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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Fri Dec 9 22:04:17 2011
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Mon Oct 1 20:42:48 2012

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Howard E. Bond
Astronomer Space Telescope Science Institute 3700 San Martin Drive Baltimore, Maryland 21218 Education: Telephone: 410-338-4718 E-mail: bond@stsci.edu Web: http://www.stsci.edu/ bond

B.S. (Physics), University of Illinois, 1964 M.S. (Astronomy), University of Michigan, 1965 Ph.D. (Astronomy), University of Michigan, 1969

Professional app ointments: Department of Physics & Astronomy, Louisiana State University Assistant Professor, 1970-75 Associate Professor (tenured), 1975-79 Professor (tenured), 1979-84 Space Telescope Science Institute Astronomer (tenured), 1984-2008 Astronomer Emeritus, 2008-present Journal and b o ok Editorships: Managing Editor, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1991-1997 Volume Editor, Planets, Stars, and Stel lar Systems (to be published in 2012) Prizes and awards: Co-recipient, Society of Co-recipient, (for Hubbl Klumpke-Roberts Award of the Astronomical the Pacific (for Hubble Heritage pro ject), 2003 American Astronomical Society Education Prize e Heritage pro ject), 2007

Professional so ciety memb erships: International Astronomical Union American Astronomical Society (AAS Councilor, 1987-89) Research interests: V838 Monocerotis and the new class of luminous transients Light echoes Planetary nebulae and their central stars Post-asymptotic-giant-branch (post-AGB) stars Extragalactic distance scale Extrasolar planets Astrometry and trigonometric parallaxes Novae and cataclysmic variable stars White dwarfs Close binary and variable stars Visual binary stars Stellar chemical compositions Peculiar red giants Population II and III stars

Teaching exp erience: At Louisiana State University I developed and taught the following courses: Elementary astronomy (2-semester service course for non-science ma jors) Introductory astronomy (2-semester service course for science ma jors) Honors astronomy (1-semester course for non-science ma jors. Topics included black holes, exploration of the solar system, and extraterrestrial intelligence) Introductory physics (1-semester service course for pre-medical students) Astronomical spectroscopy (2-semester course for seniors and graduate students) Galactic structure (1-semester course for graduate students) Public A N H outreach activities: AS Shapley Lecturer, 1981-2003 umerous public lectures, colloquia, and NASA/HST press briefings & releases ubble Heritage Program co-founder and participant, 1997-present: a funded, ongoing effort to obtain and make available to the public HST images of the most spectacular deep-sky ob jects. Hubble Education and Outreach Scientist, 2002-4

Guest Investigator with: Hubble Space Telescope International Ultraviolet Explorer Chandra X-ray Observatory Swift Gamma-Ray Burst Explorer XMM-Newton X-ray Observatory Spitzer Space Telescope MMT Observatory 6.5-m telescope Kitt Peak National Observatory (0.4-, 0.9-, 1.3-, 2.1-, WIYN 3.5-, and Mayall 4-m reflectors; coud´-feed telescope; Burrell Schmidt) e Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (0.4-, 0.6-, 0.9-, 1.5-, and Blanco 4-m reflectors; Curtis Schmidt; YALO 1-m) European Southern Observatory 8-m Very Large Telescope SMARTS Consortium (0.9-, 1.0, 1.3-, and 1.5-m reflectors; member of SMARTS Board of Directors) Palomar Observatory (200-inch reflector) Lick Observatory (120-inch reflector; coud´ auxiliary telescope) e Mt. Wilson Observatory (100-inch reflector) Dominion Astrophysical Observatory (72-inch reflector) Very Large Array radio telescope Green Bank Telescope, National Radio Astronomy Observatory


