Äîêóìåíò âçÿò èç êýøà ïîèñêîâîé ìàøèíû. Àäðåñ îðèãèíàëüíîãî äîêóìåíòà : http://xmm.vilspa.esa.es/calibration/documentation/epic_cal_meetings/200302/metcalfe_030203_sciops.pdf
Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Wed May 14 13:27:21 2014
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Wed Apr 13 13:41:35 2016

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: meteoroid


EPIC_10/1 on Munoz.
­ Closed: MS delivered Slew Data Files

· EPIC_10/2 on Smith: to verify whether PHS_tools
checks for optical loading in the complete pn fov
­ Open ??

· EPIC_9/2 on Altieri: to provide new CCFs reflecting the current MOS bad pixels.
­ Closed with latest CCF/SAS release

· EPIC_8/1 on Palombara: to propose work-around
for EMDH limitation of 50 bad pixels flagged per CCD
(cooling perhaps makes it less critical)
¡ ¢ ¸ ¤


(from cooling review)

AI Wrap-1: on the SOC (MK) to summarise current planning for
CALCLOSED measurements with a view confirming PI agreement to the strategy at the EPIC/TTD/Calibration meeting.

AI Wrap-2 : on the SOC (MK) to specify any ongoing monitoring of
CCD noise with a view to confirming a strategy with the PI at the upcoming EPIC TTD/Calibration Meeting.

AI Wrap-3 : on the SOC (MK) to specify current planning for brightpixel monitoring with a view to confirming a strategy with the PI at the upcoming EPIC TTD/Calibration Meeting.








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· · · · · ·




· Earth Limb constraint set (from 47) to 42 degrees · Single boresight died: it put the OVIII Ly alpha line onto RGS defect · Meteor shower avoidance :
­ Perseids (Revs.490 and 491) and Leonids (Revs.538 and 540) avoidance ­ probable meteoroid impact occurred on Rev.490 few-frame flash seen on MOS2: no lasting effects seen ­ in the following days the "MOS blobs" were noticed

· Eclipse season in September (another one coming up)




· · · MOS cooling (to -120) (see talk of LM)
­ new temperature calibration


pn Full Frame with masking tested (see talk of UB) optimization of the pn Offset per observation (see talk of EK)


RGS cooling (to -110) RGS HTR mode (not in A03)





· enhanced installation of SciSIM. Commitment to maintenance. · new portal for calibration: · Capella cross-calibration with Chandra:
GRB021004 killed first effort second attempt it went ahead with simultaneous observations

· See specific calibration talks and Cooling report

· · RGS IDT believes great improvements of wavelength calibration possible key is better pointing reconstruction.
¡ ¢ ¸

· XSA v1.5 release on 15/11/2002
­ Product and Postcard Server ­ custom retrieval ­ dataset size indicator ­ links to publications ­ tar option in shopping basket ­ quota on volume




· Version 5.4.1 of the Science Analysis System released · need a new SAS Manual version soon · full restructuring of the SAS web pages done in period · VilSpa took over of SAS RGS tasks from Columbia · second SAS workshop (very positive feedback)




· intensive efforts on HEASARC-based RPS tool for A03 · CD distribution to PIs to be discontinued beginning 2003
notification of data availability through XSA

· SOC contact for EPIC OPS/Cal. meetings

Marcus K.























A lloc ated c umulativ e ex pos ur e time: Suc c es s f ully obs er v ed c umulativ e ex pos ur e time:

Number of alloc ated tar gets 90 0 Number of s uc c es s f ully obs er v ed tar gets :

20 00 0 18 00 0 16 00 0 14 00 0 12 00 0 ksec 10 00 0 8 00 0 6 00 0 4 00 0 2 00 0 0 GT A O1 A O2 ToO

80 0 70 0 60 0 t a rg e t s 50 0 40 0 30 0 20 0 10 0 0 GT A O1 A O2 ToO

9 6 .0 %

9 1 .2 %

1 9 .1 %

9 3 .7 %

8 9 .6 %

1 6 .2 %





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¡ ©



RGS count rate bg region of CCD9

RGS count rate bg region of CCD9



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§ §

Time (~Revolution)





41-43 h after Perigee

38-41 h after Perigee

34-38 h after Perigee

29-31 h after Perigee








