set up your SAS environment (following the
start-up thread)
extract an image (in sky coordinates in this example; extraction in detector
- DET[XY] - coordinates is possible as well)
evselect table=PN.evt:EVENTS imagebinning=binSize imageset=PNimage.fits withimageset=yes \
xcolumn=X ycolumn=Y ximagebinsize=80 yimagebinsize=80
display the image
imgdisplay withimagefile=true imagefile=PNimage.fits
select the region, from which the light curve shall be accumulated, using
Region/Circle in ds9 (see Fig.1)
Fig.1: ds9 main window. A circular region (green circle)
has been defined using the highlighted menu.
double-click with the cursor on the defined region. A window pops up, showing
the properties of the region (Fig.2). Write down the coordinates of the
Center (25910.5, 25870.5) and the Radius(400).
Fig.2: Selection region properties window, pop'd-up by double-clicking
on the region in the main ds9 window
Units of sky coordinates (X,Y) are 0.05 arcsec, hence the radius in
our example is 20 arcsec.
Be aware: if you are interested in very short time periods, such as they appear in pulsars of cataclysmic variables, you have to
perform a a barycentric correction. This means that the arrival time of a photon is shifted as is it would have been
detected at the barycenter of the solar system (the center of mass) instead at the position of the satellite. In this way,
the data are comparable. The SAS task barycen performs this correction. It is advisable first to copy the event list
since the TIME column of the event list is directly overwritten by the barycentric corrected times.
cp PN.evt PN_evlist.fit
barycen table=PN_evlist.fit
Now you can extract a source+background light curve,
using all the selection expressions defined
so far. In the example, the binsize is 100 seconds. Please take into account that operating
with non-synchronous time series can introduce artifacts when they are added or subtracted
by programs such as the ftools "lcmath", or directly rejected by the SAS task epiclccorr.
To avoid this problem you can use time limits explicitely
set in the command line. From SAS 8 upwards, there is no need to do so, since by default the start time is set to
the beginning of the exposure
evselect table=PN.evt energycolumn=PI expression='#XMMEA_EP&&(PATTERN<=4)&& \
((X,Y) IN circle(25910.5,25870.5,400))&&(PI in [200:10000])' withrateset=yes rateset="light_curve.fits" timebinsize=100 \
maketimecolumn=yes makeratecolumn=yes timemin=126991800 timemax=130000000
The parameter makeratecolumn=yes produces a light curve in count
rates (with errors). Otherwise the light curve is produced in counts
(with errors).
repeat step 4. to 6. above to determine the region, from which the
background light curve is to be extracted. We will assume in the following
the the extraction region correspond to an annulus, centered in
(25910.5,25870.5) and with inner and outer radii 1000
and 2000 pixels, respectively
extract a background light curve,
using all the selection expressions defined
so far, and the same binsize (100 seconds) and energy range as for the source+background
light curve
evselect table=PN.evt energycolumn=PI expression='#XMMEA_EP&&(PATTERN<=4)&& \
((X,Y) IN annulus(25910.5,25870.5,1000,2000))&&(PI in [200:10000])' withrateset=yes rateset="light_curve_background.fits" timebinsize=100 \
maketimecolumn=yes makeratecolumn=yes timemin=126991800 timemax=130000000
The light curves are OGIP-complaint, and therefore analyzable with standard
XRONOS-like LHEASOFT packages.
However, light curves obtained in such a way should be corrected for diverse effects affecting the detection efficiency, like
vignetting, bad pixels, PSF variation and quantum efficiency, as well as for variations affecting the stability of the detection
within the exposure, like dead time and GTIs. Since all these effects can affect in a different manner source and background
light curves, the background subtraction has to be done accordingly. A SAS task, epiclccorr, performs all of these
corrections at once. It requires as input both light curves (which are used to establish the binning of the final corrected
background subtracted light curve) and the event file. A simple command line call:
epiclccorr srctslist=PN_lightcurve_raw.FIT eventlist=PN_evlist.FIT outset=PN_lccorr.fit \
bkgtslist=PN1_lc_bck.FIT withbkgset=yes applyabsolutecorrections=yes
plot the resulting light curves, eg.
dsplot table=PN_lccorr.fit withx=yes x=TIME withy=yes y=RATE
This command will launch the following xmgrace window
Fig.3: xmgrace window, containing the background subtracted exposure corrected light curve
We will assume in what follows that RGS products are available in the working
directory, as according to the PPS naming convention. If
the following files are available: a) RGS event list; b) RGS source
list, a call to the task performing light curve extraction, correction and background subtraction rgslccorr
allows a user to create the light curve. It corresponds to a selection performed using the extraction regions in the
spatial and order images, according to the chosen source position, and it is corrected for exposure loses,
as well as background subtracted.
set up your SAS environment (following the
start-up thread)
reduce the RGS data (following the
RGS data reduction and spectrum extraction thread)
create eg. a combined 1st and 2nd order, 100-seconds binned
exposure corrected and background subtracted light curve, for the 3-rd source in
the RGS1 source list
rgslccorr evlist=P0100000101R1S004EVENLI0000.FTZ srclist=P0100000101R1S004SRCLI_0000.FTZ timebinsize=100
orders='1 2' sourceid=3 outputfilename=R1_rates.ds
plot the resulting light curves, eg.
dsplot table=R1_rates.ds withx=yes x=TIME withy=yes y=RATE
This command will launch the following xmgrace window
Fig.3: xmgrace window, containing the background subtracted exposure corrected light curve