Calibration Access and Data Handbook
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Up: CAL_mosgainCorrect
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instrument, ccdChipID, ccdNodeID,FPAtemperature,observationStartTime,mode
- FPAtemperature or EMAE temperatures in principle may change the gain of the
pre-amplifiers, but TBD the temperature should be stable
At the moment we have gathered evidence that the temperature does change
and modifies the gain according to a component of the form
the detailed analysis of this feature is still underway
- Mode may in principle cause a change in gain if the readout
amplifier sampling sequence changes. It is TBD if we cope with changes in
the mode via an expanding list of modes, or via. a time dependent
association between logical RPS mode name and readout sequence
- observationStartTime - in addition to the above there will be the
possibility of secular changes in gain (radiation effects?) requiring a
modification in assumed gain values
The current implementation has no account of these items.
Michael Smith