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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Wed Oct 12 23:07:29 2011
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Mon Oct 1 22:43:48 2012

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Ronald J. Allen
Resum´ e August 17, 2010

1 Ba 1.1 1.2 1.3 ckground Personal Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Academic Qualifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Career/Employment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . search Exp erience Main Field: Structure of Galaxies, Physics of the ISM, Star Formation. . . . . . . . Other Fields: Image Processing, Fourier Optics and Interferometry. . . . . . . . . . . Current Research Interests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 5 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 10 10 12 19 24

2 Re 2.1 2.2 2.3

3 National/International Scientific Advisory Committees 4 Ph.D. Theses Sup ervised 5 Ph.D. Theses Examined 6 Re 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 search Grants Obtained Ph.D. Students Sup ervised and Co-sup ervised Other Research Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . National Science Foundation Research Grants NASA Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Industrial Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

7 Fellowships, Honors & Awards, Memb ership in Professional So cieties 8 Teaching Exp erience 9 Invited Lectures 10 Invited Pap ers 11 Refereed Publications 12 Conference Pap ers 13 Other Publications



Personal Data
Ronald John Allen 12 Novemb er 1940 Prince Alb ert, Saskatchewan, Canada Canada, USA Married to Janice R. Nielsen three children; Melanie (b. 1969), Matthew (b. 1971), and Stefan (b. 1975)

Name: Birthdate: Birthplace: Citizenship: Marital Status: Family Status:


Academic Qualifications

· Bachelor of Arts, Honours Physics (1962); University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. · Ph.D., Physics (1967); Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U.S.A. · Postdoctoral Fellow of the National Research Council of Canada (1967, 1968); Observatoire de Paris, France.



· at the Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen, The Netherlands: ­ Postdoctoral Research Fellow (1/16/1969 ­ 1/1/1971); ­ Research Sup ervisor (3/1/1971 ­ 7/1/1972); ­ Lecturer Radio Astronomy (7/1/1972 - 1/1/1980); ­ Professor Radio Astronomy (1/1/1980-10/1/1985); ­ Chairman of the Astronomy Department (1982-1985); and, ­ Dean of the Subfaculty of Astronomy (1982-1985). · at the Department of Astronomy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: ­ Head of Department (1985-1988); and, ­ Professor of Astronomy (1985-1990). · at the Space Telescop e Science Institute, Baltimore, Maryland: ­ Tenured Astronomer (AURA) (1989-present); ­ Head of the Science Computing and Research Supp ort Division (1989-1995); ­ Head of the Research Programs Office (1995-1999); ­ Manager, Director's Discretionary Research Funds, (1999-2005); ­ STScI Sabbatical Leave, (1/2006 - 9/2006); ­ Head, Hubble and Giacconi Fellowship Programs (10/2006-present); and, ­ Synthesis Imaging Scientist, Space Interferometry Mission (2000-present). 1

· Present Employer: Space Telescop e Science Institute (STScI) 3700 San Martin Drive Baltimore, MD 21218, USA Telephone: (410) 338-4574 E-Mail Address: rjallen@stsci.edu · Home Address: 3900 Eland Road, Phoenix, MD 21131, USA Telephone: (410) 592-2770


Research Exp erience
Main Field: Structure of Galaxies, Physics of the ISM, Star Formation.
· more than 100 pap ers published in refereed journals and conference volumes; · one b ook co-edited: "The Milky Way Galaxy," eds. H. van Woerden, R.J. Allen, and W.B. Burton (Reidel, Dordrecht 1985).


Other Fields: Image Processing, Fourier Optics and Interferometry.

· more than 12 pap ers published in refereed journals and conference volumes; · two b ooks co-edited: ­ "Image Processing in Astronomy," eds. G. Sedmak, M. Capaccioli, R.J. Allen (Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste, 1979). ­ "The Restoration of HST Images and Sp ectra," eds. R. L. White and R.J. Allen (Space Telescop e Science Institute, 1991).


Current Research Interests

· Structure of galaxies from radio and optical observations; Physics of the ISM: ­ rotation and density-wave kinematics from radio HI and CO synthesis imaging and optical emission-line Fabry-Perot observations; mass distributions, spiral structure, star formation; ­ interstellar gas; the conversion of HI and H2 in galaxies into stars, relation of various comp onents of the interstellar gas to star formation, heating and cooling of the ISM; ­ radial and Z distribution of radio continuum emission and p olarization; cosmic ray content of galaxies, magnetic field structure; ­ search for cold molecular gas in the Galaxy and in nearby galaxies.


· Interferometry and ap erture synthesis; ­ image formation and Fourier optics at radio and optical wavelengths; ­ optical interferometry.


National/International Scientific Advisory Committees
· Memb er (1971-72, 1974-75, 1982-83) of the Program Committee for the Westerb ork Synthesis Radio Telescop e in the Netherlands. · Memb er (1976-78) and Chairman (1978-80) of the University Committee for the Purchase of Computing Machines (advisory b ody to the Regents of Groningen University). · Chairman of the Scientific Organizing Committee for IAU Symp osium 77 on "Structure and Prop erties of Nearby Galaxies" (1977). · Memb er of an advisory group (to the Europ ean Space Agency) on software for processing data from the Space Telescop e Faint Ob ject Camera (1979). · Memb er of an advisory panel to the British Science Research Council for the STARLINK Astronomical Data-Processing Computer Network (1979). · Memb er of the Scientific Organizing Committee for the International Workshop on Image Processing in Astronomy held in Trieste (1979). · Memb er of the Advisory Committee for the Nancay Radio Telescop e (1982). ¸ · Memb er of the Astronomy Section of the Academic Council, Ministry of Education and Science of The Netherlands (1982-85). · Department Chair and Dean of the Subfaculty of Astronomy, Groningen University (1982-85). · Head of the Department of Astronomy, University of Illinois (1985-88). · Memb er of the Visiting Committee, U.S. National Radio Astronomy Observatory (1986-89). · Memb er of the NSF Panel for the Review of AUI/NRAO (1987). · Memb er of the ad hoc Long-Range Planning Committee for NRAO (1988). · Chairman of the Visiting Committee, U.S. National Radio Astronomy Observatory (1988-89). · Consultant to the Space Telescop e Science Institute (1989). · Head of the Science Computing and Research Supp ort Division at ST ScI (1989-95); · Head of the Research Programs Office at ST ScI (1995-99). · Memb er of the Scientific Committee for the 4th International Workshop on Data Analysis in Astronomy held in Erice (April 1991). · Memb er, NASA Space Interferometry Science Working Group (SISWG) (1992-96). 3

· Memb er, Grant Selection Committee for Space and Astronomy, National Research Council of Canada (1994-97). · Memb er, JPL-STScI Study Team participating in the "Road Map for the Exploration of Neighb oring Planetary Systems (ExNPS)" (March-Septemb er 1995). · Memb er, Scientific Organizing Committee of the international symp osium New Extragalactic Perspectives in the New South Africa, Johannesburg, January 1996. · Co-author, Final Rep ort of the Space Interferometry Science Working Group (SISWG) (Spring 1996). · Memb er, NASA Science and Technical Review for SIM (the OSI - POINTS Downselect Panel, Houston, March 1996). · Memb er, NASA Space Interferometry Mission Science Working Group (SIMSWG) (19962000). · Ad-hoc memb er, SIM Technical Advisory Group (SIM Classic - SOS Architecture presentations, Feb. 3-4-5 1998; Downselect, Oct. 6-7, 1999). · Memb er, NASA Panel for the "Non-Advocate Review of Ground-Based IR Interferometry for Detecting Exozodiacal Dust" (May 1998). · Memb er, NSF Review Committee for the CHARA Mount Wilson Interferometer Array (March 1999). · Co-author of the JPL-SIMSWG rep ort "Space Interferometry Mission; Taking the Measure of the Universe" (March 1999). · Chair, Second NASA Panel for the "Non-Advocate Review of Ground-Based IR Interferometry for Detecting Exozodiacal Dust" (May-July 2000). · Memb er, Ball Aerospace Design Team for the Terrestrial Planet Finder (March 2000 - present). · Memb er, Evaluation Committee for Astronomy and Astrophysics in Sweden (June - August 2000). · Memb er and Mission Scientist, Science Team for the NASA/JPL Space Interferometry Mission (SIM) (2000 - 2010). · Memb er, NASA Review Panel for NRA-01-OSS-03 Keck Interferometer Commissioning Team Science (August 2001). · Memb er, and Science Co-Chair, NASA Indep endent Confirmation Assessment Team for FAME, the Full-Sky Astrometric Mapping Explorer satellite pro ject (Octob er-Decemb er 2001). · Memb er, NASA/JPL Technical Advisory Committee for the Terrestrial Planet Finder Mission (June 2004 - March 2006). · Memb er, 2006 Hubble Fellow Selection Committee. · Memb er, 2010 Steacie Award Selection Committee (NSERC Canada) 4


Ph.D. Theses Sup ervised
1. A.H. Rots (Groningen University, 1974), "Distribution and Kinematics of Neutral Hydrogen in the Spiral Galaxy M81" 2. J.M. van der Hulst (Groningen University, 1977), "The Distribution and Motions of Neutral Hydrogen in the Interacting Galaxy Pairs NGC 4038/39 and NGC 3031/77" 3. B.M.H.R. Wevers (Groningen University, 1984), "A Study of Spiral Galaxies" 4. R.P.J. Tilanus (Groningen University, 1990), "The Structure of the Spiral Arms in M51 and M83: An Observational Study" 5. L. Loinard (Universit´ de Grenoble, 1998), "Le Gaz Mol´culaire dans la Galaxies D'Androm`de". e e e 6. B. Holwerda (Groningen University, 2005), "The Opacity of Spiral Galaxy Disks". 7. J. Heiner (Groningen University, 2009), "A Comparison of Far-UV and HI Distributions in Nearby Galaxies". 8. M. Rodriguez (UNAM Morelia, Mexico, 2009), "An Investigation of the Molecular-RadioInfrared Correlation at Small Scales in the Galaxy".


