Документ взят из кэша поисковой машины. Адрес оригинального документа : http://xmm.vilspa.esa.es/sas/5.4.1/doc/epproc/node7.html
Дата изменения: Fri Jan 10 23:46:34 2003
Дата индексирования: Sat Dec 22 07:40:40 2007

Поисковые слова: volcano pele
Parameters XMM-Newton SAS Home Page
XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

epproc (epicproc-1.0.6) [xmmsas_20030110_1802-5.4.1]

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This section documents the parameters recognized by this task (if any).

ParameterMand Type Default Constraints
removetemporariesnobtrueyes $\vert$ no
Remove temporary data sets?
removeintermediategtisnobtrueyes $\vert$ no
Remove intermediate GTI data sets?
removeintermediateeventlistsnobtrueyes $\vert$ no
Remove the intermediate CCD/node-based event lists?
selectccdsnobfalseyes $\vert$ no
Select the CCDs to process? false = process all CCDs.
ccd1nobfalseyes $\vert$ no
Process data for CCD 1?
ccd2nobfalseyes $\vert$ no
Process data for CCD 2?
ccd3nobfalseyes $\vert$ no
Process data for CCD 3?
ccd4nobfalseyes $\vert$ no
Process data for CCD 4?
ccd5nobfalseyes $\vert$ no
Process data for CCD 5?
ccd6nobfalseyes $\vert$ no
Process data for CCD 6?
ccd7nobfalseyes $\vert$ no
Process data for CCD 7?
ccd8nobfalseyes $\vert$ no
Process data for CCD 8?
ccd9nobfalseyes $\vert$ no
Process data for CCD 9?
ccd10nobfalseyes $\vert$ no
Process data for CCD 10?
ccd11nobfalseyes $\vert$ no
Process data for CCD 11?
ccd12nobfalseyes $\vert$ no
Process data for CCD 12?
selectmodesnobtrueyes $\vert$ no
Select the modes to process? false = process only imaging.
imagingnobtrueyes $\vert$ no
Process imaging mode exposure?
timingnobtrueyes $\vert$ no
Process timing mode exposures?
burstnobtrueyes $\vert$ no
process burst mode exposures?
timingsrcpositionnoi190$\ge$ 1 - $\le$ 200
Source position for TIMING and BURST modes in RAWY pixel coordinates. [Used in epframes.]
withinstexpidsnobfalseyes $\vert$ no
Select exposures to process?
List of exposures (ie, PNU002)
withgtisetnobfalseyes $\vert$ no
Use an external GTI dataset to be used when filtering the data?
Name of the external GTI dataset to be used when filtering the data.
runhkgtigennobtrueyes $\vert$ no
Generate a GTI dataset based on housekeeping?
runatthkgennobtrueyes $\vert$ no
Pre-process attitude data through atthkgen?
Coordinates of the reference poiting used for the calculation of the sky coordinates
ranou0.0$\ge$ 0.0 - $\le$ 360.0
User-specified right ascension of s/c attitude (deg)
decnou0.0$\ge$ -90.0 - $\le$ 90.0
User-specified declination of s/c attitude (deg)
posanglenou0.0$\ge$ -180.0 - $\le$ 180.0
User-specified astronomical position angle of s/c attitude (deg)
filtereventsnobtrueyes $\vert$ no
Filter the event lists?
Bad events selection expression.
flagfilteredeventsnobfalseyes $\vert$ no
Flag the events that match the filter expression instead of removing them?
applygtinobtrueyes $\vert$ no
Apply GTI filter to the event lists?
runevlistcombnobtrueyes $\vert$ no
Merge CCD-level event lists into exposure-level event lists (by mode)?
deleteexposurecolumnsnobtrueyes $\vert$ no
searchforbadpixelsnobyesyes $\vert$ no
Search for bad pixels?
searchforbadcolumnsnobyesyes $\vert$ no
Look for bad columns?
Thresholds choice - as percentage of PEAK, as count RATE or pure COUNTS [!badpixfind]
lothreshnor0.0$\ge$ 0.0
Low threshold to search for dead pixels [badpixfind]
hithreshnor0.0045$\ge$ 0.0
High threshold to search for hot pixels [!badpixfind]
Columnsearch thresholds choice - refer to TOTAL column value or MEDIAN column value [badpixfind]
locolthreshnor0.0$\ge$ 0.0
Low threshold to search for dead columns [badpixfind]
hicolthreshnor0.00105$\ge$ 0.0
High threshold to search for hot columns [!badpixfind]
flickertimestepsnoi1$\ge$ 1
Number of timesteps to search for flickering pixels [badpixfind]
flickerksthreshnor0.55$\ge$ 0 - $\le$ 1
K-S threshold for low count flickering pixels [badpixfind]
flickerchisqthreshnor15.0$\ge$ 0
Reduced Chi-sq threshold for high count flickering pixels [badpixfind]
Background rate (ct/s/pix) - if negative, mean over entire field assumed [!badpixfind]
narrowerthanpsfnor1.5$\ge$ 0.0
PSF-pixel(s) comparison - 1:equal to PSF, >1:more compact [!badpixfind]
threshabovebackgroundnobnoyes $\vert$ no
High thresholds as values above background [badpixfind]
loenergythreshnor0.14$\ge$ 0 - $\le$ 30.0
Low energy threshold for searching (keV) [!badpixfind]
hienergythreshnor10$\ge$ 0 - $\le$ 30.0
Hi energy threshold for searching (keV) [!badpixfind]
randomizepositionnobyesyes $\vert$ no
Randomize DETX/DETY within one CCD pixel [epevents]
randomizeenergynobyesyes $\vert$ no
Randomize PHA within one ADU bin [epevents]
gainctiaccuracynoi2$\ge$ 0 - $\le$ 2
Accuracy of gain/cti correction [epevents]
reemissionthreshnoi none
Re-emission trigger threshold [epevents]
withoutoftimenobnoyes $\vert$ no
Perform out-of-time events analysis instead (Y/N) [epevents]
pattern types of the bands for photon maps [!epevents]
wrongpixlimitnoi20$\ge$ 0 - $\le$ 100
Allowed percentage of wrong pixels without producing a warning [!epframes]
withsrccoordsnobnoyes $\vert$ no
Use user-supplied RA,DEC coordinates for TIMING and BURST mode ? [epframes]
srcranou0.0$\ge$ 0.0 - $\le$ 360.0
User-supplied source position RA [deg] [epframes]
srcdecnou0.0$\ge$ -90.0 - $\le$ 90.0
User-supplied source position DEC [deg] [epframes]
mipthresholdnoi3000$\ge$ 0 - $\le$ 4095
maximum PHA for non-MIPs [epframes]
method to reject MIPs [epframes]
mipdistnobnoyes $\vert$ no
Create MIPDIST columns and MIPHIST extension in output (yes/no) ? [epframes]
mipdiscardnobyesyes $\vert$ no
discard MIPs from event list (yes/no) ? [epframes]
withparametersnobfalseyes $\vert$ no
Specify explicit list of HK parameters? [hkgtigen]
List of HK parameters to consider [hkgtigen]
exceptnobfalseyes $\vert$ no
Consider all parameters except those specified [hkgtigen]
withoverrideparametersnobfalseyes $\vert$ no
Specify list of additional parameters? [hkgtigen]
List of override/additional parameters [hkgtigen]
ParameterMand Type Default Constraints

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XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2003-01-10