range 9{14 M .
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