Äîêóìåíò âçÿò èç êýøà ïîèñêîâîé ìàøèíû. Àäðåñ îðèãèíàëüíîãî äîêóìåíòà : http://xmm.vilspa.esa.es/calibration/documentation/epic_cal_meetings/200309/saclay03_minutes.pdf
Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Wed May 14 13:23:06 2014
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Wed Apr 13 13:32:40 2016
Meeting date 24.-25.09.2003 ref./rÈf. date de la rÈunion Saclay CEA Meeting place lieu de la rÈunion Minute's date dates de minute 07-10-2003 chairman prÈsidant Participant




1 5

S. Sembay

Andy Read Eckhard Kendziorra Frank Haberl Jean Ballet Konrad Dennerl Michael Freyberg Nicola La Palombara (partly) Philippe Ferrando Silvano Molendi Steve Sembay Ulrich Briel Leo Metcalfe Marcus Kirsch Matthias Ehle Michael Smith Tony Abbey Darren Baskel Bruno Altieri Guillermo Buenadicha Stephane Rives Monique Arnaud J.L Sovageot


EPIC CAL Meeting 12

copy/copi F.Jansen

P.O. Box 50727 - 28080 Madrid - SPAIN Tel. (34) 91 813 1100 - Fax (34) 91 813 1139
Minutes_of_Meeting_CAL_03_0 9_saclay.doc

24.-25.09.2003 meeting date date de la rÈunion ref./rÈf.

XMM-SAS-VILSPA/2002-77/Mn page/page 2 5

1 Epoch dependency of the MOS QE and RMF and cross-calibration with the pn S. Sembay)
· · · · · · · · · · Further investigation of MOS Low energy problem indicates presence of a QE and redistribution change introducing a Carbon edge and changing the optical depth of the O edge can explain the phenomenon. Linear increase of the C edge. Systematic comparison of AGN with smooth continuum shows better agreement in the energy range from 0.6-1.5 keV for the slops of the three instruments using the new QE. (-+ 0.1) For the energy range from 3-10 keV systematic differences for the MOS 1 of -0.1 in slope. Variation in oxygen edge: increase in optical depth. slight indication in 3C273 for an O-edge,, don't use that source for further o-edge calibrations Both MOS cameras show evolution in QE at "carbon" and oxygen Pn seems unaffected Carbion /oxygen ration and differences in epoch dependency not consistent with a singe compound Both MOS cameras show evolution in energy redistribution ASAP NRCO on RXJ 0720 for further checks

2 Routine Cross Calibration at Vilspa (M. Kirsch)

· Systematic analysis has been started at VILSPA by the Calibration scientists · ~25 targets will be used to establish a report on the current status of cross calibration for the X-ray instruments. · Work will be carried out interacting with the PI teams.

3 Analysis of the X-ray psf (A. Read)
· · · · spectra from annuli at 0, 5, 10, 15,...40 pixels of MCG-6-30-15 created appropriate RSPs and ARFs fit (power-law modelling) on the 2-10 keV single events. derived spectral slope for non-piled-up point sources is not independent of the extraction radius

4 Analysis of the optical psf (B. Altieri)

· MOS optical loading assessment in PHS-tools: OK for on-axis sources fraction of optical light in central pixel = ~1% (vs 2% in Lumb's model) but threshold raised to 50 ADUs/frame/pixel since AO1. Too conservative for off-axis sources - unchanged · EPIC-pn optical loading assessment in PHS-tools was much too conservative by a factor 6. Threshold raised for AO3 from 50 to 100 counts/frame/pixel · New diagnostics in THIN-filter this summer on OM cal. stars seems to show that optical loading is overestimated but contradictory results so far ...

24.-25.09.2003 meeting date date de la rÈunion ref./rÈf.

XMM-SAS-VILSPA/2002-77/Mn page/page 3 5

5 Vignetting (M. Kirsch)
· · · · · Optical axis values derived from Coma have been implemented in MISCDATA CCFs New BS misalignment angles have been calculated Astrometry was checked with OMC2/3 Vignetting correction for 3C58 for MOS1 /2 checked. Better than 1-2 % Further checks for pn underway ( G21.5 and Coma)

6 MOS Timing Mode (M. Kirsch) · 1E0102- 7219 in re v. 447 in LW a nd Timing mode for both c a mer as · ene r gy in Timing mode is o vercor rected b y up to 1.5 % · diffe re nces be twee n bo th MOSs in LW mode le ss tha n ~0.7 % · diffe re nces be twee n bo th MOSs in Timing mode less tha n ~0.5 % · proposa l: fix d iffe re nces b etwee n LW a nd Timing mode with a n e ne r gy depe nde nt tuning
func t io n (as a lso s ucce ss fully do ne for t he p n)

