Marshall Perrin's IDL Routines
List Last updated: Mon Sep 17 17:04:02 2012.
Routines by Category
Categories: Astronomical Utility - Data Cubes - Database - I/O - Image Display - Image Processing - IRCAL Pipeline - Mathematics - Misc - Plotting - ProgrammingAstronomical Utility
- FINDINGCHART - make a finding chart for an object on screen or PDF.
- LASERTIMES - Compute the start and stop allowable times for the Lick Laser, in LST. These correspond to 11 pm and 5 am, local time (either PST or PDT)
- LSTNOW - return current lst, for a given observatory
- MAG_ERRPROP - Convert fluxes to magnitudes, with error propagation.
- MULTIFINDINGCHART - call findingchart for a bunch of sources listed in a file.
- SUNTIMES - compute APPROXIMATE sunrise and sunset times
- ZD2AIRMASS - Compute airmass vs. zenith distance.
Data Cubes
- CUBEDISP_GRIDSPEC - Overplot a grid of spectra on top of a greyscale image of a cube This was inspired by a figure in (I think) one of Tracey Beck's papers.
- CUBE_COLLAPSE - Collapse a cube along the wavelength axis. The default is to average the cube, but there are options to median or total combine instead. There is some support for using quality flags to indicate bad pixels to skip when collapsing.
- CUBE_GETWAVEAXIS - return which axis of a cube is the wavelength dimension
- CUBE_READ - Read in a data cube into a standardized structure
- CUBE_REBIN - Rebin a cube in the X and Y dimensions, while leaving the Z dimension unchanged.
- CUBE_SUBTRACTCONTINUUM - Crude continuum subtraction for IFS datacubes Almost any algorithm will be better than this!
- EXTAST3 - Extract ASTrometry parameters from a FITS image header. (3D version for datacubes)
- PUTAST3 - Put WCS astrometry parameters into a given FITS header. (3D version for datacubes)
- XYZ2ADL - Compute R.A., Dec, and Wavelength from X, Y, and Z and a FITS astrometry structure
- IS_MYSQL_PRESENT - Is there a mysql database here? This routine lets you run the code either with or without mysql, depending on the local machine functionality.
- MYSQLCHECK - check that a connection to mysql is open; open one if it isn't
- MYSQLQUERY2 - Submit MySQL query and get response as an array of structures.
- QUERY_2MASS - Given a name, query the 2MASS catalog on Vizier for its J, H, and Ks magnitudes (and their errors).
- QUERY_IRAS - Given a name, query the IRAS catalog on Vizier for its J, H, and Ks magnitudes (and their errors).
- APRINT - print something out formatted as an IDL array (i.e. in IDL source code syntax)
- FITSLOADER - Loads a specified set of FITS files, locates appropriate bias and flat field files for them, applies these to calibrate them, and optionally scales the whole set to a fixed exposure time.
- HDRCONCAT - Concatenates FITS headers into a 2D string array, doing intelligent things with axes sizes if needed.
- HDRCOPY - copy keys from one header to another
- PICKFITS - pick one or more fits files using the GUI and then load them.
- READTEXT - read in a text file in its entirety into an array
- SELECTFITS - The purpose of this program is to allow the user to select a FITS image file for reading. The image data is returned as the result of the function. The best feature of this program is the opportunity to browse the image before reading it.
- SIGDISP - Like the IRCAL sigdisp, does a rough n-sigma linear stretch of an image.
- SIXTY_STRING - Like the Goddard library's "sixty" but it returns strings of the format "DD:MM:SS". This is the inverse of ten_string.
- STRC - Formats something as a string, removing the extra spaces and unnecessary zeros. Works on scalars or arrays.
- SXPARARR - Like sxparr, but for an array of fits headers.
- TEN_STRING - Does the same thing as the goddard IDL astro library's "ten" procedure (converts sexagesimal coords into decimal) but works on string arguments of the form "DD:MM:SS" or "DD MM SS".
- TEXPRINT - print out an IDL array in LaTeX table syntax, suitable for pasting into your paper.
Image Display
- ALOGSCALE - intelligently logarithmicly scale an image for display.
- ASINHSCL_COLOR - RGB asinh scaling, in the manner of Lupton et al.
- ASINHSCL_CONTOURS - create contour colors for overplotting.
- ASINH_DEMO - demonstrate use of asinh scaling routines
Image Processing
- AORADNORM - Given an image (presumably an AO image), create an unsharp masked image. then compute a radial noise profile for it and divide by the profile.
- APPHOT - program to do circular aperture photometry on an image given aperture location, size, and inner and outer radius for sky subtraction annulus.
- AUTOREGISTER - Automagically register a bunch of images.
- AVGMED - Median average a stack of FITS images, with optional median weighting.
- BIAS - quick script for making a bias frame and displaying useful info
- CALCPHOTNOISE - Given an image, and a map of the exposure times for that image, compute the photon noise as a function of position.
- CENPSFSUB - centroiding psf subtraction routine.
- CROP_BADMASK - Given an image and a mask, crop the image to the minimum size which contains the mask.
- FFTREBIN - Rebins an image by adding zeros in between the FFT components as necessary.
- FFTSHIFT - shifts an image by (dx,dy) pixels using fourier transforms.
- FFT_FILT - High- or Low-pass filter an image in Fourier space.
- FINDMAXSTAR - given an image, finds the x,y coords of the brightest object present.
- FITPLANE - Fits a plane to an image
- FIXNANFITS - given the name of a fits file, open that file, fix all the NaN pixels in it by interpolating from the nearest neighbors, then re-save the file
- FIXNANS - fix NANs in an image, e.g. before cross correlating or something.
- FIXPIX - given a image or stack of images and a bad pixel mask, will fill in bad pixels by finding the NPIX nearest good pixels, toss the highest and lowest ones of the bunch, and then arithmatically average.
- FWCENTROID - Implements the robust floating-window centroid algorithm adopted for JWST target acquisitions.
- HIMCUT - Like 'IMCUT', cut out a subregion from an image, and update FITS header. Very similar to HEXTRACT, but with different arguments
- IMAGE_SHIFT_MASKEDGES - When shifting an image, manipulate the bad pixel mask appropriately such that the correct edges of the shifted image are declared bad.
- IMCENTERF - program to calculate the center of mass of an image around the point (x,y), return the answer in (xcen,ycen).
- IMCUT - Function to cut out a square subsection out of an image, with the user specifying the center of the subsection.
- INDICES - like Python's indices command, returns coordinate indices for an array
- MATCH_FILTER - Convolve an image with a normalized version of itself. Quick and dirty...
- MATRIX_DFT - Matrix Discrete Fourier Transform, following Soummer et al. 2007. This is not as fast as an FFT, but allows you to arbitrarily choose the sampling and range covered in the Fourier domain.
- MEANS - return the means for a stack of images
- MEDARR2 - Like medarr, except you can specify a set of exposure times to scale the images by before taking their medians.
- MKDOMEFLAT - makes a dome flat by loading a bunch of images, summing them, and then flattening. Optionally deals with polarization issues.
- MKSKYFLAT - Median-combine a number of sky flat images into one master sky flat.
- MKTWIFLAT - makes a flatfield from a series of images of the twilight sky using a iterative fitting technique for each pixels to measure the relative flatfield and to account for any constant (i.e. thermal) component. to be used for making infrared twiflats.
- MOSF - routine to shift and stack a set of images to create a final mosaic, using masks to exclude bad pixels or cosmic rays
- NEWSKYFLAT - Median-combine a number of sky flat images into one master sky flat.
- OPTPSFSUB - Optimizing PSF subtraction routine.
- OPTSUB - PSF Subtraction optimizer. Given two images already aligned, what scale factor optimizes their subtraction?
- OPTSUBWITHOFFSET - PSF Subtraction optimizer. Given two images already aligned, what scale factor optimizes their subtraction? This version also solves for a constant shift between the two images.
- RADGEN - Program to generate a 2-d image given 1-d profile (radial or elliptical) with a specified center and radial extent.
- RADNOISE - plot radial noise profile
- RADPLOTF - Program to calculate radial/elliptical profile of an image given aperture location, range of sizes, and inner and outer radius for sky subtraction annulus.
- RECENTER - given an array of images and initial guesses for registration, calculate final offsets using IMCENTERF
- REGISTER_DEMO - Demonstrate how to use and to register and mosaic images
- SETSKY - Add offsets to images to make the background sky level equal to the background of the first image.
- SKYSUB - subtract a 2d sky frame (or bias frame) from a 3d array of images by default, it will delete the input images unless /save
- STAT - gives median, mean, min, max, and std deviation for a given image
- STDDEVARR - compute the standard deviation for each pixel in a cube
- STDDEVS - return the standard deviations for a stack of images
- SUBMEDIAN - subtract the median from each slice of a data cube
- SUBREG - subpixel registration of images
- SUBREG_SHIFTSTOPEAKS - Given a shifts array created by subreg, convert this to an array of peak pixel locations in an image, as needed for input to the mosf function.
- TUNEREGISTER - Tune up image registration. Takes an already-registered stack of images (possibly done by hand) then cuts out a subregion in it and runs subreg on that subregion.
IRCAL Pipeline
- GETIRCALFILTER - Given a FITS header, returns a string describing the current IRCAL filter.
- IRCALADDWCS - Add WCS coordinates to a FITS header for IRCAL
- IRCALSTREHL - Compute Strehl for an IRCAL image.
- IRCAL_BADPIXELS - Mark persistently bad ircal pixels as NANs usage: ircal_badpixels,imgs This isn't ALL the bad pixels, just ones that I can tell are bad but the automated stuff doesn't pick up for some reason.
- IRCAL_BADPIXFROMLIST - Read bad pixel list from file and apply to an image stack
- IRCAL_DEGHOST - remove annoying negative ghosts caused by channel crosstalk.
- IRCAL_DEWARP - Remove distortion from an IRCAL image
- IRCAL_DEWARP_SHIFTS - convert a list of image shifts from raw IRCAL coords to dewarped coords
- IRCAL_FIXPIX - This is a front-end to which knows about the IRCAL bad corners and preserves them in the bad pixel mask.
- IRCAL_GETJ2000 - Convert the current-epoch IRCAL coords into J2000 coords
- IRCAL_REGRID - resample IRCAL images to compensate for anamorphic magnification
- IRCAL_SATMASK - Determine saturated regions in IRCAL data and mask to NaN Also handles IRCAM and NIRC2 images.
- IRCAL_ZEROPT - front-end routine for photometric calibration of IRCAL data
- REDIRCALSKY - Version of IRCAL code for making sky files to input to redircalsub.
- REDIRCALSUB - Reduction of IRCAL data with subpixel registration and mosaicing.
- GAUSSIAN2D - Compute the 2-d Gaussian function and optionally the derivative based on Goddard IDL Astro's "" RESTRICTION: Right now only circularly symmetric gaussians
- GRIDEVAL - Evaluates a function, supplied as a string, for all points of a supplied grid in x and y.
- MAXES - return the maximums of each image for a stack of images
- MODE - Calculate the mode (most common element in an array) optionally with binning
- MONTECARLO_MEAN - given a set of numbers, uses monte-carlo methods to determine both the mean and the standard deviation of the mean.
- MONTECARLO_MEDIAN - given a set of numbers, uses monte-carlo methods to determine both the median and the standard deviation of the median.
- POISS - Computes the Poisson distribution as a function of X and M.
- PRODUCT_ERRPROP - Implements the error propagation formula for the product of two numbers, assumed to have no correlation
- ATV - Interactive display of 2-D or 3-D images.
- ATVMAKEMOVIE - create a movie from an image stack in ATV.
- FINDLOCALMAX - Find local maximum near given position in image
- FIND_CLOSEST - Given an array, find the index whose value in that array is closest to a given number.
- FIND_FWXM - Find the full width at X*max. i.e. X = 0.5 for FWHM.
- MRECENTER - Find precise center for a star, like RECENTER, but using MPFITPEAK to do the peak fitting.
- WHEREIS - Given the 1-d index of a pixel in an array, return the x and y coordinates corresponding to that pixel.
- WHEREISMAX - Given an array, returns location and value of max pixel
- ALLSKYPLOT - plot some points on the whole sky
- ARROWS2 - overplot an arrow on an image at a given position and angle.
- DRAWSCALEBAR - Draw a scalebar on an image.
- DRDPIX - Interactively display the X position, Y position, and pixel value of the cursor.
- GETWHITE - return color table index for white, in either X or postscript mode.
- HOR - Plot a horizontal line on a graph at specified y value.
- IMCONTOUR - Make a contour plot labeled with astronomical coordinates.
- IMDISP_GETAXES - create arrays with axes values for use with IMDISP
- IMDISP_WITH_CONTOURS - imdisp an image, and overplot contours using subtle colors a la Tufte
- LABELOPLOT - Like oplot, but labels the plot with some text string as well.
- LOGHIST2D - Wrapper for hist2d which allows logarithmic bins and some other options
- MULTIPLOT - Create multiple plots with shared axes.
- PLOT_DRAWZOOMBOX - Draw zoom-in lines for a plot cutout.
- PLOT_RECTANGLE - Draws a rectangle in data coordinates, optionally rotated
- PLOT_RESTORECOORDS - counterpart to plot_savecoords
- PLOT_SAVECOORDS - Save the current axis setup.
- PPLOT - produce a pretty plot for postscript.
- RADECGRID - draw a grid of lines of constant RA and Dec.
- RAINBOW - Return a vector of color indices, from fsc_color.
- SAVEPLOT - save a plot to disk in PNG format
- VER - Plot a vertical line on a graph at specified x value.
- WIN - create IDL plot windows displayed in rows in a nice tiled fashion.
- CHECKDIR - Check whether a given directory exists
- GETMYNAME - Returns the name and file path to the source code of the calling procedure
- print a string and then let user enter a number just like READ command, except can enter
to choose default and will re-prompt if user doesn't enter a number - GETYN - get a reply to a yes/no question, allowing the user to hit
to select the default respone - HASNANS - does an array have NaNs in it?
- STACKPOP - pops a variable off of a stack. NOTE If the stack only contains one item it becomes undefined after the item is popped off. see also
- STACKPUSH - pushes a variable onto a stack. If the stack is undefined, it is created.
- STRUCT_MERGE - Given two structures, A and B, each of which may be an array, and which may have different tag names, create a new structure C which is the union of both A and B.
- TIMEIT - test how long a given IDL command takes to execute.
- WHICH - Prints full filenames in IDL !path search order for a particular routine.
- GETYN - get a reply to a yes/no question, allowing the user to hit
Routine Descriptions
Category: Astronomical Utility
[List of Routines]
- ZD2AIRMASS - Compute airmass vs. zenith distance.