Professional service activities [last 15 years]: Member, American Institute of Physics Publications Board, 1992-97 Member, Scientific Organizing Committee, STScI May 1996 Workshop on the Extragalactic Distance Scale Member, peer-review panel for Cool Stars, Hubble Space Telescope, 1996 Member, Scientific Organizing Committee, STScI May 1997 Workshop on the Hubble Deep Field Member, Scientific Organizing Committee, STScI May 1998 Workshop on Unsolved Problems in Stellar Evolution Member, Scientific Oversight Committee, Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Camera 3, 1998-present Member, Scientific Organizing Committee, STScI May 1999 Workshop on The Largest Explosions Since the Big-Bang: Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts Member, Scientific Organizing Committee, August 1999 Workshop on Asymmetrical Planetary Nebulae, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts Member, Scientific Organizing Committee, July 1999 Wide Field Camera 3 Filter Workshop, STScI Science Advisor, Earth & Sky radio series, 1999-present Member, NASA Peer Review Committee, Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer, 2000 Member, Review Panel for NASA IDEAS educational outreach pro ject grants, 2002, 2003 Member, Board of Directors, SMARTS telescope consortium, 2003-present Chair, Review Panel for NSF proposals on stellar interiors and evolution, 2005 Member, Review Panel for NSF CAREER proposals, 2005 Member, Scientific Organizing Committee, May 2006 Conference on The Nature of V838 Mon and its Light Echo, La Palma, Canary Islands, 2006 Member, Dean's Academic Review Panel for San Diego State University Astronomy Department, 2006 Member, Review Panel for NASA Postdoctoral Program, 2009 Member, Telescope Allocation Committee, NOAO, 2009-present Chair, Scientific Organizing Committee, Workshop on Intermediate-Luminosity Red Transients, STScI, 2011 Postdo ctoral fellows: R. Earle Luck, 1977-84 Edward Kemper, 1981-83 Cheng-Yue Zhang, 1994-95 Karen G. Schaefer, 1994-97 Laura K. Fullton, 1995-98 David R. Alves, 1998-2001 M. Sean O'Brien, 1999-2002 Michael Siegel, 2001-2004 Gail Schaefer, 2004-2007 Katrina Exter, 2006-2008


PUBLICATION LIST Howard E. Bond Pap ers in Refereed Journals
1. H. E. Bond and W. P. Bidelman "On Two Non-Existent Wolf-Rayet Stars" Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 78, 261, 1966. 2. C. L. Perry and H. E. Bond "Spectroscopic Studies of Southern Galactic Clusters. I. IC 2391" Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 81, 629, 1969. 3. H. E. Bond and J. S. Neff "On the Spectral Energy Distributions of the Barium Stars" Astrophys. J., 158, 1235, 1969. 4. H. E. Bond and A. U. Landolt "RS Columbae, a New W Ursae Ma joris System" Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 81, 696, 1969. 5. H. E. Bond and A. U. Landolt "Photometric and Spectroscopic Observations of AG and HR Carinae" Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 82, 313, 1970. 6. H. E. Bond "New Peculiar Stars Noted on Ob jective-Prism Plates" Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 82, 321, 1970. 7. H. E. Bond "The Peculiar High-Velocity Star HD 204613" Astrophys. J., 160, 1127, 1970. 8. H. E. Bond "A Search for Metal-Deficient Stars" Astrophys. J. Suppl., 22, 117, 1970. 9. H. E. Bond "Three Eclipsing Binaries Found Spectroscopically" Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 82, 1065, 1970. 0. H. E. Bond and D. J. MacConnell "The Nature of the Field Blue-Straggler Stars" Astrophys. J., 165, 51, 1971. 1. D. J. MacConnell, R. L. Frye, W. P. Bidelman, and H. E. Bond "Discoveries on Southern Ob jective-Prism Plates. II. New Probable Field Horizontal-Branch Stars" Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 83, 98, 1971. 2. H. E. Bond and A. U. Landolt "The Subluminous B-Type Star CD -42 14462" Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 83, 485, 1971. 3. H. E. Bond "The Optically Variable Radio Source PKS 1514-24 = AP Librae" Astrophys. J. (Letters), 167, L79, 1971.






