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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Thu Jul 10 16:44:17 2008
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Mon Oct 1 21:21:38 2012

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XMM­Newton Calibration Technical Note
PN Optical Loading
XMM­SOC­CAL­TN­0051 Issue 1.2
M.J.S. Smith
July 1, 2008
1 Abstract
An investigation into PN optical loading has been performed through analysis of PN o#set maps.
The extent of loading versus magnitude has been analysed and compared with the PHS Tools
model output. Also, the PN optical PSF has been analysed using optical loading in o#set maps.
2 Introduction
A description of EPIC optical loading is given in [1].
The o#set map analysis, which makes use of residual o#set maps and quantifies the extent of
loading in terms of residual o#set, is described in [2].
Although an o#set map is nominally in energy space, as each optically generated photoelectron
shifts the energy scale by 3.65 eV, the o#set map can be considered as being in counts space for
optical photons. Assuming an o#set created solely by optical photons and a gain of 5 eV per
ADU, the conversion from residual o#set to optical counts per pixel is: 1 ADU # 5/3.65 optical
3 Analysis
Over 350 o#set maps of imaging, non (cal)closed exposures were investigated for the presence
of optical loading. Fig. 1 shows an example of optical loading cases in a PN residual o#set map.
As far as possible, cases of X­ray loading were excluded by investigating the events image for
excessive (e.g. near pile­up) count rate. The remaining cases of, presumed, optical loading were
cross checked with catalogues. With very few exceptions a corresponding optical counterpart
could be found, together with, in many cases, information on magnitude and spectral type.

european space agency
agence spatiale europÈenne
XMM Science Operations Team
Document No.: XMM­SOC­CAL­TN­0051
Issue/Rev.: Issue 1.2
Date: July 1, 2008
Page: 2
Figure 1: PN Residual o#set map showing cases of optical loading. The bright object is
of magnitude V # 6.7, the two fainter objects are of magnitudes V # 9; the mode is Full Frame.
Together with the above­mentioned conversion of residual o#set energy to number of detected
optical photons, this allows a comparison of detected optical flux with magnitude.
4 Results
As can be expected, optical loading cases were found mostly in thin filter exposures, with only
a few cases in medium filter exposures. No cases of optical loading were found with thick filter
in use. The faintest sources for which optical loading was detected is V # 12 and V # 6 for thin
and medium filters respectively.
Fig. 2 shows the relationship between peak residual o#set (i.e. the maximum residual o#set
found in the loaded region) and visual magnitude of optical loading cases. The data points
follow quite closely the theoretical flux versus magnitude relationship. The main deviations are
likely caused by the inclusion of various spectral types, uncertainty in visual magnitude due to
possible optical variability of some sources, and the radial variation of the optical PSF with
respect that on axis (discussed below).
For the optical loading cases for which the magnitude and spectral type is known, a comparison
was made between the measured loading and the expected loading based on the PHS Tools
model (see [1]). The model consists of a look­up table of the expected optical loading (expressed
in photons/pixel/sec) for di#erent spectral types and filters, and for a visual magnitude of 0. For
PN, it assumes a fraction of 15% of light in the PSF central pixel. The results of the comparison
are shown in Fig. 3; data and model are expressed in units of ADU/pixel/0.073 sec.
There is clearly a strong correlation between data and model, but the model systematically over­

european space agency
agence spatiale europÈenne
XMM Science Operations Team
Document No.: XMM­SOC­CAL­TN­0051
Issue/Rev.: Issue 1.2
Date: July 1, 2008
Page: 3
Figure 2: Peak residual o#set versus visual magnitude. The peak residual o#sets of the
various modes have been normalised to the Full Frame integration time (0.073 s). Blue and red
data points represent thin filter and medium filter exposures respectively. The theoretical flux
versus magnitude relationship is shown with the dashed line. The drawn line represents a best
fit exponential function.
Figure 3: Comparison of measured optical loading versus the PHS Tools prediction.
The data are shown in blue and red for thin and medium filter exposures respectively. A linear
fit through the data is shown by the drawn line.

european space agency
agence spatiale europÈenne
XMM Science Operations Team
Document No.: XMM­SOC­CAL­TN­0051
Issue/Rev.: Issue 1.2
Date: July 1, 2008
Page: 4
predicts the loading by a factor of # 7 for the complete sample, with a minimum over­prediction
by a factor of 4. A similar conclusion follows from the analysis of MOS optical loading described
in [3].
The over­prediction could in part be explained by the fact that in the model the assumed fraction
of detected light at the central PSF pixel appears to be too large (indeed it was expected to be
a conservative estimate). This is illustrated in Fig. 4, which shows the PN optical and X­ray
PSFs at various o#­axis angles (unfortunately there are no cases of su#ciently strong optical
loading on axis, so the top panel is indicative only.) The encircled energy fraction in the central
pixel (i.e. radius up to # 2 ## .5) decreases with increasing o#­axis angle, and is always less than
# 8% as compared to the assumed value of 15%. A similar finding for the MOS optical PSF is
presented in [4].
It may be noted that while the optical PSF is similar to the X­ray PSF at small o#set angles,
it degrades much faster with increasing o#­axis angles.
5 Impact on Science
The findings mentioned above have motivated a corresponding fourfold increase in the PHS
Tools optical loading warning threshold from the original 25 photons/pixel/frame (based on a
maximum of 5 photons/pixel/frame r.m.s. [5]) to 100 photons/pixel/frame. This should help
avoid users unnecessarily opting for thicker filters or faster modes.
[1] PHS Tools ­ EPIC Optical Loading, XMM­SOC­CAL­TN­0001 , D. Lumb, 2000
[2] PN X­Ray Loading, XMM­SOC­CAL­TN­0050, M.J.S. Smith, 2004
[3] MOS optical loading, XMM­SOC­CAL­TN­0043, B. Altieri, 2003
[4] EPIC optical PSF, XMM­SOC­CAL­TN­0040, B. Altieri, 2003
[5] Interpretation of PHS Tool Output, XMM­PS­TN­36, C. Erd, D. Lumb and R. Much, 2000

european space agency
agence spatiale europÈenne
XMM Science Operations Team
Document No.: XMM­SOC­CAL­TN­0051
Issue/Rev.: Issue 1.2
Date: July 1, 2008
Page: 5
Figure 4: Comparison of PN optical and X­ray PSFs for various o#­axis angles The
encircled energy fraction is plotted versus radius. The optical PSF is shown in red (including a
smoothing), the X­ray PSF is in blue.