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Дата индексирования: Sat Mar 1 13:25:09 2014

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HST this week: 189

This week on HST

HST Programs: July 8 - July 14, 2013

Program Number Principal Investigator Program Title
12113 Julianne Dalcanton, University of Washington A Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury - I
12247 Nial R. Tanvir, University of Leicester Identifying and studying gamma-ray bursts at very high redshifts
12445 Sandra M. Faber, University of California - Santa Cruz Cosmic Assembly Near-IR Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey -- GOODS-North Field, Late Visits of SNe Search
12562 Geoffrey C. Clayton, Louisiana State University and A & M College The UV Interstellar Extinction Properties in the Super-Solar Metallicity Galaxy M31
12789 Marc Postman, Space Telescope Science Institute Through a Lens, Darkly - New Constraints on the Fundamental Components of the Cosmos
12861 Xiaohui Fan, University of Arizona Morphologies of the Most UV luminous Lyman Break Galaxies at z~3
12870 Boris T. Gaensicke, The University of Warwick The mass and temperature distribution of accreting white dwarfs
12874 David Floyd, Monash University Quasar accretion disks: is the standard model valid?
12876 Kevin France, University of Colorado at Boulder Project WHIPS {Warm H2 In Protoplanetary Systems}: Direct Measurement of Molecular Abundances in Circumstellar Disks
12879 Adam Riess, The Johns Hopkins University A 1% Measurement of the Distance Scale with Perpendicular Spatial Scanning
12880 Adam Riess, The Johns Hopkins University The Hubble Constant: Completing HST's Legacy with WFC3
12884 Harald Ebeling, University of Hawaii A Snapshot Survey of The Most Massive Clusters of Galaxies
12893 Ronald L Gilliland, The Pennsylvania State University Study of Small and Cool Kepler Planet Candidates with High Resolution Imaging
12897 Marc W. Buie, Southwest Research Institute Pluto System Orbits in Support of New Horizons
12902 Matthew A. Malkan, University of California - Los Angeles WFC3 Infrared Spectroscopic Parallel Survey WISP: A Survey of Star Formation Across Cosmic Time
12903 Luis C. Ho, Carnegie Institution of Washington The Evolutionary Link Between Type 2 and Type 1 Quasars
12922 Jong-Hak Woo, Seoul National University Calibrating black hole mass estimators using the enlarged sample of reverberation-mapped AGNs
12944 Katelyn Allers, Bucknell University A High-Resolution Survey of the Very Youngest Brown Dwarfs
12970 Michael C. Cushing, University of Toledo Completing the Census of Ultracool Brown Dwarfs in the Solar Neighborhood using HST/WFC3
12976 Ian U. Roederer, Carnegie Institution of Washington The Most Complete Template for r-process Nucleosynthesis beyond the Solar System
12977 Ivana Damjanov, Smithsonian Institution Astrophysical Observatory Local Turbulent Disks: analogs of high-redshift vigorously star-forming disks and laboratories for galaxy assembly?
12996 Christopher Johns-Krull, Rice University Exploring the Role of Stellar Magnetic Fields in Accretion and Outflows from Young Stars using the Hot Emission Lines of Herbig Ae/Be Stars
12998 Deborah Padgett, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center STIS Coronagraphy of Bright New Debris Disks from the WISE All-Sky Survey
13005 David Jewitt, University of California - Los Angeles Hubble Imaging of a Newly Discovered Main Belt Comet
13017 Timothy M. Heckman, The Johns Hopkins University UV Spectroscopy of Lyman Break Galaxy Analogs: A Local Window on the Early Universe
13024 John S. Mulchaey, Carnegie Institution of Washington A Public Snapshot Survey of Galaxies Associated with O VI and Ne VIII Absorbers
13025 Andrew J. Levan, The University of Warwick Unveiling the progenitors of the most luminous supernovae
13042 Paul Denholm Dobbie, University of Tasmania Confirming the theoretical link between ultra-massive white dwarfs and heavy-weight intermediate mass stars.
13046 Robert P. Kirshner, Harvard University RAISIN: Tracers of cosmic expansion with SN IA in the IR
13050 Remco van den Bosch, Max-Planck-Institut fur Astronomie, Heidelberg The Most Massive Black Holes in Small Galaxies
13055 Mark R. Showalter, SETI Institute Orbital Evolution and Stability of the Inner Uranian Moons
13063 Adam Riess, The Johns Hopkins University Supernova Follow-up for MCT
13110 Andrew S. Fruchter, Space Telescope Science Institute The Astrophysics of the Most Energetic Gamma-Ray Bursts
13180 David Ehrenreich, Observatoire de Geneve Search for a Transit of Alpha Centauri Bb, the First Earth-mass Exoplanet Orbiting a Sun-like Star
13184 Jelle Kaastra, Space Research Organization Netherlands Deciphering AGN outflows: multiwavelength monitoring of NGC 5548
13334 Adam Riess, The Johns Hopkins University The Longest Period Cepheids, a bridge to the Hubble Constant