- LSTNOW - return current lst, for a given observatory
- SUNTIMES - compute APPROXIMATE sunrise and sunset times
- LASERTIMES - Compute the start and stop allowable times for the Lick Laser, in LST. These correspond to 11 pm and 5 am, local time (either PST or PDT)
- FINDINGCHART - make a finding chart for an object on screen or PDF.
- MULTIFINDINGCHART - call findingchart for a bunch of sources listed in a file.
- MAG_ERRPROP - Convert fluxes to magnitudes, with error propagation.
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NAME: airmass PURPOSE: Compute airmass vs. zenith distance. ALGORITHM: Formula from John Huchra'a Harvard Ay192 notes, 1999. INPUTS: zd zenith distance, in degrees KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2004-10-18 19:36:56 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: lstnow PURPOSE: return current lst, for a given observatory INPUTS: KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2005-07-14 17:30:20 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: suntimes PURPOSE: compute APPROXIMATE sunrise and sunset times NOTES: Uses algorithms from the Buie Lowell IDL library. This is not likely to be the most accurate thing in the world. Particularly since it doesn't account for the motion of the sun during the day in question. USAGE: suntimes,jd,rise,set, [/today, /lst, obsname="lick", degrees=12] INPUTS: KEYWORDS: degrees= how many degrees below the horizon? Default is 0.25, so the sun is just tangent to the horizon /lst return results in LST, not CT OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2005-07-14 16:07:24 by Marshall Perrin see '' from the Buie library for algorithm source.
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NAME: lasertimes PURPOSE: Compute the start and stop allowable times for the Lick Laser, in LST. These correspond to 11 pm and 5 am, local time (either PST or PDT) USAGE: suntimes,jd,rise,set, [/date, /lst] INPUTS: KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: BUGS: Not daylight savings time aware. It assumes that the entire year uses whatever the current timezone setting is. (i.e. if it's PDT when you run the program, it assumes it's -always- PDT, and vice versa for PST) HISTORY: Began 2005-07-14 16:07:24 by Marshall Perrin see '' from the Buie library for algorithm source.
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NAME: PURPOSE: make a finding chart for an object on screen or PDF. NOTES: For Lick, you want to call this as findingchart,"Vega", /ps This script requires the "skvbatch" and "webquery" perl scripts to access SkyView at Goddard. Get them from here: It also requires a version of the Goddard IDL Astronomy library more recent than 2003-07-14, incorporating bug fixes to and which were added then. INPUTS: objectname a name or coordinates for an object suitable for SIMBAD. KEYWORDS: filename File to use. If set, This file is used and labelled as "objectname". If not set, the field containing objectname is downloaded from SkyView at Goddard. Once the data is downloaded, it is saved in the current directory for future use. /noflip don't flip the direction of the RA axis. Default is to flip it so as to match the geometry of the Lick display. rotangle Angle to rotate the image by, clockwise. If /flip is set, that happens first. Default is 23 degrees, which is the angle for the Lick guider camera. /ps Output to a postscript file as well as to the screen. The file will be named /forcedl Force the download of data even if it wouldn't happen otherwise. i.e. You can use this to re-download the image for a source even if it's been saved already. OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2003-07-04 13:01:34 by Marshall Perrin Documentation added 2003-07-11 Marshall Perrin 2003-07-20 Added guider FOV outline. Marshall Perrin 2003-11-02 Lick finding camera is now rotated 180 degrees from where it used to be in July...
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NAME: multifindingchart PURPOSE: call findingchart for a bunch of sources listed in a file. INPUTS: KEYWORDS: /coords use coords from the target file, not just names. Useful for targets not in SIMBAD wait=# wait # seconds between images /ps write to PS OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2005-07-14 18:16:08 by Marshall Perrin 2005-09-29 added /wait, and /ps
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NAME: mag_errprop PURPOSE: Convert fluxes to magnitudes, with error propagation. INPUTS: f1,f2 fluxes err1,err2 uncertainties in fluxes KEYWORDS: /silent don't print OUTPUTS: mags= returns magnitudes errmags= returns errors in magnitudes HISTORY:
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Category: Data Cubes
[List of Routines]
- CUBE_COLLAPSE - Collapse a cube along the wavelength axis. The default is to average the cube, but there are options to median or total combine instead. There is some support for using quality flags to indicate bad pixels to skip when collapsing.
- CUBE_GETWAVEAXIS - return which axis of a cube is the wavelength dimension
- CUBE_READ - Read in a data cube into a standardized structure
- CUBE_REBIN - Rebin a cube in the X and Y dimensions, while leaving the Z dimension unchanged.
- CUBE_SUBTRACTCONTINUUM - Crude continuum subtraction for IFS datacubes Almost any algorithm will be better than this!
- CUBEDISP_GRIDSPEC - Overplot a grid of spectra on top of a greyscale image of a cube This was inspired by a figure in (I think) one of Tracey Beck's papers.
- EXTAST3 - Extract ASTrometry parameters from a FITS image header. (3D version for datacubes)
- PUTAST3 - Put WCS astrometry parameters into a given FITS header. (3D version for datacubes)
- XYZ2ADL - Compute R.A., Dec, and Wavelength from X, Y, and Z and a FITS astrometry structure
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NAME: cube_collapse PURPOSE: Collapse a cube along the wavelength axis. The default is to average the cube, but there are options to median or total combine instead. There is some support for using quality flags to indicate bad pixels to skip when collapsing. INPUTS: cubestruct a cubestruct KEYWORDS: zrange= which Z axis range to include? Default is all. cropmult= crop the collapsed image to multiples of this many pixels (for consistency with what cube_rebin does for odd axis sizes) /median median collapse it /total total it, instead of averaging or medianing. /silent suppress printed output OUTPUTS: a modified cubestruct (really an image structure) which contains the collpased image, header, and astrometry HISTORY: Began 2007-07-16 17:40:19 by Marshall Perrin 2008-02-06 Some support for zrange and quality flags added
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NAME: cube_getwaveaxis PURPOSE: return which axis of a cube is the wavelength dimension INPUTS: KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: The index for the axis of the cube that is wavelength. NOTE: this is ZERO-INDEXED. So the first axis is 0 and the second is 1, etc. HISTORY: Began 2007-07-16 17:41:43 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: cube_read PURPOSE: Read in a data cube into a standardized structure INPUTS: KEYWORDS: /force_osiris tell it the input cube is an OSIRIS one. For missing header problem. OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2007-07-16 18:34:14 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: cube_rebin PURPOSE: Rebin a cube in the X and Y dimensions, while leaving the Z dimension unchanged. INPUTS: KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2007-07-16 17:40:19 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: cube_subtractcontinuum PURPOSE: Crude continuum subtraction for IFS datacubes Almost any algorithm will be better than this! INPUTS: KEYWORDS: /mean use a crude moving average to compute the continuum /median use a moving median to compute the continuum OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2007-07-13 17:19:22 by Marshall Perrin 2008-07 Bug fixes by M. Perrin and B. Sitarski
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NAME: cubedisp_gridspec PURPOSE: Overplot a grid of spectra on top of a greyscale image of a cube This was inspired by a figure in (I think) one of Tracey Beck's papers. EXAMPLE: cubedisp_gridspec,subc,color=fsc_color('red'),plotrange=[-1e-19,1e-17],waverange=[6700,6750],rebin=3 INPUTS: cubestruct a standard datacube+header structure KEYWORDS: rebin= how many pixels to use for each overplotted spectrum? zrange= Z axis range to use, in pixels waverange= Z axis range to use, in Wavelength plotrange= display yrange for overplotted spectra /stop convenient breakpoints /nogrid don't draw the grid /nospec no spectra at all, just draw the greyscale. OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2007-07-16 17:35:02 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: EXTAST3 EXTAST from the Goddard IDL Astro library, but modified to allow WCSAXES >2 for datacubes by M. Perrin PURPOSE: Extract ASTrometry parameters from a FITS image header. (3D version for datacubes) EXPLANATION: Extract World Coordinate System information ( ) from a FITS header and place it into an IDL structure. CALLING SEQUENCE: EXTAST, hdr, [ astr, noparams, ALT= ] INPUT: HDR - variable containing the FITS header (string array) OUTPUTS: ASTR - Anonymous structure containing astrometry info from the FITS header ASTR always contains the following tags (even though some projections do not require all the parameters) 'N' is the number of WCS axes, which may be arbitrarily large.. .NAXIS - N element array giving image size .CD - N x N array containing the astrometry parameters CD1_1 CD1_2 etc in DEGREES/PIXEL CD2_1 CD2_2 ... etc ... ... .CDELT - N element double vector giving physical increment at the reference pixel .CRPIX - N element double vector giving X and Y coordinates of reference pixel (def = NAXIS/2) in FITS convention (first pixel is 1,1) .CRVAL - N element double precision vector giving R.A. and DEC of reference pixel in DEGREES .CTYPE - N element string vector giving projection types, default ['RA---TAN','DEC--TAN'] .CUNIT - N element string array giving units of each axis. .LONGPOLE - scalar giving native longitude of the celestial pole (default = 180 for zenithal projections) .LATPOLE - scalar giving native latitude of the celestial pole default=0) .PV2 - Vector of projection parameter associated with latitude axis PV2 will have up to 21 elements for the ZPN projection, up to 3 for the SIN projection and no more than 2 for any other projection .DISTORT - optional substructure specifying any distortion parameters currently implemented only for "SIP" (Spitzer Imaging Polynomial) distortion parameters NOPARAMS - Scalar indicating the results of EXTAST -1 = Failure - Header missing astrometry parameters 1 = Success - Header contains CROTA + CDELT (AIPS-type) astrometry 2 = Success - Header contains CDn_m astrometry, rec. 3 = Success - Header contains PCn_m + CDELT astrometry. 4 = Success - Header contains ST Guide Star Survey astrometry (see ) OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: ALT= single character 'A' through 'Z' or ' ' specifying an alternate astrometry system present in the FITS header. The default is to use the primary astrometry or ALT = ' '. If /ALT is set, then this is equivalent to ALT = 'A'. See Section 3.3 of Greisen & Calabretta (2002, A&A, 395, 1061) for information about alternate astrometry keywords. /SILENT Don't print anything, even error messages PROCEDURE: EXTAST checks for astrometry parameters in the following order: (1) the CD matrix PC1_1, CDELT*, CRPIX and CRVAL (3) the CD matrix CD1_1,CD1_2... plus CRPIX and CRVAL. (3) CROTA2 (or CROTA1) and CDELT plus CRPIX and CRVAL. All three forms are valid FITS according to the paper "Representations of World Coordinates in FITS by Greisen and Calabretta (2002, A&A, 395, 1061 although form (1) is preferred/ NOTES: An anonymous structure is created to avoid structure definition conflicts. This is needed because some projection systems require additional dimensions (i.e. spherical cube projections require a specification of the cube face). PROCEDURES CALLED: GSSSEXTAST, ZPARCHECK REVISION HISTORY Split from EXTAST.PRO by Marshall Perrin in July 2007 - see EXTAST.PRO for history earlier than that. Modified to check for WCSAXES/NAXES > 2 and read parameters accordingly for all dimensions. M. Perrin, July 2007
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NAME: PUTAST3 Like PUTAST from the Goddard Library, but for datacubes PURPOSE: Put WCS astrometry parameters into a given FITS header. (3D version for datacubes) CALLING SEQUENCE: putast, hdr ;Prompt for all values or putast, hdr, astr, [EQUINOX =, CD_TYPE =, ALT= , NAXIS=] or putast, hdr, cd,[ crpix, crval, ctype], [ EQUINOX =, CD_TYPE =, ALT= ] INPUTS: HDR - FITS header, string array. HDR will be updated to contain the supplied astrometry. ASTR - IDL structure containing values of the astrometry parameters CDELT, CRPIX, CRVAL, CTYPE, LONGPOLE, and PV2 See EXTAST.PRO for more info about the structure definition or CD - 2 x 2 array containing the astrometry parameters CD1_1 CD1_2 CD2_1 CD2_2 in units of DEGREES/PIXEL CRPIX - 2 element vector giving X and Y coord of reference pixel BE SURE THE COORDINATES IN CRPIX ARE GIVEN IN FITS STANDARD (e.g. first pixel in image is [1,1] ) AND NOT IDL STANDARD (first pixel in image is [0,0] CRVAL - 2 element vector giving R.A. and DEC of reference pixel in degrees CTYPE - 2 element string vector giving projection types for the two axes. For example, to specify a tangent projection one should set ctype = ['RA---TAN','DEC--TAN'] OUTPUTS: HDR - FITS header now contains the updated astrometry parameters A brief HISTORY record is also added. OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUTS: ALT - single character 'A' through 'Z' or ' ' specifying an alternate astrometry system to write in the FITS header. The default is to write primary astrometry or ALT = ' '. If /ALT is set, then this is equivalent to ALT = 'A'. See Section 3.3 of Greisen & Calabretta (2002, A&A, 395, 1061) for information about alternate astrometry keywords. CD_TYPE - Integer scalar, either 0, 1 or 2 specifying how the CD matrix is to be written into the header (0) write PCn_m values along with CDELT values (1) convert to rotation and write as a CROTA2 value (+ CDELT) (2) as CDn_m values (IRAF standard) All three forms are valid representations according to Greisen & Calabretta (2002, A&A, 395, 1061), also available at although form (0) is preferred. Form (1) is the former AIPS standard and is now deprecated and cannot be used if any skew is present. If CD_TYPE is not supplied, PUTAST will try to determine the type of astrometry already in the header. If there is no astrometry in the header then the default is CD_TYPE = 2. EQUINOX - numeric scalar giving the year of equinox of the reference coordinates. Default (if EQUINOX keyword is not already present in header) is 2000. NAXIS - By default, PUTAST does not update the NAXIS keywords in the FITS header. If NAXIS is set, and an astrometry structure is supplied then the NAXIS1 and NAXIS2 keywords in the FITS header will be updated with the .NAXIS structure tags values. If an astrometry structure is not supplied, then one can set NAXIS to a two element vector to update the NAXIS1, NAXIS2 keywords. NOTES: The recommended use of this procedure is to supply an astrometry structure. The PC matrix form (CD_TYPE = 0) can only be used if an asrometry structure is supplied. PUTAST does not delete astrometry parameters already present in the header, unless they are explicity overwritten. PROMPTS: If only a header is supplied, the user will be prompted for a plate scale, the X and Y coordinates of a reference pixel, the RA and DEC of the reference pixel, the equinox of the RA and Dec and a rotation angle. PROCEDURES USED: GETOPT(), GET_COORDS, GET_EQUINOX, SXADDPAR, SXPAR(), TAG_EXIST(), ZPARCHECK REVISION HISTORY: July 2007 Made from a modified version of Goddard's PUTAST.PRO by Marshall Perrin. See PUTAST.PRO for history earlier than this.