Ph.D. Theses Examined
1. D. Emerson, Cambridge University (England) 1973; 2. J. Boulesteix, University Aix-Marseille (France) 1979; 3. M. Reakes, Cambridge University (England) 1980; 4. C.-F. Chen, University of Sydney (Australia) 1982; 5. M. Marcelin, University Aix-Marseille (France) 1983; 6. R.J. Sault, University of Sydney (Australia) 1985; 7. M.J. Kaufman, Johns Hopkins University (USA) 1994; 8. K.B. Fournier, Johns Hopkins University (USA) 1996; 9. A. Ferguson, Johns Hopkins University (USA) 1997 (regular examiner);

(Invited External Examiner unless stated otherwise)

10. P. Papadop oulos, University of Toronto (Ontario, Canada) 1998; 11. R. Cabanac, Laval University (Queb ec, Canada) 1998; 12. D. P. Munns, Johns Hopkins University (USA) 2002; 13. C. Danforth, Johns Hopkins University (USA) 2003; 14. P. Guillard, Univ. Paris-Sud (France) 2009; 15. L. Carlson, Johns Hopkins University (USA) 2010. 5


Research Grants Obtained
Ph.D. Students Supervised and Co-supervised

Funding source also identified. ZWO is the Dutch version of the U.S. NSF, the acronym was later changed to NWO. 1. A. Bosma (ZWO 1974-77). 2. H.C.D. Visser (1973-76). 3. B.M.H.R. Wevers (ZWO 1979-83). 4. R. Bottema (ZWO 1984-1988). 5. R.P.J. Tilanus (ZWO 1984-1988). 6. L. Loinard (STScI-DDRF 1996-97). 7. B. Holwerda (NASA-STScI-HST/AR grant, 2000-2005) 8. B. Emonts (STScI-DDRF grant, 2000-2001) 9. J. Heiner (STScI-DDRF Graduate RA Fellow, 2004-2007) 10. P. Machalek (JPL-SIM RA, 2005-2006) 11. J. Jia (JPL-SIM RA, 2006-...) 12. M. Rodriguez (STScI-DDRF Graduate RA Fellow, 2005-2008) 13. M. Safarzadeh (JHU Summer RA, 2010)


Other Research Grants

1. "Interacting Galaxies" (NATO PI travel grant 1975-76); 2. "Kinematics of the Interstellar Gas in Barred Spiral Galaxies" (NATO PI travel grant, 1981); 3. "A High-Bandwidth Imaging Workstation" (University of Illinois Research Board, $90,000 for Data processing hardware; 1986-87); 4. "Reduction of TAURUS-I I Data on Two Galaxies", and "Development, Testing, and Application of Data Cub e Analysis Scripts in IRAF", (supp ort for a 1/2 time data analyst, Director's Research Fund, ST ScI, 1989-90); 5. "Streaming Motions in the Arms of Spiral Galaxies" (partial supp ort for a PDF, $26,500 from the Director's Research Fund, ST ScI, 1991-92); 6. "Membrane Mirror Electronics" (STScI/DDRF, $10,000 in FY95 and $5,000 in FY96, for electronic parts); 7. "Structure of the ISM in M31" (STScI/DDRF, $18,000 in FY96 for a graduate student);


8. "Cold Molecular Gas and Star Formation in M31" (STScI/DDRF, $22,650 in FY97 for a GS); 9. "The AURA Graduate Student Program at STScI" (AURA, $25,000 annually); 10. "The STScI Postdoctoral Fellowship Program" (STScI/DDRF, $410,876 in FY97 - FY01); 11. "A Comparative Study of the Far-UV and HI Distributions in M81" (STScI/DDRF, $26,740 in 1997-98 for a GS/PDF); 12. "The STScI Institute Fellow Program" (STScI/DDRF, $136,000 annually, this sup ersedes the STScI Postdoctoral Fellowship Program listed ab ove); 13. "Galaxy Disk Opacity from Counts and Colors of Background Galaxies" (STScI/DDRF, $34,334 in 1998-99 for a PDF).


National Science Foundation Research Grants

The author was eligible for PI supp ort from the Astronomy Division of the NSF only during the p eriod August 1985 - July 1989. · "High-Resolution Observational Studies of the Structure and Evolution of Galaxies" (AST8715905, $130,000 over 2 years, with K.-Y. Lo).


NASA Grants

1. "The Opacity of Spiral Galaxy Disks" (NASA/AR, $48,710, 1997 for a PDF); 2. "A Consolidated Block Grant for the Reduction of ISO Data" (NASA, $73,600 in 1996-98); 3. " A Photometric Atlas of the Brightest Galaxies in the Deep est HST Fields" (NASA HST/AR, $51,604 in 1997-99 for a GS/PDF); 4. "How Opaque are Spiral Galaxies?" (NASA HST/AR, $69,500 in 1999 for 9 months of a PDF) 5. "Imaging Capability of Interferometric Arrays" (JPL, $324,794 for a PDF over 1996 - 2000) 6. "Crowded-Field Astrometry and Imaging with the Space Interferometry Mission" (JPL, Award for 2001 - present, $70,000 in FY09) 7. "An Initial Study of Imaging Capabilities of the Stellar Imager and Seismic Prob e SISP" (NAG5-9952/GSFC, $18,941 in 2000-2001, for PDF supp ort) 8. "An Initial Study of Imaging Capabilities of the SPECS/SPIRIT Concept Interferometers" (NAG5-11024/GSFC, $18,836 in 2001-2002, for PDF supp ort) 9. "A Study of Imaging Interferometer Simulators" (NAG5-11360/GSFC, $32,000 in 2001-2002, for PDF supp ort) 10. "Studies of the Ultimate Limits to Precision Astrometry with the Space Interferometery Mission" (JPL 2 yr PDF supp ort, 2004 - 2007, $209,615) 11. "SPECS Vision Mission Study" (Cornell U., $7,738 for PDF supp ort 2004 - 2006) 7

12. "SI Vision Mission Study" (GSFC, $10,000 for PDF supp ort 2004 - 2006) 13. "Studies of the Ultimate Limits to Precision Astrometry with the Space Interferometery Mission" (STScI DDRF, $12,000 for PDF supp ort in 2007)


Industrial Contracts

1. "Terrestrial Planet Finder Pro ject, Pre-Definition Studies" (Ball Aerospace, $29,000 in 20002001)


Fellowships, Honors & Awards, Memb ership in Professional Societies
1. Memb er of the American Astronomical Society (1965-72, 1986-present). 2. Postdoctoral Fellow, National Research Council of Canada (Paris-Meudon, 1967-68). 3. Memb er of the International Astronomical Union (1970-present). 4. Memb er of the Dutch Astronomical Society (1970-present). 5. Guest Lecturer in the Radio Astronomy Group, Cavendish Lab oratory, Cambridge (England, Spring 1971). 6. Memb er Royal Astronomical Society (1971-74). 7. Visiting Fellow of the "Institute des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques," Bures-sur-Yvette (France, Summer 1974). 8. NATO Senior Scientist Award (1975-76). 9. Visiting Research Scientist in the Astronomy Department, University of California, Berkeley (USA) (Academic Year 1975-76).

10. Visiting Research Scientist at the Asiago Observatory, University of Padova (Italy, summer 1981). 11. Adjunct Professor, Kapteyn Astronomical Lab oratory, University of Groningen (1986-1993). 12. Listed in Marquis's "Who's Who in America", starting with the 45th edition (1988) and continuing to the present (2011). 13. Visiting Professor, National Center for Sup ercomputing Applications of the University of Illinois (1989-1990). 14. Invited Workshop Organizer, XXI I International Cosmic Ray Conference, Dublin, Ireland (August 1991). 15. Adjunct Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland (1991-present). 16. Memb er, Commission J, International Radio Science Union (1991-present). 8

17. NASA Group Achievement Award, Comet Shoemaker-Levy Jupiter Impact Observation Team, May 30, 1996. 18. Invited Lecturer at the Space Interferometry Mission Tutorial, Pasadena, Octob er 27 - 28, 1997. 19. Invited Lecturer, JPL Interferometry Center of Excellence Tutorials on Interferometry, Pasadena, 1998. 20. Selected for long-term memb ership on the Science Team of the NASA Space Interferometry Mission as Synthesis Imaging Scientist (Decemb er 2000 - present). 21. Listed in Marquis's "Who's Who in the East", starting with the 29th edition (since 2002) and continuing to the present (37th edition, 2010). 22. Elected to the US National Committee for the IAU by the AAS memb ership to serve a 3-year term (2002 Jan. 1 - 2004 Dec. 31). 23. Listed in the International Biographical Centre's "Dictionary of International Biography" b eginning with the 31st edition (2004) and continuing to the present (32nd edition, 2005). 24. Invited Lecturer "Introduction to Fourier Optics", at the 2004 Michelson Summer School, held 20-23 July 2004 at Caltech, Pasadena. 25. Invited Lecturer on "Some Current Puzzles in the Study of Nearby Disk Galaxies", at the Winter School on Astrophysical Disks held 2005 January 16-30 at the Theoretical Institute for Advanced Research in Astrophysics (TIARA), National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. 26. Invited Lecturer on "HI as a Tracer for H2 " at the First Regional Local Galaxies Workshop held 2005 June 8 at the University of Hertfordshire in Hatfield, England. 27. Invited Lecturer on "On the Origin of HI in Galaxies" at the conference in honor of the 80th birthday of H. van Woerden, Groningen, 19-20 Octob er 2006. 28. Listed in Marquis's "Who's Who in Science and Engineering", starting with the 11th edition (2011) and continuing to the present.


