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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Mon Jul 13 13:43:29 2015
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Sun Apr 10 00:08:09 2016

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Routine Calibration Plan
Version 2.24 Edited by: M. J. S. Smith July 1, 2015

Revision history Revision numb er Version 2.24 Version 2.23 Date 01/07/2015 23/05/2014 Revision author M. J. S. Smith M. Guainazzi Comments RGS Mkn 421 (5 â 20 ks) has replaced PKS 2155-304 Puppis off-axis PA angle defined 1ES 0102-72 observed twice p er year Puppis observed once every two years RGS Mkn 421 replaces PKS 2155-304 as of 2015 3C 273 as multi-mission cross-calibration target EPIC Puppis observation modes up dated B0102-72.3 in the 2nd semester 2013 (§ 3.2) N132D replaces Orionis (§ 3.2) HD13499 removed ($ ) RX J1856.6-3754 1st semester 2013 (§ 3.3) B0102-72.3 2nd semester 2013 (§ 3.2) Puppis off-axis observations Two Crab observations Temp orary replacement of 1ES 1553+113 (§ 3.4) Filter cycling on 1ES 0102-72 (§ 3.4) Mkn 421 replacement (§ 3C 273 replacement (§ 2.1.4) Deviations from RCP in 1st semester 2012 (§ 3.5) Deviations from RCP in 2nd semester 2011 (§ 3.6) Up date: Vela SNR filter change Orionis introduced B0102-72.3 (on-axis), N132D, Tycho removed Up date: RXJ1856.6-3754 MOS configuration change MOS1 CCD6 health check Up date: POS manipulation tool for Mkn 421, EPIC exp osure times in multi-exp osure observations (wrong overhead estimates corrected)

Version 2.22 Version 2.21

10/05/2013 19/04/2013

M. Guainazzi M. Guainazzi

Version 2.20 Version 2.19 10/10/2012

M. Guainazzi M. Guainazzi

Version 2.18


M. Guainazzi

Version 2.17 Version 2.16

22/09/2011 28/05/2010

M. Guainazzi M. Guainazzi

Version 2.15 Version 2.14

01/12/2009 06/08/2009

M. Guainazzi M. Guainazzi


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1 Purp ose and Scop e 2 XMM-Newton Routine Calibration Program 2.1 List of Targets and Calibration Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.1 EPIC Routine Calibration Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CTI, Gain, Noise and Bright Pixel Monitoring . . . . . . . Effective Area, Gain/Offset Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . Stability of the Boresight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monitoring of Sp ectral Capabilities and Contamination . . Detector Energy Resp onse and Redistribution Monitoring . Monitoring of Relative and Absolute Timing Capabilities . Periodic MOS 1 CCD 6 health check . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.2 RGS Routine Calibration Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Confirmation of the Wavelength Scale . . . . . . . . . . . . Long-wavelength Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monitoring of Effective Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gain and CTI Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.3 OM Routine Calibration Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monitoring the Grisms Absolute Flux Calibration . . . . . Monitoring of the Visual and UV Grisms Wavelength Calib Monitoring the Photometric Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . Engineering Mode Observations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flat fields and dark frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.4 XMM-Newton Cross Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.5 XMM-Newton Long-Wavelength Resp onse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 De 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 viations from the 2nd semester 2014 2nd semester 2013 1nd semester 2013 2nd semester 2012 1st semester 2012 2nd semester 2011 RCP .... .... .... .... .... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ration ... ... ... ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 13

4 Annexes 4.1 Term 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 4.1.6

Planning Skeleton . . Planning skeleton for Routine calibration p Routine calibration p Routine calibration p Routine calibration p Routine calibration p

............. part of year 2000 . . . lan for Jan - Mar 2001 lan for Apr - Jun 2001 lan for Jul - Dec 2001 lan for Feb - Jun 2002 lan for Jul - Dec 2002

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Purp ose and Scop e

This document describ es the global planning strategy for XMM-Newton calibration observations in the routine phase of the pro ject.


XMM-Newton Routine Calibration Program

It has b een agreed with the calibration scientists and instrument teams of XMM-Newton that the targets listed in Section 2.1 will b e used for regular routine calibration observations. These targets are flagged as sources reserved for calibration observations and included in the XMM-Newton Observation Lokator (http://xmm.esac.esa.int/external/xmm sched/obs lokator/index.php).