14. H. E. Bond, C. L. Perry, and W. P. Bidelman "Radial Velocities and Spectral Classification of A-Type Stars Near the South Galactic Pole" Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 83, 643, 1971. 15. H. E. Bond and C. L. Perry "The Masses of the `Horizontal-Branch' Stars in M67" Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 83, 638, 1971. 16. H. E. Bond "Fourteen New Peculiar Stars" Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 84, 446, 1972. 17. H. E. Bond "On Emission-Line Stars in the Zeta Sculptoris Cluster" Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 84, 583, 1972. 18. H. E. Bond "The Optically Variable Galaxy V395 Herculis" Astrophys. J. (Letters), 174, L163, 1972. 19. H. E. Bond "On the Metal Deficiency of the Secondary Component of S Velorum" Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 84, 839, 1972. 20. H. E. Bond "A Search for Extragalactic Ob jects in the General Catalogue of Variable Stars" Astrophys. J. (Letters), 181, L23, 1973. 21. H. E. Bond and A. G. D. Philip "Photometry of Metal-Deficient A-Type Stars Found on Ob jective-Prism Plates" Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 85, 332, 1973. 22. H. E. Bond "Be Stars in the Galactic Cluster M52" Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 85, 405, 1973. 23. H. E. Bond and W. L. W. Sargent "The Optically Variable Galaxy X Comae" Astrophys. J. (Letters), 185, L109, 1973. 24. H. E. Bond, R. F. Green, and J. P. Huchra "AU Leonis: An Extragalactic Ob ject in the General Catalogue of Variable Stars" Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 86, 668, 1974. 25. H. E. Bond "The Subgiant CH Stars" Astrophys. J., 194, 95, 1974. 26. H. E. Bond and W. G. Tifft "A Spectroscopic Survey of Some High-Latitude Blue Variables" Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 86, 981, 1974. 27. H. E. Bond "Eclipsing Binaries Found Spectroscopically. II. HD 128141" Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 87, 877, 1975. 28. H. E. Bond "A New CH Star in the Globular Cluster Omega Centauri" Astrophys. J. (Letters), 202, L47, 1975.


29. C. Sneden and H. E. Bond "The Chemical Compositions of Two Subgiant CH Stars" Astrophys. J., 204, 810, 1976. 30. H. E. Bond "Ob jects Common to the Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae and the General Catalogue of Variable Stars" Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 88, 192, 1976. 31. H. E. Bond and H. Levato "The Helium-Variable Star HD 184927" Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 88, 905, 1976. 32. H. E. Bond, R. G. Kron, and H. Spinrad "GQ Comae and V396 Herculis: Two Low-Redshift, Optically Variable QSOs" Astrophys. J., 213, 1, 1977. 33. G. O. Boeshaar and H. E. Bond "Chemical Abundances in a New Halo Planetary Nebula" Astrophys. J., 213, 421, 1977. 34. R. F. Green, J. P. Huchra, and H. E. Bond "A Study of the Optical Variability of the Seyfert Galaxy X Comae" Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 89, 255, 1977. 35. H. E. Bond "CD -4214462: A Dwarf Nova in Permanent Outburst" Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 90, 216, 1978. 36. H. E. Bond, W. Liller, and E. J. Mannery "UU Sagittae: Eclipsing Nucleus of the Planetary Nebula Abell 63" Astrophys. J., 223, 252, 1978. 37. H. E. Bond "A Spectroscopic Survey of Blue Variables. II" Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 90, 526, 1978. 38. H. E. Bond, D. K. Walter, G. Wallerstein, C. L. Morbey, and D. M. Popper "The Double-Lined Spectroscopic Binary HD 214686" Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 90, 679, 1978. 39. H. E. Bond, R. E. Luck, and M. J. Newman "The Extraordinary Composition of U Aquarii" Astrophys. J., 233, 205, 1979. 40. H. E. Bond, G. Chanmugam, and A. D. Grauer "High-Speed Photometry of the New AM Herculis-Type Binary 2A 0311-227" Astrophys. J. (Letters), 234, L113, 1979. 41. R. E. Luck and H. E. Bond "The Chemical Compositions of 26 Distant Late-Type Supergiants and the Metallicity Gradient in the Galactic Disk" Astrophys. J., 241, 218, 1980. 42. H. E. Bond "Extremely Metal-Deficient Red Giants. I. A New Ob jective-Prism, Photometric, and RadialVelocity Survey" Astrophys. J. Suppl., 44, 517, 1980.