Selected highlights

GO 12861: Morphologies of the Most UV luminous Lyman Break Galaxies at z~3

The Lyman-break technique for detecting high redshift galaxies (from Burgarella et al, 2006)
Understanding galaxy formation and evolution remains one of the prime goals of 21st century astronomy and the focus of numerous HST observing programs. The present program aims to probe galaxy evolution in the z~3 regime by using HST to obtain high-resolution near-infrared imaging of 18 active star-forming galaxies from that epoch. The galaxies were detected using the Lyman break technique, which localises the redshift from photometric measurements, taking advantage of the sharp decrease in flux below the Lyman limit. Such systems apear as "drop outs" - objects that disappear in images taken shortward of ther redshfted Lyman limit. Conversely, the ability to detect the break demands that these Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs) have substantial (rest-frame) UV flux, which translates to extensive star formation. The LBGs targeted by this program were identified from wide-field ground-based surveys as fallingin the redshift range 2.2 < z < 3.2. They are generally characterised with luminosities exceeding 6L*, implying that they are among the most luminous galaxies at this epoch, and therefore are likely to represent the formative stages of the most massive galaxies identified at the present epoch.

GO 12970: Completing the Census of Ultracool Brown Dwarfs in the Solar Neighborhood using HST/WFC3

The stellar menagerie: Sun to Jupiter, via brown dwarfs
Brown dwarfs are objects that form in the same manner as stars, by gravitational collapse within molecular clouds, but which do not accrete sufficient mass to raise the central temperature above ~2 million Kelvin and ignite hydrogen fusion. As a result, these objects, which have masses less than 0.075 MSun or ~75 M<\sub>Jup, lack a sustained source of energy, and they fade and cool on relatively short astronomical (albeit, long anthropological) timescales. Following their discovery over a decade ago, considerable observational and theoretical attention has focused on the evolution of their intrinsic properties, particularly the details of the atmospheric changes. At their formation, most brown dwarfs have temperatures of ~3,000 to 3,500K, comparable with early-type M dwarfs, but they rapidly cool, with the rate of cooling increasing with decreasing mass. As temperatures drop below ~2,000K, dust condenses within the atmosphere, molecular bands of titanium oxide and vanadium oxide disappear from the spectrum to be replaced by metal hydrides, and the objects are characterised as spectral type L. Below 1,300K, strong methane bands appear in the near-infrared, characteristics of spectral type T. At present, the coolest T dwarfs known have temperatures of ~650 to 700K. At lower temperatures, other species, notably ammonia, are expected to become prominent, and a number of efforts have been undertaken recently to find examples of these "Y" dwarfs. The search is complicated by the fact that such objects are extremely faint instrinsically, so only the nearest will be detectable. Identifying such ultra-ultracool dwarfs was a goal of the WISE satellite mission, which recently completed its all-sky survey. WISE has succeeded in identifying a number of extremely interesting sources, including at least 4 objects that have been confirmed as dwarfs with temperatures lower than 350K. These are among the first examples of Y dwarfs, and all are too faint to be characterised with any degree of certainty using ground-based observations. The current program will use WFC3 G102 grism spectroscopy to verify the nature of a further 20 candidates.