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NAME: XYZ2ADL Like XY2AD, but for IFU data cubes containing 2 spatial and 1 spectral dimension. PURPOSE: Compute R.A., Dec, and Wavelength from X, Y, and Z and a FITS astrometry structure EXPLANATION: The astrometry structure must first be extracted by EXTAST from a FITS header. The offset from the reference pixel is computed and the CD matrix is applied. If distortion is present then this is corrected. If a WCS projection (Calabretta & Greisen 2002, A&A, 395, 1077) is present, then the procedure WCSXY2SPH is used to compute astronomical coordinates. Angles are returned in degrees. CALLING SEQUENCE: XYZ2ADL, x, y, z, astr, a, d, lambda INPUTS: X - row position in pixels, scalar or vector Y - column position in pixels, scalar or vector Z - slice position in pixels, scalar or vector X,Y,Z should be in the standard IDL convention (first pixel is 0), and not the FITS convention (first pixel is 1). ASTR - astrometry structure, output from EXTAST3 procedure containing: .CD - 3 x 3 array containing the astrometry parameters in DEGREES/PIXEL .CDELT - 3 element vector giving physical increment at reference pixel .CRPIX - 3 element vector giving X and Y coordinates of reference pixel (def = NAXIS/2) .CRVAL - 3 element vector giving R.A. and DEC of reference pixel in DEGREES .CTYPE - 3 element vector giving projection types .LONGPOLE - scalar longitude of north pole .LATPOLE - scalar giving native latitude of the celestial pole .PV2 - Vector of projection parameter associated with latitude axis PV2 will have up to 21 elements for the ZPN projection, up to 3 for the SIN projection and no more than 2 for any other projection .DISTORT - Optional substructure specifying distortion parameters OUTPUT: A - R.A. in DEGREES, same number of elements as X and Y D - Dec. in DEGREES, same number of elements as X and Y Lambda - wavelength in whatever units CUNITx is OPTIONAL KEYWORD OUTPUT: waveunits= String giving units for wavelength axis, from header CUNIT keyword. RESTRICTIONS: Note that all angles are in degrees, including CD and CRVAL Also note that the CRPIX keyword assumes an FORTRAN type array beginning at (1,1), while X and Y give the IDL position beginning at (0,0). No parameter checking is performed. NOTES: This routine automatically determines which axis is wavelength and which axes are RA and Dec. The Wavelength axis MUST be linear; no other axes types are supported. The RA and Dec axes can be anything that will work in regular XY2AD. PROCEDURES USED: TAG_EXIST(), WCSXY2SPH REVISION HISTORY: Written by M. Perrin, UC Berkeley, based on XY2AD.PRO as of July 2, 2007.
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Category: Database
[List of Routines]
- IS_MYSQL_PRESENT - Is there a mysql database here? This routine lets you run the code either with or without mysql, depending on the local machine functionality.
- MYSQLCHECK - check that a connection to mysql is open; open one if it isn't
- MYSQLQUERY2 - Submit MySQL query and get response as an array of structures.
- QUERY_2MASS - Given a name, query the 2MASS catalog on Vizier for its J, H, and Ks magnitudes (and their errors).
- QUERY_IRAS - Given a name, query the IRAS catalog on Vizier for its J, H, and Ks magnitudes (and their errors).
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NAME: is_mysql_present PURPOSE: Is there a mysql database here? This routine lets you run the code either with or without mysql, depending on the local machine functionality. NOTES: Uncomment whichever of the two answers is appropriate for your setup! TODO: make this autodetect mysql somehow (tricky to make all cases work...) INPUTS: KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2006-07-08 17:55:58 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: mysqlcheck PURPOSE: check that a connection to mysql is open; open one if it isn't INPUTS: KEYWORDS: database database name to open (default is "Astronomy") OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2005-10-05 18:47:04 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: mysqlquery2 a version of mysqlquery modified by M. Perrin to have an improved output format PURPOSE: Submit MySQL query and get response as an array of structures. DESCRIPTION: Submit a simple SQL query to MySQL server, using the connection previously opened with openmysql. Retrieve the result into a STRUCTURE ARRAY, as does QUERYVIZIER.PRO CATEGORY: Database CALLING SEQUENCE: mysqlquery,lun,query,[varables...],[format='(a,f,...)'] INPUTS: lun - The logical unit of the pipe (opened by openmysql). query - String (or array of strings) to send to pipe. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: format - Specify format of output variables (default is ascii). cmd - Flag indicating this is a command, not a query so don't bother processing the output (but do report the number of rows affected/warnings? - not implimented). verbose - Flag turns on debugging output to standard out. OUTPUTS: variables - A list of variables to recieve columns of output. Default type is ascii, but use the format keyword to specify other data types. KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: heads - String to receive array of column heads. COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: Requires an open connection to MySQL server (established by use of openmysql) as well as valid permissions for whatever query or command is to be executed. PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 2002-02-14 Will Grundy, adapted from earlier version called 2002-02-27 WG changed behavior so 'NULL' becomes NaN instead of making the line be ignored when it occurs in a numerical field. 2002-03-25 WG changed to split on tab instead of white space, so that strings with internal spaces (but not tabs) can be retrieved. 2003/01/10, MWB, fixed multi-line query error. Only one query per call is allowed. 2005-10-11, M. Perrin Fixed NaN replacement for NULLs 2006-05-14, M. Perrin Fixed handling of null strings in query results 2007-06-01, M. Perrin Modified output format to be a structure array. BUGS/WISH LIST: Ought to verify connection to MySQL server. Does nothing helpful with SQL command results. Does nothing helpful to identify/report bad SQL syntax.
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NAME: query_2mass PURPOSE: Given a name, query the 2MASS catalog on Vizier for its J, H, and Ks magnitudes (and their errors). NOTES: Requires the 'queryvizier' procedure from Goddard IDLAstro, and others. USAGE: query_2mass,name,J,H,Ks,Jerr,Herr,Kserr,radius=radius,stop=stop,auto=auto INPUTS: name Simbad-resolvable object name or coordinates KEYWORDS: id= 2MASS object ID (used instead of name) radius= Radius around that object to search; same as on the Vizier query page. In units of arcseconds. /stop Stop at a breakpoint after doing the query /auto Return after an error. By default, it stops after an error. OUTPUTS: J,H,Ks Magnitudes, from 2MASS, for the object with the closest location to the requested name. Jerr,Herr,Kserr Errors in Magnitudes results= keyword to return the full 2mass results structure HISTORY: Began 2005-10-07 04:00:19 by Marshall Perrin Based on Keck's ''
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NAME: query_iras PURPOSE: Given a name, query the IRAS catalog on Vizier for its J, H, and Ks magnitudes (and their errors). NOTES: Requires the 'queryvizier' procedure from Goddard IDLAstro, and others. USAGE: query_2mass,name,J,H,Ks,Jerr,Herr,Kserr,radius=radius,stop=stop,auto=auto INPUTS: name Simbad-resolvable object name or coordinates KEYWORDS: radius= Radius around that object to search; same as on the Vizier query page. In units of arcseconds. /stop Stop at a breakpoint after doing the query /auto Return after an error. By default, it stops after an error. OUTPUTS: J,H,Ks Magnitudes, from 2MASS, for the object with the closest location to the requested name. Jerr,Herr,Kserr Errors in Magnitudes HISTORY: Began 2005-10-07 04:00:19 by Marshall Perrin Based on Keck's '' 2006-06-26 Added checks for flux## instead of fnu_## because sometimes (for no apparent reason) that's what gets returned. And for "IRAS" versus "NAME" for the IRAS ID.
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NAME: query_usnob NOTES: Requires the 'queryvizier' procedure from Goddard IDLAstro, and others. USAGE: query_usnob,name,Bmag,Rmag,Imag,radius=radius,stop=stop,auto=auto INPUTS: name Simbad-resolvable object name or coordinates KEYWORDS: id= 2MASS object ID (used instead of name) radius= Radius around that object to search; same as on the Vizier query page. In units of arcseconds. /stop Stop at a breakpoint after doing the query /auto Return after an error. By default, it stops after an error. OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2005-10-07 11:31:32 by Marshall Perrin based on Keck's
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Category: I/O
[List of Routines]
- APRINT - print something out formatted as an IDL array (i.e. in IDL source code syntax)
- TEXPRINT - print out an IDL array in LaTeX table syntax, suitable for pasting into your paper.
- READTEXT - read in a text file in its entirety into an array
- FITSLOADER - Loads a specified set of FITS files, locates appropriate bias and flat field files for them, applies these to calibrate them, and optionally scales the whole set to a fixed exposure time.
- HDRCONCAT - Concatenates FITS headers into a 2D string array, doing intelligent things with axes sizes if needed.
- STRC - Formats something as a string, removing the extra spaces and unnecessary zeros. Works on scalars or arrays.
- SXPARARR - Like sxparr, but for an array of fits headers.
- HDRCOPY - copy keys from one header to another
- PICKFITS - pick one or more fits files using the GUI and then load them.
- SELECTFITS - The purpose of this program is to allow the user to select a FITS image file for reading. The image data is returned as the result of the function. The best feature of this program is the opportunity to browse the image before reading it.
- SIGDISP - Like the IRCAL sigdisp, does a rough n-sigma linear stretch of an image.
- SIXTY_STRING - Like the Goddard library's "sixty" but it returns strings of the format "DD:MM:SS". This is the inverse of ten_string.
- TEN_STRING - Does the same thing as the goddard IDL astro library's "ten" procedure (converts sexagesimal coords into decimal) but works on string arguments of the form "DD:MM:SS" or "DD MM SS".
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NAME: aprint PURPOSE: print something out formatted as an IDL array (i.e. in IDL source code syntax) NOTES: This is useful if you want to take some variable and embed it as a constant into an IDL routine. CAUTION: Does not work properly on multidimensional arrays yet. INPUTS: KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2005-07-22 10:12:01 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: texprint PURPOSE: print out an IDL array in LaTeX table syntax, suitable for pasting into your paper. INPUTS: table some 2d array KEYWORDS: labels string array of labels. Goes into the first row /labelrows use labels for rows (default is columns /longtable use longtable instead of deluxetable OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2006-04-14 14:51:09 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: readtext PURPOSE: read in a text file in its entirety into an array NOTES: lines should be < 300 chars long. INPUTS: KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2007-04-15 01:28:20 by Marshall Perrin
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fitsloader,range,out,hdrout,instrument=instrument,$ fdir=fdir,caldir=caldir,currdir=currdir,silent=silent,$ numlist=numlist,imlist=imlist, $ dobias=dobias,doflat=doflat,domask=domask,scaletime=scaletime,calib=calib,$ firstheader=firstheader,$ badpixmask=badpixmask NAME: fitsloader PURPOSE: Loads a specified set of FITS files, locates appropriate bias and flat field files for them, applies these to calibrate them, and optionally scales the whole set to a fixed exposure time. NOTES: This is meant to be a robust and flexible FITS loading routine for the IRCAL reduction pipeline, capable of taking heterogenous sets of exposures and coadds and doing the right thing with them. You can specify the files to load via either range (now) or via numlist or filelist parameters (still to be implemented) INPUTS: range Range is a flexible list of filenumbers. It should be a intarr(2,n) list of integers or the equivalent. range[0,*] are taken as the starts of the various sets of files to load, and range[1,*] are the ends. Rudimentary error checking is performed on range. It is internally expanded into a 1D array of the same form as numlist and handled via the same code. KEYWORDS: numlist a list of integer file numbers to open imlist a list of file names ot open. If present when called, this is an input. Otherwise it's an output. instrument name of the instrument. Affects how file names are generated and coadds found. dobias do bias subtraction doflat do flat fielding domask mask out bad pixels scaletime scale all exposures to this exposure time calib same as /dobias,/doflat,/scaletime firsthdr only output fits header for first file. flatfilename override the auto-flat-finding code and use this specific flatfield saturation value above which pixels are considerd saturated /headersonly don't load data; just load headers OUTPUTS: out 3d image array hdroud 2d header array badpixmask optional bad pixel mask for the images. (1=good,0=bad) error_images [optional] uncertainty images for each of the arrays in out These are read from the first extension of each FITS file. mask_images [optional] mask images for each of the arrays in our. These are read from the second extension of each FITS file. HISTORY: Began 2002-11-18 17:23:11 by Marshall Perrin Modified to automatically find either .fits or .fits.gz files. 2003-10-29 MP ... 2006-03-23 Added error_images option. (for OSIRIS data) 2006-11-24 added separator character (sep_char) option for Windows. (MDP, courtesy of C Hansen)
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NAME: hdrconcat PURPOSE: Concatenates FITS headers into a 2D string array, doing intelligent things with axes sizes if needed. NOTES: The format for multidimensional FITS headers is that axis 0 is the various keywords in a header, and axis 1 lets you select which header you want. It's *nice* if all the keywords line up between headers, but by no means required and this software does not attempt to enforce that. You should use sxpararr to get parameters from a FITS header array. INPUTS: hdrarr either a single fits header or a 2D array of strings this gets modified to contain hdr. hdr a fits header you want to append to hdrarr. HISTORY: Began 2002-11-19 20:16:08 by Marshall Perrin
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function Strc, thing,print=print,join=join PURPOSE: Formats something as a string, removing the extra spaces and unnecessary zeros. Works on scalars or arrays. KEYWORDS: print= the print argument for string. See IDL help for string /join if argument is an array, contatenate the output into a single string, using a space as delimiter. delimiter= When /join is set, use this to join the strings instead of just a space. HISTORY: will choke on arrays, only works on scalars June 1994, M. Liu (UCB) added chopping of unneeded zeros on the end of floats/doubles (beware if numbers are too long, will be chopped off - this is and IDL feature of the 'string' command, not due to this function) 11/05/96 MCL Added ability to pass the "print" argument to string 2001-07-09 MDP Added /join 2003-07-01 MDP 2004-04-06 Fixed horrible, horrible bug with scientific notation How did I ever not notice this before now?!?? MDP 2005-07-22 Added /delimiter
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NAME: sxpararr PURPOSE: Like sxparr, but for an array of fits headers. NOTES: This isn't necessarily the fastest way to do this, but it works fine for me. INPUTS: hdrs an array of fits headers. (i.e. a 2D string array) name string name of the parameter to return. KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: valid (optional) an array specifying where the keyword was found (valid=1) or not (valid=0) /silent Ignore the case where a keyword is not found at all. HISTORY: Began 2002-11-19 20:34:57 by Marshall Perrin 2005-06-01 Added error handling for the case where the first header lacks the keyword in question.