Teaching Exp erience
· Design and construction of a two-element radio interferometer for student use on the campus of Groningen University, and the development of suitable exp eriments for it. · Presentation of graduate lecture courses at Groningen University: ­ "Instrument Theory and Observing Methods in Radio Astronomy"; ­ "Radio Astrophysics"; and ­ "Image Processing in Astronomy". · Sup ervision of the design and construction of a two-element radio interferometer for student use at the University of Illinois. 9

· Presentation of lecture courses at the University of Illinois: ­ "Interferometry and Synthesis Imaging" (graduate). ­ "Introduction to Astrophysics" (third-year undergraduate). · Presentation of graduate lecture courses at Johns Hopkins University: ­ "Image Formation and Image Processing" (fall 1991, fall 1993, fall 1995); ­ "Fourier Optics and Interferometry" (fall 1997). ­ "Fourier Optics and Interferometry in Astronomy" (fall 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009). · Regular sup ervision of Postdoctoral Fellows, summer students, senior-year research pro jects, and graduate Ph.D. theses.


Invited Lectures

Includes invited lectures, talks, and colloquiua for which no publication was produced. Invited pap ers are listed in the next section. 1. Invited Review Sp eaker, Ringb erg Workshop on Energetic Particles (Schloss Ringb erg/Munich, 1985). 2. Invited Review Sp eaker, Working Group on Internal Motions in Galaxies, XXI General Assembly of the IAU, Buenos Aires, Argentina (July 1991). 3. Invited Sp eaker on the sub ject of "The Structure of Spiral Arms" at the symp osium "Neutral Hydrogen in the Universe" held at Groningen, The Netherlands, in honor of H. van Woerden (August 1991). 4. Invited Review Sp eaker on "The Future of High-Resolution Astronomical Imaging" at the International Conference Working on the Fringe, Dana Point, California, May 24 - 27 1999. 5. Invited Sp eaker on "The Formation and Destruction of Molecular Clouds", at the Center for Star Formation workshop Star Formation in the Galactic Context, Santa Cruz, California, 14 - 19 July 2000. 6. Invited Sp eaker on "The Space Interferometry Mission", at the Physics- Astronomy Department, Johns Hopkins University, 28 Septemb er 2006. 7. Invited Sp eaker on "The Space Interferometry Mission", at the Kavli Center for Astrophysics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 6 March 2007. 8. Numerous colloquia, given most recently at Laval University, University of Montreal, NASAAmes/SOFIA Science center.



Invited Pap ers

This list includes (published) invited lectures at conferences as well as invited pap ers in review journals. 1. Allen, R.J. 1971, "Sp ectra Variations and Polarization of Radio Sources (Status Rep ort)," in Progress in Radio Science 1966-1969, Vol. 2, ed. J. A. Lane, J. W. Findlay, C. E. White (International Union of Radio Science, Brussels), p93-94. 2. Allen, R.J. 1975, "Radio Observations of Spiral Structures in Galaxies," in La Dynamique des Galaxies Spirales, ed. L. Weliachew (C.N.R.S. Colloquium #241), 157-195. 3. van der Kruit, P.C. & Allen, R.J. 1976, "The Radio Continuum Morphology of Spiral Galaxies," Ann. Revs. Astron. Astrophys., 14, 417-445. 4. van der Kruit, P.C. & Allen, R.J. 1978, "The Kinematics of Spiral and Irregular Galaxies," Ann. Revs. Astron. Astrophys., 16, 103-139. 5. Allen, R.J. 1979, "Exploring Methods of Effective Data Display in an Interactive Astronomical Data-Processing Environment," in Image Formation from Coherence Functions in Astronomy, ed. C. van Schooneveld (Reidel: I.A.U. Colloquium #49), 143-155. 6. Allen, R.J. 1979, "Data Processing and Data Display," in Reports on Astronomy, (Reidel: I.A.U. XVI I General Assembly), 162. 7. Allen, R.J. & Ekers, R.D. 1980, "Ten Years of Discovery with Oort's Synthesis Radio Telescop e," in Oort and the Universe, ed. H. van Woerden, W. N. Brouw, and H. C. van de Hulst (Reidel; Dordrecht), 79-110. 8. Allen, R.J. 1983, "Image Processing Techniques in Astronomy," in Three-day In-Depth Review on the Impact of Specialized Processors in Elementary Particle Physics, ed. Istituto Nazionale de Fisica Nucleare Sezione de Padova (Padova, Italy), 323-340. 9. Allen, R.J. 1985, "Introduction to Data Analysis Systems for Astronomy," in Data Analysis in Astronomy, ed. V di Gesu; L. Scarsi, P. Crane, J. H. Friedman, and S. Levialdi (Plenum; London), 157-163. 10. Allen, R.J., Atherton, P.D., & Tilanus R.P.J. 1985, "Spiral Structure and Kinematics of H I and H I I in External Galaxies," in The Milky Way Galaxy, ed. H. van Woerden, R. J. Allen, and W. B. Burton (Reidel; Dordrecht), 275-279. 11. Allen, R.J., Atherton, P.D., & Tilanus, R.P.J. 1985, "Large Scale Dissociation of Molecular Gas and Star Formation in M83," in Birth and Evolution of Massive Stars and Stel lar Groups, ed. W. Boland and H. Van Woerden (Reidel, Dordrecht), 243-252. 12. Allen, R.J. 1988, "Sidetracked", in Interstel lar Matter, ed. J.M. Moran and P.T.P. Ho (Gordon and Breach; New York), 373-385. 13. Allen, R.J. 1988, "Observations of Spiral Structure in Galaxies", in Applied Mathematics, Fluid Mechanics, and Astrophysics, a Symposium to Honor C.C. Lin, ed. D.J. Benney, F.H. Shu, and C. Yuan (World Scientific: Singap ore) 299-318. 11

14. Allen, R.J. 1996, "Molecular Gas in Spiral Galaxies", in New Extragalactic Perspectives in the New South Africa, eds. D.L. Block & J.M. Greenb erg (Kluwer; Dordrecht), 50-60. 15. Allen, R.J., & B¨ker, T. 1998, "Optical Interferometry and Ap erture Synthesis in Space with o the Space Interferometry Mission", in Astronomical Interferometry, ed. R. Reasenb erg & J.B. Breckenridge, SPIE, 3350, 561-570. 16. Allen, R.J. 2002, "On the Origin of HI in Galaxies: The Sizes and Masses of HI Photodissociation Regions", in The Dynamics, Structure, and History of Galaxies", eds. G. Da Costa & H. Jerjen, ASP Conf. Ser. #273, 183-194 (astro-ph/0203083). 17. Allen, R.J. 2004, "Photodissociation and the Morphology of HI in Galaxies", in Penetrating Bars Through Masks of Cosmic Dust: The Hubble Tuning Fork Strikes a New Note, eds. D.L. Block, I. Puerari, K.C. Freeman, R. Groess, & E.K. Block (Springer; Dordrecht), 731748 (astro-ph/0407004). 18. Allen, R.J. 2004, "Future Prosp ects for Very High Angular Resolution Imaging in the UV/Optical", in the sp ecial session on The UV/Optical Universe at Ultra-High Resolution, at the 204th meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Denver, 31 May 2004.


Refereed Publications

1. Allen, R.J. 1962, "A Demonstration of the Magnetic Mirror Effect," Amer. J. Phys., 30, 867-869. 2. Allen, R.J. 1967, "Observations of Several Discrete Radio Sources at 3.64 and 1.94 Centimeters," Ph.D. Thesis, Dept. of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 3. Allen, R.J., & Barrett, A.H. 1967 "Absolute Measurements of the Radio Flux from Cassiop eia A and Taurus A at 3.64 and 1.94 cm," ApJ, 149, 1-13. 4. Allen, R.J., Barrett, A.H., & Crowther, P.P. 1968, "Observations of the Radio Sources 3C84, 3C273, 3C274, and 3C279 at Short Centimeter Wavelengths," ApJ, 151, 43-52. 5. Allen, R.J. 1968, "The Absorption of Nonthermal Radio Radiation in Thermal X-Ray Sources," ApJ, 153, 389-396. 6. Allen, R.J. 1968, "Intergalactic Hydrogen in the Virgo Cluster of Galaxies," Nature, 220, 147-148. 7. Allen, R.J. 1969, "The Radio Sp ectrum of Virgo A from 1411.7 to 1423.8 Mhz," A&A, 3, 316-322. 8. Allen, R.J. 1969, "Intergalactic Hydrogen Along the Path to Virgo A," A&A, 3, 382-387. 9. Allen, R.J. 1970, "Stephan's Quartet?," A&A, 7, 330-335. 10. Allen, R.J., Darchy, B.F., & Lauque, R. 1971, "Radio Observations of Neutral Hydrogen in Four Seyfert Galaxies," A&A, 10, 198-204.


