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Дата изменения: Sat Nov 15 06:28:59 2008
Дата индексирования: Wed Jan 14 10:39:40 2009

Поисковые слова: topography
HR Knowledge Center GIS

Proposal Plan for Geographic Information System (GIS) Capability for the Department of State Human Resources Knowledge Center
- C. Christian (I RM/ BPC/ eDiP), R. Harford (HR/ EX/SDD), B. Van Pay and D. Smith (INR/ GGI)

1.0 Business Case
The Bureau o f Hu man Resources (HR) within the Dep artment of State (Do S) strives to build a skilled and diverse wo rkforce to meet the challenge and opport unities of American foreign policy. As bureaus and posts identify needs fo r specifi c expertise, HR can be an asset in fulfilling their requirements. Political crises, instabilities, and natural disasters are particularly acute situations where the germane expertise needs to b e identified quickly. In marshalling DoS hu man capital fo r an appropriate response, HR has access to data such as descriptions of personnel with key language specialties who can aid a relief effort or are at a post that is near a US military facility so as to enable a quick response to a crisis. In principle, HR also can identify security specialists who , fo r ex ample, speak Arabic and are within a 100-mile radius of a particular city in the Middle East when a d evastating ev ent occurs there. DoS's most pressing problems usually have a g eograph ical context, and HR needs to quickly match its human resources to this context. What is need ed is a simple, nearly automated ability to strategically and visually overlay Do S's hu man resources onto geographical maps and thereby juxtapose the problem with the means to a solution. Access to a tool that allows visualization of the locations of personnel and their expertise can sav e time, eliminate redundan cy, and expand HR's capability to support deployment of personnel for Do S business.

2.0 Current Circumstances
The HR Kno wledge Center (KC) responds to requests by manually combing personnel lists and spreadsheets to identify particular expertise when a situation demands it. The product is usually a paper docu ment listing individual names, skills, and locations. A recent example occurred in which the HRKC was asked to provide a tabular list of DoS employees in response to the Decemb er 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami disaster. The list included those employees who had the requisite languag e skills and/or were at one ti me posted in Thailand, and t he list was developed by an IT staffer working alongside a DoS functional exp ert. The end result after some hours o f effort (approximately 16) were pieces of paper with names, skills, and locations listed in a table. This appro ach is op erative but at a significant cost with little residual investment for future situations. The tedious procedure must be repeated with an investment of another 2 FTE-days wh en the n ext situation occurs.

3.0 Proposed Solution
The HRKC could organize relevant staff data in a datab ase that can be ingested into a GIS. Such systems can be thought of as portals to specific content that is tied to a g eographic location. A GIS is a content and kno wledge man agement interface and therefore co mpatible with other content management systems if the (dynamic) data is structured appropriately. Such a scheme allows HR functional experts interact with a GIS, without the aid o f a dedicated information technology (IT) staffer. The individual can locate DoS personnel on a map, select the attributes desired such as
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language skill, security expertise, IT kno wledge, or any other exp ertise in minutes. From the GIS, they can p robe the data on the exp erts, and if d esired, extract the information in digital or p aper form. Functional Workflo w: Us ers would access data throu region of the world of interest. Us ers can display the l required and generate lists of relevant staff on the fly. can be co mputed in real time, such as proximity to mi than through repetitive, manual , pap er p rocedures. As and shared with the field . gh a GIS interface displaying a map of the ocations of personnel with specific expertise Additional relationships between various data litary installations, airports or hospitals, rather a situation evolves, data can b e updated rapidly

4.0 Proof of Concept Demonstration/Pilot
We propose a p roof of concept demonstration in two stages: first, a simple demonstration of the technology and second a pilot project. These activities comprise cooperation bet ween the Offi ce of eDiplomacy in the Bureau of Information Resource Management (IRM), the Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR) Office o f the Geograph er, and HR.



The relev ance of GIS for the HRKC will be demonstrat ed using a subset of HR data and other relevant GIS information (su ch as political boundaries, etc.). The purpose of the exercise is to sho w how a GIS system can exploit data (in this cas e a simpl e data set) derived from the HR KC to respond to a crisis or other event thereby identifying personnel with specific expertise in a straightforward manner. HR d ata can b e displayed, searched, referenced and used to generate reports in the system. Additional data of interest will be country map d ata wit h political boundaries, infrastructure information as it exists, military installations, and other information. A suite of typical scenarios will be employed such as locating Do S employees around t he globe, identifying the locations of staff who have been posted to a specific embassy at any time and other representative questions normally posed by HR. The intended outcome of the d emonstration is to gain approval to move forward with a GIS pilot project within HR.