List of Targets and Calibration Budget

Table 1 lists p ossible calibration targets that should b e monitored on a regular time scale and the required calibration time budget for their resp ective purp oses. Note that some targets that were originally part of the routine calibration monitoring have since b een dropp ed and replaced by others. Some of the former targets (for example OMC2/3, MS 1229.2+6430, H 1426+428 or Sco X-1) might b e re-visited on request and as non-routine calibration observations. As several routine calibration observations in the plan are marked as `to b e scheduled on request' and might b e necessary as non-routine calibration observations, the time actually sp ent on calibration might b e higher. The routine calibration planning skeletons (see Section 4.1) always aim at keeping the time for routine calibrations b elow the 5% margin (cf XMM-Newton Policies and Procedures document) so as to allow for additional NRCOs. 2.1.1 EPIC Routine Calibration Monitoring

It is assumed, unless otherwise stated, that b oth RGS instruments will op erate in the standard sp ectroscopy mode with all CCDs read during the EPIC calibration observations. CTI, Gain, Noise and Bright Pixel Monitoring

Routine CLOSED/CAL-CLOSED observations of short duration (from 1 to 3 hours) are scheduled for MOS and pn at the start1 of some revolutions according to the following rule: a CAL-CLOSED MOS exp osure is added if the available observation duration is 3 ks: a CALCLOSED pn exp osure is added if the available exp osure time is 4 ks. In this context, the available time is calculated as the time b etween the first observation of a revolution and the time when the radiation model predicts a radiation level b elow threshold plus a half an hour margin. With the introduction of the auto-commanding functionality CLOSED/CAL-CLOSED exp osures are no longer routinely scheduled at the end of a revolution. The p ointing direction is irrelevant, but it is advantageous to schedule the CLOSED/CAL-CLOSED exp osures at the start or end of a revolution with the same p osition as the adjacent science observations to avoid one extra slew. With this setup it is p ossible to extend CLOSED/CAL-CLOSED observations up to the time when the radiation is low enough to start full science observations.
1 Since exp osures CLOSED exp osures

the introduction of the auto-commanding functionality in Rev.#1621 (Novemb er 2008) CAL-CLOSED are no longer routinely scheduled at the end of a revolution. Since Rev.#2112 (June 2011) CALexp osures are manually started by the SPACONs if the radiation level is high and normal science have to b e interrupted.

Table 1: List of Targets for Routine Calibration Monitoring
Source Time Numb er of Visits (ks)a (yr-1 ) EPIC Calibration Targets 1ES 0102-72b N132D Puppisc Crabd 35 45 45 10 2 1 0.5 2 2 1 2 MOS 1 EPIC Configuration MOS 2 Purp ose pn

XMM-Newton SOC



RX J1856.6-3754e 70 Vela SNR 60 CLOSED 10 RGS Calibration Targets Cap ella PSR B0833-45 60 100


Effective area Redistribution Redistribution Timing Detector resp onse, contamination Sp ectral resolution, contamination Background

1 1



Mkn 421l 100 Mkn 421m 18 OM Calibration Targets BPM 16274 15

2 0.5


CTI, scale Long-

Effective area Gain & CTI

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GD 153 HZ 2 SA 95-42 Cross-Calibration 1ES 1553+113 3C 273 Puppis

15 15 35 Targets 30 60 60

1 1 1






Grisms Photometry Photometry

XMM-SOC-CAL-PL-0001 Version 2.24 July 1, 2015 2

1 1 1




Effective area Effective area Long-

for each observation; b alternatively twice p er year on- and 50" off MOS patch p ointings; c 50" off MOS patch p ointings; d two observations for each passage; e shared

with RGS; f alternatively every half year on (SW) and 50" off (LW) MOS patch p ointing; g 12.5 ks; h 47.5 ks (overheads included - net exp osure times are: 46 ks for MOS, 42.5 for pn); i 10 ks; j 89.5 ks; k 37.5 ks; l five observations of 20 ks each (four of which off-axis); once p er year (first half ), in the same observation; to b e p erformed once p er year (second half ).

off-axis p ointing (cross disp ersion); n to b e p erformed

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In the past, longer (at least 15 ks) CLOSED/CAL-CLOSED observations for MOS and pn were p erformed every two weeks to one month. Such exp osures were scheduled as far as p ossible parasitically with RGS and OM routine calibration observations. If gaps b etween such calibration observations were too large, dedicated CLOSED/CAL-CLOSED observations had to b e requested. Due to the decreasing flux of the EPIC internal calibration source longer CAL-CLOSED exp osures are needed to obtain high enough statistics for the gain and CTI monitoring. In April 2005 it was confirmed that MOS Full Frame CAL-CLOSED data collected during slews b etween adjacent targets can b e used for CTI and gain monitoring. For pn, the new request is that instead of several rather frequent 15 ks observations, only long observations should b e scheduled parasitically to RGS and OM prime calibration observations. No additional dedicated CLOSED/CAL-CLOSED routine calibration observations are requested with the exception of CLOSED exp osure for background monitoring (see b elow). The frequency of CAL-CLOSED observations hence has b een reduced to one observation approximately every 2 - 3 months. The distribution of sp ecific EPIC CAL-CLOSED exp osure times b etween different readout modes and filter combinations should roughly b e: · for pn: CAL-CLOSED Full Frame : CAL-CLOSED Extended Full Frame = 3 : 1 · for MOS: always CAL-CLOSED Full Frame Additionally, CLOSED exp osures of 10 ks are needed to track the state of variations in the quiescent particle background. As of the first semester of 2009 they are p erformed twice yearly, preferentially b etween orbital phases 0.3 and 0.7. They will b e complemented by taking MOS CLOSED exp osures during slews (instead of CAL-CLOSED) every four revolutions (as a baseline). The readout modes should b e: · for pn: CLOSED Full Frame · for MOS: CLOSED Full Frame Diagnostics and Noise mode exp osures: MOS diagnostic images should b e taken twice p er year parasitically to OM routine calibration observations for 10 - 15 ks. The filter and readout modes are:

· scheme 1 ( 15 ks): all CCDs Full Frame, 3 exp osures p er CCD · scheme 2 ( 7+7 ks): 10 exp osures Small Window CCD1 + 1 exp osure Full Frame all p eripheral CCDs 5 exp osures Large Window CCD1 + 1 exp osure Full Frame all p eripheral CCDs

EPIC-pn should b e scheduled twice p er year in Full Frame Noise mode, p ossibly in parallel with the MOS Diagnostic mode observations (details are defined in the yearly skeleton plans).

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Time budget: 20 ks + overheads for the CLOSED for quiescent particle background monitoring. The rest of the observations are p erformed during slews and calibration observations where EPIC is not prime, so there is no impact on the time available for science.

Effective Area, Gain/Offset Monitoring

The target for the EPIC effective area and gain/offset monitoring is the SNR 1ES 0102-72. As of the second semester of 2010 the SNRs Tycho and N132D were removed from the Routine Calibration Plan to allow the observation of Orionis. However, in 2013 N132D was reintroduced in the Routine Calibration Plan, replacing Orionis to provide a longer baseline for the monitoring of changes in the MOS effective area (see § 1ES 0102-72 should b e scheduled twice p er year for 35 ks at a p osition 50" offset from the MOS patch. MOS cameras will b e in Large Window mode with the THIN filter in place, pn in Small Window mode with THIN filter. For this SNR the p ointing coordinates might need to b e adjusted (dep ending on the p osition angle) to re-centre the slightly extended sources in the pn Small Window field of view. The observations of 1ES 0102-72 are also of imp ortance to RGS for monitoring purp oses provided the p ointing direction is prop erly constrained. The PA should b e constrained in the interval 205 ± 15 . For the Vela SNR observation (cf. also § b elow), the same spacecraft p osition angle (PA) should b e kept for rep eated observations (i.e. they should always b e observed at roughly the same time of the year). The PA should b e constrained in the range 102 ± 15 . Stability of the Boresight the b oresight was scheduled once after every eclipse of XMM-Newton op erations with targets NGC 2516 the routine calibration plan and should b e requested servation (NRCO).

In the past a test to check the stability of seasons and once p er year after two years or OMC2/3. This has b een dropp ed from (if needed) as a non routine calibration ob

Monitoring of Sp ectral Capabilities and Contamination

The b est suited target in the past for the check of sp ectral capabilities seemed originally to b e MS 1229.2+6430 which was planned to b e scheduled on request. The pn team prop osed as replacement target Vela SNR to routinely monitor the low energy part across the face of the detector. This target should b e scheduled once p er year for 60 ks with EPIC cameras in Full Frame mode. The calibration source + scientific filters CAL-MEDIUM (MOS) and CAL-THIN (pn) shall b e used. Detector Energy Resp onse and Redistribution Monitoring

To monitor the EPIC energy redistribution, the isolated neutron star RX J1856.6-3754 should b e observed twice p er year with Small Window THIN filter exp osures. MOS calibration needs imp ose the observation to b e p erformed once at a p osition 50" offset from the MOS patch, once on the patch p osition. As also RGS is using this target for monitoring purp oses, the observing time was increased to 70 ks and will b e counted half and half for EPIC and RGS, resp ectively. This target is additionally used to monitor the resp onse stability (i.e. contamination). As of the second semester of 2010, the star Orionis was included in the RCP to monitor the energy redistribution, thanks to the prominent and well separated Carb on and Oxygen lines.