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NAME: hdrcopy PURPOSE: copy keys from one header to another INPUTS: KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2005-05-15 05:14:16 by Marshall Perrin
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function pickfits,header,instrument=instrument,filenames=filesnames NAME: pickfits PURPOSE: pick one or more fits files using the GUI and then load them. NOTES: returns the images and headers as multidimensional arrays, if you select more than one file. This is basically just a GUI frontend to, which handles any scaling rules for coadds or nreads for different images. INPUTS: filenames a list of filenames to load. If not supplied, then you will be prompted with a file selection dialog box KEYWORDS: instrument the name of the instrument these files are from; passed to OUTPUTS: returns the selected image(s) as a 2d image or 3d cube, as appropriate headers returns the fits headers for the image(s) as a 1d or 2d string array, as appropriate. HISTORY: Began 2002-10-30 23:02:46 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: SELECTFITS PURPOSE: The purpose of this program is to allow the user to select a FITS image file for reading. The image data is returned as the result of the function. The best feature of this program is the opportunity to browse the image before reading it. AUTHOR: SELECTFITS is by Marshall Perrin at UC Berkeley, but is based heavily upon SELECTIMAGE.PRO by David Fanning: FANNING SOFTWARE CONSULTING David Fanning, Ph.D. 1645 Sheely Drive Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA Phone: 970-221-0438 E-mail: Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming: CALLING SEQUENCE: image = SelectFITS() INPUT PARAMETERS: None. All input is via keywords. INPUT KEYWORDS: DIRECTORY -- The initial input directory name. The current directory by default. FILENAME -- The initial filename. If the initial directory has image files of the correct type, the default is to display the first of these files. Otherwise, blank. FLIPIMAGE -- Set this keyword if you wish to flip the image from its current orientation. Setting this keyword reverses the Y dimension of the image. _EXTRA -- This keyword is used to collect and pass keywords on to the FSC_FILESELECT object. See the code for FSC_FILESELECT for details. GROUP_LEADER -- Set this keyword to a widget identifier group leader. This keyword MUST be set when calling this program from another widget program to guarantee modal operation. ONLY2D -- Set this keyword if you only want the user to be able to select 2D images. Note that the user will be able to browse all images, but the Accept button will only be sensitive for 2D images. ONLY3D -- Set this keyword if you only want the user to be able to select 3D or true-color images. Note that the user will be able to browse all images, but the Accept button will only be sensitive for 3D or true-color images. PREVIEWSIZE -- Set this keyword to the maximum size (in pixels) of the preview window. Default is 150. TITLE -- Set this keyword to the text to display as the title of the main image selection window. OUTPUT KEYWORDS: CANCEL -- This keyword is set to 1 if the user exits the program in any way except hitting the ACCEPT button. The ACCEPT button will set this keyword to 0. FILEINFO -- This keyword returns information about the selected file. Obtained from the QUERY_**** functions. OUTDIRECTORY -- The directory where the selected file is found. OUTFILENAME -- The short filename of the selected file. PALETTE -- The current color table palette returned as a 256-by-3 byte array. COMMON BLOCKS: None. RESTRICTIONS: Probably doesn't work correctly on VMS systems :-( If you can help, please contact me. I don't have a VMS system to test on. OTHER COYOTE LIBRARY FILES REQUIRED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 2004-05-01 Split from David Fanning's SELECTIMAGE.PRO function. See that file for modification history prior to this date.
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NAME: sigdisp PURPOSE: Like the IRCAL sigdisp, does a rough n-sigma linear stretch of an image. NOTES: If the values guessed for the top and bottom limits are in fact outside of the actual range of image values, the display range is truncated to the max or min as appropriate. INPUTS: KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2003-02-14 11:15:58 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: sixty_string PURPOSE: Like the Goddard library's "sixty" but it returns strings of the format "DD:MM:SS". This is the inverse of ten_string. INPUTS: one can provide input in two ways: output = sixty_string( deg, min, sec) in which case the inputs are just concatenated and printed out as a string output = sixty_string( decimal_degrees ) in which case the input is passed to sixty(), and the output is concatenated and printed KEYWORDS: delim= Delimiter. Default is space /ROUND round seconds to an integer value /sign always print + or - (for declination) OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2004-06-05 02:40:25 by Marshall Perrin 2004-07-01 Output format cleaned up slightly 2006-04-27 Default is now space as a delimiter, not colon 2006-05-30 Format hours/degrees with a leading 0 for single digits 2006-06-26 Added extra format code for negatives
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NAME: ten_string PURPOSE: Does the same thing as the goddard IDL astro library's "ten" procedure (converts sexagesimal coords into decimal) but works on string arguments of the form "DD:MM:SS" or "DD MM SS". INPUTS: sixty_string a sexagesimal string, possibly with sign. KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: tenv a decimal value representing degrees or hours HISTORY: Began 2002-08-14 21:01:48 by Marshall Perrin 2004-07-25 sixty_string may now be an array of strings.
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Category: Image Display
[List of Routines]
- ALOGSCALE - intelligently logarithmicly scale an image for display.
- ASINH_DEMO - demonstrate use of asinh scaling routines
- ASINHSCL_COLOR - RGB asinh scaling, in the manner of Lupton et al.
- ASINHSCL_CONTOURS - create contour colors for overplotting.
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NAME: PURPOSE: intelligently logarithmicly scale an image for display. NOTES: Based on the log scale code from INPUTS: KEYWORDS: /print /auto like ATV's autoscale OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2003-10-20 01:23:02 by Marshall Perrin 2004-09-15 Made NaN-aware MDP
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NAME: asinh_demo PURPOSE: demonstrate use of asinh scaling routines INPUTS: KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2006-12-18 14:52:01 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: asinhscl_color PURPOSE: RGB asinh scaling, in the manner of Lupton et al. INPUTS: image data cube, in RGB order. KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2006-07-11 19:57:05 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: asinhscl_contours PURPoSE: create contour colors for overplotting. INPUTS: KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2006-08-19 09:58:07 by Marshall Perrin
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Category: Image Processing
[List of Routines]
- CROP_BADMASK - Given an image and a mask, crop the image to the minimum size which contains the mask.
- INDICES - like Python's indices command, returns coordinate indices for an array
- HIMCUT - Like 'IMCUT', cut out a subregion from an image, and update FITS header. Very similar to HEXTRACT, but with different arguments
- STDDEVARR - compute the standard deviation for each pixel in a cube
- STDDEVS - return the standard deviations for a stack of images
- SUBMEDIAN - subtract the median from each slice of a data cube
- BIAS - quick script for making a bias frame and displaying useful info
- MKDOMEFLAT - makes a dome flat by loading a bunch of images, summing them, and then flattening. Optionally deals with polarization issues.
- MKSKYFLAT - Median-combine a number of sky flat images into one master sky flat.
- MKTWIFLAT - makes a flatfield from a series of images of the twilight sky using a iterative fitting technique for each pixels to measure the relative flatfield and to account for any constant (i.e. thermal) component. to be used for making infrared twiflats.
- NEWSKYFLAT - Median-combine a number of sky flat images into one master sky flat.
- AORADNORM - Given an image (presumably an AO image), create an unsharp masked image. then compute a radial noise profile for it and divide by the profile.
- APPHOT - program to do circular aperture photometry on an image given aperture location, size, and inner and outer radius for sky subtraction annulus.
- AVGMED - Median average a stack of FITS images, with optional median weighting.
- CALCPHOTNOISE - Given an image, and a map of the exposure times for that image, compute the photon noise as a function of position.
- CENPSFSUB - centroiding psf subtraction routine.
- FINDMAXSTAR - given an image, finds the x,y coords of the brightest object present.
- FITPLANE - Fits a plane to an image
- FIXNANS - fix NANs in an image, e.g. before cross correlating or something.
- FIXPIX - given a image or stack of images and a bad pixel mask, will fill in bad pixels by finding the NPIX nearest good pixels, toss the highest and lowest ones of the bunch, and then arithmatically average.
- IMAGE_SHIFT_MASKEDGES - When shifting an image, manipulate the bad pixel mask appropriately such that the correct edges of the shifted image are declared bad.
- IMCENTERF - program to calculate the center of mass of an image around the point (x,y), return the answer in (xcen,ycen).
- IMCUT - Function to cut out a square subsection out of an image, with the user specifying the center of the subsection.
- MEDARR2 - Like medarr, except you can specify a set of exposure times to scale the images by before taking their medians.
- MOSF - routine to shift and stack a set of images to create a final mosaic, using masks to exclude bad pixels or cosmic rays
- OPTPSFSUB - Optimizing PSF subtraction routine.
- OPTSUB - PSF Subtraction optimizer. Given two images already aligned, what scale factor optimizes their subtraction?
- OPTSUBWITHOFFSET - PSF Subtraction optimizer. Given two images already aligned, what scale factor optimizes their subtraction? This version also solves for a constant shift between the two images.
- RADGEN - Program to generate a 2-d image given 1-d profile (radial or elliptical) with a specified center and radial extent.
- RADNOISE - plot radial noise profile
- RADPLOTF - Program to calculate radial/elliptical profile of an image given aperture location, range of sizes, and inner and outer radius for sky subtraction annulus.
- RECENTER - given an array of images and initial guesses for registration, calculate final offsets using IMCENTERF
- REGISTER_DEMO - Demonstrate how to use and to register and mosaic images
- SKYSUB - subtract a 2d sky frame (or bias frame) from a 3d array of images by default, it will delete the input images unless /save
- STAT - gives median, mean, min, max, and std deviation for a given image
- SUBREG - subpixel registration of images
- SUBREG_SHIFTSTOPEAKS - Given a shifts array created by subreg, convert this to an array of peak pixel locations in an image, as needed for input to the mosf function.
- AUTOREGISTER - Automagically register a bunch of images.
- FFT_FILT - High- or Low-pass filter an image in Fourier space.
- FFTREBIN - Rebins an image by adding zeros in between the FFT components as necessary.
- FFTSHIFT - shifts an image by (dx,dy) pixels using fourier transforms.
- FIXNANFITS - given the name of a fits file, open that file, fix all the NaN pixels in it by interpolating from the nearest neighbors, then re-save the file
- MATCH_FILTER - Convolve an image with a normalized version of itself. Quick and dirty...
- MEANS - return the means for a stack of images
- SETSKY - Add offsets to images to make the background sky level equal to the background of the first image.
- TUNEREGISTER - Tune up image registration. Takes an already-registered stack of images (possibly done by hand) then cuts out a subregion in it and runs subreg on that subregion.
- MATRIX_DFT - Matrix Discrete Fourier Transform, following Soummer et al. 2007. This is not as fast as an FFT, but allows you to arbitrarily choose the sampling and range covered in the Fourier domain.
- FWCENTROID - Implements the robust floating-window centroid algorithm adopted for JWST target acquisitions.
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NAME: crop_badpix PURPOSE: Given an image and a mask, crop the image to the minimum size which contains the mask. USAGE: PRO crop_badmask,data,badmask,cropped_data,cropped_badmask Given an image and a bad pixel mask (which may well make up a large portion of the image), crop the image to the minimum size which contains all good pixels. That is, throw away any border rows/columns which are all bad pixels. INPUTS: data an image or an image cube badpix a bad pixel mask; 0=bad, 1=good. the bad mask must be 2D; for image cubes the whole thing gets cropped the same way. KEYWORDS: RETURNS: cropped_image a cropped version of the image cropped_badmask a cropped version of the badmask HISTORY: Began 2002-09-03 16:21:49 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: indices PURPOSE: like Python's indices command, returns coordinate indices for an array NOTES: Unlike Python's indices, there are options for moving the origin, getting spherical coordinates back, setting the pixels scale, etc. INPUTS: KEYWORDS: center= optional coords of center pixelscale= optional multiplicative pixel scale factor OUTPUTS: x,y,z indices r= optional radial coord theta= optional azimuthal coord HISTORY: Began 2008-06-12 20:04:55 by Marshall Perrin 2012-06-06 doc header update
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NAME: HIMCUT PURPOSE: Like 'IMCUT', cut out a subregion from an image, and update FITS header. Very similar to HEXTRACT, but with different arguments INPUTS: KEYWORDS: /center use center /method2 different coords computation, good for getting out odd-sized boxes. See code OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2007-04-23 15:06:10 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: stddevarr PURPOSE: compute the standard deviation for each pixel in a cube NOTES: sd = stddevarr(array,/badval,alsobad=<>) Just as medarr returns the median at each pixel of an image cube, this routine returns the standard deviation for each pixel in a cube. This is useful when combining a stack of images if you want an estimate of the error at a given pixel. You can specify a badval which is used to mask out all pixels in the cube that have that value and only take the standard deviation of the remaining ones. This is useful if the images do not overlap completely and there are blank regions on some of the layers - just set the blank regions to BADVAL and set the badval keyword likewise. INPUTS: cube an image cube, M*N*K KEYWORDS: BADVAL set this equal to the pixel value of pixels to ignore. ALSOBAD in case you have a second bad pixel value. DIM= which dimension to take the stddev over. Default=3 /DIVSQRT Divide by the square root of the number of good valuse at each pixel. In other words, return the standard deviation of the mean, instead of just the standard deviation of the data set. NOTE: If you want to compute the population standard deviation you should instead divide by the sqrt(n-1), but that's usually not what you want in image analysis contexts. /MEDIAN Compute Std. Dev. around the median, not the mean. OUTPUTS: returns an M*N array containing the stddev at each pixel HISTORY: Began 2002-06-21 14:51:12 by Marshall Perrin, based on by Erik Rosolowsky 2003-07-16 Modifed keyword checking to allow '0' to be specified as a bad value. 2006-04-17 added dim= keyword; can now work on 2D images. 2006-06-01 Added recursive chunking of large cubes
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NAME: meds PURPOSE: return the standard deviations for a stack of images USAGE: function meds,imgs,help=help, skymode = skymode, masks = masks INPUTS: imgs a stack of images KEYWORDS: masks Bad pixel mask. 0=bad, 1=good skymode uses to find stddevs; disabled, not sure why RETURNS: an array containing the stddev for each image in the stack. That is, it computes the stddev for each image individually and returns all of those, rather than stddevning across images. HISTORY: 2004-10-6 split from MDP
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NAME: submedian PURPOSE: subtract the median from each slice of a data cube INPUTS: KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2005-09-05 17:07:01 by Marshall Perrin
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PURPOSE: quick script for making a bias frame and displaying useful info USAGE: default is median-scaled median averaging to combine frames (which is not appropropriate for correlated double sampling images, which will have the bias level subtracted: better to use med-averaging *w/o* any weighting (/noweight): see 12/12/97 notes. For CTIO data, procedure automatically sets /noweight) default filename format is Keck see MKBIAS.IDL for a wrapper to do multiple bias sets HISTORY: Written by M. Liu (UCB) 01/29/97 02/24/97 (MCL): converted from BIAS.IDL script to BIAS.PRO saves 1st image header to final image uses SXADDHIST add history lines to header 05/04/97 (MCL): added /lick and /gemini 12/11/97 (MCL): added /avgclip option (must give the readnoise) 01/24/99 (MCL): checks if all images have same # of coadds (useful to ensure input list is correct) 06/07/99 (MCL): checks if output directory exists 07/07/99 (MCL): added /ircal 2003-07-21 MDP: Added /auto
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NAME: mkdomeflat based on mktwiflat, but simpler PURPOSE: makes a dome flat by loading a bunch of images, summing them, and then flattening. Optionally deals with polarization issues. INPUTS: KEYWORDS: infile name of a text file containing a list of files. if present, this overrides istart and iend fdir file directory noflag don't try to flag negative pixels with BADVAL. /polarimetry handle polarimetry subregions /auto run automatically without asking for user intervention or confirmation OUTPUTS: HISTORY: 2002-04-11 18:35:45 started based on 2003-02-24 polarimetry code added. Converted to use fitsloader.