43. R. E. Luck and H. E. Bond "Extremely Metal-Deficient Red Giants. II. Chemical Abundances in 21 Halo Giants" Astrophys. J., 244, 919, 1981. 44. H. E. Bond "Where is Population III?" Astrophys. J., 248, 606, 1981. 45. A. D. Grauer and H. E. Bond "Two-Star High-Speed Photometry" Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 93, 388, 1981. 46. H. E. Bond "A Giant Halo Around the Planetary Nebula NGC 3242" Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 93, 429, 1981. 47. A. D. Grauer and H. E. Bond "High-Speed Photometry of, and Speculations on, the Central Star of M 1-2" Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 93, 630, 1981. 48. J. Liebert, S. Tapia, H. E. Bond, and A. D. Grauer "The 1979 Minimum State of AN Ursae Ma joris" Astrophys. J., 254, 232, 1982. 49. J. E. McClintock, R. A. London, H. E. Bond, and A. D. Grauer "The Non-Compact Binary X-Ray Source 4U 2129+47" Astrophys. J., 258, 245, 1982. 50. R. E. Luck and H. E. Bond "Subgiant CH Stars. I. s-Process Abundances, C/O Ratios, and Evolutionary Status" Astrophys. J., 259, 792, 1982. 51. H. E. Bond, E. Kemper, and J. A. Mattei "RZ Sagittae: A New SU Ursae Ma joris-Type Dwarf Nova" Astrophys. J. (Letters), 260, L79, 1982. 52. A. D. Grauer and H. E. Bond "The Pre-Cataclysmic Nucleus of Abell 41" Astrophys. J., 271, 259, 1983. 53. R. E. Luck, D. L. Lambert, and H. E. Bond "HR 4912: A Variable of the Old-Disk Population" Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 95, 413, 1983. 54. R. E. Luck and H. E. Bond "Nickel Overabundances in Extremely Metal-Deficient Red Giants" Astrophys. J. (Letters), 271, L75, 1983. 55. A. D. Grauer and H. E. Bond "The Pulsating Central Star of the Planetary Nebula Kohoutek 1-16" Astrophys. J., 277, 211, 1984. 56. J. A. Nousek, L. O. Takalo, G. D. Schmidt, S. Tapia, H. E. Bond, A. D. Grauer, R. A. Stern, and P. C. Agrawal "E 2003+225: A 3 hr 45 min AM Herculis-Type Binary System" Astrophys. J., 277, 682, 1984. 57. H. E. Bond, B. W. Carney, and A. D. Grauer "Light Variations of the Population II F-Type Supergiant HD 46703" Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 96, 176, 1984. ­7­

58. G. L. Ellis, E. T. Grayson, and H. E. Bond "A Search for Faint Planetary Nebulae on Palomar Sky Survey Prints" Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 96, 283, 1984. 59. R. E. Luck and H. E. Bond "HD 46703: A High-Luminosity Population II F-Type Star" Astrophys. J., 279, 729, 1984. 60. H. E. Bond, A. D. Grauer, R. F. Green, and J. W. Liebert "Two New Extremely Hot Pulsating White Dwarfs" Astrophys. J., 279, 751, 1984. 61. M. M. Shara, A. F. J. Moffat, J. McGraw, D. S. Dearborn, H. E. Bond, E. Kemper, and R. Lamontagne "WY Sagittae (Nova 1783): A Transition Ob ject Between Classical and Dwarf Novae?" Astrophys. J., 282, 763, 1984. 62. A. V. Holm, R. J. Panek, F. H. Schiffer, H. E. Bond, A. D. Grauer, and E. Kemper "Phase-Resolved Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of the Pulsating White Dwarf ZZ Piscium" Astrophys. J., 289, 774, 1985. 63. A. W. Shafter, P. Szkody, J. Liebert, W. R. Penning, H. E. Bond, and A. D. Grauer "TT Arietis: The Low State" Astrophys. J., 290, 707, 1985. 64. R. E. Luck and H. E. Bond "Extremely Metal-Deficient Red Giants. III. Chemical Abundance Patterns in Field Halo Giants" Astrophys. J., 292, 559, 1985. 65. H. E. Bond, D. Burstein, S. M. Faber, and R. E. Luck "High-Resolution Near-Infrared Spectra of Normal and Super-Metal-Rich K Giants" Astron. J., 90, 1349, 1985. 66. R. E. Luck and H. E. Bond "Extremely Metal-Deficient Red Giants. IV. Equivalent Widths for 36 Halo Giants" Astrophys. J. Suppl., 59, 249, 1985. 67. R. E. Luck and H. E. Bond "The Chemical Composition of Polaris" Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 98, 442, 1986. 68. H. E. Bond and R. E. Luck "Nitrogen and Sulfur Overabundances in the Population II Supergiant HD 46703" Astrophys. J., 312, 203, 1987. 69. H. E. Bond and A. D. Grauer "PG 0122+200: A New Member of the GW Vir (PG 1159-035) Class of Extremely Hot Pulsating White Dwarfs" Astrophys. J. (Letters), 321, L123, 1987. 70. H. E. Bond, A. D. Grauer, D. Burstein, and R. O. Marzke "Hamuy's Blue Variable Star in Orion" Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 99, 1097, 1987. 71. A. D. Grauer, H. E. Bond, J. Liebert, T. Fleming, and R. F. Green "A Search for Hot Pulsating Stars Similar to PG 1159-035 and K 1-16" Astrophys. J., 323, 271, 1987.


