Документ взят из кэша поисковой машины. Адрес оригинального документа : http://www.stsci.edu/~valenti/idl/struct_add_field.pro
Дата изменения: Wed Jun 22 06:07:45 2011
Дата индексирования: Sat Mar 1 23:59:56 2014

Поисковые слова: п п п п п п п п п п п п п п п п п п п п п п п п п
pro struct_add_field, struct, tag, data, before=before, after=after $
, itag=itag
;Add a new field to an existing structure. If the field already exists,
; the data will be copied into the existing field. Keyword may be used
; to control placement of a new field in the structure.
; tag (string) Case insensitive name for the new structure field. Leading
; and trailing spaces will be ignored. If the requested field already
; exists, the specified data are copied into the existing field.
; data (any) Data used to fill the new or existing field specified in tag.
; The dimensionality of data must agree with the dimensionality of struct,
; except that scalar data will be replicated into a vector structure, if
; necessary.
; [before=] (string) The new structure field will be created immediately
; before the first occurence of an existing structure field with the tag
; name specified by this keyword. An error occurs if the specified tag
; name does not already exist.
; [after=] (string) The new structure field will be created immediately
; after the first occurence of an existing structure field with the tag
; name specified by this keyword. An error occurs if the specified tag
; name does not already exist.
; [itag=] (scalar) The new structure field will be created in position
; itag, where itag=0 indicates that the new field should be created at
; the beginning of the structure, itag=1 indicates that the new field
; should be the second field in the structure, etc.
; struct (structure) structure to be modified.
; Add wavelength vector to structure:
; IDL> struct_add_field, sme, 'wave', wave
; Add integer mask vector to structure, setting each entry to 1.
; IDL> struct_add_field, sme, 'mask', 1
; 2003-Aug-11 Valenti Adapted from struct_delete_field.pro.
; 2003-Oct-23 Valenti Allow new field to be a structure with no nesting.

if n_params() lt 3 then begin
print, 'syntax: struct_add_field, struct, tag, data [begin=, after=, itag=]'

;Check that input is a structure.
if size(struct, /tname) ne 'STRUCT' then begin
message, 'first argument is not a structure'

;Check that no more than one of before=, after=, and itag= are set.
if keyword_set(before) + keyword_set(after) $
+ n_elements(itag) gt 1 then begin
message, 'specify no more than one of before=, after=, and itag='

;Check dimensionality of data.
nstruct = n_elements(struct)
ndata = n_elements(data)
if ndata ne 1 and ndata ne nstruct then begin
message, 'dimensionality of struct and data are incompatible'

;Get list of structure tags.
tags = tag_names(struct)
ntags = n_elements(tags)

;Check whether the requested field exists in input structure.
ctag = strupcase(strtrim(tag, 2)) ;canoncial form of tag
imatch = where(tags eq ctag, nmatch)
if nmatch gt 0 then begin
struct.(imatch[0]) = data ;overwrite data

;Figure out where to place the new tag.
if n_elements(itag) eq 0 then itag = ntags ;end of structure is default
if keyword_set(before) then begin
iwhr = where(tags eq before, nwhr)
if nwhr eq 0 then message, 'before=' + before + ' tag not in structure'
itag = iwhr[0]
if keyword_set(after) then begin
iwhr = where(tags eq after, nwhr)
if nwhr eq 0 then message, 'after=' + after + ' tag not in structure'
itag = iwhr[0] + 1

;Use first record as a template for new structure fields.
rec = struct[0]

;Copy any fields that precede target for new field. Append new field.
if itag gt 0 then begin ;target field occurs first
new = create_struct(tags[0], rec.(0)) ;initialize structure
for i=1, itag-1 do begin ;insert leading unchange
new = create_struct(new, tags[i], rec.(i))
new = create_struct(new, tag, data[0]) ;add new field
endif else begin
new = create_struct(tag, data[0]) ;start with new field

;Replicate remainder of structure after desired tag.
for i=itag, ntags-1 do begin
new = create_struct(new, tags[i], rec.(i))

;Handle trivial case when structure array contains only one element.
if nstruct eq 1 then begin
struct = new

;Create vector structure to match original dimensionality.
new = replicate(new, nstruct)

;Copy data into vector structure.
for i=0, itag-1 do new.(i) = struct.(i)
if size(data, /tname) eq 'STRUCT' then begin
for j=0, n_tags(data)-1 do new.(i).(j) = data.(j)
endif else begin
new.(i) = data
for i=itag, ntags-1 do new.(i+1) = struct.(i)
struct = new