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NAME: mktwiflat PURPOSE: Median-combine a number of sky flat images into one master sky flat. INPUTS: KEYWORDS: fdir file directory OUTPUTS: HISTORY: 2002-04-29 14:40:55 split off from by MDP 2004-05-12 Merged in some updates from 2005-12-14 Don't set bad pixels in the flat to NaN; just mark the appropriate pixel in the bad pixel mask.
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NAME: mktwiflat PURPOSE: makes a flatfield from a series of images of the twilight sky using a iterative fitting technique for each pixels to measure the relative flatfield and to account for any constant (i.e. thermal) component. to be used for making infrared twiflats. INPUTS: KEYWORDS: infile name of a text file containing a list of files. if present, this overrides istart and iend datadir file directory sort_em sort 'em! Necessary if files are not in order. noflag don't try to flag negative pixels with BADVAL. OUTPUTS: HISTORY: - flags pixels with <0.001 as BADVAL too 11/12/98 MCL small big fix: did not properly flag pixels with too few fittable pixels as BADVAL now prints (c0,c1) on plots 11/23/98 MCL displays stack of fitting masks (can see if there were stars) 01/27/99 MCL add flag for IRCAL ** placed under RCS, version 1.0 ** 08/04/99 MCL plots the residuals to the fit in a 2nd window only overplots the final fitted line (instead of each iteration, which was basically indistinguishable) only prints info for pixels which go through >= 2 iterations (used to be >= 1 iteration) 08/04/99 MCL 2002-03-30 23:24:25 Converted to .pro by Marshall Perrin only works with IRCAL files for now. 2002-04-11 15:33:59 added images keyword to allow passing in images directly. Also head0 for header. 2002-07-04 15:46:49. Converted to use mloadims added "auto" keyword to allow fully automatic execution. 2002-12-03 12:21:13. Updated to use fitsloader. 2004-04-16 MDP. Changed bad mask code to use 4 sigma for hot pixels instead of 3 sigma, which tended to mark too many pixels as bad. 2004-05-24 MDP. Added /MPFIT and GAIN= keywords.
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NAME: mktwiflat PURPOSE: Median-combine a number of sky flat images into one master sky flat. INPUTS: KEYWORDS: datadir file directory OUTPUTS: HISTORY: 2002-04-29 14:40:55 split off from by MDP 2004-05-12 Merged in some updates from 2005-12-14 Don't set bad pixels in the flat to NaN; just mark the appropriate pixel in the bad pixel mask. 2005-12-22 Split off as 'newskyflat' for development branch.
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PURPOSE: Given an image (presumably an AO image), create an unsharp masked image. then compute a radial noise profile for it and divide by the profile. NOTES: This is a quick & dirty way to "flatten" the image and make the speckle noise look constant at all radii. uses /iterstat for RADPLOTF.PRO to avoid effect of bad pixels still need to be careful in the center as things don't work so well there (few numbers of pixels) INPUTS img original mosaic OUTPUTS outimg radial noise-normalized image medimg unsharp masked mosaic radimg image with radial profile used KEYWORDS auto don't ask the user any questions uses RADPLOTF.PRO HISTORY: Written by M. Liu (IfA/UH) 05/21/01 06/11/01 MCL: now uses ITERSTAT.PRO to compute std dev 2002-07-02 MDP: Added /auto
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PURPOSE: program to do circular aperture photometry on an image given aperture location, size, and inner and outer radius for sky subtraction annulus. NOTES: Calculates sky by median. Returns the net flux. to disable sky subtraction, just set inskyrad = outskyrad can input a constant sky value, if set this disables the sky annulus also writing to img, photimg, and skyimg as debugging checks out(0) = total flux out(1) = number of pixel in flux aperture out(2) = median sky level out(3) = number of pixel in sky annulus out(4) = net flux out(5) = zpt - 2.5*log10(netflux)) (magnitude) out(6) = sigma in sky annulus out(7) = fwhm calculated by finding the std dev of pixels (w/o sky) out(8) = pa out(9) = ellipticity out(10) = error in net flux (from sky error alone) out(11) = error in mags out(12) = # of bad pixels in phot aperture 7/01/94 MCL - pretty certain this works right added 'zpt' = magnitude of a 1 count source (24.0 default) 2/18/95 MCL if pass it a bad pixel mask, will use 'fixpix' routine to interpolate for bad pixels before doing photometry, photometry is reproducible to 0.2% to that produced by IRAF's 'imexam' task; eliminated coordinate rounding to reduce the scatter 7/26/95 MCL added fwhm output -> seems to give overestimates 8/1/95 MCL modified bad pixel handling: bad pixels are masked out, not interpolated (using FIXPIX) as was the case before 2/1/96 MCL by default bad pixels are excluded from the photometry (corrupting the total flux, but not the measured radial profile) but if set /fixpix, use 'FIXPIX' to interpolate bad pixels 04/22/96 MCL now does separate checks to see if phot & sky apertures are off image 09/16/98 MCL added /overplot: will show location of phot radii if the image has already been shown with DISPLAY.PRO 02/14/99 MCL there is this issue of label pixels at their half pixel center, which I haven't bothered with yet - means photometry may be off be +/- 0.5 pixel does not handle pixels which are partially inside the flux aperture, either pixels are in or not. Preferably, we'd like to use a simple weighting scheme for these pixels (like in IRAF) by taking a fraction of the pixel value equal to its fraction inside the aperture. would be slightly nicer if output was in form out a structure, instead of having to know which numbers correspond to what
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PURPOSE: Median average a stack of FITS images, with optional median weighting. NOTES: All frames are weighted by their medians, unless /noweight is set. If /log, then writes weights to a file as well and the options chosen. 5/20/94 M. Liu (UCB) All frames read from file are normalized by their # of coadds unless /nocoadd is set 6/27/94 MCL Added ability to read images from IDL array (in a very inelegant way) if want to work with IDL array, just call avgmed like: IDL> avgmed, out, array to read stuff from a file, just define the 'filename' parameter: IDL> avgmed, out, filename='file.list' 7/01/94 significant modifications: 1. modified median averaging so images are scaled to the average of all the medians, instead of the median of the first image -> this bombs if an image has a median = 0 2. when median filtering if have <= 6 images, will take the mean of the middle 2 images when there is an even (2,4,6) number of images (only if /evenmed set since this can be quite S-L-O-W); this probably make little difference in practice 3. added 'minrej' and 'maxrej': will toss these number of values out before median averaging (no effect for arithmatic avg) note: this is done AFTER any weighting. 4. major editing of program to make it nicer 12/13/94 added minrej/maxrej option for arithmatic averaging as well and modified to toss more than one pixel 6/2/95 MCL don't make a copy of the original images, instead doing scaling when do median filtering - runs about 10% faster for a stack of 30 images with simple median averaging 7/2/95 MCL corrected error in calculating the proper image weights (was incorrectly scaling the weights to 1.0 by multiplying by the average value instead of dividing by it!) 12/17/96 MCL the above bug fix was wrong - no idea why I thought it was right! 01/29/97 new algorithm for /evenmed - may be faster, but untested 05/04/97 MCL added if/then for /noweight so avoids multiplying by array of 1's clumsier code but maybe faster operation used temporary() function when getting medians (does this help?) 02/16/01 MCL cleaned up comments & tabs minor bug fix to get code running (odd, since I don't remember hacking it lately, but whatever ...) 05/08/01 MCL **--> should rewrite /evenmed using the new /even flag in MEDIAN!!
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NAME: calcphotnoise PURPOSE: Given an image, and a map of the exposure times for that image, compute the photon noise as a function of position. INPUTS: image an image (normalized to units of DN/1 s) expmap an exposure map, in seconds KEYWORDS: gain Gain in photons/ADU. Default is 10 (for IRCAL) /readnoise include read noise too OUTPUTS: Noise map, in the same scaled units as the supplied image. HISTORY: Began 2004-04-08 11:55:45 by Marshall Perrin 2004-05-12 Added sky level option
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FUNCTION: cenpsfsub PURPOSE: centroiding psf subtraction routine. NOTES: Registers images using the subreg procedure, then uses Powell minimization to find the bias offset and scale factors which result in the best PSF subtraction, as measured by minimizing the sum of the absolute value of the difference image. INPUTS: im1,im2 2D images KEYWORDS: silent supress printed output method Registration method. See for documentation interp_type interpolation method; see StarFinder boxsize radius of square box around star to be used ftol tolerance for POWELL optimization OUTPUTS: output subtracted overlap region and originals output[*,*,0] = subtracted ( = im1 - scale&shift(im2)) output[*,*,1] = image 1 output[*,*,2] = scaled and shifted image 2 params a float array containing the parameters of the subtraction fit. HISTORY: August 2001 Marshall Perrin
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FUNCTION: findmaxstar PURPOSE: given an image, finds the x,y coords of the brightest object present. DESCRIPTION: Uses simple binning as a rough CR rejection routine. Can do more detailed rejection of CRs using qzap This is intended to be used for the automatic registration of images for mosaicing. Empirical evidence is that this routine is negliglbly slower than just using whereismax, but is much more robust against hot pixels or CRs which are still in the data. Has not been tested on crowded fields, where source confusion would probably make it break down. It also automatically interpolates values for any bad (NaN) pixels in the image; NaNs will be set to the image median so that the code won't choke. INPUTS: img an image /silent whether to print any messages or not OUTPUTS: REQUIREMENTS: needs and HISTORY: Started July 2001 by Marshall Perrin 2002-12-05 Added check for NaN pixels.
