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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Wed May 14 13:33:17 2014
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Wed Apr 13 13:17:53 2016

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: âå÷íûé êàëåíäàðü
EPIC Cal­Ops meeting
June 6­7, 2001
Staff Meeting room (F10/F11),
1st floor of Physics and Astronomy Dept.,
Leicester University
June 6th, 14:00­18:20
Welcome M. Turner
1. Operations
1.1. Review of actions D. Texier 14:00
1.2. Real­Time Operations
1.2.1. Status of operations D. Texier 14:05
1.2.2. Status of EPIC operations S. Rives 14:15
1.3. Operations Monitoring
1.3.1. Status of radiation monitoring D. Texier 14:30
1.3.2. Impact of recent solar activity on MOS A. Tiengo 14:40
1.3.3. Impact of recent solar activity on PN M. Smith 15:00
1.3.4. Status of open NCRs D. Texier 15:20
== Coffee Break == 15:40­16:00
1.4. Uplink
1.4.1. Recent database & procedures updates S. Rives 16:00
for MOS & PN
1.4.2. Future database & procedures updates S. Rives 16:10
for MOS & PN
1.4.3. Implementation of single boresight: M. Casale 16:20
plan of action
1.4.4. Recent updates of MOS offset tables A. Tiengo 16:35
1.4.5. Status of EPIC Slew exposures D. Texier 16:45
1.5. EPIC On­Board S/W maintenance
1.5.1. Implementation of time­out task for PN G. Buenadicha 16:55
1.5.2. Planned/future changes of PN G. Buenadicha 17:10
On­Board S/WG.
1.5.3. Improving the offset calculation of the E. Kendziorra 17:20
On­Board S/W
1.5.4. Planned/future changes of MOS G. Buenadicha 17:30
On­Board S/W
2. Calibration MOS
2.1 CTI
2.1.1 Correlation between MOS CTI and A. Tiengo 17:40
event rate during high solar activity
2.1.2 CTI vs count rate D. Lumb 17:50
2.1.3 CTI correction on a per column basis P. Bennie 18:00
2.1.4 Cooling of CCDs and charge injection A. Abbey 18:10
== end of day 06/06/2001 == 18:20

June 7th, 09:00­17:30
2. Calibration MOS
2.2 MOS bad pixels monitoring A. Tiengo 9:00
2.3 Correlation of Gain variations with P. Bennie 9:10
H/K parameters
2.4 Response functions
2.4.1 Differences at low energies between S. Sembay 9:15
the PSF core of MOS1 and MOS2
2.5 Pile­up
2.5.1 Spectral and spatial deformations on P. Ferrando 9:30
piled­up sources
2.6.1 Energy dependence of PSF (on­axis) G. Griffiths 9:45
2.6.2 PSF off­axis calibration S. Molendi 9:55
2.7 Background
2.7.1 Fluorescence lines in EPIC MOS J.L. Sauvageot 10:05
2.7.2 Instrumental Bkg.: Spectral and S. Molendi 10:15
Spatial properties
2.7.3 Soft Proton Vignetting M. Dadina 10:25
2.8 Metrology M. Denby 10:35
2.9 New MOS modes A. Abbey 10:45
** Coffee Break ** 11:00­11:20
3. Calibration PN
3.1 PN bad pixels monitoring M. Smith 11:20
3.2 CTI and gain monitoring: update K. Dennerl 11:30
3.3 Gain/temperature correlation K. Dennerl 11:40
3.4 Status of the timing mode M. Kirsch 11:50
3.5 Status of the burst mode M. Kirsch 12:00
3.6 The EPIC­PN response matrix ­ single and F. Haberl 12:10
double pattern events in the imaging modes
** Lunch Break ** 13:00­14:00
3.6 The EPIC­PN response matrix ­ single and F. Haberl 14:00
double pattern events in the imaging modes
3.7 Properties of double pattern events K. Dennerl 14:10
3.8 SAS status of the CTI programs M. Freyberg 14:50
4. Vignetting D. Lumb 15:00
5. Cross calibration
5.1 PN/MOS spectral cross cal and XMM/EPIC S. Molendi 15:10
Chandra/ACIS Cross Cal
5.2 PN/MOS soft energy cross cal N. La Palombara 15:25
6. SAS Issues

6.1 Status of SAS v5.1 Scientific Validation D. Texier 15:40
** Coffee Break ** 15:50­16:10
7. Status and future of calibrations All 16:10
­ Analysis of routine calibration observation
­ Maintenance of current calibration files in SAS
­ Development of improved calibration (e.g pile­up, CTI, rmf)
8. Date and place of next meeting
No. of attendees = 30
EPIC ­ France: P. Ferrando, J.L. Sauvageot
Germany: U. Briel, K. Dennerl, M Freyberg, F. Haberl,
E. Kendziorra, M. Kirsch
Italy: M. Dadina, N. La Palombara, S. Molendi, G. Villa
UK: A. Abbey, P. Bennie, M. Denby, G. Griffiths, S. Sembay,
M. Turner
ESA ­ ESTEC: F. Jansen, D. Lumb
ESTEC/Leicester: R. Saxton
Vilspa: G. Buenadicha, M. Casale, M. Ehle, S. Rives,
P. Rodriguez, M. Smith, D. Texier, A. Tiengo,
SSC ­ France: J. Ballet