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Дата изменения: Fri Sep 7 19:20:35 2001
Дата индексирования: Tue Oct 2 05:10:59 2012
Кодировка: koi8-r

Поисковые слова: р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п п п п п п п п п п п п п п п
Writing English Letters
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Basic info
The salutation                   The complementary close

   Dear Sir or Madam
   Dear Sir/Madam		    Yours faithfully

   Dear Mr/Mrs White		    Yours sincerely

   Dear John                        very informal:
   Dear Mr Smith                    with kind regards 
   Dear Mary Green                  with best wishes

Reference Letter
   To Whom It May Concern       
    	To Whom It May Concern:

   Ivan Ivanov

  I have been asked to write in support of Mr. Ivanov candidacy
  for and I am pleased to do so
	It is with great pleasure that I submit to you my
        recommendation of ...
		It is a pleasure to provide a letter of reference
                for Ivan Ivanov.
                        It is my pleasure to provide this letter of reference
                        to you and to other potential future employers.                    

  Ivan Ivanov was employed by ...
	This is to verify that Ivan Ivanov has been a member of ....

  I have come to know Ivan Ivanov well during the past year
	I have worked with Ivan Ivanov from October 1990 to May 1992 as a ...
  I have watched his extracurricular leadership work
  on behalf of our students with a great deal of interest.

  Ivan's primary responsibilities included ...
	His responsibilities have included ...
		His daily routine involves ...

  Ivan has performed all his duties in a highly mature and
  responsible fashion.
	I can say unequivocally that John performed all of
        these jobs equally well.  
		He has achieved remarkable success in doing so
                	I can honestly say that Xxx handled the above
	                responsibility with diligence, energy, enthusiasm
                    	and success.
  				His performance during this period of time
                                was remarkable.

  Ivan has received extensive training

  I found Ivan to be a wealth of information and knowledge in ...
  	Whatever he did not know for a particular project, he was quick to
	research and find an  answer
  It is not an exaggeration to say that I have never known any
  one with Ivan's qualities.
	He is hard working, co-operative,...
                One of John's outstanding characteristics is
                his creativity.
			Tact, credibility and great  organizational
                        skills, ... along with the ability to prioritize
                        requests were definite assets that Ivan brought to
                        this position.

  Ivan is a very friendly and outgoing individual who is well
  liked by both...
	Ivan is a very bright, enthusiastic, and capable individual.

  I am personally aware of a good proportion of the numerous activities
  he initiated in his capacity as Ivan last year.
        He obviously devoted a great deal of thought, energy,
	and time to performing
		He has a capacity, not only to recognize significant
                problems ..., but also to generate delightfully original
                responses to them.

  And I personally believe that ...
   	It is my opinion that Ivan did an excellent job ...
		Consequently, I believe that he has contributed
		significantly to improving

  For all these reasons I have no hesitation in recommending Ivan to your
  organization for any job requiring a motivated, hard working and
  dependable individual. 
  	Ivan is such an individual and this is why I can feel comfortable
    	in passing along my personal recommendation to you.
		In summary, I would recommend Ivan's services to any
	        organization requiring a knowledgeable, innovative, and
       		organized individual.

  In closing,

  Such a record of positive achievement deserves recognition,
  and I think that presenting the XXX Award to him would be a
  suitable way to provide it.

  Thank you for this opportunity to submit my feelings about this
  fine young individual.

     Yours sincerely,

 Полезные слова 

Cover Letter
		(under heavy construction)

Dr. S. W., a consultant to your firm and XXXprofessor, has informed
me that YYY is looking for someone with excellent communications
skills, organizational experience, and leadership background to ...

I believe that my enclosed resume will demonstrate that I have
the characteristics and experience you seek.

In addition, I'd like to mention how my work experience makes me
a particularly strong candidate for the position.

The knowledge of ... I gained from ... would help me ..., and the
valuable experience I gained in ... would help me ....

                    Additional  Considerations.
  • If you're still working on your dissertation you should mention somewhere in the letter when you expect to be awarded the Ph.D
  • Refer to your resume. Be sure to refer to your enclosed resume at the most appropriate point in your letter, for example, in the discussion of your qualifications or in the closing paragraph.
  • Be professional. Make sure your letter is professional in format, organization, style, grammar, and mechanics. Maintain a courteous tone throughout the letter and eliminate all errors. Remember that readers often "deselect" applicants because of the appearance of the letter.
  • Highlighting Your Qualifications Organize the middle paragraphs in terms of the qualifications that best suit you for the job and the organization. Be specific. Use numbers, names of equipment you've used, or features of the project that may apply to the job you want.