72. A. D. Grauer, H. E. Bond, R. F. Green, and J. Liebert "PG 1456+103: A New Pulsating DB White Dwarf " Astron. J., 95, 879, 1988. 73. R. E. Luck and H. E. Bond "s-Process Deficiencies in Low-Mass Supergiant Variables" Astrophys. J., 342, 476, 1989. 74. J. H. Wood, T. R. Marsh, E. L. Robinson, R. F. Stiening, K. Horne, R. Stover, R. Schoembs, S. L. Allen, H. E. Bond, D. H. P. Jones, A. D. Grauer, and R. Ciardullo "The Ephemeris and Variations of the Accretion-Disk Radius in IP Pegasi" Monthly Notices Roy. Astron. Soc., 239, 809, 1989. 75. J. Liebert, R. Green, H. E. Bond, J. B. Holberg, F. Wesemael, T. A. Fleming, and K. Kidder "A Compact Planetary Nebula Around the Hot White Dwarf EGB 6/PG 0950+139" Astrophys. J., 346, 251, 1989. 76. R. Ciardullo, G. H. Jacoby, and H. E. Bond "Serendipitous Discovery of a Distant Galactic RR Lyrae Variable in Front of the Virgo Elliptical NGC 4472" Astron. J., 98, 1648, 1989. 77. R. E. Luck and H. E. Bond "Supergiants and the Galactic Metallicity Gradient. II. Spectroscopic Abundances for 64 Distant F- to M-Type Supergiants" Astrophys. J. Suppl., 71, 559, 1989. 78. H. E. Bond, R. Gilmozzi, M. G. Meakes, and N. Panagia "Discovery of an Inner Light-Echo Ring Around Supernova 1987A" Astrophys. J. (Letters), 354, L49, 1990. 79. H. E. Bond and M. Livio "Morphologies of Planetary Nebulae Ejected by Close-Binary Nuclei" Astrophys. J., 355, 568, 1990. 80. R. E. Luck, H. E. Bond, and D. L. Lambert "Chemical Compositions of Four High-Latitude A-F Supergiants" Astrophys. J., 357, 188, 1990. 81. H. E. Bond and M. G. Meakes "The Pulsating Nucleus of the Planetary Nebula Longmore 4" Astron. J., 100, 788, 1990. 82. R. E. Luck and H. E. Bond "Subgiant CH Stars. II. Chemical Compositions and the Evolutionary Connection with Barium Stars" Astrophys. J. Suppl., 77, 515, 1991. 83. B. E. Schaefer, A. U. Landolt, N. Vogt, D. Buckley, B. Warner, and H. E. Bond "The Photometric Period of the Recurrent Nova T Pyxidis" Astrophys. J. Suppl., 81, 321, 1992. 84. J. Patterson, H. E. Bond, A. D. Grauer, A. W. Shafter, and J. A. Mattei "Superhumps in VY Aquarii" Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 105, 69, 1993.