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This target was replaced by N132D in 2013, in order to provide a longer time baseline to study the evolution of the MOS effective area. This source is also used for monitoring the stability of the pn. It should b e observed once p er year for 45 ks in Large Window (MOS) and Small Window (pn) mode with the THIN filter. The PA of the observation should b e fixed to 248.5 . An annual observation of the the routine calibration target Puppis (§ 2.1.5) will also b e used for this monitoring task. In addition, Puppis will b e observed once every two years at 50 offset for the MOS off-patch resp onse monitoring. The PA of this observation should b e 112 . Monitoring of Relative and Absolute Timing Capabilities

The Crab pulsar should b e scheduled twice p er year for 10 ks each to monitor the EPIC timing capabilities. Both of the 10 ks total time visits should b e split into two2 5 ks p ointings: pn in Burst and Timing Mode with the THICK filter in place. Ideally, these two p ointings should b e scheduled at different phases of a single orbit to cover different time delays and ground station data links. For RGS the following setting is used: · RGS 1: 1 exp osure CCDs: - - 3 4 5 - - - · RGS 2: 1 exp osure CCDs: - - 3 - 5 6 - - Periodic MOS 1 CCD 6 health check

A test will b e p eriodically done to check variations in the damaged status of MOS1 CCD3 and CCD6. The test shall b e p erformed once p er year, nominally ab out 2 months b efore the yearly EPIC Op erations and Calibration meeting. It will b e p erformed through an Observation Change Request (OCR) issued by the Instrument Engineer and implemented by the Spacecraft Controllers. The test can b e done during slews, p eriods of high radiation or outside the observation window but it cannot b e done during op erations which require a change in the BRAT. The tests consists in sending a sp ecific Sup er ED (EE7960, "CCD6 HEALTH CHECK"; total duration 1226 seconds) after verification that the filter wheel is in the CLOSED p osition. This test does not use science time. 2.1.2 RGS Routine Calibration Monitoring

It is assumed, unless otherwise stated, that during the RGS calibration observations all EPICs will op erate the first 10 ks with filters followed or preceded by CAL-CLOSED observations (details are defined in the yearly skeleton plans). The 10 ks exp osures with filters different than CAL-CLOSED will b e scheduled in the part of the observation closest to ap ogee, e.g. at the b eginning of the observation if it is scheduled at the end of the revolution. Confirmation of the Wavelength Scale

Up to the first semester of 2012, the confirmation of the RGS wavelength scale was accomplished with routine observations of AB Dor with one 12.5 ks Thick Filter and one long EPIC CLOSED/CAL-CLOSED exp osure (see § p erformed in parallel. AB Dor is always visible and was scheduled once p er year for 50 ks. Subsequently, AB Dor was removed from the RCP to increase the time allocation to PKS 2155-304 (see § The XMM-Newton RGS gain
Three p ointings (total exp osure time 15 ks) up to the first semester of 2012. The numb er of exp osures has b een reduced due to shrinking visibility.

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and CTI monitoring calibration and occasionally cross-calibration target Cap ella (see §, originally also listed in the RCP as wavelength calibrator, has b een used since for this RGS monitoring task. Long-wavelength Calibration

A single annual 100 ks observation of PSR B0833-45 should b e executed to monitor the RGS long-wavelength calibration. The PA should b e constrained in the range 294 ± 15 to ensure that the same region of this extended source is encompassed by the RGS ap erture. Monitoring of Effective Area

The effective area should b e monitored by two observations p er year of Mkn 421 (replacing PKS 2155-304 as of 2015). These observations should b e executed through varying the p ointing direction in five steps along the disp ersion axis in order to mitigate the effects of bad pixels and other instrumental features. The exp osure time for each step should b e 20 ks. The resp ective p ointing offsets are: -30 , -15 , 0 , +15 , +30 3 . The parallel EPIC exp osures with filters other than CAL-CLOSED should corresp ond to the 0 offset. The XMM-Newton cross-calibration target 1ES 1553+113 (see § 2.1.4) can also help in this monitoring task. Up to the 2nd semester of 2011, Mkn 421 was used for this purp ose (two 60 ks observations p er year). It needed to b e replaced due to decreasing visibility. The soft isolated neutron star RX J1856.6-3754 is a shared target b etween EPIC and RGS to calibrate the long wavelength effective area. This is the primary target for the measurement of the contamination time evolution (see § for details of the b oresight and instrumental configuration). Gain and CTI Monitoring

One observation p er year (60 ks) should b e p erformed on Cap ella for this purp ose. Moreover, Mkn 421 should b e observed once every two years for 20 ks at large cross-disp ersion offsets for CTI monitoring. This observation should b e split in two observations of 10 ks each at opp osite cross-disp ersion offset of ±2 . Sco X-1 (one CCD at a time to cop e with high telemetry rate) should b e observed only if required (on-axis, 2 ks p er CCD) e.g. after ma jor solar flares. When necessary, sp ecific observations on Sco X-1 with off-axis p ointing p ositions in the cross-disp ersion will b e requested. 2.1.3 OM Routine Calibration Monitoring

Quoted times for OM include op erational overheads. It is assumed, unless otherwise stated, that all EPICs will op erate in CLOSED/CAL-CLOSED (details are defined in the yearly skeleton plans) and b oth RGS will op erate in the standard sp ectroscopy mode with all CCDs read during the OM calibration observations. Monitoring the Grisms Absolute Flux Calibration