  • Полезные слова

    Resume, CV
    Name, Address, and Phone Number
    Objective                           Краткое изложение того, как Вы собираетесь
    				       применять свои способности на новом месте.
                                           Пишите, что Вы можете сделать
     				       для потенциальных работодателей,
                                           а не наоборот	
    Education                           Где Вы учились, какая у Вас степень,
    				       профилирующий предмет, другие курсы,
                                           средний балл (GPA), дата конца окончания
                                           учебы и т.д. 
    Job Related Courses                 Перечислите курсы, выделяющие Вас
                 		               среди остальных 
    Work Experience                     Места Вашей прошлой работы, которые
    				       каким-либо образом связаны с тем местом, на
                                           которое Вы стремитесь. Здесь описывются
                                           названия мест работы, названия и адреса
                                           организаций сроки работы, обязанности. 
    Skills                              Специальности, которыми Вы владеете,
    				       полезные для будущей работы. 
    Activities and Honors               Ваша деятельность, которую Вы хотели
    				       бы отметить, похвальные грамоты,
                                           награды и т.д. 
    References and Portfolios           Список профессионалов/авторитетных личностей,
    				       которые могут высказаться в пользу Вас
                                           и Ваших способностей
                                        Подборка, перечисляющая Ваши
                                           профессиональные успехи, являющаяся для
                                           Ваших работодателей примером Ваших
    CURRICULUM VITAE Name: First S. Lastname Date of Birth: 12/09/1975 Citizenship: Russia Office Address: room 31, Relativistic Astrophysics Dept., Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Universitetskii pr., 13 119899 City: Moscow Country: Russia Home Address: 119-2-236 Profsoyuznaya street, 117647, Moscow Russia Work Phone: +7(095) 939-5006 Marital Status: single Education: 5.5 years in Moscow State University, Physics Faculty Major: Astronomy and Astrophysics Present Position: 2 year post-graduated student at Physics Faculty of Moscow State University Degree: Bachelor of Science Qualification: Astronomy, Diploma with Excellence Courses taught: General Physics, General Astronomy, General Astrophysics, Mathematical Analysis, Computing Methods, Theory of Functions of Complex Variable, Mathematical Physics, Probability Theory, etc. GPA (5.0 scale): major 5.0 overall 5.0 References Provided Upon Request Portfolio: Available Upon Request
    Полезные слова
    Замечания по использованию
    Всю ответственность за использование приведенных примеров несете Вы. А держатель странички только предлагает Вам варианты, которые могут Вам помочь, но могут быть ошибочными. Ваши конструктивные замечания и дополнения ожидаемы и приветствуются.

    Полезные слова

      commitment  - приверженностъ; обязателъство
      maturity    -  зрелостъ, полное развитие
      creativity  - творческие способности, способностъ к созданию
      asset	      - (разговорное) ценное качество, плюс
      unequivocally - недвусмысленно, ясно
      facility    -   умение
      promising   -   многообещающий, подающий надежды; перспективный 

    As my vitae indicates,... -  как говорится в моей биографии
    I have studied,
    I have been taught...  - Я обучался ... (чему)
           I have taken such and such course(s), etc
    grade	      - (американизм) оценка, отметка 
             	a flunking grade непроходной балл
             	to give smb. a flunking grade провалитъ кого-л.
                                                  на экзамене
             	to give smb. the highest grade поставитъ кому-л.
                    		               высшую оценку
             	to get high grades учитъся на "отлично"; получатъ
                                       высокие баллы
             	his grades are mostly B's  он у нас четверочник
    graduate from -    окончитъ высшее учебное
             	   заведение и получитъ степенъ бакалавра;
                       (американизм) окончитъ любое учебное заведение; 
                       (американизм) относящийся к аспирантуре; аспирантский 
    I have had experience with... - я имею опыт в...
    to gain the experience
    to apply the experience  to the needs of the... 
    to put the experiene  to work for...
    to have background in [physics] 
    be granted (be offered) a graduate work  -  остаться в аспирантуре
    graduate work(studentship)  - аспирантура
    area of specialization - область специализации
    	secondary area - другая область интересов
    the dissertation is being dircted by... - руководитель диссертации-...        
    finish smb's dissertation - закончить диссертацию
    receive smb's PhD from ABC University - стать кандидатом наук
    work half-time - работать на полставки
    junior researcher (scientist) - м.н.с.
    lab assistant -  лаборант
    extending the research - продолжать исследование
    inquiry      -  исследование, (научное) изыскание 
                          chemical inquiries химические исследования /анализы/
    the scientific method of inquiry - научный метод исследования                 
    directly -      непосредственно directly responsible несущий
    		непосредственную ответственностъ he is directly
                    affected /concerned/ его это непосредственно касается
    endeavour -     прилагатъ усилия, старатъся; стремитъся, добиватъся
    my professional goals include - Целью моей работы является...

      GPA - Grade Point Average - средний балл

    Полезные ссылки

    Руководство "Before You Start your Resume..." ,
          разработанное Purdue University Online Writing Lab
    Собрание ссылок для изучающих английский язык
    LearnEnglish of British Council

    Словари в сети

    Общий англо-русский и русско-английский словарь на сервере infoart --- ПРОПАЛ!
    Англо-русский русско-английский словарь на сервере компании ЭЛВИС+
    WWWebster Dictionary
    Замечательный English-Russian dictionary на сервере Ultramarine
         и его зеркало
    English-Russian Dictionary на сервере cityline
    Mueller Dictionary 1.01
    Online Dictionaries and Translators
    Словари на aha.ru
    Переводчик Лингвитстика'98 English -> Russian / Russian ->English

    Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation
    at OWL Handouts