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Дата индексирования: Tue Oct 2 04:23:08 2012

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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System Page: 1
March 18, 2004
All the SAS tasks use the same main program. This means that they share most
of their command line interface.
1 User information
All the SAS tasks use the same main program. This means that they share most of their command line
SAS tasks are also in uenced by environment variables. Most of these variables can be overridden on the
command line.
1.1 Command line options
Common options
All SAS tasks support the following command line options:
--noclobber No clobber; Datasets are not overwritten.
--dialog Presents the user with a Graphical Interface for task speci c parameters.
Only available in SAS distribution with shared libraries!
--help Provide information about the command line options.
--manpage Displays the HTML documentation for the task. Requires Netscape.
--param Print all parameters with their default and current value and exits the task. If any mandatory
parameters, an error message is issued.
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--trace Turn on tracing information from the libraries.
-V level
-verbosity level Set the verbosity level of the task, as handled by package error.
--version Print the version number of the task.
-w [code|n]
--warning [code|n] Suppresses warning messages (handled by package error), and at the end of the task, it
produces information about how many times a particular warning is silenced. Multiple oc-
currences of this option are allowed.
If no argument is given, this option suppresses all warnings.
The argument can be a warning code, e.g. NoAttitudeData will suppress all warnings of
type NoAttitudeData.
If the argument is a number, only the rst n warnings are showed for each type of warning;
all subsequent warnings are silenced.
Example:-w 10 -w LowDisk
This will suppress all warnings of type LowDisk ; all other warnings are shown only the rst
10 times each.
OAL speci c options
If the task uses the ODF Access Layer (oal) the following command line option is recognized as well:
-o odf
--odf odf Specify the Observation Data File[1] that is to be accessed by the oal. odf can be the name
of an ODF summary le as created by the task od ngest or merely the name of a directory
containing one. In the latter case the summary le is assumed to have a name ending in
either *SUM.ASC or *SUM.SAS. If both are present *SUM.ASC is ignored. The parameter's
value supersedes any assignments made to the environment variable SAS ODF (see Sect. 1.2)
which is inspected by the oal for the ODF location if --odf is omitted.
CAL speci c options
If the task uses the Calibration Access Layer (cal) the following command line options are recognized as
-a dir1 [:dir2:...]
--ccfpath dir1 [:dir2:...] A colon separated list of directories that de ne a search path along which CCF constituents
are to be sought. Please note: If a CCF replacement le is passed via --ccffiles with
its full absolute path any speci ed search path is not considered in trying to access this
-f f1 ...
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--ccffiles f1 ... White-space, comma, or colon separated list of CCF constituents to replace the correspond-
ing ones in the CCF pointed at via the --ccf command line option or the environment
variable SAS CCF (see below); each speci ed le must be a valid CCF constituent according
to the CCF ICD[2].
-i cifname
--ccf cifname cifname is the name of a data set comprising a table with the name CALINDEX. This will
normally be a Calibration Index File (CIF) created by the task cifbuild. cifname can also
be the name of a directory. In this case the CALINDEX table is sought in a data set with
the default name ccf.cif in the speci ed directory. The parameter's value supersedes any
assignments made to the environment variable SAS CCF (see Sect. 1.2) which is inspected by
the cal for the CIF location if --ccf is omitted.
Task speci c options
All tasks may have additional parameters in a parameter le, that can be set on the command line (more
information can be found in package param).
param =value
--param =value Set the value of parameter param to value
1.2 Environment variables
The behavior of the tasks is modi ed by the following environment variables:
SAS CCF This has the same meaning as the command line option --ccf (see above). A command line
override supersedes any assignment made to SAS CCF, i.e., the CIF pointed at via SAS CCF is
ignored in this case. Only of relevance for tasks making use of the Calibration Access Layer
(see documentation of cal).
SAS CCFFILES This has the same meaning as the command line option --ccffiles (see above). A com-
mand line override supersedes any assignment made to SAS CCFFILES, i.e., the list of CCF
replacement constituents is ignored in this case. Only of relevance for tasks making use of
the Calibration Access Layer (see documentation of cal).
SAS CCFPATH This has the same meaning as the command line option --ccfpath (see above). A command
line override supersedes any assignment made to SAS CCFPATH, i.e., the search path speci ed
via SAS CCFPATH is ignored in this case. Only of relevance for tasks making use of the
Calibration Access Layer (see documentation of cal).
SAS DIR The toplevel directory where the SAS is installed.
SAS ODF This has the same meaning as the command line option --odf (see above). A command line
override supersedes any assignment made to SAS ODF, i.e., the ODF summary le speci ed
in SAS ODF is ignored in this case. Only of relevance for tasks making use of the ODF Access
Layer (see documentation of oal).
SAS PATH A list of colon-separated directories that contain SAS packages. Should at minimum contain
SAS RAND SEED If de ned this environment variable has to be set to an integer value which will be used to
initialize the single global random number generator that is being used throughout the SAS.
Not setting SAS RAND SEED will cause the seed to be initialized by a pseudo-random number
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that is based on the local time. Hence, processing the same dataset twice with identical
command line arguments will not necessarily yield identical results unless SAS RAND SEED is
de ned. If the value cannot be converted to an integer number a warning message is issued
and execution continues as if SAS RAND SEED had not not been de ned at all.
SAS TRACER Determines the debug level of the libraries.
SAS VERBOSITY Determines the debug level of the task.
1.3 Output
 Messages, errors and warnings are written to standard error
 The list of accessed CCF constituents is written to the standard output channel if the task
makes use of the cal and if the verbosity level is greater than or equal to Verbose.
[1] ESA. XMM Interface Control Document: Observation and Slew Data Files (XSCS to SSC) (SciSIM
to SOCSIM). Technical Report XMM-SOC-ICD-0004-SSD Issue 2.5, ESA/SSD, June 2000. Found
at the URL: ftp://astro.estec.esa.nl/pub/XMM/documents/odf icd.ps.gz.
[2] ESA. Interface control document for the XMM current calibration le. Technical Report XMM-GEN-
ICD-0005, ESA/SSD, Dec 2001.
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