Pilot Project

The purpose of the subsequent pilot project is to enable HR to exercise GIS software and evaluate developing the capability to use GIS regularly for HR b usiness. Th e pilot depends implicitly on approval and support from HR HR, INR and eDiplomacy managers and bureau leadership for success. Key co mponents of the proposed pilot project are:

· · · · · · · ·

Identified personnel to participate in pilot
Availability of relevant imaging data Assembly of relevant referen ce and an cillary data s ets (political boundaries, location of k ey infrastructure, important buildings, etc.) Assembly of relevant HR data Identification of co mputer systems fo r the GIS system Acquisition of appropri ate ESRI soft ware Training of personnel with GIS system Usag e of the installed system for a specified period of t ime Report on l essons learned and plan for integration of sy stems into routine operations.
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The intended outcome of the pilot is to evaluat e the us efulness for HR. It is anticipated that the pilot will uncover new possibilities and cap abilities for HR. The results of the pilot will docu mented including a list of target areas in HR where GIS will be useful, identification of potential expansions and a plan for full deployment of GIS within HR. 4.2.1 Requisite Data Sets HR Data The pilot should access relevant HR d ata. One mechani sm is to export HR data into Access d atabases that can be ingested into the ESRI GIS soft ware. A preferred method is to incorporate a t wo-way bridge bet ween the ESRI soft ware and Business Objects WebIntelligence soft ware or any other source of "tabular" data fro m a dat abase o r spreadsheet. Users will be able to display the locations of personnel with specific skills, for ex ample, urb an gen eralists in a region of interest that speak a selected targ et language. They will have the ability to do filtering, and selection and modification of the requisite skill codes. Other operations such as zooming and panning to detailed areas of interest, overlays of physical critical infrastructure and ex aminat ion of other critical features will be possible. Output to digital form or print products is a regular feat ure of GIS. Many other scen arios are enabled such as using a stand ard reporting packag e to get a digital tabular listing of all employees who are of a specific grade, pos ted to a s elected country or region and have a particular skill, and then display their cu rrent postings. Other Bas e Data Desired: · · · · · · · · · · · Political boundaries Cities and infrastructure (roads, ports, airports) Post locations Locations of buildings of other types ­ govern ment, ho spitals, schools Population demographics and density Military deployments Topography and imagery as reference bas e Hospitals, schools and government buildings Land use (residential, commercial, agricultural, etc.) Land cover (grassland, fo rest, etc.) Cultural landmarks Data from outside sources · · Land cover United States Geographical Service: http://edcdaac.usgs.gov/glcc/tabgeo_globe.asp Land cover, land use, and cultural landmarks (free) thro ugh NSDI: http://edcw2ks15.cr.usgs.gov/fgdc/ EDCg ateway .html

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5.0 Outcome
The intended outcome of the GIS demonstration is to il lustrate, using real HR data, ho w GIS is an appropriate content man agement interface for HR work . The anticipated result is to obtain approval to move forward with a GIS pilot project within HR. The intended outcome of the GIS pilot is to evaluate th e usefulness of GIS as a content interface/ manag ement tool for HR's routine work. The pilot project will reveal additional applications and potential growth for HR cap ability as a result of an invest ment in GIS. Using the documented results of the pilot project, costs for wider deployment of GIS in HR can be evaluated along with the increase in produ ctivity and time saving s for personnel. Complementary functions for GIS use along with the ability to share d ata with other bureaus will be identified . The pilot project also will help hone assessments of the suite of soft ware, training and support required fo r GIS as DoS moves to enterprise-wide usag e.

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6.0 Appendix A ­ Pilot Project Staffing and Cost
6.1 Length of pilot project
4 months


Note: the basic p urpose of the pilot is to work out all the technical details and d etail the costs of implementing a production GIS system that can access HR data and b e integrated with existing I NR data and systems . Live d atabase queries fro m the GIS system against the HR Kno wledge Center. Single login between the KC and the GIS system Dat a integration with INR's d atabase (e.g., line up the various names for the Congo) External system feeds , fo r ex ample the USGS Earthquake Hazard Program End user access via Open Net with requisite security co nsiderations Ability of end-users to update the GIS d atabase through wireless devices Detail costs, personnel requirements , development ti meline, and end user training needs for a pro duction system


Personnel for Pilot Project
Government Project Manager Technical Lead / GIS Developer Oracle D ata Warehouse Integrator Web/Java Developer (link ESR I & WebI) Business Objects D eveloper Requirements Analys t

Pro posed Perso nnel
Carol Chr istian Brian VanPay Bob Harford Not identified Bob Harford All those listed above

Level o f Effort
25% 50% 75% 75% 75% --


Hardware Costs for Pilot Project

No cost anticipated: The pilot project will need a s erver that can run ESRI's server soft ware (ArcIMS) and Business Objects serv er soft ware (Web Intelligence). The HR Help Desk has said that they can make one available fo r four months.


Software Costs for Pilot Project

No cost anticipated: ESRI will supply any required GIS soft ware for free Business Objects / WebIntelligence soft ware is already licensed & can be us ed for the pilot Oracle is site licensed Microsoft IIS is already licensed and can b e used for th e pilot

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