7 Flickering Pixels in MOS2 (J. Ballet)
· · Up to 8% flickering pixels for the different CCDs for MOS2 Not present for MOS1

8 Spatial and Temporal variation of the EPIC pn energy scale (K. Dennerl)
· · · · · · · Recipe for energy correction for pixels effected by corrupted values of the offset map, using offset table or 20ADU image superposition of Vela SNR observations confirms the presence of energy shifts in a ring-like structure with a similar shape as the ventilation hole in the electronic board below the CCDs : explanation: systematic deviations from exponential charge loss caused by optical/infrared light shining through the ventilation hole, which reduces the charge loss in this area due to partial saturation of traps evidence for degradation of CTI,, weaker time dependence (quadratic might be needed) sporadic shifts of up to 20 eV over the mission for the CALCLOSED data, could be related to high cosmic BG evidence for change in energy resolution: Mn 1 eV per year

24.-25.09.2003 meeting date date de la rÈunion ref./rÈf.

XMM-SAS-VILSPA/2002-77/Mn page/page 4 5

9 BG and SAS 6.0 pn
· · · · · · ·
-1 -1 -1

(M. Freyberg)

Still: in 2-7 keV range :10 cts s keV serendipitous calibration lines Spatial inhomogeneties of fluorescence lines Event pattern fractions dependence on mode, position and energy Decay of calibration source: longer exposures needed Discarded line counter vs. Background rate Archive reprocessing: DLI map analysis New time jumps created by improved OAL?!

10 Round table discussion on calibration observations and analysis strategy
· · · · · · · · · Proposal for low energy response monitoring MK Adjust MOS1 QE for higher energies to the pn SS RGS cross calibration CAS-A observation for EEF pn and MOS Timing Calibration of OFF axis: Silvano is interested: open issues: QE and redistribution: o Raster scans with N132D or 1E0102 needed to invest the OFF axis behaviour o Internal calibration source checks will be done by SM and DB BG workshop at Milano will have as output a thread to be made public at VILSPA BA,SM, ME WHAT will be in the new SAS 6.0 Refinement of MOS Gain SS Chains versus procs

11 actions
AI_EPIC_12_1: MK to provide a proposal for MOS LOW energy problem follow up measurements. AI_EPIC_12_2: MK to organise Cas-A observations for EFF calibration of pn AI_EPIC_12_3: BA to provide status of RGS versus EPIC BS with proposal to go for one BS. AI_EPIC_12_4: JB to provide VILPA with a tool to check MOS data for "3 missing raws" feature AI_EPIC_12_5: TA to provide VILSPA with new sequences with old BS AI_EPIC_12_6: MS/ME to make Offset maps available at VILSPA for the users & X-ray loading information. AI_EPIC_12_7: MK to follow up time jump problem. AI_EPIC_12_8: MK/LM to sort out possible resources for implementing Molendi/Sembay pile-up correction into SAS. AI_EPIC_12_9: SS to provide VILSPA with time dependent new QE files. AI_EPIC_12_10: SS to refine the ADUCONF files to cope with the slight over correction. AI_EPIC_12_11: BA/MS to review limits for optical loading in UHB

24.-25.09.2003 meeting date date de la rÈunion ref./rÈf.

XMM-SAS-VILSPA/2002-77/Mn page/page 5 5

12 Open old action items
AI_EPIC_CAL_11_6: RS to follow up the possible coordinate problem AI_EPIC_CAL_11_7: MK to implement values from filter CCF_6 in a new CCF AI_EPIC_CAL_11_8: EK/UB/MK to organise an observation with fixed offset upload in perigee AI_EPIC_CAL_11_5: Frank to verify pn QE with the Crab

EPIC_CAL_WORKSHOP AI_EPIC_CAL_021028_1: SS to check the implemented O edges AI_EPIC_CAL_021028_2: SS to check the filter transmission concerning carbon edge AI_EPIC_CAL_021028_3: SS to check if the excess between 1.8-2.2 keV could be cured with a different treatment of the Silicon edge, fluorescence, or gold edge. AI_EPIC_CAL_021028_4: SS to check QE (thickness of MOSs) for high energies

13 Closed old action items in period of last Cal_meeting to this CAL-meeting
AI_EPIC_CAL_030204_1: MK to ask for a long Vela operation (100 ksec) in order to measure possible CTE effects related to optical loading in pn ventilation hole done AI_EPIC_CAL_030204_2: MK/MS to follow up optical PSF/Xray PSF for PHS done AI_EPIC_CAL_030204_3: RS Request on model output for epatplot done AI_EPIC_CAL_030204_4: SS to provide MK with statement on low energy MOS flux problem done AI_EPIC_CAL_030204_5: SM to provide MK with statement on PS problem done