Once p er year the two sp ectro-photometric standard targets GD153 and HZ 2 should b e scheduled for 15 ks each. The observation of HZ 2 is also used to monitor the wavelength scale of
This "symmetric pattern" was introduced in the first semester of 2008. Previously, the following "asymmetric pattern" was b eing used: -30 , -15 , 0 , +10 , +20

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the visible grism. Since the observations are p erformed with all filters and grisms, they are also used for photometric p erformance monitoring of the filters. Monitoring of the Visual and UV Grisms Wavelength Calibration

As mentioned ab ove, HZ 2 is used for wavelength scale monitoring of the Visible grism4 The star will b e offset to monitor wavelength variations across the field of view. This observation uses 15 ks, split in two to allow for the p ointing offset. Monitoring the Photometric Calibration

Two targets will b e used for this purp ose: BPM 16274 with two observations p er year for 15 ks each, and the standard field SA 95-42 only once p er year with 35 ks. Engineering Mode Observations

These typ e of exp osures should b e p erformed whenever the OM does not allow any filter observations but needs to b e blocked b ecause of bright optical sources. A recip e on how to chose engineering mode sequences based on the time available was provided by the OM calibration scientist. Currently the following version applies: Ob Le [k -5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 s. ng s] -OM Sequence of Engineering Modes Length [s] ----------------------------------------------------------------------3675 Flat low 8908 E6, Flat low, Dark low 13736 E6, Flat high 17411 E6, Dark low, Flat high 24360 Flat high, Full Frame High Res. 29593 E6, Flat high, Full Frame High Res., Flat low 33268 E6, Flat low, Dark low, Full Frame High Res., Flat high 38096 E6, Flat high, Flat high, Full Frame High Res. 41771 E6, Flat high, Flat high, Full Frame High Res., Flat low 48720 Flat high, Flat high, Full Frame High Res., Full Frame High Res. 53953 E6, Flat high, Flat high, Full Frame High Res., Full Frame High Res., Flat low 57628 E6, Flat high, Flat high, Full Frame High Res., Full Frame High Res., Flat low, Dark low 64014 E6, Flat high, Flat high, Flat high, Full Frame High Res., Full Frame High Res., E6

th ---10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55

55 - 60 60 - 65 65 - 70

these observations do not reduce the time available for science.

An additional 15 ks observation of HD13499 was removed in the 2nd semester 2013.

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Flat fields and dark frames

Indep endently of the Engineering observations describ ed in Section, flat fields and dark frames should b e obtained more or less p eriodically at time intervals around 10 days. The ODB activities "FLAT LOW" and "DARK LOW" shall b e used resp ectively. These observations should b e scheduled during slews. The default duration of DARK LOW is 4109 s (1500 s exp osure time + 2609 s overhead), and of FLAT LOW 4140 s (1500 s exp osure time + 2640 s overhead). The distribution b etween flat fields and dark frame exp osures is established by the following rule: every four revolutions, a Rule & Constraints File (RCF) is uploaded, which yields flat field exp osures during slews (when sufficient observing time is available to accommodate them); otherwise a RCF is uploaded, which yields dark frame exp osures during slews. 2.1.4 XMM-Newton Cross Calibration

In 2003, a ma jor cross-calibration campaign started at the XMM-Newton SOC in collab oration with the Instrument Principle Investigator teams. After reaching a good status for the calibration of the individual instruments, the pro ject decided to put significant efforts b oth into the internal agreement of the XMM-Newton detectors and the cross-calibration with other observatories, esp ecially with the Chandra X-ray satellite. The main cross-calibration target with Chandra/Suzaku/Swift has b een PKS 2155-304 until 2014. As of 2015 it is replaced by 3C 273, as PKS 2155-304 is too steep, and therefore too weak, for NuSTAR, which joined the campaign soon after its launch. The multi-mission crosscalibration target is observed once p er year in spring for 60 ks exp osure time simultaneously to these missions. For internal cross-calibration 3C 273 was used together with PKS 2155-304. As of 2013 3C 273 is replaced by the blazar 1ES 1553+113 (Perlman et al., 2005, ApJ, 625, 727). This target was selected from an XMM-Newton-based study of a large sample of blazar (de la Calle-P`rez e et al., in prep.) complemented with the CAIXA sample of radio-quiet AGN (Bianchi et al., 2009, A&A, 495, 421). According to the results of this study, 1ES 1553+113 is the X-ray brightest AGN in the 2­10 keV energy band, whose X-ray sp ectrum is only negligibly affected by intervening obscuration, and not (or only marginally) affected by pile-up even in Small Window Mode. The last conditions ensures that one does not need to excise the PSF core when extracting scientific sp ectra. The cross-calibration results would b e therefore not affected by any additional systematic uncertainties due to the Encircled Energy Fraction correction. This blazar may occasionally b e replaced by Cap ella on request. The setup for these cross-calibration targets is: 3C 273: · EPIC-pn: Small Window, THIN filter · EPIC-MOS: Small Window, MEDIUM filter · RGS: sp ectroscopy 1ES 1553+113: · EPIC-pn: Small Window, MEDIUM filter · EPIC-MOS: Small Window, MEDIUM filter · RGS: sp ectroscopy