11. Allen, R.J. & Raimond, E. 1972, "A Radio Map of the Spiral Galaxy Maffei 2 at 1415 Mhz," A&A, 19, 317-325. 12. Allen, R.J. & Hartsuiker, J.W. 1972, "Radio Continuum Emission at 21 cm Near Stephan's Quintet," Nature, 239, 324-325. 13. Allen, R.J., Ekers, R.D., Burke, B.F., & Miley, G.K. 1973, "Prop erties of the Radio Continuum Emission from Interacting Galaxies," Nature, 241, 260-261. 14. Allen, R.J. & Sullivan, W.T. I I I 1973, "Observations at 1415 Mhz of Radio Sources in the Field of the Double-Galaxy System NGC 2798/99," A&A, 25, 187-190. 15. Ekers, R.D., Allen, R.J., & Luyten, J.R. 1973, "Interactive Processing of Map Data Produced by the Westerb ork Sup ersynthesis Radio Telescop e," A&A, 27, 77-83. 16. Goss, W.M., Allen, R.J., Ekers, R.D., & de Bruyn, A.G. 1973, "Variable Radio Emission from the Extragalactic Sup ernova 1970g in M101," Nature Phys. Sci., 243, 42-44. 17. Allen, R.J., Goss, W.M., & van Woerden, H. 1973, "The Giant Spiral Galaxy M101: I. A High Resolution Map of the Neutral Hydrogen," A&A, 29, 447-451. 18. Allen, R.J., Hamaker, J.P., & Wellington, K.J. 1974, "The Synthesis Radio Telescop e at Westerb ork: The 80-Channel Filter Sp ectrometer," A&A, 31, 71-78. 19. Israel, F.P., Goss, W.M., & Allen, R.J. 1975, "The Giant Spiral Galaxy M101: I I. Radio Continuum Emission from the H I I Regions and the Nonthermal Disk of M101," A&A, 40, 421-438. 20. Allen, R.J., Goss, W.M., Ekers, R.D., & de Bruyn, A.G. 1976, "The Giant Spiral Galaxy M101: IV. Observations of Variable Radio Emission from Sup ernova 1970g and Measurements of the Continuum Radio Structure of the Giant H I I Complex NGC 5455," A&A, 48, 253-261. 21. van der Kruit, P.C., Allen, R.J., & Rots, A.H. 1976, "Radio Continuum Emission from the H I I Complexes and the Nonthermal Disc of NGC 6946," A&A, 55, 421-433. 22. Allen, R.J., Baldwin, J.E., & Sancisi, R. 1978, "Radio Continuum Observations of the EdgeOn Disc Galaxy NGC 891," A&A, 62, 397-409. 23. Allen, R.J., van der Hulst, J.M., Goss, W.M., & Huchtmeier, W. 1978, "The Giant Spiral Galaxy M101: I I I. Integral Prop erties of Several Companion Galaxies Obtained from Neutral Hydrogen Measurements," A&A, 64, 359-366. 24. Allen, R.J. & Shu, F.H. 1979, "The Extrap olated Central Surface Brightnesses of Galaxies," ApJ, 227, 67-72. 25. Allen, R.J. & Goss, W.M. 1979, "The Giant Spiral Galaxy M101: V. A Complete Synthesis of the Distribution and Motions of the Neutral Hydrogen," A&A Supp., 36, 135-162. 26. Sancisi, R. & Allen, R.J. 1979, "Neutral Hydrogen Observations of the Edge-On Disk Galaxy NGC 891," A&A, 74, 73-84. 27. Allen, R.J. & Shostak, G.S. 1979, "Accurate 21-cm H I Sp ectra of Four Small Galaxies," A&A Supp., 35, 163-168. 13

28. Sancisi, R., Allen, R.J. & Sullivan, W.T. I I I 1979, "Neutral Hydrogen Observations of the Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC 5383," A&A, 78, 217-225. 29. Shostak, G.S. & Allen, R.J. 1980, "Accurate H I Profiles of Several Nearby Galaxies," A&A, 81, 167-171. 30. Allen, R.J. & Sullivan, W.T. I I I 1980, "The Low and High Redshift Neutral Hydrogen Associated with Stephan's Quintet," A&A, 84, 181-190. 31. Viallefond, F., Allen, R.J., & de Boer, J.A. 1980, "Radio Continuum and H I Observations of the Interacting Galaxies NGC 4490/85," A&A, 82, 207-220. 32. Bosma, A., Goss, W.M., & Allen, R.J. 1981, "The Giant Spiral Galaxy M101: VI. The Large-Scale Radial Velocity Field," A&A, 93, 106-112. 33. Viallefond, F., Allen, R.J., & Goss, W.M. 1981, "The Giant Spiral Galaxy M101: VI I. Associations of H I Concentrations and H I I Complexes," A&A, 104, 127-141. 34. Viallefond, F., Goss, W.M., & Allen, R.J. 1982, "The Giant Spiral Galaxy M101: VI I I. Star Formation in HI-HI I Associations," A&A, 115, 373-387. 35. Allen, R.J. 1983, "The Radio Continuum Morphology of Spiral Galaxies," Observatory, 103, 134. 36. Shostak, G.S., Sullivan, W.T. I I I, & Allen, R.J. 1984, "H I Synthesis Observations of the High-Redshift Galaxies in Stephan's Quintet," A&A, 139, 15-24. 37. Roelfsema, P.R. & Allen, R.J. 1985, "Radio Observations of H I in UGC 2885, The Largest Identified Sc Galaxy," A&A, 146, 213-222. 38. Allen, R.J., Atherton, P.D., & Tilanus R.P.J. 1986 "Large-Scale Dissociation of Molecular Gas in Galaxies by Newly- Formed Stars," Nature, 319, 296-298. 39. Wevers, B.M.H.R., van der Kruit, P.C., & Allen, R.J. 1986, "The Palomar-Westerb ork Survey of Northern Spiral Galaxies", A&A Supp., 66, 505-662. 40. You, J.H., Allen, R.J., & Hu, F.X. 1986, "The Explosion Model of the Formation of the Radio Halo of NGC891", Acta Astronomica Sinica, 27, 333-342. (in Chinese) 41. Hu, F.X., Allen, R.J., van der Kruit, P.C., & You, J.H. 1987, "Some Features of the Galactic Halo in NGC891", Astrophys. Space Science, 135, 389-392. 42. Tilanus, R.P.J., Allen, R.J., van der Hulst, J.M., Crane, P.C., & Kennicutt, R. 1988, "Spiral Structure of M51: Thermal and Nonthermal Emission", ApJ, 330, 667-671. 43. Tilanus, R.P.J. & Allen, R.J. 1989, "Spiral Structure of M51: Displacement of the HI from the Non- Thermal Radio Arms", ApJ, 339, L57-L61. 44. Sukumar, S. & Allen, R.J. 1989, "Radio Emission from Sup ernova 1986J in NGC 891", ApJ, 341, 883-889. 45. Sukumar, S. & Allen, R.J. 1989, "Large-scale magnetic-field structure in the spiral galaxy M83", Nature, 340, 537-539. 14