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FUNCTION: fitplane PURPOSE: Fits a plane to an image INPUTS: im1 2D images KEYWORDS: silent supress printed output method Registration method. See for documentation interp_type interpolation method; see StarFinder ftol tolerance for POWELL optimization OUTPUTS: params a float array containing the parameters of the subtraction fit. scale divide im2 by this for best subtraction. HISTORY: August 2001 Marshall Perrin
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NAME: fixnans PURPOSE: fix NANs in an image, e.g. before cross correlating or something. INPUTS: imgs an image or image cube KEYWORDS: /quick just set NANs to 0, rather than interpolating. OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Documentation added 2005-06-07 10:16:36 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: fixpix PURPOSE: given a image or stack of images and a bad pixel mask, will fill in bad pixels by finding the NPIX nearest good pixels, toss the highest and lowest ones of the bunch, and then arithmatically average. NOTES: pro fixpix,imgs,badpix,outimgs, $ npix=npix,weight=weight, $ noise=noise,sigma=sigma,dc=dc, $ silent=silent,badvalmask=badvalmask,NaN=NaN bad pixel list is processed in order array is stored in memory, i.e. row by row, and is defined by: 0 = bad pixel not 0 = good pixel If /badval is set, badpix is ignored and the procedure determines a new bad pixel list by examining the image for pixels set to BADVAL. Alternatively, if /NaN is set, any IEEE Not-a-Number values are considered to be bad pixels and fixed. NPIX = # of adjacent pixels used for correction (default = 8) /weight: weight adjacent pixels by inverse of their distances in averaging process checks to see if some pixels are equidistant; if so, use all of them, even if the total # of pixels then exceeds NPIX WARNINGS: - will work for entire bad columns/rows, but may not be the most sensible thing to use - do not pass it the same array for input & output as this might corrupt the correction algorithm 7/3/95 MCL added /noise: replace bad pixels with random noise with user defined sigma and dc level 9/24/95 MCL badpix can now be a 2d or 3d array 4/18/96 MCL uses MESSAGE now instead of regular PRINT 04/25/01 MCL Added /badval keyword 08/27/2001 MDP Added /NaN keyword 2003-04-12 MDP Added /Quick keyword 2004-07-04 MDP Made /quick work with arbitrary size imgs 2004-09-15 MDP Made /quick sense left and right sides independently 2005-03-16 MDP
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NAME: image_shift_maskedges PURPOSE: When shifting an image, manipulate the bad pixel mask appropriately such that the correct edges of the shifted image are declared bad. NOTES: This doesn't worry about bad pixels in the interior of the image - for now. This relies on rounding the shift such that it's only the fractional part and thus using the bad pixel mask for the nearest integer pixel is not such a bad idea. You still should have fixed via interpolation all bad pixels before any subpixel shifting, of course. INPUTS: badpix bad pixel mask xshift, yshift x and y image shifts This code assumes |x| < 1, |y| < 1 KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: Modifies the supplied badpix mask. HISTORY: Began 2004-10-21 20:27:33 by Marshall Perrin
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PURPOSE: program to calculate the center of mass of an image around the point (x,y), return the answer in (xcen,ycen). Usage: pro imcenterf, img, x, y, xcen, ycen, error, $ badpix = badpix, $ bigbox = bigbox, cbox = cbox, iter = iter, $ maxpix = maxpix, nomaxpix = nomaxpix, $ maxshift = MAXSHIFT, $ silent = silent can roughly correct for the effect of bad pixels ALGORITHM: 1. first finds max pixel value in a 'bigbox' box around the cursor 2. then calculates centroid around the object 3. iterates, recalculating the center of mass around centroid until the shifts become smaller than MINSHIFT (0.3 pixels) or until it does this MAXITER number of times (** iteration is currently disabled/untested **) INPUTS: img image x,y initial guess for center OUTPUTS: xcen,ycen derived centers error error code for overshifting (0=no,1=yes) CAVEATS: - works on an integer pixel basis - maxpix algorithm will fail if a hot pixel is nearby - iteration scheme actually seems to lead to larger differences than not iterating (by about 0.01 pixel) when compared to the results of the Goddard package's CNTRD KEYWORDS: badpix bad pixel mask; any bad pixels inside centering boxes will be corrected with 'fixpix' routine before centering bigbox size of box for max pixel finding (default=11) cbox size of box for centroiding (default=11) iter max number of iterations (default=1) /maxpix return location of max pixel value in the box only, instead of then also finding centroid /nomaxpix don't find max pixel before finding centroid maxshift if shift btwn input & output centroid is larger then this, will give an error message and set error=1 /silent don't print out error message Written by : M. Liu 12/12/94 06/02/95 (MCL): corrected bug (x and y reversed), implemented two step algorithm & maxpix feature 07/14/95 (MCL): added iteration scheme 07/26/95 (MCL): added bad pixel fixing option 04/16/96 (MCL): if /maxpix and find >1 max pixel, will find centroid 12/01/96 (MCL): fixed error in checking if cbox and bigbox are odd 05/26/99 (MCL): big fix - round CBOX and BIGBOX to integers may screw up the centroiding via BIGBOX step (b/c may lead to 1 pixel shift?) changed default 'bigbox' from 11 pix to 1.5*CBOX 12/04/99 (MCL): made MAXSHIFT a keyword parm 2003-11-20: Treats NaNs as missing values. (MDP) 2004-04-08: Added errors option (MDP)
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PURPOSE: Function to cut out a square subsection out of an image, with the user specifying the center of the subsection. NOTES: Will return a non-square image if the specified center is too close to the edges. function Imcut, image, imsize, xc, yc, xc1, yc1, $ help=help, fixsize=fixsize, $ peak = peak, $ silent=silent, pad=pad, mask=mask, center=center,newcenter=newcenter, method2=method2, x0=x0,y0=y0, x1=x1, y1=y1 INPUTS image original image OPTIONAL INPUTS imsize size of the subsection (256 default) can be a scalar or a 2-element vector (x,y) xc,yc center location of the subsection (default is center) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS xc1,yc1 if too close to edge, returns the coords of the original point (xc,yc) in the new subarray x0,y0 coordinates of the corner of the new subarray KEYWORD PARAMETERS /fixsize will adjust center so return an image of desired size (by default it trims the output image size keeping the desired center fixed) /pad instead of just trimming an image near the edge, pad it with zeros to get it to the correct size. Return a mask of good (=1) and bad (=0) pixels in the 'mask' variable. /peak use peak pixel value for central coordinate then no need to pass (xc,yc) RETURNS the image subsection HISTORY Written by MCL(UCB): 10/01/95 02/10/96 (MCL): changed order of parameters (imsize,xc,yc) 04/23/96 (MCL): allowed imcut to be 2d 05/04/96 (MCL): added /fixsize 03/04/98 (MCL): returns (xc1,yc1), useful for image labelling -> working? 10/20/00 (MCL): gives warning if uses default values for imsize,xc,yc 06/11/01 (MCL): added /peak 2004-10-21 MDP: Added /pad and mask keywords. 2006-04-20 MDP: Made xc1 and yc1 actually work properly. -> need to check if handling odd numbered sizes properly
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NAME: medarr2 PURPOSE: Like medarr, except you can specify a set of exposure times to scale the images by before taking their medians. INPUTS: inarr,outarr,mask,output_mask same as for medarr. KEYWORDS: exptimes array of exposure times /minimum return min at each pixel, not median threshhold= mask out all values above this number of counts per second. (to block out stars) OUTPUTS: If exptimes not set, returns the median image. If exptimes is set, returns the median image scaled to a 1 second exposure. HISTORY: Began 2004-04-13 20:28:15 by Marshall Perrin 2006-06-20 added /minimum
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PURPOSE: routine to shift and stack a set of images to create a final mosaic, using masks to exclude bad pixels or cosmic rays INPUTS: imgs 3d array of images (all the same size) xobj, yobj position of registration object in each frame subpixel positions will be handled via interpolated shifts. (MDP Aug 2001) OUTPUTS: out resulting mosaic outexp exposure map for resulting mosaic sky sky values determined for each frame by /setsky xf lower + upper x coords for each image's position in the mosiac (2 by N array where N is number of images) -> for debugging yf y coords for each image's position in the mosaic pieces indiv shifted (and maybe trimmed) images which go into the mosiac - buffered by BADVAL, bad pixels are turned either to BADVAL, and with sky offset from /setsky added KEYWORD INPUTS: badpix badpix 2d image (0=bad, not 0=good) (optional) masks masks for each individual image (like badpix, but a 3d array) wtmap map of weights for combining images (3-d array) final mosaic will be scaled to wtmap=1.0 (for images of diff int. times, optimal weights are the int. times) expmap map of exposure times for combining images (3-d array) final mosaic will be scaled to expmap=1.0 exptimes 1-d array of exp times for combining images final mosaic will be scaled to expmap=1.0 /trim only mosaic the overlapping regions /setsky iteratively adds a constant to frames to minimize the 'seams' of the mosaic (adds considerable time but often necessary, will crash unless ALL the images overlap) nrej number of images to reject at high/low ends at a given pixel location before combining, i.e., a quick cosmic ray deterrent (if not enough images at a gievn pixel, then just averages) /median take the median value of the good images at each pixel minval min values to stop iterations of /setsky (0.001 default) /submed set median of each image to zero before combining goodlist logical list of which images to use (0=bad,!0=good) very useful if passing a large number of images so don't have to pass, eg, imgs[*,*,10:150] /subpixel Perform subpixel shifts on the images before registering. Requires Nyquist sampled images or better! CAVEATS: - due to crappy programming, need to be VERY CAREFUL with variables. most of the working variables used to make the mosaic (e.g. xobj, yobj, sky) can have fewer entries than the input variables (e.g. imgs, xobj0, yobj0, exptimes0, etc.). this occurs when some images are flagged as bad, via 'goodlist' or shifts=-999. the mapping btwn the two is kept in the 'wg' index variable. when doing FOR loops, the 'i' index loops over only the good subset while the 'ii' index loops over all images HISTORY: Written by M. C. Liu (UCB): 12/14/94 (spun off of '') 06/05/95 (MCL): added high/low pixel rejection ability 07/27/95 (MCL): improved bad pixel treatment, corrected bug in pixel rejection scheme 08/20/95 (MCL): adjusted algorithm for greater speed, made sure rounding of offsets is done properly 04/16/96 (MCL): able to pass masks for the individual frames badpix and masks set to BYTE type exposure map (outexp) set to INT type changed the assignment of BADVAL to blank areas and also 'eq BADVAL' to 'le/gt BADVAL' (round-off worries) made sky offsets total up to 0 added /submed changed /setsky so it uses the median of the overlapping regions instead of the average to reduce sensitivity to unflagged bad pixels 11/30/96 (MCL): corrected subtle error in determining final image size using rounding when the max image offset ends in 0.5 (only when using /trim) 12/04/96 (MCL): big changes from MOSF.PRO - less memory intensive! developed under the name MOSFQUICK.PRO eliminated the 'pieces' variable disabled (for now) all the filtering schemes (nrej, etc) for combining the mosaic added 'goodlist' feature changed 'le/gt BADVAL' back to 'ne BADVAL' increased MINSKY from 1e-5 (excessive) to 1e-3 DN checked against MOSF.PRO, ok to w/in roundoff errors 02/10/97 (MCL): added /silent 02/28/97 (MCL): replaced existing version of MOSF.PRO with MOSFQUICK.PRO previous version renamed MOSF_SLOW.PRO (still useful) 04/24/98 (MCL): added 'expmap', a 3d-array of pixel exposure time for int time weighting when combining diff mosaics final mosaic will be normalized to expmap=1.0 NOTE: /setsky doesn't handle the expmap (yet) 10/25/98 (MCL): renamed 'expmap' parm into 'wtmap' (map of weights) b/c this is treated like weights, not diff int. times *NOTE: therefore, past use of 'expmap' gave *WRONG* phot, but did do exposure time (variance) wts! added new 'expmap' variable which does behave right small bug fix: /submed wouldn't work if no /setsky 01/29/99 (MCL): added MAXSIZE limit on output array size (sanity check) 03/13/99 (MCL): added 'exptimes' - untested!!! 09/29/00 (MCL): added kludge fix for /setsky if some images don't overlap now identifies images to be ignored (shift=-999) very convenient, should have done this earlier *** placed under RCS, version 1.1 *** 10/02/00 (MCL): bug fix - wasn't using masks when some shifts=-999 *** RCS, version 1.2 (05/10/01) *** 05/10/01 (MCL): better memory management for 'wtmap' and 'expmap' (code is slightly uglier, but takes less memory) *** RCS, version 1.3 *** 05/12/01 (MCL): MAJOR CHANGES 1. much better memory usage, no longer makes extra copies of the input images & masks! however, the coding is slightly uglier (use of both 'i' and 'ii' indicies!) 2. recognizes BADVAL pixels in input images, no need to pass masks! fairly extensive testing against previous version 1.3 (at least for most commonly used options: didn't test /trim, /submed) minor changes: increased use of MESSSAGE, instead of PRINT 05/13/01 (MCL): found bug - I think "shifts=-999" doesn't work when user doesn't pass 'goodlist'. never encountered this before! tried to fix bug, but got bogged down, then tried to return to previous tested version. think I did this successfully (re-ran tests from yesterday) for now, temporarily disable use of 'shifts=-999' -> still good to be cautious with this ... <- *** RCS version 1.4 *** 05/13/01 (MCL): above bug is more extensive than I thought - previous version can't use 'goodlist' at all! fixed implementation of 'goodlist' (should *always* use this instead of passing arrays like im[*,*,10:20]) disabled shifts=-999 for now 05/24/01 (MCL): adjusted disabling of shifts=-999, still turned off but now routine will run if 'goodlist' is passed 08/15/2001 (MDP): Added sub-pixel interpolation with keyword SUBPIXEL 06/25/2002 (MDP): Re-added the pieces variable, for measurement of noise at each pixel for polarimetry. 08/06/2002 (MDP): Made median keyword work again. 2004-3-16 (MDP): Fixed bug with exptimes vs exptimes0 2004-4-12 (MDP): Fixed bug introduced in previous bugfix; made /setsky work with exposure times. Fixed bug in subpixel code when some images are marked not good. -> modify /setsky so will take information in the weight map (wtmap)
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PRO optpsfsub,filename1,filename2,unsharp=unsharp,cbox=cbox,$ output=output,nosave=nosave,savecube=savecube,$ oversample=oversample PURPOSE: Optimizing PSF subtraction routine. INPUTS: filename1,filename2 filenames of the two fits files to subtract. Assumes suffix ".ks_mos.fits" OUTPUTS: output This keyword returns the subtracted image, or an image cube if /savecube is set. KEYWORDS: unsharp= do unsharp masking with this radius cbox= size of box around star to evaluate oversample= do oversampling of this amount /nosave don't save to disk, just keep in memory. /qzap use qzap to kill CRs Interpolation: /fft use fft interpolation /cubic use cubic splines for subpixel interpolation /interp use bilinear interpolation /sinc use sinc interpolation If multiple interpolation flags are passed, the highest one in the list above is honored. HISTORY: Began by MDP on 2001-07-09 as a wrapper for psfpowell 2001-08-22 Subpixel interpolation options added.
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FUNCTION: optsub PURPOSE: PSF Subtraction optimizer. Given two images already aligned, what scale factor optimizes their subtraction? INPUTS: im1,im2 2D images KEYWORDS: silent supress printed output method Registration method. See for documentation interp_type interpolation method; see StarFinder boxsize radius of square box around star to be used ftol tolerance for POWELL optimization /show display on screen the two images /all use the whole image, not a subimage, for the optimization OUTPUTS: output subtracted overlap region and originals output[*,*,0] = subtracted ( = im1 - scale&shift(im2)) output[*,*,1] = image 1 output[*,*,2] = scaled and shifted image 2 params a float array containing the parameters of the subtraction fit. scale divide im2 by this for best subtraction. HISTORY: August 2001 Marshall Perrin
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FUNCTION: optsubwithoffset PURPOSE: PSF Subtraction optimizer. Given two images already aligned, what scale factor optimizes their subtraction? This version also solves for a constant shift between the two images. INPUTS: im1,im2 2D images KEYWORDS: silent supress printed output method Registration method. See for documentation interp_type interpolation method; see StarFinder boxsize radius of square box around star to be used ftol tolerance for POWELL optimization /show display on screen the two images /all use the whole image, not a subimage, for the optimization OUTPUTS: output subtracted overlap region and originals output[*,*,0] = subtracted ( = im1 - scale&shift(im2)) output[*,*,1] = image 1 output[*,*,2] = scaled and shifted image 2 params a float array containing the parameters of the subtraction fit. scale= Divide im2 by this for best subtraction. offset= Add this to im2 for best subtraction. HISTORY: August 2001 Marshall Perrin 2006-05-25 Added /show and /all
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PURPOSE: Program to generate a 2-d image given 1-d profile (radial or elliptical) with a specified center and radial extent. NOTES: The radial profile is interpolated in log space either by (1) a 5th order polynomial function, or (2) spline interpolation (default) Be sure to inspect to insure the fit is sensible (esp. at outer edges). If the psf is very strongly peaked, set bin > 1 to ensure pixellation is not a problem To get the profile from the original image, one can use RADPLOTF INPUTS radx radial profile: radial distances (in units of pixels) rady radial profile: fluxes OPTIONAL INPUTS x,y center location OUTPUTS outimg 2-d image KEYWORD INPUTS {defaults} imsize size of output image; may be a two element vector {64} bin binning factor for making the psf - should be odd {1} rmin min radius for image {0} rmax max radius for image {imsize} ellratio for elliptical phot, ratio of major to minor axes ellpa for elliptical phot, position angle CCW from up (with elliptical phot, all the radii become the semi major axis) /poly use poly interpolation for the radial profile /plot plot the interpolated fit to the radial profile /silent center= alternate way of setting xcen and ycen NOTES - This program developed by modifying RADSUB.PRO: changed profile interpolation options and removed sky subtraction option. - 1st half of code is nearly identical to RADPLOTF HISTORY: Written by M. Liu (UCB) 06/19/96 08/11/98 (MCL): fixed bug with using 'bin' - put obj in wrong place 08/18/00 (MCL): 'imsize' can now be a 2-element vector 2003-11-28 MDP: Fixed apparent bug with "bin" where xsize,ysize where multiplied by bin twice.