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XMM-Newton Long-Wavelength Resp onse

This routine calibration task will b e addressed by one annual 60 ks observation of Puppis. EPIC will normally b e scheduled with Small Window THICK filter exp osures, see §


Deviations from the RCP

In a few occasions, the RCP has b een temp orarily modified to accommodate sp ecific exp eriments within the RCP budget. These changes have implied modifications of the allocated time for sp ecific targets, and/or changes of the instrumental configuration. These changes are listed in this Section.


2nd semester 2014
· the MOS1 is op erated with the MEDIUM Filter while observing 1ES 0102-72, to allow evaluating any damages to the optical filter which might have occurred during the MOS1-CCD3 event (p ossible micrometeorite impact) in Rev.#2382.


2nd semester 2013
· the observation of 1ES 0102-72 shall b e p erformed with the same instrumental configuration, detector coordinate p osition, and p osition angle as in Rev.#1443, to ensure that the comparison of the measured count rates provides a direct measurement of the MOS effective area degradation. The same applies to the observation of N132D, which shall b e p erformed with the same instrumental configuration, detector coordinate p osition, and p osition angle as in Rev.#1311 (due to p ositional angle constraints, this observation must b e scheduled in the first semester 2014).


1nd semester 2013
· the observation of RX J1856.6-3754 is p erformed at the same p osition in detector coordinates as in Rev.#1335, to allow a direct comparison of the observed flux well-off patch and at the same vignetting p ositions.


2nd semester 2012
· The observation of 1ES 1553+113 is replaced by an observation of 3C 273 coordinated with NuSTAR, in the framework of the Chandra-NuSTAR-XMM-Newton cross-calibration program. · The observation of 1ES 0102-72 is p erformed on-axis, and split in 3 exp osures of 15 ks each (i.e., 45 ks net exp osure time are planned in 2012-2013 rather then the allocated 30 ks). In each exp osure a different EPIC optical blocking filter is used: THIN, MEDIUM, THICK. The main goal of this exp eriment is to disentangle the dep endency on time and filter in the long-term evolution of the Oxygen and Neon line complex normalisations in the MOS sp ectra (Plucinsky et al., in preparation). This observation aims also at checking the quality of the relative filter calibration.

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1st semester 2012

One of the two EPIC-pn Burst Mode exp osures on the Crab Nebula is p erformed with the offset map calculated with the CLOSED filter. The primary aim of this exp eriment is testing the effect of X-ray loading on sp ectra in Timing Mode. The op erational requirement of this exp eriment are laid down in EOR-10


2nd semester 2011
· the B0102-72.3 EPIC-pn exp osure is p erformed in Timing Mo de, in the framework of its overall recalibration exercise. An observation of the same target at a p osition close to the readout node is requested in the same semester as NRCO · the time allocated to RX J1856.6-3754 is increased to a total of 100 ks net exp osure, split in four observations of 25 ks net exp osure time each. This has b een decided to accommodate a raster exp eriment along the EPIC-pn RAWX coordinate, aiming at verifying the p ositional dep endence of the EPIC-pn soft energy resp onse. The time increment does not impact the overall calibration time budget b ecause the net exp osure time on Orionis is reduced to 45 ks · one of the two EPI in Timing Mo de, primary aim of this Timing Mode. This C-pn Burst Mode exp osures on the Crab Nebula is p erformed with the offset map calculated with the CLOSED filter. The exp eriment is testing the effect of X-ray loading on sp ectra in requires manual intervention via an OCR (see EOR-9).

· the RGS exp osure of Capel la is p erformed in multi-p ointing mode, using a 2âfaster readout sequence for those CCDs where the brightest lines (e.g., Fexvii, Ovii) are located in order to mitigate pile-up in the line core. The following non-standard sequences have b een implemented: ­ RGS1: 125634568956 ­ RGS2: 125637568956


Term Planning Skeleton

Routine calibration monitoring formally has started after the revolutions affected by the Cluster launch (i.e. after rev. 113). Every year a planning skeleton of the up coming routine calibration observations is defined in agreement with the calibration scientists and instrument teams. This plan may b e included in the general long-term plan for all XMM-Newton observations that is available from the WWW at http://xmm.esac.esa.int/external/xmm sched/advance plan.shtml. As mission planning constraints can cause a scheduling different from that in the routine calibration planning skeleton, the XMM-Newton Observation Log Browser should b e checked for info on the actual scheduling and success of a sp ecific routine calibration observation (see URL http://xmm.esac.esa.int/external/xmm obs info/obs view frame.shtml). The "XMM-Newton Observation Lokator" (http://xmm2.esac.esa.int/external/xmm sched/obs lokator/index.php) can b e used to look for targets included in the Routine Calibration Plan but not scheduled yet.