85. B. Schmidt and 35 co-authors, including H. E. Bond "Photometric and Spectroscopic Observations of SN 1990E in NGC 1035: Observational Constraints for Models of Type II Supernovae" Astron. J., 105, 2236, 1993. 86. S. D. Kawaler, H. E. Bond, L. E. Sherbert, and T. K. Watson "High-Speed HST Ultraviolet Photometry of Two DB White Dwarfs: Nonradial and Radial Pulsations" Astron. J., 107, 298, 1994. 87. T. Brown, F. Cordova, R. Ciardullo, R. Thompson, and H. E. Bond ´ "Einstein Observations of Ultra-soft X-ray Sources in the Magellanic Clouds" Astrophys. J., 422, 118, 1994. 88. L. A. Wells and 42 co-authors, including H. E. Bond "The Type Ia Supernova 1989B in NGC 3627 (M66)" Astron. J., 108, 2233, 1994. 89. H. L. Shipman, J. Provencal, S. W. Roby, M. Barstow, H. E. Bond, F. Bruhweiler, D. Finley, G. Fontaine, J. Holberg, J. Nousek, E. Sion, R. Tweedy, F. Wesemael, and G. Vauclair "Photospheric, Circumstellar, and Interstellar Features of He, C, N, O, and Si in the HST Spectra of Four Hot White-Dwarf Stars" Astron. J., 109, 1220, 1995. 90. W. A. Feibelman, J. B. Kaler, H. E. Bond, and A. D. Grauer "Variability of IUE Spectra of the Pulsating Nucleus of the Planetary Nebula K 1-16" Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 107, 914, 1995. 91. H. B. Richer, G. G. Fahlman, R. A. Ibata, P. B. Stetson, R. A. Bell, M. Bolte, H. E. Bond, W. E. Harris, J. E. Hesser, G. Mandushev, C. Pryor, and D. A. VandenBerg "Hubble Space Telescope Observations of White Dwarfs in the Globular Cluster M4" Astrophys. J. (Letters), 451, L17, 1995. 92. H. B. Richer, W. E. Harris, G. G. Fahlman, R. A. Bell, H. E. Bond, J. E. Hesser, S. Holland, C. P. Pryor, P. B. Stetson, D. A. VandenBerg, and S. van den Bergh "Age Gradient and the Second-Parameter Problem in the Galactic Halo" Astrophys. J., 463, 602, 1996. 93. R. Ciardullo and H. E. Bond "A Survey for Pulsations in O VI Nuclei of Planetary Nebulae" Astron. J., 111, 2332, 1996. 94. H. E. Bond, S. D. Kawaler, R. Ciardullo, et al. "Asteroseismological Observations of the Central Star of the Planetary Nebula NGC 1501" Astron. J., 112, 2699, 1996. 95. H. B. Richer, G. G. Fahlman, R. A. Ibata, J. E. Hesser, P. B. Stetson, D. A. VandenBerg, C. Pryor, W. E. Harris, H. E. Bond, M. Bolte, and R. A. Bell "HST Observations of White Dwarfs in Globular Clusters" J. Roy. Astr. Soc. Canada, 90, 309, 1996. 96. J. L. Provencal, H. L. Shipman, F. Wesemael, P. Bergeron, H. E. Bond, J. Liebert, and E. M. Sion "WFPC2 Photometry of the Bright, Mysterious White Dwarf Procyon B" Astrophys. J., 480, 777, 1997.

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97. H. B. Richer, G. G. Fahlman, R. A. Ibata, C. Pryor, R. A. Bell, M. Bolte, H. E. Bond, W. E. Harris, J. E. Hesser, S. Holland, N. Ivanans, G. Mandushev, P. B. Stetson, and M. A. Wood "White Dwarfs in Globular Clusters: Hubble Space Telescope Observations of M4" Astrophys. J., 484, 741, 1997. 98. W. E. Harris, R. A. Bell, D. A. VandenBerg, M. Bolte, P. B. Stetson, J. E. Hesser, S. van den Bergh, H. E. Bond, G. G. Fahlman, and H. B. Richer "NGC 2419, M92, and the Age Gradient in the Galactic Halo" Astron. J., 114, 1030, 1997. 99. K. C. Sahu, M. Livio, L. Petro, H. E. Bond, F. D. Macchetto, T. J. Galama, P. J. Groot, J. van Paradijs, and C. Kouveliotou "Observations of GRB 970228 and GRB 970508, and the Neutron-Star Merger Model" Astrophys. J. (Letters), 489, L127, 1997. 100. E. M. Sion, K. G. Schaefer, H. E. Bond, R. A. Saffer, and F. H. Cheng "Hubble Space Telescope Observations of an Accreted Silicon Spot on the White Dwarf in V471 Tauri" Astrophys. J. (Letters), 496, L29, 1998. 101. P. B. Stetson, M. Bolte, W. E. Harris, J. E. Hesser, S. van den Bergh, D. A. VandenBerg, R. A. Bell, J. A. Johnson, H. E. Bond, L. K. Fullton, G. G. Fahlman, and H. B. Richer "Ages for Globular Clusters in the Outer Galactic Halo: The Second-Parameter Clusters Palomar 3, Palomar 4, and Eridanus" Astron. J., 117, 247, 1999. 102. H. E. Bond and R. Ciardullo "Distance to the Planetary Nebula NGC 246 from the Resolved Companion of its Central Star" Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 111, 217, 1999. 103. R. A. Ibata, H. B. Richer, G. G. Fahlman, M. Bolte, H. E. Bond, J. E. Hesser, C. Pryor, and P. B. Stetson "Hubble Space Telescope Photometry of the Globular Cluster M4" Astrophys. J. Suppl., 120, 265, 1999. 104. R. Ciardullo. H. E. Bond, M. S. Sipior, L. K. Fullton, C.-Y. Zhang, and K. G. Schaefer "A Hubble Space Telescope Survey for Resolved Companions of Planetary-Nebula Nuclei" Astron. J., 118, 488, 1999. 105. M. D. Albrow and 20 co-authors, including H. E. Bond "Detection of Rotation in a Binary Microlens: PLANET Photometry of MACHO 97-BLG-41" Astrophys. J., 534, 894, 2000. 106. T. M. Girard, H. Wu, J. T. Lee, S. E. Dyson, W. F. van Altena, E. P. Horch, R. L. Gilliland, K. G. Schaefer, H. E. Bond, C. Ftaclas, R. H. Brown, H. L. Shipman, J. L. Provencal, and D. Pourbaix "A Redetermination of the Mass of Procyon" Astron. J., 119, 2428, 2000. 107. B. G. Elmegreen, M. Kaufman, C. Struck, D. M. Elmegreen, E. Brinks, M. Thomasson, M. Klaric, Z. Levay, J. English, L. M. Frattare, H. E. Bond, C. A. Christian, F. Hamilton, and K. Noll "HST Observations of the Interacting Galaxies NGC 2207 and IC 2163" Astron. J., 120, 630, 2000.