GO 13055: Orbital Evolution and Stability of the Inner Uranian Moons

HST ACS images of the planet, part of the ring system and a number of the smaller moons
All of the gas giants in the outer Solar System possess an extensive entourage of small satellite moons. They all also possess ring systems. Uranus has (as of mid-2013) a total of 27 known satellite companions. The two largest moons, Titania and Oberon (almost all of the Uranian moons have Shakespearean names) have diameters of ~1500 km and were discovered by William Herschel shortly after he discovered the planet. Two other moons (Umriel and Ariel) have diameters of more than 1,100 km, while Miranda is around 472 km in diameter, but almost all of the remaining moons are smaller than 100 km in diametr, with the smallest (Mab, Margaret and Trinculo) closer to 20 km. As such, these smaller objects are likely to be captured KBOs. Nine of the moons are characterised as "irregular" moons, with orbits that lie well beyond that of Oberon. These moons form a dynamically chaotic system, and significant changes in orbital properties have been detected over a matter of 10 years or less. There is also evidence for a faint ring within this system. the major rings in the Uranian system were discovered in 1977, when the planet occulted the relatively anonymous 10th magnitude K1 subgiant, HD 128598. Photometry from the Kuiper Airborne Observatory, which was able to continuously monitor the event, showed a symmetric sequence of ten events (five before occultation, five after); combined with ground-based observations from Perth, Australia, a total of nine rings were identified. Subsequent observations by Voyager 2, both occultations and during its flyby, identified a few additional rings and revealed belts of dust. Particles in both the prominent inner rings, which have been imaged with HST, and the more tenuous outer rings have relatively short lifetimes, indicating that the ring system must be replenished on a regular basis. The present program aims to monitor the Uranian moons over the next three cycles to better establish the dynamics of this active system.

GO 13180: Search for a Transit of Alpha Centauri Bb, the First Earth-mass Exoplanet Orbiting a Sun-like Star

An artist's impression of the hypothetical terrestial companions of Alpha Cen B
Alpha Centauri is the closest stellar system to the Sun, lying at a distance of ~1.3 parsecs. Alpha cen is a triple system, comprising two solar-type stars, Alpha Cen A and B, spectral types G2 and K1, in relatively close proximity together with the M5 dwarf, Proxima Centauri, at a separation of 15,000 AU. As our nearest neighbours (Proxima is actually the closest star to the Sun) and among the brightest stars in the sky, the solar-type stars in Alpha Cen have been the target of numerous searches for planetary companions. Specifically, both stars have been subjected to extensive radial velocity monitoring by the Geneva planet-search team using the HARPS echelle spectrograph mounted on the 3.6-metre telescope at ESO's La Silla Observatory. In October 2012, the team announced the discovery of systematic radial velocity variations of amplitude of +/- 51 cm/sec and a period of 3.2 days; assuming moderate inclinations, this correponds to a terrestrial-mass planet (M~0.93 MEarth) in a orbit with semi-major axis 0.04 AU. These observations are on the edge of current detection techniques, and some controversy remains over whether the detection is confirmed or not. Clearly, this detection would not correspond to a habitable planet - the separation from the parent star is approximately one-tenth the radius of Mercury's orbit, leading to exceedingly high temperatures on the planetary surface. Nonetheless, the discovery of a terrestrial planetary companion around our nearest neighbour has strong implications (psychological as much as statistical) for the frequency of such systems. Assuming its existence, there is a 10% chance that the planet transits the host star. HST is the only facility that is currently capable of detecting such a planet in transit. The present observations are timed to coincide with the appropriate orbital phase.

Past weeks:
page by Neill Reid, updated 14/10/2012
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