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FUNCTION: radnoise PURPOSE: plot radial noise profile INPUTS: imgstack a 3-deep image cube of sub,star,psfstar as produced by optpsfsub or cenpsfsub KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: HISTORY:
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PURPOSE: Program to calculate radial/elliptical profile of an image given aperture location, range of sizes, and inner and outer radius for sky subtraction annulus. NOTES: Calculates sky by median or user can specify a value. Can extract profile from only a restricted range of angles (i.e. a sector) as well. User can enter a bad pixel mask; if so, bad pixels are excluded (not interpolated); total flux and differential flux are scaled from the fraction of pixels used, though the number of pixels is not. INPUTS image x,y center location OUTPUTS out output array for radial profile (see below) fwhm FWHM as determined by spline fit to radial profile radpts KEYWORD INPUTS {defaults} /struct format output as structure array. inrad inner radius for photometry {0.5} outrad outer radius for photometry {20} drad radial increment for photometry {1.0} insky inner radius for sky annulus {outrad+drad} outsky outer radius for sky annulues {insky+20} sky user specified constant sky value ellratio for elliptical phot, ratio of major to minor axes ellpa for elliptical phot, position angle CCW from up (with elliptical phot, all the radii become the semi major axis) ang1 starting angle for profile, measured CCW from up ang2 ending angle for profile (going CCW) zpt zeropoint (DN/sec from a 0 mag star) - for output file pixscl pixel scale (units/pixel) - for output file (used only if 'zpt' is set) badpix bad pixel mask (0=bad, !0=good) /silent say nothing /verbose print complete listing of results /nosky don't do sky subtraction at all. OUTPUT FORMAT out(i,0) = radius (measured from middle of radial bin) within each radius: out(i,1) = total flux out(i,2) = net flux out(i,3) = number of pixels (integrated) out(i,4) = differential flux (in radial bin bounded by out(0)) out(i,5) = number of pixels (in radial bin) out(i,6) = average value in radial bin (sky subtracted) out(i,7) = stddev of pixel values in bin out(i,8) = median sky level out(i,9) = number of pixel in sky annulus out(i,10) = stddev in sky annulus out(i,11) = stddev of avg pixel values in radial bin (quadrature sum of out(7) and out(10)) if the user passes a zeropoint & pixel scale: out(i,12)= radius in pixel scale units out(i,13)= integrated magnitude out(i,14)= avg surface brightness in radial bin (mag/units^2) radpts is a 2 x n array with the pixel values and distances for every point inside the largest aperture (unsorted) where radpts(0,*) are the distances and radpts(1,*) are the pixel values NOTES - to disable sky subtraction, set the /nosky keyword - implicitly assumes all noise is sky noise and gaussian - sector photometry is done only for the object, all flux in the sky annulus is assumed to be useable USES inarc, splinefwhm HISTORY Written by M. C. Liu (UCB) 08/13/94 09/25/95 (MCL): added badpixel mask capability 10/25/95 (MCL): added elliptical photometry ability and ability to extract profile from a sector 10/06/98 (MCL): radii with no good pixels now return 0 flux in out array 10/22/98 (MCL): added /fixpix 02/01/99 (MCL): *** placed under RCS, version 1.0 *** 02/01/99 (MCL): can write results to 'outfile' w/explanatory header 02/22/99 (MCL): adjusted output format of radial profile plot added 'zpt' and 'pixscl' keywords (used in output file) 03/15/99 (MCL): now uses ITERSTAT.PRO to determine median value in sky annulus, instead of ordinary MEDIAN 06/11/01 (MCL): added /iterstat for computing std dev in annuli 05/07/02 (MDP): added /nosky for use with simulations w/ no sky. 2002-12-05 (MDP): Added checks to ignore NaN pixels. NEEDS TO BE TESTED 2006-08-03 MDP: Added /MEDIAN option to compute median in each annulus. This is stored into out[*,5], in place of # of pixels. WARNING - potentially very very slow. UNRESOLVED ISSUES - what are the proper values for inrad and drad? - would be slightly nicer if output was in form out a structure, instead of having to know which numbers correspond to what - no accomodation for pixels which are partially in aperture; preferably would like to use a simple weighting scheme (like in IRAF) to handle this (treats pixel coords at pixel corners, may be preferable to work with pixel centers, i.e. (0,0) -> (0.5,0.5), when accomodating fractional pixels) - output array should store # of bad pixels in aperture & radial bins -> does not check for BADVAL pixels, but it should!
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pro recenter, imgs, xold, yold, xnew, ynew, $ cbox = cbox, maxpix = maxpix, $ badpix = badpix, mask = mask, $ wait = wait, nodisplay = nodisplay, silent = silent PURPOSE: given an array of images and initial guesses for registration, calculate final offsets using IMCENTERF HISTORY: 05/04/97 MCL old coordinates can be scalars or vectors 07/08/97 MCL added /maxpix option 07/07/98 MCL prints stats for shifts 08/10/98 MCL set /fix for imcut, so objects near the edge are displayed ok 10/09/98 MCL added 'wait' parm - can specify delay between frames 07/07/99 MCL draws the centering box on the displayed zoom area 09/29/00 MCL worked for 1 image added /silent 06/11/01 MCL Fixed return-without-stop on incorrect arguments. That's dangerous. 06/21/02 MDP Added errors parameter. 2004-04-08 MDP
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NAME: register_demo PURPOSE: Demonstrate how to use and to register and mosaic images NOTES: Note that this just shows off the basics of how to use this code. subreg and mosf both have many, many options. You should take a look at the documentation for each of those to find out more. ; Frankly, they've grown a little crufty over time. None of this code is very clean! But it works well enough in practice... INPUTS: imgs an array of images. OUTPUTS: mosaic the final mosaic of the images mosaic_exp an array showing how many original images (exposures) contributed to each pixel of the output mosaic. KEYWORDS: HISTORY: Began 2003-07-30 21:44:38 by Marshall Perrin
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pro Skysub, imgs, sky, imgsub, $ badpix = badpix, $ scale = scale, $ save = save, $ silent = silent PURPOSE: subtract a 2d sky frame (or bias frame) from a 3d array of images by default, it will delete the input images unless /save KEYWORDS: /scale match the median of sky image with the object before subtraction /save preserve the input images (default is to delete them) exptimes array of exposure times for the images. If set, the sky frame is assumed to be for exptime=1 and is scaled appropriately before being subtracted from each image. NOTES to save memory when subtracting large/numerous images, should call this routine with the TEMPORARY() function, i.e.: IDL> skysub, temporary(imgs), skyimg, imgsub HISTORY: Written by M. Liu 07/07/94 09/27/95 MCL: added /scale 10/25/96 MCL: added badpix option 07/11/98 MCL: copies BADVAL in input obj & sky images to output images 02/16/01 MCL: significant improvements in memory & some in speed * default is to delete input images unless /save - grouped scalar operations - more careful use of memory now ignores BADVAL pix when using /scale added & organized comments 06/11/01 MCL: if only a single frame is passed, then /save 2004-04-13 MDP: Added exptimes option. Don't overwrite by default! 2005-05-03 MDP: Now is /save by default, unless /nosave. 2005-10-13 MDP: Removed horrible evil 'retall on any error' code!
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PURPOSE: gives median, mean, min, max, and std deviation for a given image NOTES: able to specify lower and upper boundaries to image program uses IDL's median function so if there are an even number of pixels, it will take the value just above the median location checked against IRAF "imstat" and everything looks good but runs somewhat slower than IRAF imstat Now this ignores any NaN values. INPUTS data the data (any IDL array) OUTPUTS out(0) = number of pixels out(1) = mean out(2) = median out(3) = standard deviation out(4) = minimum pixel out(5) = maximum pixel KEYWORD PARAMETERS lower lower limit of data to find stats upper lower limit of data to find stats nolabel output results w/o the column headings nobadval exclude BADVAL pixels from calculation of min pixel value silent HISTORY Written by M. Liu (UCB): 06/22/94 05/30/97 (MCL): added /nobadval 2002-12-05: Added check to ignore NaNs - M. Perrin Please send comments/questions to
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FUNCTION: subreg PURPOSE: subpixel registration of images NOTES: Registers multiple images against a reference image based one one of four methods for determining the shift between the two images at a subpixel level. Returns the offsets for each image relative to the first. PRO subreg,ref,imgs0,shifts,badpix=badpix,silent=silent,$ goodlist=goodlist0,method=method,boxsize=boxsize INPUTS: ref Reference image to which all other images are registered. imgs0 array of images. Should be bias corrected and flat-fielded. must have same x and y dimensions as ref. KEYWORDS: badpix bad pixel mask goodlist List of which images in the cube are good (=1) Only these are registered against the first good one. headers an array of FITS headers, used for the "H" alignment method Which method to use for the subpixel registration? "X" Fourier cross-correlation, centroided "F" Fourier cross-correlation, fit by gaussian "FHP" Fourier cross-correlation, with high pass filter, fit by gaussian "C" center-of-mass centroid "O" Goddard astro library CNTRD routine "G" Gaussian fitting iteratively "R" Mike Liu's centroid "N" no shifts; degenerate case: just return 0 "M" maximum pixel intensity "H" read shifts from FITS headers. Currently shifts are relative to the absolute zero point of the FITS headers; ref0 is ignored in this case. "HF" Hybrid: use Fourier, but let header values override if they're wildly different. Default is "F" Based on empirical evidence, usually "X" or F works best, but which one is best for any specific case will depend on the details of your data in that specific instance. boxsize box size for fit to cross correlation whichref= Which header to use for the reference image? (only used for HF) OUTPUTS: shifts 2d array of [x,y] shifts of each image relative to the first HISTORY: Marshall Perrin, starting Aug 2001. Based on pixel-level registration code by Mike Liu 2001-08-22 Merged code from 2001-08-27 Split ref into a seperate input, added error checking. 2002-12-05 Added code to handle if NaNs are present in the images 2003-11-25 Added "H" option. 2004-04-07 Renamed Goddard cntrd to "O". Added Gaussian option. 2005-10-16 Changed all gauss2dfits to mpfit2dpeak. and lots of other stuff I haven't kept track of.
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NAME: subreg_shiftstopeaks PURPOSE: Given a shifts array created by subreg, convert this to an array of peak pixel locations in an image, as needed for input to the mosf function. INPUTS: KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2003-11-25 17:55:53 by Marshall Perrin 2006-08-18 - no recenter!
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NAME: autoregister PURPOSE: Automagically register a bunch of images. USAGE: This accepts either an image stack datacube or an array of pointers to images, and registers and mosaics them together via cross correlation. This is mostly just a convenient driver function for subreg and mosf, in other words. INPUTS: array either an array of images, or a ptrarray pointing to a bunch of images of different size. if the latter, autoregister pads as necessary, then registers. KEYWORDS: /nantozero set NaNs to 0 before registering. This saves a lot of time versus running fixpix in subreg. /justpad Given an ptrarry, just pad them and concatenate into one variable, returned as 'padded' padded= output variable for padded array mosaic= output variable for the mosaiced sum shifts= use these shifts instead of registering use _extra to pass keywords to subreg or mosf. OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2005-04-08 00:33:48 by Marshall Perrin 2005-06-30: Subpixel registration now the default 2006-04-27: Can now pass shifts in as an argument
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NAME: PURPOSE: High- or Low-pass filter an image in Fourier space. INPUTS: KEYWORDS: /highpass do highpass filter /lowpass do lowpass filter cutoff the frequency to filter at (units?!?) OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2005-12-14 00:51:11 by Marshall Perrin
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FUNCTION: fftrebin PURPOSE: Rebins an image by adding zeros in between the FFT components as necessary. NOTES: Right now it only upsamples, so don't try to use this for shrinking images. But it does seem like it does a really nice job at upsampling things. INPUTS: img an image scale a scale factor. Can be any real number greater than 1. KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: the enlarged version of the image HISTORY: 2001-08-03 - Marshall Perrin, based on an idea by JRG, and building on code from fouriershift.
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FUNCTION: fouriershift PURPOSE: shifts an image by (dx,dy) pixels using fourier transforms. NOTES: if dx and dy are both nonzero, shifts in 2 dimensions. If dy is zero or not present, the shift is performed in only the x dimension. Thus, calling fouriershift,img,dx will perform a 1d shift of either a 1d series or a 2d image. Calling fouriershift,img,dx,dy will perform a 2d shift of a 2d image. based on the fourier transform shift theorem: f(x-dx,y-dy) <==> exp(-2pi i(u*dx+v*dy)) F(u,v) INPUTS: img an image dx,dy pixel shifts. Can be fractional. dy is optional. KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: the shifted version of the image HISTORY: 2001-07-27 - Marshall Perrin
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FUNCTION: fouriershift shifts an image by (dx,dy) pixels using fourier transforms. if dx and dy are both nonzero, shifts in 2 dimensions. If dy is zero or not present, the shift is performed in only the x dimension. Thus, calling fouriershift,cube,dx will perform a 1d shift of either a 1d series or a 2d image. Calling fouriershift,cube,dx,dy will perform a 2d shift of a 2d image. based on the fourier transform shift theorem: f(x-dx,y-dy) <==> exp(-2pi i(u*dx+v*dy)) F(u,v) INPUTS: cube an image dx,dy pixel shifts. Can be fractional. dy is optional. KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: the shifted version of the image HISTORY: 2001-07-27 - Marshall Perrin
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NAME: fixnanfits PURPOSE: given the name of a fits file, open that file, fix all the NaN pixels in it by interpolating from the nearest neighbors, then re-save the file INPUTS: fitsname a filename of a FITS image KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2003-03-10 11:04:26 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: match_filter PURPOSE: Convolve an image with a normalized version of itself. Quick and dirty... INPUTS: KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2005-09-05 20:00:40 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: means PURPOSE: return the means for a stack of images NOTES: [See also:] function means,imgs,help=help, skymode = skymode, masks = masks INPUTS: imgs a stack of images KEYWORDS: masks Bad pixel mask. 0=bad, 1=good skymode uses to find medians; disabled, not sure why RETURNS: an array containing the median for each image in the stack. That is, it computes the median for each image individually and returns all of those, rather than medianning across images. HISTORY: 2005-05-03 mperrin: started, based on 2005-11-14 mperrin: calls mean with /NAN
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NAME: setsky PURPOSE: Add offsets to images to make the background sky level equal to the background of the first image. INPUTS: KEYWORDS: /mean subtract mean from each slice (old default) new default is to subtract the output of 'sky' for each. smooth= smooth this many pixels before computing sky values. /zero set sky levels to zero instead of making them all match. OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2005-11-14 15:36:18 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: tuneregister PURPOSE: Tune up image registration. Takes an already-registered stack of images (possibly done by hand) then cuts out a subregion in it and runs subreg on that subregion. INPUTS: KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2005-11-13 11:20:44 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: matrix_dft PURPOSE: Matrix Discrete Fourier Transform, following Soummer et al. 2007. This is not as fast as an FFT, but allows you to arbitrarily choose the sampling and range covered in the Fourier domain. NOTES: This is an IDL translation of the Python code in Compute an adjustible-center matrix fourier transform. For an output array with ODD size n, the PSF center will be at the center of pixel (n-1)/2 For an output array with EVEN size n, the PSF center will be in the corner between pixel (n/2-1,n/2-1) and (n/2,n/2) Those coordinates all assume Python/IDL style pixel coordinates running from (0,0) up to (n-1, n-1). This version supports rectangular, non-square arrays, in which case nlamD and npix should be 2-element tuples or lists, using the usual Pythonic order (Y,X) INPUTS: KEYWORDS: Parameters ---------- pupil : array pupil array (n by n) nlamD : float or tuple size of focal plane array, in units of lam/D (corresponds to 'm' in Soummer et al. 2007 4.2) npix : float or tuple number of pixels per side side of focal plane array (corresponds to 'N_B' in Soummer et al. 2007 4.2) offset: tuple an offset in pixels relative to the above OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2011-08-16 18:47:19 by Marshall Perrin based on Benchmarked against SFT & agreement achieved.
