Äîêóìåíò âçÿò èç êýøà ïîèñêîâîé ìàøèíû. Àäðåñ îðèãèíàëüíîãî äîêóìåíòà : http://xmm.vilspa.esa.es/calibration/documentation/epic_cal_meetings/201203/calderon-cal-2012.pdf
Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Tue May 13 17:37:29 2014
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Wed Apr 13 13:35:27 2016

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: massive stars
Status of EPIC operations

Pedro CalderÑn Riaßo, ESAC Leicester BOC meeting 6-8 March 2012

Routine Operations
Nominal observations · See the Quarterly Status report at http://xmm.esac.esa.int/external/xmm_news/mission_status/index.php Eclipse season; nominal. · 21 earth eclipses, one earth + moon. · Some planning and ground station complications lead one day to PN CCD at -72 ºC (nominal -90), and MOS 1&2 CCD at -80 ºC (nominal -120) another day. Its still within limits. RBI clock resynchronization every ~194 days · One on August 30th 2011 · Other on March 11th 2012.

MOS1 CCD6 periodic check: no changes

Status of EPIC operations | Pedro CalderÑn Riaßo | ESAC | Status_Oper_2012.ppt | XMM-Newton | Pag. 2

Modifications in operations
PN new bad pixels · In CCD 5 at (13,25) and (13,26), in [1..64, 1..200] RAW coordinate convention. · First detected in May 2011, second on August. · Set as bad on-board since revolution 2149 (2


· Tested on and after eclipse season on FF and ExtFF modes. See Cal_Close at the beginning of revolutions 2203, 2206, 2216, 2217. PN Timing OC and Burst OC · Is being tested a different way of do Timing and Burst. The difference is that the Offset is calculated with the filter wheel in Close (OC). · Timing OC tested manually on Crab (obs id 0611181001) and Mkn 421 (0658800801). · Timing OC and Burst OC semi automated (super ED) test on Cal_Close on 4th Jan, rev 2211, Obs ID 9999993007 003 & 005. · Full automated tests on rev 2228 (Timing OC, Cal_Close), rev 2236 (Burst OC, Crab). More on rev 2239, 2243 (NRCO# 86, 87).
Status of EPIC operations | Pedro CalderÑn Riaßo | ESAC | Status_Oper_2012.ppt | XMM-Newton | Pag. 3

Modifications in operations

New ODB 6.12 · Released on 5th December 2011 · PN new bad pixels now are nominal configuration. · PN Timing OC & Burst OC Activities and Super EDs. Ready to be use operationally when requested.

MOS 2 using the B branch; · Every thing nominal.

Status of EPIC operations | Pedro CalderÑn Riaßo | ESAC | Status_Oper_2012.ppt | XMM-Newton | Pag. 4


Another false alarm REPEX saying CURRENTLIMITERSACTIVE in a not powered circuit, on 19th April 2011 (see NCR#133).
· This time was on the DOOR HOP circuit into PN EPDH. · This is the first time that happen in PN. So far happened 2 times in MOS1 and 1 on MOS2A, ever in circuits not powered at that time. · No impact, as per procedure.

· HBR 4 lost the synchronization with reason 0 (no fifo full), i.e. with unknown reason. · No scientific telemetry was received from that quadrant since them, and until the next observation, that was OK. · Any action was required.

Status of EPIC operations | Pedro CalderÑn Riaßo | ESAC | Status_Oper_2012.ppt | XMM-Newton | Pag. 5


MOS 1 voltage drop to 0 (24th Oct 2011) · EMAE +28V power line. The internal heater was unpowered and the temperature start decreasing, but the instrument continue observing some minutes until was powered OFF (safety manual procedure). · Recovered at switch ON. ·3

time that something similar happen on the 12 years of mission.

ESAM#7, on 10

December 2011

· Caused by incorrect configuration at ground sw. The instruments were safe. · PN electronic substitution heater switch had a SEU trip OFF along the manual recovery operation. No impact thank to IOE intervention. · Eclipse special monitoring for prevent a repetition, but didn't happen.

Status of EPIC operations | Pedro CalderÑn Riaßo | ESAC | Status_Oper_2012.ppt | XMM-Newton | Pag. 6

Impact of the solar activity

16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

Status of EPIC operations | Pedro CalderÑn Riaßo | ESAC | Status_Oper_2012.ppt | XMM-Newton | Pag. 7

Impact of the solar activity

Status of EPIC operations | Pedro CalderÑn Riaßo | ESAC | Status_Oper_2012.ppt | XMM-Newton | Pag. 8

Impact of the solar activity

The Solar Storms (flares, CMEs, high radiation in general) are returning · June 2011, days 7th and 8
th th

· January 2012, days 23rd to 26 · And more are expected.

and 27


to 30th

· Another 5 events with lower impact along 2011

· Each time the instruments need to be safe until the storm calm down. · Also are expected more SEUs (LCL trip off, memory corruptions, etc) · The procedures are ready (we were already here on the last solar maximum! ) · And the time not usable for science is tried to be used for calibration.

Status of EPIC operations | Pedro CalderÑn Riaßo | ESAC | Status_Oper_2012.ppt | XMM-Newton | Pag. 9


Really well, being older than designed And event testing new instrument modes.

Status of EPIC operations | Pedro CalderÑn Riaßo | ESAC | Status_Oper_2012.ppt | XMM-Newton | Pag. 10