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All detailed routine calibration observation implementation plans from 2003 onwards can b e found in the EPIC internal calibration web pages: http://xmm2.esac.esa.int/xmmdoc/internal/int cal instr supp/epic/idt.php. Older plans ~ are listed in the subsection b elow. 4.1.1 Planning skeleton for part of year 2000

Planning of XMM-Newton routine calibration monitoring after rev. 113 for the year 2000.
R R R p O e e e r c v v v i t o o o o o l l l r b uti uti uti to er, ons 122 - 125: affected by Cluster launch on 121: OY Car, OM fast mode test on 122 or 123 (if possible): pn CTI check (20 h) Rev. 125: PG0136+251, EPIC contamination after eclipses: NGC 2516, EPIC metrology


Routine calibration plan for Jan - Mar 2001

Planning for the routine calibration observations in Jan-Mar 2001 (i.e. revolutions from 196 to 239).
R > > > > ~ > > ~ e = = = = = = = = v. Target -------------196 AB Dor 196 N132D 208 HR1099 219 Sco X-1 220 EXO0748 225 Capella 238 RXJ0720 239 AB Dor -------------Visib. -------196-239 196-236 208-223 219-230 196-239 225-239 238-239 196-239 -------Time ------50ks 25ks 40ks ~20ks ~50ks 30ks 55ks 50ks ------Objectives ---------------------------------------------RGS wavelength EPIC eff area, gain, offset RGS wavelength RGS CTI, EPIC burst, RFS, ff-> PSF wings OM contam & calib (replaces LBB227) RGS wavelength EPIC contamination RGS wavelength -----------------------------------------------

Assuming an average of 2ks for instrument set-up overheads and 6ks for slews (CLOSED+OPEN), the total amount of time to be spent for routine calibrations in these three months is ~380 ks.

Comments: N132D analysis of previous failure still p ending - was replaced by an observation of NGC 2516. RXJ0720 probably needs ma jor up dates of SAS and DB to allow correct analysis of earlier observation - on hold. The last AB Dor observation was dropp ed as Cap ella was late and as the next AB Dor observation is planned for rev 250 already. 4.1.3 Routine calibration plan for Apr - Jun 2001

Planning for the routine calibration observations in Apr-Jun 2001 (i.e. revolutions from 240 to 286).
R = ~ = ~ e > = > = v. Target -------------240 1ES0102 250 AB Dor 256 Mkn421 260 EXO0748 Visib. ---------240-276 240-286 256-271 240-286 Time ------30ks 50ks 50ks 35ks Objectives --------------------------------------------EPIC gain/offset & eff. area RGS wavelength RGS eff. area OM photomometry (last done in 212 TBC)

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50ks 100ks

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RGS wavelength RGS eff. area (not visib. 284, should be coordinated with SAX(?)/Chandra) & OM contamination ~= 280 AB Dor 240-286 50ks RGS wavelength -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Assuming an average of 2ks for instrument set-up overheads and 6ks for slews (CLOSED+OPEN), the total amount of time to be spent for routine calibrations in these three months is ~440 ks (~ 7% of available time).

~= 265 => 277

AB Dor 3C273

240-286 277-286


Routine calibration plan for Jul - Dec 2001

Planning for the routine calibration observations in Jul-Dec 2001 (i.e. revolutions from 287 to 378).
R = ~ ~ ~ > ~ ~ ~ < Objectives --------------------------------------------OM photometry RGS wavelength scale EPIC gain/offset & eff. area RGS wavelength scale EPIC stability of boresight (after eclipse) OM photometry (raster) EPIC gain/offset & eff. area RGS wavelength scale RGS eff area (coord), OM photometry, EPIC (parasitically) spectr. capab. & contam. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------o s C n e te: 3C273 might be replaced by PKS2155. suming an average of 2ks for instrument set-up overheads and 6ks for slews LOSED+OPEN), the total amount of time to be spent for routine calibrations these six months is ~452 ks. If one assumes 10432ks available time the rcentage of time for routine calibration will be ~4.3%. e > = = = 3 = = = = v 2 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 . 9 1 2 4 4 5 7 7 8 Target -----------1 G153 0 HR1099 5 N132D 0 AB Dor ? NGC2516 1 EXO0748 0 N132D 0 AB Dor 0 3C273 Visib. Time ----------------291-312 30ks 301-316 40ks 287-378 25ks 287-378 50ks 287-378 20ks 287-378 40ks 287-378 25ks 287-378 50ks 368-381 100ks

N A ( i p

As the OM team suggested, there might be some more time needed for OM NRCOs.