46. Tilanus, R.P.J., & Allen, R.J. 1991 "Spiral structure of M51: Distribution and kinematics of the atomic and ionized hydrogen", A&A, 244, 8-26. 47. Adler, D.S., Allen, R.J., & Lo, K.Y. 1991, "The relationship b etween the CO intensity and the radio continuum emission in spiral galaxies", ApJ, 382, 475-482. 48. Sukumar, S. & Allen, R.J. 1991, "Polarized radio emission from the edge-on spiral galaxies NGC 891 and NGC 4565", ApJ, 382, 100-107 (plus 6 plates). 49. Adler, D.S., Lo, K.Y., Wright, M.C.H., Rydb eck, G., Plante, R.L., & Allen, R.J. 1992, "A Completely Sampled Ap erture Synthesis Map of the CO Emission in M51", ApJ, 392, 497-508. 50. Allen, R.J. 1992, "A Surface Brightness Correlation Between Carb on Monoxide and Nonthermal Radio Continuum Emission in the Galaxy", ApJ, 399, 573-575. 51. Canzian, B., Allen, R.J., & Tilanus, R.P.J. 1993, "Spiral Structure of the Giant Galaxy UGC 2885: H Kinematics" ApJ, 406, 457-469. 52. Tilanus, R.P.J., & Allen, R.J. 1993, " Spiral Structure of M83: Distribution and kinematics of the atomic and ionized hydrogen", A&A, 274, 707-729. 53. Suchkov, A., Allen, R.J., & Heckman, T.M. 1993, "Cosmic-Ray Dominated Dense Molecular Gas in Normal and Starburst Galaxies", ApJ, 413, 542-547. 54. Allen, R.J. & Lequeux, J. 1993, "Detection of CO Emission From Massive Molecular Clouds in the Inner Disk of M31", ApJ, 410, L15-L18. 55. Neininger, N., Beck, R., Sukumar, S., & Allen, R.J. 1993, "Magnetic Fields and Thermal Gas in M83", A&A, 274, 687-698. 56. Allen, R.J. 1993, "Tracers of Spiral Structure in Galaxies", PASP, 105, 674-677. 57. Deutsch, E.W., & Allen, R.J. 1993, "The Structure of the Inner Eastern Spiral Arm of M83", AJ, 106, 1812-1818 (with 4 plates). 58. Lequeux, J., Allen, R.J., & Guilloteau, S. 1993, "CO Absorption in the Outer Galaxy: Abundant Cold Molecular Gas", A&A, 280, L23-L26. 59. Allen, R.J., Le Bourlot, J., Lequeux, J., Pineau des For^ts, G., & Roueff, E. 1995, "Physical e Prop erties of Molecular Clouds in the Inner Disk of M31", ApJ, 444, 157-164. 60. Loinard, L., Allen, R.J., & Lequeux, J. 1995, "An Unbiased Survey for CO Emission in the Inner Disk of the Andromeda Galaxy", A&A, 301, 68-74. 61. Loinard, L., Allen, R.J., & Lequeux, J. 1996, "CO Emission Associated With Dust Clouds in the Inner Disk of M31", A&A, 310, 93-96. 62. Canzian, B., & Allen, R.J. 1997, "Spiral Density Wave Theory, Corotation Resonance, and the Velocity Field of NGC 4321", ApJ, 479, 723-739. 63. Allen, R.J., Knap en, J., Bohlin, R., & Stecher, T. 1997, "Evidence for the Large-Scale Dissociation of Molecular Gas in the Inner Spiral Arms of M81", ApJ, 487, 171-181. 15

64. Allen, R.J., Loinard, L., McKellar, A.R.W., & Lequeux, J. 1997, "A Search for the CO­H2 Dimer in the Galaxy", ApJ, 489, 102-108. 65. Loinard, L., & Allen, R.J. 1998, "Cold Massive Molecular Clouds in the Inner Disk of M31", ApJ, 499, 227-233. 66. Gonzalez, R.A., Allen, R.J., Dirsch, B., Ferguson, H.C., Calzetti, D., & Panagia, N. 1998, ´ "The Opacity of Nearby Galaxies From Colors and Counts of Background Galaxies: I. The Synthetic Field Method and its Application to NGC 4536 & NGC 3664", ApJ, 506, 152-176. 67. B¨ker, T., & Allen, Ronald J. 1999, "Imaging and Nulling with the Space Interferometer o Mission", ApJS, 125, 123-142. 68. Smith, D.A., Allen, R.J., Bohlin, R.C., Nicholson, N., & Stecher, T.P. 2000, "A New Prob e of the Molecular Gas in Galaxies: Application to M101", ApJ, 538, 608-622. 69. Cuillandre, J.-C., Lequeux, J., Allen, R.J., Mellier, Y., & Bertin, E. 2001, "Gas, Dust and Young Stars in the Outer Disk of M31", ApJ, 554, 190-201. 70. Pringle, J.E., Allen, Ronald J., & Lub ow, S.H. 2001, "The formation of molecular clouds", MNRAS, 327, 663-668. 71. Ra jagopal, J., B¨ker, T., & Allen, R.J. 2001, "The Confusion Limit on Astrometry with the o Space Interferometry Mission", PASP, 113, 1232-1242. 72. Petrosian, A., McLean, B., Allen, Ronald J., Leitherer, C., Mackenty, J., & Panagia, N. 2002, "Studies of the Second Byurakan Survey Galaxies: I. Mergers, Interacting Systems, and Close Pairs", AJ, 123, 2280-2301. 73. Petrosian, A., Allen, Ronald J., Leitherer, C., Mackenty, J., McLean, B., & Panagia, N. 2003, "Studies of the Second Byurakan Survey Galaxies: I I. Comparison of UV-Excess and Emission-Line Techniques", AJ, 125, 86-97. 74. Gonzalez, R.A., Loinard, L., Allen, R.J., & Muller, S. 2003, "The Opacity of Nearby Galaxies ´ From Counts of Background Galaxies: I I. Limits of the Synthetic Field Method", AJ, 125, 1182-1203. 75. Allen, R.J., Heaton, H.I., & Kaufman, M.J. 2004, "The Production of HI in Photodissociation Regions and a Comparison with CO(1-0) Emission", ApJ, 608, 314-322. 76. Holwerda, B.W., Gonzalez, R.A., Allen, R.J., & Van der Kruit, P.C. 2005, "The Opacity of ´ Spiral Galaxy Disks I I I: Automating the `Synthetic Field Method' ", AJ, 129, 1381-1395. 77. Holwerda, B.W., Gonzalez, R.A., Allen, R.J., & Van der Kruit, P.C. 2005, "The Opacity of ´ Spiral Galaxy Disks IV: Radial Extinction Profiles from Counts of Background Field Galaxies Seen Through Foreground Disks", AJ, 129, 1396-1411. 78. Petrosian, A., Navasardyan, H., Capp ellaro, E., McLean, B., Allen, R.J., Panagia, N., Leitherer, C., Mackenty, J., & Turatto, M. 2005, "Active and Star Forming Galaxies and Their Sup ernovae", AJ, 129, 1369-1380.


79. Holwerda, B.W., Gonzalez, R.A., Allen, R.J., & Van der Kruit, P.C. 2005, "The opacity of ´ spiral galaxy disks - V. Dust opacity, HI distributions and sub-mm emission", A&A, 444, 101-108. 80. Holwerda, B.W., Gonzalez, R.A., Van der Kruit, P.C., & Allen, Ronald J. 2005, "The opacity ´ of spiral galaxy disks - VI. Extinction, stellar light and color", A&A, 444, 109-118. 81. Holwerda, B.W., Gonzalez, R.A., Allen, Ronald J., & Van der Kruit, P.C. 2005, "The Opacity ´ of Spiral Galaxy Disks - VI I: The accuracy of galaxy counts as an extinction prob e", A&A, 444, 319-325. 82. Knap en, J.H., Allen, R.J., Heaton, H.I., Kuno, N., and Nakai, N. 2006, "CO emission from candidate photo-dissociation regions in M81", A&A, 455, 897-902 (Septemb er 2006, astroph/0606554, 2006A&A...455..897K). 83. Rodr´guez, M.I., Allen, R.J., Loinard, L., & Wiklind, T. 2006, "Anomalous H2 CO Absorption i Towards the Galactic Anticenter: A Blind Search for Dense Molecular Clouds", ApJ, 652, 1230-1239 (Decemb er 2006, astro-ph/0607616). 84. Petrosian, A., McLean, B., Allen, R.J, & Mackenty, J. 2007, "Markarian Galaxies. I. The Optical Database and Atlas", ApJS, 170, 33-70 (May 2007). 85. Kamphuis, P., Peletier, R.F., Dettmar, R.-J., van der Hulst, J.M., van der Kruit, P.C., & Allen, R.J. 2007, "Kinematics of diffuse ionized gas in the disk halo interface of NGC891 from Fabry-Perot observations", A&A, 468, 951-962 (June 2007, astro-ph/0703363). 86. Shu, Frank H., Allen, Ronald J., Lizano, Susana, Galli, Daniele 2007, "Formation of OB Associations in Galaxies", ApJ, 662, L75-L77 (June 2007, astro-ph/0705.0634). 87. Rodr´guez, M.I., Wiklind, T., Allen, R.J., Escalante, V., & Loinard, L. 2007, "A Comparison i b etween Anomalous 6 cm H2 CO Absorption and CO(1-0) Emission in the L1204/S140 region", ApJ, 663, 824-833 (July 2007; astro-ph/0704.0272) 88. Kamphuis, P., Holwerda, B.W., Allen, R.J., Peletier, R.F., & van der Kruit, P.C. 2007, "A dust comp onent 2 kp c ab ove the plane in NGC 891", A&A, 471, L1L4 (August 2007; astro-ph/0706.2275). 89. Allen, Ronald J. 2007, "Station-Keeping Requirements for Constellations of Free-Flying Collectors Used for Astronomical Imaging in Space", PASP, 119, 914-922 (August 2007; astroph/0707.0255). 90. Holwerda, B.W., Draine, B., Gordon, K.D., Gonzalez, R.A., Calzetti, D., Thornley, M., Buckalew, B., Allen, R.J., & van der Kruit, P.C. 2007, "The Opacity of Spiral Galaxy Disks VI I I: Structure of the Cold ISM", AJ, 134, 2226-2235 (Decemb er 2007; astro-ph/0707.4165). 91. Sridharan, R., & Allen, Ronald J. 2007, "Crowded-Field Astrometry with SIM PlanetQuest I: Estimating the Single-Measurement Astrometric Bias Arising from Confusion", PASP, 119, 1420-1440 (Decemb er 2007; astro-ph/0710.4262). 92. Unwin, S.C., Shao, M., Tanner, A.M., (+ 33 additional authors listed alphab etically, including Allen, R.J.) et.al. 2007, "Taking the Measure of the Universe: Precision Astrometry with SIM Planetquest", PASP, 120, 38-88 (January 2008; astro-ph/0708.3953). 17