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108. D. R. Alves, H. E. Bond, and M. Livio "Hubble Space Telescope Observations of the Planetary Nebula K 648 in the Globular Cluster M15" Astron. J., 120, 2044, 2000. 109. D. R. Alves, H. E. Bond, and C. Onken "CCD Photometry of the Globular Cluster NGC 5986 and Its Post-Asymptotic-Giant Branch and RR Lyrae Stars" Astron. J., 121, 318, 2001. 110. M. A. Barstow, H. E. Bond, M. R. Burleigh, and J. B. Holberg "Resolving Sirius-Like Binaries with the Hubble Space Telescope" Monthly Notices Roy. Astron. Soc., 322, 891, 2001. 111. H. E. Bond, D. J. Mullan, M. S. O'Brien, and E. M. Sion "Detection of Coronal Mass Ejections in V471 Tauri with the Hubble Space Telescope" Astrophys. J., 560, 919, 2001. 112. M. S. O'Brien, H. E. Bond, and E. M. Sion "Hubble Space Telescope Spectroscopy of V471 Tauri: Oversized K Star, Paradoxical White Dwarf " Astrophys. J., 563, 971, 2001. 113. H. E. Bond and D. L. Pollacco "HST Observations of Sakurai's Ob ject (V4334 Sgr) and Related Stars" Astrophysics & Space Science, 279, 31, 2002. 114. S. Palen, B. Balick, A. R. Ha jian, Y. Terzian, H. E. Bond, and N. Panagia "Hubble Space Telescope Expansion Parallaxes of the Planetary Nebulae NGC 6578, NGC 6884, NGC 6891, and IC 2448" Astron. J., 123, 2666, 2002. 115. H. E. Bond, R. L. White, R. H. Becker, and M. S. O'Brien "FIRST J102347.6+003841: The First Radio-Selected Cataclysmic Variable" Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 114, 1359, 2002. 116. G. H. Jacoby, J. Feldmeier, C. F. Claver, P. M. Garnavich, A. Noriega-Crespo, H. E. Bond, and J. Quinn "Confirmation of SBS 1150+599A as an Extremely Metal-Poor Planetary Nebula" Astron. J., 124, 3340, 2002. 117. H. E. Bond, D. L. Pollacco, and R. F. Webbink "WeBo 1: A Young Barium Star Surrounded by a Ring-Like Planetary Nebula" Astron. J., 125, 260, 2003. 118. J. J. Drake, R. M. Wagner, S. Starrfield, Y. Butt, J. Krautter, H. E. Bond, M. Della Valle, R. D. Gehrz, C. E. Woodward, A. Evans, M. Orio, P. Hauschildt, M. Hernanz, K. Mukai, and J. W. Truran "The Extraordinary X-ray Light Curve of the Classical Nova V1494 Aquilae (1999 #2) in Outburst: The Discovery of Pulsations and a `Burst' " Astrophys. J., 584, 448, 2003. 119. S. N. Shore, G. Schwarz, H. E. Bond, R. Downes, S. Starrfield, A. N. Evans, R. D. Gehrz, P. H. Hauschildt, J. Krautter, and C. E. Woodward "The Early Ultraviolet Evolution of the ONeMg Nova V382 Velorum 1999" Astron. J., 125, 1507, 2003.

