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Дата изменения: Fri Jan 10 23:46:27 2003
Дата индексирования: Tue Oct 2 04:30:11 2012

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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System Page: 1
January 10, 2003
epicproc is a package that contains two tasks, epproc and emproc, that can be
used to process data from the EPIC instruments.
1 Instruments/Modes
Instrument Mode
2 Use
pipeline processing no
interactive analysis yes
3 Description
The SAS package epicproc contains the two tasks epproc and emproc, that can be used to process
the data from the EPIC MOS and PN instruments.
The two tasks are structured in the same manner, and actually share most of the code and parameters.
In the remainder of this document we describe the common parts of the tasks. For the instrument speci c
details, and the complete list of task parameters refer to the description of epproc and emproc. Conventions Because the tasks epproc and emproc share many of the command line
parameters, in the following, when we refer to epicproc we mean either epproc or emproc.
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3.1 Exposure selection
3.1.1 Explicit exposure selection
You can select the exposures to process explicitly via the parameters withinstexpid and instexpids.
For instance:
 epicproc --withinstexpids=yes --instexpids="IIFnnn ..."
where instexpids is a list of strings where:
 II is one of M1, M2, or PN.
 F is one of S or U (scheduled or unscheduled, respectively).
 nnn is the exposure number (001 002 . . . ).
Note that the IIFnnn matches the analogous string found in the ODF le names. You may also want to
look at the contents of the ODF with the odfbrowser, from which individual exposures can be selected,
and the epicproc tasks can be con gured and launched.
3.1.2 Implicit selection through the mode
If you opt to select the data modes that should be processed, then all the exposures in a given mode are
processed. The relevant parameters are:
 imaging, rimaging, timing, ctiming for emproc.
 imaging, timing, burst for epproc.
If both selectmodes and withinstexpids are given, the former is ignored.
By default all available exposures are processed. Timing modes The processing of timing modes may require that the user specify additional
parameters to the tasks epframes and emframes. You should use the parameters withsrccoords,
srcra, and srcdec. For PN you can optionally use timingsrcposition in RAWY coordinates. In most
cases the default values are adequate.
3.2 CCD selection
The processing of individual CCDs can be switched o via the parameters selectccds and ccdn, where
n is an integer from 1 to 7 or 12, for epproc or emproc respectively.
By default, all CCDs are processed.
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3.3 Attitude processing
In this processing stage the task atthkgen is run if requested. This is controlled via the parameter
runatthkgen that is true by default.
If the output of atthkgen is found on disk, the task is not run again.
The output of atthkgen, if present, is used by the task attcalc.
3.4 Housekeeping processing
In this processing stage the task hkgtigen is run. This stage can be switched o by setting the parameter
runhkgtigen to false.
If the output of hkgtigen is found on disk, the task is not run again.
hkgtigen creates a GTI le based on the selectlib conditions based on the contents of the housekeeping
les. The housekeeping GTI is used together with any other external GTI le speci ed (see 3.5).
Additional parameters related to this processing stage are withparameters, parameters, except, withoverrideparameters,
and overrideparameters. Normally hkgtigen is driven by the contents of the CCF, and there is no
need to make use of these additional parameters.
3.5 External GTIs
An external GTI can be supplied to epicproc with the parameters withgtiset and gtiset. If the
parameter applygti is further set to true (this is the default), the external GTI will be combined with
the housekeeping GTI (if any, see 3.4) and applied to the event lists.
3.6 Intermediate les
Normally epicproc removes the many intermediate data les that are created during the data processing
stages. The user can control which of the intermediate les are not deleted by setting the following
 removeintermediategtis: the intermediate GTIs created by the tasks emframes and
epframes are not deleted if this parameter is set to false.
 removeintermediateeventlists: this parameter controls whether the intermediate events
lists used to store data between tasks are removed.
 removetemporaries: all other intermediate les created by epicproc are removed if this
parameter is set to false.
3.7 Bad pixels
By default epicproc will try to detect bad pixels for any imaging exposure. The new bad pixels are then
used in the data reduction together with any other known (via the calibration les) bad pixels.
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The parameter searchforbadpixels controls whether the task badpix nd is run. Further, the param-
eter searchforbadcolumns controls whether bad columns are also searched for. Both parameters are set
to true by default.
A number of parameters are available to modify the way badpix nd operates: thresholdlabel,
lothresh, hithresh, columnsearchlabel, locolthresh, hicolthresh, flickertimesteps, flickerksthresh,
flickerchisqthresh, backgroundrate, narrowerthanpsf, threshabovebackground, loenergythresh,
hienergythresh. Refer to badpix nd for a detailed explanation.
3.8 Filtering
epicproc will lter the events lists (filterevents is set to true by default) with the selectlib expression
given in filterexpression. The ltering is destructive by default, that is to say the ltered events
are physically removed from the event lists. This behavior can be changed by setting the parameter
flagfilteredevents to true. In this case all events will be retained, and a ag column will be set to
indicate what events would have been removed. Refer to evselect for details on the destructive and
non-destructive ltering.
The default ltering expressions for epicproc make use of the XMM events attribute ags (see evatt),
and should be suitable for most users.
4 Errors
This section documents warnings and errors generated by this task (if any). Note that warnings and
errors can also be generated in the SAS infrastructure libraries, in which case they would not be docu-
mented here. Refer to the index of all errors and warnings available in the HTML version of the SAS
SubTaskError (warning)
epicproc has detected an error from one of the sub-tasks.
corrective action: The processing of the current data set is abandoned.
5 Output Files
All output data sets start with a string composed by one or more of the following parts, each separated
by an underscore character ( ):
 rrrr: the revolution number
 oooooooooo: the observation identi er
 EPN or EMOS1 or EMOS2: the instrument name
 eeee: the exposure identi er. For instance: S001.
 cc: the CCD number
 nn: the node number
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These parts are hierarchically structured, so that, say, any data set name that contains the exposure
identi er will also contain the revolution number, the observation identi er, and the instrument name.
Additional strings indicate the contents of the data set:
 AttHk: attitude housekeeping
 Gti: GTI
 AuxGti: GTI based on the auxiliary le
 FrmGti: GTI created by epframes or emframes
 HkGti: housekeeping GTI
 Evts: the data set contains an event list
 ImagingEvts: imaging mode event list
 TimingEvts: timing mode event list
 BurstEvts: burst mode event list
 Temp: a temporary data set, usually removed
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