93. Heiner, J.S., Allen, R.J., Emonts, B.H.C., & van der Kruit, P.C. 2008, "The volume densities of Giant Molecular Clouds in M81", ApJ, 673, 798-809 (February 2008; astro-ph/0710.1196). 94. Petrosian, Artashes; McLean, Brian; Allen, Ron; Kunth, Daniel; & Leitherer, Claus 2008, "The North Galactic Pole +30circ Zone Galaxies. I. A Comparative Study of Galaxies with Different Nuclear Activity", ApJS, 175, 86-96 (March 2008; 2008ApJS..175...86P). 95. Sridharan, R., & Allen, Ronald J. 2008, "Crowded-Field Astrometry with SIM PlanetQuest I I: An Improved Instrument Model", PASP, 120, 791-800 (astro-ph/0805.4622; 2008PASP..120..791S, July 2008). 96. Petrosian, A., McLean, B., Allen, R. J., & MacKenty, J. W. 2008, "Erratum: Markarian Galaxies. I. The Optical Database and Atlas (ApJS, 170, 33 [2007])", APJS, 177, 645 (2008ApJS..177..645P). 97. Hakobyan, A.A., Petrosian, A.R., McLean, B., Kunth, D., Allen, R.J., Turatto, M., & Barb on, R. 2008, "Early-typ e galaxies with core collapse sup ernovae", A&A, 488, 523-531 (astroph/0806.4269; 2008A&A...488..523H, Septemb er 2008). 98. Heiner, J.S., Allen, R.J., Wong, O.I., & van der Kruit, P.C. 2008, "The volume densities of giant molecular clouds in M83", A&A, 489, 533-541 (astro-ph/0808.0515; 2008A&A...489..533H, Octob er 2008). 99. Hakobyan, A.A., Petrosian, A.R., Mamon, G.A., McLean, B., Kunth, D., Turatto, M., Capp ellaro, E., Mannucci, F., Allen, R.J., Panagia, N., & Della Valle, M. 2009, "Five Sup ernova Survey Galaxies in the Southern Hemisphere. I. Optical And Near-Infrared Database", Astrofizika, 52, 40-53 astro-ph/0904.3463; 2009Ap.....52...40H, January 2009) 100. Heiner, J.S., Allen, R.J., & van der Kruit, P.C. 2009, "A photo- dissociation model for the morphology of the HI near OB associations in M33", ApJ, 700, 545-550 (astro-ph/0905.3864; 2009ApJ...700..545H, July 2009). 101. Kazarian, M.A., Adib ekyan, V.Zh., McLean, B., Allen, R.J., Petrosian, A.R. 2010, "A Catalog Of Kazarian Galaxies", Astrophysics, 53, 57-69 (astro-ph/0912.2050; 2010Ap.....53...57K, January 2010). 102. Werk, J.K., Putman, M.E., Meurer, G.R., Thilker, D.A., Allen, R.J., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Kravtsov, A., & Freeman, K. 2010, "The Metal-Enriched Outer Disk of NGC2915", ApJ (accepted) (astro-ph/1004.1342; 2010ApJ...715..656W, May 2010). 103. Heiner, J.S., Allen, R.J., & van der Kruit, P.C. 2010, "A New Method for Obtaining the Star Formation Law in Galaxies", ApJ (accepted June 30 2010). 104. Sanchez-Gallego, J.R., Knap en, J.H., Wilson, C.D., Warren, B.E., Allen, R.J., Heiner, J.S., ´ Israel, F.P., Serjeant, S., Azimlu, M., Barmby, P., Bendo, G., Comer´n, S., Tilanus, R., o Vlahakis, C., & van der Werf, P. 2010, "The JCMT Nearby Galaxies Legacy Survey VI I: The distribution of gas and star formation in M81", A&A (submitted May 2010). 105. Li, J-Y., Kuchner, M.J., Allen, Ronald J., Sheppard, S.S. 2010, "Measuring the Sizes, Shap es, Surface Feaures, and Rotations of Solar System Ob jects with Interferometry", Icarus (submitted June 10). 18

106. Allen, R.J., Rodr´guez, M.I., Black, J.H., Booth, R.S. 2010 "Faint Extended OH Emission i from the Local Interstellar Medium in the Direction l 108 , b 5 " ApJ (in preparation) 107. Holwerda, B., Allen, R.J., de Blok, W.J.G., Blyth, S.-L., Bouchard, A., Gonzalez-Lop ezlira, ´ ´ R.A., & van der Kruit, P.C. 2009, "The Opacity of Spiral Disks IX: Dust Opacity and HI Column Density", A&A, (in preparation)


Conference Pap ers

This list does not include pap ers given "by abstract only" at meetings and conferences for which no proceedings were published (e.g. of the American Astronomical Society, I.A.U. Regional Meetings, etc.). Invited reviews at conferences have b een listed separately in section 10. 1. Allen, R.J., Goss, W.M., Sancisi, R., Sullivan, W.T. I I I, & van Woerden, H. 1974, "HighResolution Studies of Neutral Hydrogen in NGC 5383 and M101," in The Formation and Dynamics of Galaxies, ed. J. R. Shakeshaft (Reidel: I.A.U. Symp osium #58), 425-430. 2. Goss, W.M., Allen, R.J., Ekers, R.D., & de Bruyn, A.G. 1974, "Variable Radio Emission from the Extragalactic Sup ernova 1970g in M101," in Supernovae and Supernova Remnants, ed. C. B. Cosmovici Astrophysics and Space Science Library (Reidel, Dordrecht), 45, 145. 3. Allen, R.J. 1975, "Comments on the Association of the H I and H I I Distributions in M101," in La Dynamique des Galaxies Spirales, ed. L. Weliachew (C.N.R.S. Colloquium #241), 285-288. 4. Sancisi, R., Allen, R.J., & van Albada, T.S. 1975, "Neutral Hydrogen Line and Radio Continuum Emission from the Edge-On Galaxy NGC 891," in La Dynamique des Galaxies Spirales, ed. L. Weliachew (C.N.R.S. Colloquium #241), 295-301. 5. Allen, R.J. & Sullivan, W.T. I I I 1977, "Westerb ork 21-cm Observations of the Low and High Velocity H I in Stephan's Quintet," in L'Evolution des Galaxies et ses Implications Cosmologiques, ed. C. Balkowski and B. E. Westerlund (C.N.R.S. Colloquium #263), 445449. 6. Allen, R.J. 1978, "Comments on the Radio Continuum Emission from Normal Disk Galaxies," in Structure and Properties of Nearby Galaxies, ed. E. M. Berkhuijsen and R. Wielebinski (Reidel: I.A.U. Symp osium #77), 63-64. 7. Allen, R.J. 1979, "Processing and Display of Radioastronomical Images," in Image Processing in Astronomy, ed. G. Sedmak, M. Capaccioli, and R.J. Allen (Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste), 95-98. 8. Allen, R.J. 1979, "Interactive Image Processing at Several Megawords p er Second," in Image Processing in Astronomy, ed. G. Sedmak, M. Capaccioli, and R. J. Allen (Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste), 233-239. 9. Shostak, G.S. & Allen, R.J. 1980, "The Groningen Image Processing System," in Proceedings of the ESO Workshop on Two-Dimensional Photometry, ed. P. Crane and K. Kjar (ESO, Garching), 169-171. 19