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120. H. E. Bond, A. Henden, Z. G. Levay, N. Panagia, W. B. Sparks, S. Starrfield, R. M. Wagner, R. L. M. Corradi, and U. Munari "An Energetic Stellar Outburst Accompanied by Circumstellar Light Echoes" Nature, 422, 405, 2003. (also available at astro-ph/0303513) 121. J.-U. Ness, S. Starrfield, V. Burwitz, R. Wichmann, P. Hauschildt, J. J. Drake, R. M. Wagner, H. E. Bond, J. Krautter, M. Orio, M. Hernanz, C. E. Woodward, Y. Butt, K. Mukai, S. Balman, E. Tepedenlegliolu, and J. W. Truran "A Chandra LETGS Observation of V4743 Sgr: A Super-Soft X-Ray Source and a Violently Variable Light Curve" Astrophys. J. (Letters), 594, L127, 2003. 122. R. Baptista, B. W. Borges, H. E. Bond, F. Jablonski, J. E. Steiner, and A. D. Grauer "Cyclical Period Changes in the Dwarf Novae V2051 Oph and V4140 Sgr" Monthly Notices Roy. Astron. Soc., 345, 889, 2003. 123. O. De Marco, H. E. Bond, D. Harmer, and A. J. Fleming "Indications of a Large Fraction of Spectroscopic Binaries Among Nuclei of Planetary Nebulae" Astrophys. J. (Letters), 602, L93, 2004. 124. M. Cohen, H. Van Winckel, H. E. Bond, and T. R. Gull "Hubble Space Telescope Imaging of HD 44179, `The Red Rectangle' " Astron. J., 127, 2362, 2004. 125. J. Ma´z-Apellaniz, H. E. Bond, M. H. Siegel, Y. Lipkin, D. Maoz, E. O. Ofek, and D. Poznanski i ´ "The Progenitor of the Type II-P SN 2004dj in NGC 2403" Astrophys. J. (Letters), 615, L113, 2004 126. M. M. Shara, S. Hinkley, D. R. Zurek, C. Knigge, and H. E. Bond "The Luminous Erupting Dwarf Nova CV 1 in the Dense Globular Cluster M15" Astron. J., 128, 2847, 2004. 127. N. R. Walborn, I. D. Howarth, G. Rauw, D. J. Lennon, H. E. Bond, I. Negueruela, Y. Naz´, M. e F. Corcoran, A. Herrero, and A. Pellerin "A Period and a Prediction for the Of ?p Spectrum Alternator HD 191612" Astrophys. J. (Letters), 617, L61, 2004. 128. U. Munari, A. Henden, A. Vallenari, H. E. Bond, et al. "On the Distance, Reddening, and Progenitor of V838 Monocerotis" Astron. Astrophys., 434, 1107, 2005. 129. H. E. Bond "The uBVI Photometric System. I. Motivation, Implementation, and Calibration" Astron. J., 129, 2914, 2005. 130. M. H. Siegel and H. E. Bond "The uBVI Photometric System. II. Standard Stars" Astron. J., 129, 2924, 2005. 131. M. A. Barstow, H. E. Bond, J. B. Holberg, M. R. Burleigh, I. Hubeny, and D. Koester "Hubble Space Telescope Spectroscopy of the Balmer Lines in Sirius B" Monthly Notices Roy. Astron. Soc., 362, 1134, 2005. 132. H. E. Bond and M. H. Siegel "Hubble Space Telescope Imaging of the Outburst Site of M31 RV" Astron. J., 131, 984, 2006.

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133. K. C. Sahu, S. Casertano, H. E. Bond, J. Valenti, T. E. Smith, D. Minniti, M. Zoccali, M. Livio, N. Panagia, N. Piskunov, T. M. Brown, T. Brown, A. Renzini, R. M. Rich, W. Clarkson, and S. Lubow "Transiting Extrasolar Planetary Candidates in the Galactic Bulge" Nature, 443, 534, 2006. (available at astro-ph/0610098) 134. M. Af¸ar and H. E. Bond s "A Young Stellar Cluster Surrounding the Peculiar Eruptive Variable V838 Monocerotis" Astron. J., 133, 397, 2007. 135. M. Mutchler, H