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Дата изменения: Mon Jun 30 13:02:30 2008
Дата индексирования: Fri Sep 5 23:25:11 2008

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How to reduce RGS data and extract spectra of point-like sources

How to reduce RGS data and extract spectra of point-like sources

This thread contains a step-by-step recipe to process RGS data of point-like sources to produce spectra and the associated response matrices.

Throughout this thread it is assumed that the 10-digit Observation Id. is xxxxxxyyyy (proposal number xxxxxx -the first 6 digits, observation yyyy, the last 4 digits) while RGS exposure identifier is eeee (first character either S for 'scheduled', or U for 'unscheduled', last 3 eee characters is a number from 001 to 999). R1 in file names refers to RGS1 exposures, R2 to RGS2. The files generated by the Pipeline Processing Subsystem, PPS, are named accordingly, e.g. PxxxxxxyyyyR1eeeeEVENLI0000.FIT is used for the filtered RGS1 event list.

  1. Set up your SAS environment as described in the SAS-startup thread

  2. Check the version of the SAS used to generate the PPS products (e.g. end of keyword CREATOR in the primary header of any pipeline file, or look for the 'Configuration Info' in the XMM-Newton Science Archive) against the current SAS version in http://xmm.esac.esa.int/sas/

  3. If the PPS version is lower than the current one, you should run rgsproc, the interactive version of the RGS pipeline to reprocess the data:

Allow enough time for it to finish. It may take between 5-10 minutes depending on the ODF size and your computer. It may be wise and to redirect the output to a log file:

 rgsproc -V 5 >& my_rgsproc_logfile 

The task can redo different stages of processing without starting from scratch. The different entry and exit points are called processing stages, of which there are five:

The default entry and final stages are 1:events and 5:fluxing, respectively.

The resulting files are created in the working directory. If the task has been run as far as the fluxing stage the resulting files would be for RGS1:

PxxxxxxyyyyR1eeeeEVENLI0000.FIT event list
PxxxxxxyyyyR1eeeeSRSPEC1001.FIT source+background first order spectrum
PxxxxxxyyyyR1eeeeBGSPEC1001.FIT background first order spectrum
PxxxxxxyyyyR1eeeeSRSPEC2001.FIT source+background second order spectrum
PxxxxxxyyyyR1eeeeBGSPEC2001.FIT background second order spectrum
PxxxxxxyyyyR1eeeeSRCLI_0000.FIT source list
PxxxxxxyyyyR1eeeeRSPMAT1000.FIT first order response matrix
PxxxxxxyyyyR1eeeeRSPMAT2000.FIT second order response matrix
PxxxxxxyyyyOBX000fluxed1000.FIT combined fluxed first order spectrum
PxxxxxxyyyyOBX000fluxed2000.FIT combined fluxed second order spectrum

If the task has only been run through spectra neither the response matrices nor the fluxed spectra are created. Note that the last stage (5:fluxing) is the most time consuming, and therefore it is recommended to run it only once the results of the previous stages are satisfactory.

Is any further processing required?

  1. Check validity of prime source coordinates:

    The accuracy of the rgsproc results depends critically on the accuracy of the coordinates used for the prime source, i.e., the source used to compute corrections for spacecraft attitude variations in the dispersion coordinate (or beta channel).

    If you have run previously rgsproc, there will be two sets of coordinates in your source list: PROPOSAL and ONAXIS. The first one gets the position from the target coordinates as given in the proposal and is, by default, the prime source. The second one is calculated from the spacecraft attitude. If you are working with the PPS files, then your source lists are probably longer because, in the PPS, the EPIC sources are added to the RGS source list. Also, in the PPS, the prime source is chosen as the brightest of the EPIC sources within the RGS field of view.

    By default the prime source is the only one for which an spectrum is extracted and the only one excluded from the background extraction region.

    Care should be taken that the target whose spectrum you are interested in is selected as prime in the source list and that its coordinates are correct.

  2. Is my observation affected by high background ? If yes, how can I filter out the high-background time intervals ?

    In common with the other XMM-Newton instruments, RGS observations can be affected by high particle background periods caused by solar activity. The particles are most probably soft protons being focused by the mirrors and gratings. You should check your observations and, if necessary, filter out these periods before extracting any scientific products.

  3. Do I have everything I need to start fitting the spectra?

    If you were happy with the PPS products, the validity checks were OK, and you did not need to run rgsproc at all, the answer is then NO. You still need to generate response matrices

     rgsproc entrystage=4:spectra 
    With this rgsproc call, only two SAS tasks are run:
    that generates the response matrices and the fluxed spectra, respectively.

Some Frequently Asked Questions...

  1. Should I use total or net (i.e. background subtracted) spectra?

  2. I want to have a quick look at my spectra

    Display the combined fluxed, first order, spectrum:

     dsplot table=PxxxxxxyyyyOBX000fluxed1000.FIT 

    displays the qualitative final first order spectrum after combining all RGS exposures within the observation, already calibrated in photons cm-2s-1Â-1, with the estimated errors overlaid.

    Warning: In case the spectrum is not correctly displayed (that may happen depending on the operating system), it might be necessary to replace first the NULL values in the table by e.g. 0, with

       dsreplacenulls \
       objects='PxxxxxxyyyyOBX000fluxed1000.FIT:FLUXED:FLUX PxxxxxxyyyyOBX000fluxed1000.FIT:FLUXED:ERROR' \
    The combined fluxed spectrum, PxxxxxxyyyyOBX000fluxed1000.FIT, is very useful to get a quick look of combinations of any number of observations of both RGS instruments, but it should not be used for detailed analysis of spectral features.

  3. In most cases, celestial sources are weak for RGS, giving low signal-to-noise spectra. Since the use of Chi-2 minimization techniques do not apply to spectra limited by low number of counts, a different likelihood function (implying Poisson statistics) should be used instead. Alternatively, the parameter rebin can be used for channel rebinning, e.g.
    rgsproc rebin=5
    to increase the number of counts per bin.

[RGS_thread.html, v 3.9] [Last update: 30-Jun-2008 by Rosario González-Riestra]