Routine calibration plan for Feb - Jun 2002

Planning for the routine calibration observations in Feb-Jun 2002 (i.e. revolutions from 394 to 468). Note that in Jan 2002 no routine calibrations were p erformed due to mission planning constraints.
R > ~ ~ ~ ~ > ~ > e = = = = = = = = v 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 . 9 0 1 1 3 3 3 4 Target -----------6 LBB227 2 N132D 0 GD71 5 Capella 2 1ES0102 6 NGC2516 9 EXO0748 4 BPM16274 Visib. Time --------------396-409 15ks always 25ks 410-425 35ks 408-423 30ks 423-459 25ks always 20ks always 50ks 444-464 15ks Objectives ----------------------------------------------OM photometry EPIC gain/offset & eff. area OM spectrophotometric Grism RGS wavelength scale EPIC gain/offset & eff. area EPIC stability of boresight (after eclipse) OM photometry OM photometry

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100ks 50ks 35ks 25ks -----

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~=450 ~ ~ ~ A ( i t a = = = s C n i n 4 4 4 6 6 6 0 0 2 ---

PKS2155 AB Dor GD153 N132D ---------


always 460-468 always ----------

RGS eff area (coord), OM, EPIC (parasitically) spectr. capab. & contam. RGS wavelength scale OM spectrophotometric Grism EPIC gain/offset & eff. area ----------------------------------------------slews ations ble ks

suming an average of 2ks for instrument set-up overheads and 6ks for LOSED+OPEN), the total amount of time to be spent for routine calibr these five months is ~425+(12*8)=521ks. If one assumes 140ks availa me per revolution, the period covered here (75 revolutions) is 10500 d hence the percentage of time for routine calibration will be ~5%.

Comments: LBB227 has b een replaced by a NRCO: OM photometric zerop oints (target Feig 16 offset, 25 ks). GD71 was finally removed from the plan and replaced by target SA 95. NGC2516 was dropp ed in this term. 4.1.6
R 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 e 6 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 0

Routine calibration plan for Jul - Dec 2002
Objectives ----------------------------------------------EPIC gain/offset & eff. area OM spectrophotometry, EPIC (CAL)CLOSED O O E O O O R O R ( E E R ( O E O M M P M M M G M G a P P G c M P M grism wavelength (5x4ks raster) grism wavelength (3x4ks raster) IC (CAL)CLOSED (dedicated) UV flux (not 499) UV flux UV flux S wavelength scale, EPIC (CAL)CLOSED grism flux, EPIC (CAL)CLOSED S wavelength scale, EPIC (CAL)CLOSED fter eclipse, coord. with Chandra!) IC gain/offset & eff. area IC (CAL)CLOSED (dedicated) S eff area, OM & EPIC parasitically oord. with Chandra!),EPIC (CAL)CLOSED grism flux (ONLY IF NO AO-2 TARGET!) IC (CAL)CLOSED UV flux


v. Target Visib. Time ----------------------------9 N132D always 25ks 0 GD 153 460-474, 15ks 552-566 0 HD8867 465-480 28ks 0 HD13499 470-487 16ks 0 ? n.a. 23ks 9 Hz 4 486-501 4ks 9 GD50 484-499 4ks 9 BD+33 2642 478-499 4ks 0 HR1099 484-499 40ks 1 Hz 2 492-496, 15ks 501-506 5 Capella 501-517 30ks 1ES0102 ? PKS2155 NGC7293 517-551 n.a. 531-544 30ks 23ks 100ks 15ks 4ks 4ks 30ks 50ks 15ks -----

517 525 535 541 542 5 5 5 5 A ( i I ( 4 4 5 5 s c n f 9 2 7 0 2 -

534,535, 538-546 G93-48 533-535, 538-546 BD+284211 541-557 1ES0102 517-551 AB Dor always BPM 16274 537-556 -----------------------

OM UV flux EPIC gain/offset & eff. area RGS wavelength scale, EPIC (CAL)CLOSED OM spectrophotometry, EPIC (CAL)CLOSED -----------------------------------------------

suming an average of 2ks for instrument set-up overheads and 6ks for slews losed+open), the total amount of time to be spent for routine calibrations these six months is ~124ks+{11 targets*(2ks(overhead)+6ks(slew)}=212ks. one assumes 135ks available time per revolution, the period covered here 3 revolutions) is 12555ks and hence the percentage of time for routine

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calibration will be ~5%.

Comments: p erformed. as several s non-routine

HD8867 was finally removed from the plan. For HD13499 a 3 â 8 ks raster was Dedicated EPIC (CAL-)CLOSED observations in revs. 480 and 525 were dropp ed uch observations could b e p erformed parasitically to non EPIC routine cal. and cal. observations.