10. Allen, R.J. & Ekers, R.D. 1980, "Ten Years of Discovery with Oort's Synthesis Radio Telescop e,", in Oort and the Universe, ed. H. van Woerden, W.N. Brouw, & H.C. van de Hulst (Reidel; Dordrecht), 79-110. 11. Allen, R.J. & Ekers, R.D. 1981, "Creating Durable Software in a Research Group Environment," in Proceedings of the Workshop on I.U.E. Data Reduction, ed. W. Weiss (Observatory of Vienna), 47-53. 12. Allen, R.J. & Terlouw, J.P. 1981, "A Multi-Tasking Op erating System for Interactive Data Reduction," in Proceedings of the Workshop on I.U.E. Data Reduction, ed. W. Weiss (Observatory of Vienna), 193-201. 13. Strong, A.W. & Allen, R.J. 1982, "Measurement of Sp ectral Index in the Halo of NGC 891 and the Relativistic Electron Propagation Time," in Proceedings of the 17th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Vol. 2 (C.E.N. Saclay; Gif-sur-Yvette, France), 248-250. 14. Allen, R.J., Atherton, P.D., Oosterloo, T.A., & Taylor, K. 1983, "Recent TAURUS Results on H Velocities in M83," in Internal Kinematics and Dynamics of Galaxies, ed. E. Athanassoula (Reidel; Dordrecht), p147-150 . 15. Allen, R.J., Ekers, R.D., & Terlouw, J.P. 1985, "The Groningen Image Processing System," in Data Analysis in Astronomy, ed. V di Gesu; L. Scarsi, P. Crane, J. H. Friedman, and S. Levialdi (Plenum; London), 271-302. 16. Allen, R.J. & Hu, F.X. 1985, "The Z-Distribution of Radio Continuum Emission in NGC 891," in New Aspects of Galaxy Photometry, ed. J.-L. Nieto (Springer, New York), 293-296. 17. Tilanus, R.P.J. & Allen, R.J. 1987, "Large Scale Dissociation of Molecular Gas in the Spiral Arms of M51", in Star Formation in Galaxies, ed. C.J. Lonsdale Persson (NASA Conference Publication 2466), 309-313. 18. Lo, K.Y., Tilanus, R.P.J., Allen, R.J., Wright, M.C.H., & Jackson, J. 1988, "Gaseous Spiral Structure in M51", in Molecular Clouds in the Milky Way and External Galaxies, ed. R. Dickman, R. Snell, and J. Young (Springer-Verlag; Berlin), 439-440. 19. Sukumar, S. & Allen, R.J. 1989, "Linearly Polarised Radio Emission from M83 (NGC 5236) and NGC 891", in Galactic and Intergalactic Magnetic Fields, ed. R. Beck, P.P. Kronb erg, and R. Wielebinski (Reidel; Dordrecht), 215-218. 20. Allen, R.J., Sukumar, S., Hu, F.X., & van der Kruit, P.C. 1989, "Optical and Radio Surface Photometry of NGC 891", in Galactic and Intergalactic Magnetic Fields, ed. R. Beck, P.P. Kronb erg, and R. Wielebinski (Reidel; Dordrecht), 223-224. 21. Allen, R.J. & Sukumar, S. 1990, "Granularity in the Magnetic Field Structure of M83", in The Interstel lar Medium in External Galaxies: Summaries of Contributed Papers, ed. D.J. Hollenbach and H.A. Thronson, Jr. (NASA Conference Publication 3084), 263-265. 22. Tilanus, R.P.J. & Allen, R.J. 1990 "Spiral Structure of M51: Streaming Motions Across Spiral Arms", in The Interstel lar Medium in External Galaxies: Summaries of Contributed Papers, ed. D.J. Hollenbach and H.A. Thronson, Jr. (NASA Conference Publication 3084), 298-300.


23. Adler, D.S., Allen, R.J., & Lo, K.-Y. 1990, "A Relationship Between the Integrated CO Intensity and the Radio Continuum Emission in Spiral Galaxies", in The Interstel lar Medium in External Galaxies: Summaries of Contributed Papers, ed. D.J. Hollenbach and H.A. Thronson, Jr. (NASA Conference Publication 3084), 130-132. 24. Adler, D.S., Lo, K.-Y., & Allen, R.J. 1990, "A High Resolution CO Map of M51", in The Interstel lar Medium in External Galaxies: Summaries of Contributed Papers, ed. D.J. Hollenbach and H.A. Thronson, Jr. (NASA Conference Publication 3084), 291-292. 25. Lo, K.Y., Adler, D.S., Allen, R.J., Plante, R., Wright, M.C.H., & Rydb eck, G. 1991, "M51 Fully-Sampled Ap erture Synthesis Maps of CO Emission", in The Dynamics of Galaxies and Molecular Cloud Distributions, ed. F. Comb es and F. Casoli (Kluwer, Dordrecht) 81-85. 26. Allen, R.J., & Sukumar, S. 1991, "NGC891: A Summary of Observations", in The Interstel lar Disk-Halo Connection in Galaxies, ed. H. Bloemen (Reidel; Dordrecht), 287-294. 27. Farris, A. & Allen, R.J. 1992, "Search for a Common Data Model for Astronomical Data Analysis Systems", in Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems, ed. D.M. Worrall, C. Biemesderfer, and J. Barnes (ASP, San Francisco) 157-159. 28. Allen, R.J. 1993, "The IC O /TN T Relation in the Galaxy and in Other Galaxies", in Back to the Galaxy, ed. S. S. Holt & F. Verter (Am. Inst. Phys; New York) 287-290. 29. Allen, R.J., Canzian, B. & Lub ow, S.H. 1993, "Detecting Resonances in Spiral Galaxies Introduction to the Workshop", PASP 105, 638-639. 30. Bely, P., Ford, H., Bally, J., Crocker, J., Dopita, M., Tilly, J., White, R., Allen, R., Bartko, F., Brown, R., Burg, R., Burrows, C., Clampin, M., Harp er, D., Illingworth, G., McCray, R., Meyer, S., Mould, J., Norman, C. 1994, "POST: A Polar Stratospheric Telescop e", SPIE 2199, 298-314. 31. Allen, R.J. & Lequeux, J. 1994, "CO Emission From Massive Molecular Clouds in the Inner Disk of M31: Optical Depths, Excitation Temp eratures, and Densities", in The Nuclei of Normal Galaxies: Lessons from the Galactic Center, ed. R. Genzel & A. Harris (Reidel, Dordrecht) 105-109. 32. Farris, A., & Allen, R.J. 1995, "What is an Astronomical Data Model?", in ADASS 1994, ed. R. White & R. Hanisch (ASP San Francisco), 191-194. 33. Allen, R.J., Peterson, D., & Shao, M. 1997, "Space Interferometer Mission: Taking the Measure of the Universe", in Optical Telescopes of Today and Tomorrow, ed. A. Ardeb erg, SPIE, 2871, 504-515. 34. Jones, D.L., Weiler, K.W., Allen, R.J., Desch, M.M., sim, N.E., Kuip er, T.B.H., Mahoney, M.J., Marsh, K Stone, R.G. 1997, "The Astronomical Low-Frequency from Galactic and Extragalactic Compact Sources, ed. (ASP Conf. Series, vol. 144), 393-394. Erickson, W.C., Kaiser, M.L., Kas.A., Perley, R.A., Preston, R.A., & Array (ALFA)", in Radio Emission A. Zensus, G. Taylor, & J. Wrob el

35. Jones, D.L. et al. 1998, "The ALFA Medium Explorer Mission", 1998 COSPAR meeting, Japan (in press). 21

36. B¨ker, T., & Allen, R.J. 1998, "SimSIM: Simulating the ap erture synthesis imaging mode of o SIM", in Astronomical Interferometry, ed. R. Reasenb erg & J.B. Breckenridge, SPIE, 3350, 58-69. 37. Jones, D. et al. 1999, "The Astronomical Low Frequency Array: A Prop osed Explorer Mission for Radio Astronomy", in Space-Based Radio Observations at Long Wavelengths, eds. J.-L. Bougeret and R. Stone, AGU conference proceedings (Chapman Conference, Paris 1998), in press 38. B¨ker, T., Allen, R.J., & Ra jagopal, J. 1999, "Imaging of Stellar Prop er Motions in the o Nucleus of M31 with SIM", in Optical and IR Interferometry from Ground and Space, eds. S. Unwin & R. Stachnik (ASP Conference Series Vol. 194), 219-221. 39. Ra jagopal, J., Allen, R.J., & B¨ker, T. 1999, "The Confusion Limit on Astrometry with SIM", o in Optical and IR Interferometry from Ground and Space, eds. S. Unwin & R. Stachnik (ASP Conference Series Vol. 194), 147-152. 40. Jones, D.L., Allen, R., Basart, J., et al. 2000, "Low Frequency Radio Astronomy from Ab ove the Ionosphere", in The Universe at Low Frequencies; Proceedings of IAU Symposium 199, eds. ?? (Reidel?) 41. Jones, D.L., Allen, R., Basart, J., et al. 2000, " Space VLBI at Low Frequencies", in Proceedings of the First International VSOP Symposium, eds. ?? (??) 42. B¨ker, T., Allen, R.J., Ra jagopal, J., & Guyon, O. 1999, "Simulating Instrumental Phase o Errors for SIM", Proc. SPIE vol. 4006 (Munich SPIE meeting, March 1999). 43. Allen, R.J. 2001, "Cold Molecular Gas, PDRs, and the Origin of HI in Galaxies", in Gas and Galaxy Evolution, eds. J.E. Hibbard, M.P. Rup en, & J.H. van Gorkom, ASP Conf. Ser. #240, 331-336 (astro-ph/0206168). 44. Carp enter, K.G., Neff, S.G., Schrijver, C., Allen, R.J., & Ra jagopal, J. 2002, "The Stellar Imager (SI) Mission Concept", in From Optical to Mil limetric Interferometry: Scientific and Technological Chal lenges (36th Liege International Astrophysical Colloquium, 2 - 5 July, 2001) 45. Carp enter, K.G., Neff, S.G., Schrijver, C., Allen, R.J., & Ra jagopal, J. 2002, "The Stellar Imager (S I ) Mission Concept", in From Optical to Mil limetric Interferometry: Scientific and Technological Chal lenges, eds. J. Surdej, J.P. Swings, D. Caro, & A. Detal (Proceedings of the 36th Liege International Astrophysical Colloquium, July 2-5, 2001: Institut d'Astrophysique et de Geophysique, Liege, Belgium), 177. 46. Carp enter, K.G., Lyon, R.G., Schrijver, C., Mundy, L.J., Allen, R.J., & Ra jagopal, J. 2002, "Imaging the Surfaces and Interiors of Other Stars: The Stellar Imager (S I ) Mission Concept", in Proceedings of the 12th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stel lar Systems and the Sun, (ASP Conference Series, in press) 47. Holwerda, B.W., Allen, R.J., van der Kruit, P.C. 2002, "Automating the Synthetic Field Method: Application to Sextans A", in The Dynamics, Structure, and History of Galaxies", eds. G. Da Costa & H. Jerjen, ASP Conf. Ser. #273, 337.


