Документ взят из кэша поисковой машины. Адрес оригинального документа : http://www.stsci.edu/~mperrin/software/sources/stat.pro
Дата изменения: Sat Aug 11 03:00:44 2007
Дата индексирования: Sat Mar 1 11:38:50 2014

Поисковые слова: m 101
pro Stat, data, out, lower=lower, upper=upper, nolabel=nolabel, $
nobadval = nobadval, $

; gives median, mean, min, max, and std deviation for a given image
; able to specify lower and upper boundaries to image
; program uses IDL's median function so if there are an even number of pixels,
; it will take the value just above the median location
; checked against IRAF "imstat" and everything looks good
; but runs somewhat slower than IRAF imstat
; Now this ignores any NaN values.
; data the data (any IDL array)
; out(0) = number of pixels
; out(1) = mean
; out(2) = median
; out(3) = standard deviation
; out(4) = minimum pixel
; out(5) = maximum pixel
; lower lower limit of data to find stats
; upper lower limit of data to find stats
; nolabel output results w/o the column headings
; nobadval exclude BADVAL pixels from calculation of min pixel value
; silent
; Written by M. Liu (UCB): 06/22/94
; 05/30/97 (MCL): added /nobadval
; 2002-12-05: Added check to ignore NaNs - M. Perrin
; Please send comments/questions to

; return to program calling this one if it bombs
BADVAL = -1e6

if n_params() eq 0 or n_elements(data) eq 0 then begin
print, 'pro Stat,data,(out),[lower=],[upper=],[nolabel],[nobadval],[silent]'

if keyword_set(lower) eq 0 then begin
if keyword_set(nobadval) then begin
llim = min(data(where(data ne BADVAL)))
lower = 1
endif else $
llim = min(data)
endif else $
if keyword_set(upper) eq 0 then ulim = max(data) else ulim=upper
; if keyword_set(log) eq 1 then openw,1,log

if keyword_set(silent) eq 0 and keyword_set(nolabel) eq 0 then $
print, format = '(6(A10," "))', $

; if keyword_set(log) eq 1 then begin
; openw,unit0,log,/get_lun
; printf,unit0,format = '(5(A8," "))', $
; endif

; if upper/lower limit(s) set
if ((keyword_set(lower) eq 1) or (keyword_set(upper) eq 1)) then begin
; print,'limits: lower=',llim,' upper=',ulim
w = where(data ge llim and data le ulim and finite(data))
if (w(0) eq (-1)) then begin
print,'* limits outside domain of image! *'
image = data(w)
endif else $
image = data(where(finite(data))) ; ignore NaN's

; calculate stats
npix = n_elements(image)
mean = total(image)/npix
if (npix gt 1) then $
sd = stdev(image) $
else begin
message, 'only one element - not calculating std. deviation', /info
sd = 0.0

med = median(image)
min = min(image)
max = max(image)

; print the results
if keyword_set(silent) eq 0 then $
; print, format = '(6(G10.3," "))', npix, mean, med, sd, min, max
print,format = '(6(E10.3," "))',npix,mean,med,sd,min,max

; dump results to output array
if (n_params() gt 1) then begin
out = fltarr(6)
out(0) = npix & out(1) = mean & out(2) = med
out(3) = sd & out(4) = min & out(5) = max

; if keyword_set(log) eq 1 then begin
; printf,1,format = '6(F8.0," ")', $
; npix,mean,med,sd,min,max
; endif