48. Allen, R.J. 2002, "On The Origin of Hi in Galaxies: Photodissociation and the `Schmidt Law' for Global Star Formation", in Seeing Through the Dust - The Detection of HI and the Exploration of the ISM in Galaxies, eds. A.R. Taylor, T.L. Landecker, and A.G. Willis, ASP Conf. Ser. #276, 288 - 291 (astro-ph/0205168). 49. Carp enter, K.G., Lyon, R.G., Schrijver, C.J., Mundy, L., Allen, R.J., & Ra jagopal, J. 2002, "The Stellar Imager (S I ): an Ultra-High Angular Resolution UV/Optical Observatory", in Hubble's Science Legacy: Future Optical-Ultraviolet Astronomy from Space, eds. K.R. Sembach, J.C. Blades, R.C. Kennicutt, & G.D. Illingworth, (ASP Conference Series, in press) 50. Allen, R.J., B¨ker, T., & Ra jagopal, J. 2003, "Simulators for Imaging Interferometry in o Space" in Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation: Interferometry in Space, ed. M. Shao (Proc. SPIE, Vol. 4852), 248 - 254 51. Carp enter, K.G., Schrijver, C.J., Lyon, R.G., Mundy, L.G., Allen, Ronald J., Armstrong, J. Thomas, Danchi, W.C., Karovska, M., Marzouk, J., Mazzuca, L.M., Mozurkewich, D., Neff, S.G., Pauls, T.A., Ra jagopal, J., Solyar, G., & Zhang, X. 2003, "The Stellar Imager (SI) Mission Concept", in Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, eds. C. Blades & Siegmund (Proc. SPIE, Vol. 4854), 293 52. B¨ker, T., Allen, Ronald J., Ra jagopal, Jayadev, & van der Marel, Roeland P. 2003, "Meao suring Stellar Prop er Motions in Crowded Fields with SIM", in Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation: Interferometry in Space, ed. M. Shao (Proc. SPIE, Vol 4852), 639 - 644 53. Ra jagopal, J., B¨ker, T., Allen, Ronald J., & Carp enter, K.G. 2003, "Simulating Diluteo Ap erture Imaging: The Stellar Imager", in Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation: Interferometry in Space, ed. M. Shao (Proc. SPIE, Vol. 4852), 652 - 656 54. Petrosian, A.R., McLean, B., Allen, R., & Mackenty, J. 2003, "New Databases for Markarian and SBS Galaxies", p oster pap er presented at IAU Symp osium 216 in Sydney, Australia, July 2003 55. Allen, R.J., & Diaz-Miller, R. 2004, "Cold Molecular Gas as a Possible Comp onent of Dark Matter in the Outer Parts of Disk Galaxies", in Dark Matter in Galaxies, eds. S.D. Ryder, D.J. Pisano, M.A. Walker, & K.C. Freeman (San Francisco: ASP, IAU Symp.220), 249 56. Holwerda, B.W., Gonzalez, R.A., Allen, R.J., & van der Kruit, P.C. 2004, in Dark Matter in ´ Galaxies, eds. S.D. Ryder, D.J. Pisano, M.A. Walker, & K.C. Freeman (San Francisco: ASP, IAU Symp.220), 323 57. Allen, R. 2004, "Station-Keeping Requirements for Astronomical Imaging with Constellations of Free-Flying Collectors", in 2nd International Symposium on Formation Flying Missions and Technologies, ed. J. Leitner, GSFC (Washington D.C. Septemb er 14 - 16 2004), NNN 58. Carp enter, K., Danchi, W., Leitner, J., Liu, A., Lyon, R., Mazzuca, L., Moe, R., Chenette, D., Schrijver, K., Kilston, S., Karovska, M., Allen, R., Mozurkewich, D., Brown, A., Marzouk, J., & Walter, F. 2004, "The Stellar Imager Vision Mission", in 2nd International Symposium on Formation Flying Missions and Technologies, ed. J. Leitner, GSFC (Washington D.C. Septemb er 14 - 16 2004), (in press)


59. Carp enter, K.G., Schrijver, C.J., Allen, R.J., Brown, A., Chenette,D., Danchi, W.C., Karovska, M., Kilston, S., Lyon, R.G., Marzouk, J., Mazzuca L.M., Moe, R.V., Walter, F., Murphy, N., and the SI Team 2005, "The Stellar Imager (SI): A Revolutionary Large-Baseline Imaging Interferometer at the Sun-Earth L2 Point", in Edinburgh SPIE Meeting, 2004, submitted, eds. ??, NNN 60. Gonzalez, R.A., Holwerda, B.W., Loinard, L., Allen, R.J., & Muller, S. 2005, "Total Opacity ´ of Local Group Galaxies and Large Scale Structure b ehind the Galactic Bulge" in Nearby Large-Scale Structures & the Zone of Avoidance, eds. A.P. Fairall & P.A. Woudt, (San Francisco: ASP Conf. Ser.) (in press) 61. Barry, R.K., Danchi, W.C., Ra jagopal, J., Chamb ers, V.J., Richardson, L.J., Martino, A.J., Allen, R.J., Deming, D., Kuchner, M., Leisawitz, D., Linfield, R., Monnier, J.D., Mundy, L.G., Noecker, C., Seager, S., & Traub, W. 2005, in The power of optical/IR interferometry: recent scientific results and 2nd generation VLTI instrumentation, ESO Garching, Germany. 62. Barry, R.K., Danchi, W.C., Chamb ers, V.J., Ra jagopal, J., Richardson, L.J., Martino, A., Deming, D., Kuchner, M., Linfield, R., Millan-Gab et, R., Lee, L.A., Monnier, J.D., Mundy, L.G., Noecker, C., Seager, S., Wallace, D.J., Allen, R.J., Traub, W.A., & Ford, H.C. 2005, "The Fourier-Kelvin Stellar Interferometer (FKSI): A progress rep ort and preliminary results from our nulling testb ed", in Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets II, (Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5905-57), NNN 63. Petrosian, A., Navasardyan, H., Turatto, M., Capp ellaro, E., McLean, B., Allen, R., Panagia, N., Leitherer, C., & Mackenty, J. 2005, "Sup ernovae in Active and Star Forming Galaxies", in Supernovae as Cosmological Lighthouses, eds. M. Turatto, S. Benetti, L. Zampieri, & W. Shea (San Francisco: ASP Conf. Series Vol. 342), 145-148. 64. Allen, Ronald J. 2005, "Modelling HI in PDRs", in Extragalactic and Galactic ISM Model ling in an ALMA Perspective, Conference held 13 - 15 Octob er 2005 in Gothenburg/Onsala, Sweden (PowerPoint available at http://www.oso.chalmers.se/workshop/presentations/friday). 65. Carp enter, K.G., Schrijver, C.J., Karovska, M. 2006, "The Stellar Imager Vision Mission", SPIE, May 24-31, Orlando FL, pap er #6268-77. 66. Sridharan, R., & Allen, R.J. 2007, "Estimation of Confusion in SIM Targets with a Detailed Focal Plane Model", in Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets III, ed. Daniel R. Coulter, Proc. SPIE, 6693, 1H, 1-11.


Other Publications
D.S., Rots, Kernen van c. Koninkl. Dutch).

1. Oort, J.H., Allen, R.J., Ba ja ja, E., Dekker, E., van der Kruit, P.C., Mathewson, A.H., & Shane, W.W. 1972, "Nieuwe Inzichten in Spiraalstructuur en Explosieve Sterrenstelsels Verkregen met de Synthese Radio Telescop e in Westerb ork," Pro Nederl. Akademie van Wetenschapp en, Afd. Natuurkunde, 81, #10, 129-135 (in

2. Allen, R.J. 1976, "Color Pictures of Doppler Shifts," Sky and Telescop e, 52, 334-335. 3. Allen, R.J. & de Boer, J.A. 1984, "Vooruitgang in Westerb ork," Zenit, maart 1984, 139 (in Dutch). 24

4. Allen, R.J., Sukumar, S., & Beck, R. 1988, "Sup ernova 1986j in NGC 891", IAU Circular No. 4595. 5. Carp enter, K.G. et.al. 2005, "SI - The Stellar Imager", NASA Vision Mission Study Rep ort (15 Septemb er 2005) (Available at http://hires.gsfc.nasa.gov/ si/). 6. Harwit, M. et.al. 2005, "Kilometer Baseline Interferometer", NASA Vision Mission Study Rep ort (Cornell U, Summer 2005). 7. Allen, R.J., Beichmann, C., Unwin, S., & Henry, T. 2009, "A General Observer Program, in SIM Lite Astrometric Observatory, eds. J. Davidson et.al. (JPL400-1360 2/09) http://planetquest.jpl.nasa.gov/SIM/keyPubPap ers/simBook2009/, p.145