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NAME: fwcentroid PURPOSE: Implements the robust floating-window centroid algorithm adopted for JWST target acquisitions. NOTES: See JWST-STScI-001117 and JWST-STScI-001134 for details. """ Implement the Floating-window first moment centroid algorithm chosen for JWST target acquisition. See JWST-STScI-001117 and JWST-STScI-001134 for details. This code makes no attempt to vectorize or optimize for speed; it's pretty much just a straight verbatim implementation of the pseudocode provided in JWST-STScI-001117 Parameters ---------- image : array_like image to centroid checkbox : int size of moving checkbox for initial peak pixel guess. Default 1 halfwidth : int Half width of the centroid box size (less 1). Specify as a scalar, or a tuple Xhalfwidth, Yhalfwidth. Empirical tests suggest this parameter should be at *least* the PSF FWHM for convergence, preferably some small factor larger maxiterations : int Max number of loops. Default 5 threshold : float Position threshold for convergence Returns -------- (ycen, xcen) : float tuple Measured centroid position. Note that this is returned in Pythonic Y,X order for use as array indices, etc. M. Perrin, 2011-02-17 2011-08-16 Back-ported from Python to IDL
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Category: IRCAL Pipeline
[List of Routines]
- IRCAL_BADPIXELS - Mark persistently bad ircal pixels as NANs usage: ircal_badpixels,imgs This isn't ALL the bad pixels, just ones that I can tell are bad but the automated stuff doesn't pick up for some reason.
- IRCAL_BADPIXFROMLIST - Read bad pixel list from file and apply to an image stack
- IRCAL_DEGHOST - remove annoying negative ghosts caused by channel crosstalk.
- IRCAL_DEWARP - Remove distortion from an IRCAL image
- IRCAL_DEWARP_SHIFTS - convert a list of image shifts from raw IRCAL coords to dewarped coords
- IRCAL_GETJ2000 - Convert the current-epoch IRCAL coords into J2000 coords
- IRCAL_REGRID - resample IRCAL images to compensate for anamorphic magnification
- IRCAL_ZEROPT - front-end routine for photometric calibration of IRCAL data
- IRCALSTREHL - Compute Strehl for an IRCAL image.
- GETIRCALFILTER - Given a FITS header, returns a string describing the current IRCAL filter.
- IRCAL_FIXPIX - This is a front-end to which knows about the IRCAL bad corners and preserves them in the bad pixel mask.
- IRCAL_SATMASK - Determine saturated regions in IRCAL data and mask to NaN Also handles IRCAM and NIRC2 images.
- IRCALADDWCS - Add WCS coordinates to a FITS header for IRCAL
- REDIRCALSKY - Version of IRCAL code for making sky files to input to redircalsub.
- REDIRCALSUB - Reduction of IRCAL data with subpixel registration and mosaicing.
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NAME: ircal_badpixels PURPOSE: Mark persistently bad ircal pixels as NANs usage: ircal_badpixels,imgs This isn't ALL the bad pixels, just ones that I can tell are bad but the automated stuff doesn't pick up for some reason. INPUTS: KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2006-05-26 00:30:44 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: ircal_badpixfromlist PURPOSE: Read bad pixel list from file and apply to an image stack INPUTS: KEYWORDS: /fixlater just mark the pixels with NaNs, don't fix them OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2006-06-21 15:01:44 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: ircal_deghost PURPOSE: remove annoying negative ghosts caused by channel crosstalk. USAGE: **** NOTE: This is mostly a cosmetic improvement **** If you're trying to do science on faint objects inside the crosstalk region, you're on your own! This seems to work sort of OK. It could probably improved in various ways, but I'm not entirely sure how useful this will be, so for now I'm not going to worry about it. INPUTS: KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2004-10-21 21:45:07 by Marshall Perrin 2006-06-12 code cleanup for unused option ,m=m to imcut.
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NAME: ircal_dewarp PURPOSE: Remove distortion from an IRCAL image NOTES: Right now this is -incredibly- basic and just handles the anisomorphic magnification term, and nothing higher order than that. INPUTS: image0 an image or stack of images. KEYWORDS: /NOFLUXSCALE Don't rescale image counts to preserve total flux. (default is to do scaling) pixelscale= new pixelscale to use. Default is 0.040 arcsec CUBIC= use cubic resampling. See docs for INTERPOLATE. /BYTE return a byte image, not float. Useful for dewarping masks /CROPTOP Drop the top 5 rows of the IRCAL detector. These are the rows full of many bad pixels and sometimes it's just easiest to get rid of them. OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2005-11-07 15:24:51 by Marshall Perrin 2006-05-09 Actually got it working finally. Major code updates. 2006-06-09 Added /croptop option
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NAME: ircal_dewarp_shifts PURPOSE: convert a list of image shifts from raw IRCAL coords to dewarped coords INPUTS: KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2006-06-21 15:28:58 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: ircal_getj2000 PURPOSE: Convert the current-epoch IRCAL coords into J2000 coords INPUTS: hdr a FITS header KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: ra, dec J2000 coords. HISTORY: Began 2006-06-21 01:33:34 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: ircal_regrid PURPOSE: resample IRCAL images to compensate for anamorphic magnification USAGE: IRCAL is anamorphic, so images have different plate scales in X and Y. Congrid the data in order to fix that. This routine doesn't do a perfect job of it since it's constrained to deal with integer pixels... INPUTS: KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2005-07-26 02:57:29 by Marshall Perrin 2006-05-09 Some updates
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NAME: ircal_zeropt PURPOSE: front-end routine for photometric calibration of IRCAL data INPUTS: KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2005-08-03 00:39:38 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: ircalstrehl PURPOSE: Compute Strehl for an IRCAL image. USAGE: ircalstrehl,image,strehl,wavelength=wavelength,_extra=_extra INPUTS: KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2005-07-26 03:27:45 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: getircalfilter PURPOSE: Given a FITS header, returns a string describing the current IRCAL filter. NOTES: This could be *either* the FILTER1 or FILTER2 FITS keyword, depending. INPUTS:afits header KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: a string HISTORY: Began 2005-03-03 12:16:34 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: ircal_fixpix PURPOSE: This is a front-end to which knows about the IRCAL bad corners and preserves them in the bad pixel mask. INPUTS: KEYWORDS: /maskcorners if set, the bad corners as found in the input will be set to NaN in the output as well. /stars Ignore areas around bright stars. This prevents identifying undersampled PSFs as bad pixels WARNING! This has not really been well tested yet. OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2003-11-25 18:19:40 by Marshall Perrin 2006-05-25 Added /stars option 2006-06-09 reworked /stars option to use label_regions, and other algorithm improvements. Added starmask=.
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NAME: ircal_satmask PURPOSE: Determine saturated regions in IRCAL data and mask to NaN Also handles IRCAM and NIRC2 images. NOTES: we define as saturated: 1. All pixels > 28000 counts per read 2. Pixels > 25000 counts per read which are contiguous with other saturated pixels. 3. Optionally, pixels remain saturated for some number of exposures after they were first saturated. This is to account for persistent afterglow seen in heavily saturated regions of the chip. INPUTS: images an array of images headers an array of FITS headers KEYWORDS: after= saturated pixels may remain hot due to trapped charge even after the star has been moved away. If after=N, then pixels will be considered bad for the N exposures following saturation. default is 0. /maskonly Don't set saturated pixels to NANs, just mark their position in the satmask variable OUTPUTS: satmask pixel mask indicating which pixels are saturated. HISTORY: Began 2003-11-20 14:49:07 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: ircaladdwcs PURPOSE: Add WCS coordinates to a FITS header for IRCAL INPUTS: header a FITS header which is to be modified KEYWORDS: /USEMAX use brightest star in image for CRPIX IMAGE= image array for finding brightest star OBJNAME= look up coords for this object from database for CRVAL pixelscale= pixelscale for the data. If not present, assumes IRCAL default. OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2003-09-11 07:05:23 by Marshall Perrin 2004-05-12 Fixed equinox to be the epoch at time of observations, which is what's actually used for the coordinates. 2006-05-10 added objname,usemax,image,pixelscale, plus updating of header history.
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FUNCTION: redircalsky PURPOSE: Version of IRCAL code for making sky files to input to redircalsub. NOTES: After the standard bias subtraction and flat fielding steps, this procedure uses cross-correlations to register any arbitrary dither together and combines the images into a final mosaic. INPUTS: objn Object Name istart file name index start iend file name index end pclip percentage of best images to keep after FWHM cut KEYWORDS: fdir= data directory flatf= flat field to use badpixf= bad pixel mask file outdir= output data directory (must already exist) /subpixel do subpixel registration subshift= subpixel shift method (see submethod= subpixel registration method (see auto Perform all tasks automatically without prompting the user. /medsky create median frame for sky and subtract it from all frames. /median use median combining, not averaging. nan fix nans before registering, the quick way. scaletime for fitsloader. scale images of different exposure times to this exposure time. saturation also for fitsloader. what value (for an unscaled image) is saturated? mask as NaNs /satmask use ircal_satmask function to mask saturated pixels OUTPUTS: HISTORY: quick redux of Lick AO data 06/11/01 M. Liu 06/13/01 mods by JPL to add flatfield 2001-07-17 turned into a procedure by mperrin 2001-08 subpixel stuff added 2002-04-09 dark frame subtraction added by mperrin 2002-07-04 nstack parameter removed - not used by the subpixel code added auto keyword. 2002-08-06 added medsky keyword 2002-08-06 added median keyword 2002-12-05 Converted to use fitsloader. NEEDS TO BE TESTED
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FUNCTION: redircalsub PURPOSE: Reduction of IRCAL data with subpixel registration and mosaicing. NOTES: After the standard bias subtraction and flat fielding steps, this procedure uses cross-correlations to register any arbitrary dither together and combines the images into a final mosaic. INPUTS: objn Object Name istart file name index start iend file name index end pclip percentage of best images to keep after FWHM cut KEYWORDS: datadir= data directory flatf= flat field to use badpixf= bad pixel mask file outdir= output data directory (must already exist) /subpixel do subpixel registration subshift= subpixel shift method (see submethod= subpixel registration method (see auto Perform all tasks automatically without prompting the user. /medsky create median frame for sky and subtract it from all frames. /median use median combining, not averaging. nan fix nans before registering, the quick way. scaletime for fitsloader. scale images of different exposure times to this exposure time. saturation also for fitsloader. what value (for an unscaled image) is saturated? mask as NaNs /satmask use ircal_satmask function to mask saturated pixels /verbosename Put the expose time and istart into the output file name OUTPUTS: HISTORY: quick redux of Lick AO data 06/11/01 M. Liu 06/13/01 mods by JPL to add flatfield 2001-07-17 turned into a procedure by mperrin 2001-08 subpixel stuff added 2002-04-09 dark frame subtraction added by mperrin 2002-07-04 nstack parameter removed - not used by the subpixel code added auto keyword. 2002-08-06 added medsky keyword 2002-08-06 added median keyword 2002-12-05 Converted to use fitsloader.
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Category: Mathematics
[List of Routines]
- GAUSSIAN2D - Compute the 2-d Gaussian function and optionally the derivative based on Goddard IDL Astro's "" RESTRICTION: Right now only circularly symmetric gaussians
- GRIDEVAL - Evaluates a function, supplied as a string, for all points of a supplied grid in x and y.
- MAXES - return the maximums of each image for a stack of images
- MODE - Calculate the mode (most common element in an array) optionally with binning
- POISS - Computes the Poisson distribution as a function of X and M.
- MONTECARLO_MEAN - given a set of numbers, uses monte-carlo methods to determine both the mean and the standard deviation of the mean.
- MONTECARLO_MEDIAN - given a set of numbers, uses monte-carlo methods to determine both the median and the standard deviation of the median.
- PRODUCT_ERRPROP - Implements the error propagation formula for the product of two numbers, assumed to have no correlation
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NAME: GAUSSIAN2d PURPOSE: Compute the 2-d Gaussian function and optionally the derivative based on Goddard IDL Astro's "" RESTRICTION: Right now only circularly symmetric gaussians EXPLANATION: Compute the 2-D Gaussian function and optionally the derivative at an array of points. CALLING SEQUENCE: y = gaussian( x, y, parms,[ pderiv ]) INPUTS: x,y = arrays, independent variable of Gaussian function. parms = parameters of Gaussian, 2, 3 or 4 element array: parms[0] = maximum value (factor) of Gaussian, parms[1] = mean value (center) of Gaussian in X, parms[2] = mean value (center) of Gaussian in Y, parms[3] = standard deviation (sigma) of Gaussian. (if parms has only 2 elements then sigma taken from previous call to gaussian(), which is stored in a common block). parms[4] = optional, constant offset added to Gaussian. OUTPUT: y - Function returns array of Gaussian evaluated at xi. Values will be floating pt. (even if xi is double) unless the /DOUBLE keyword is set. OPTIONAL INPUT: /DOUBLE - set this keyword to return double precision for both the function values and (optionally) the partial derivatives. OPTIONAL OUTPUT: pderiv = [N,3] or [N,4] output array of partial derivatives, computed only if parameter is present in call. pderiv[*,i] = partial derivative at all xi absisca values with respect to parms[i], i=0,1,2,[3]. EXAMPLE: Evaulate a Gaussian centered at x=0, with sigma=1, and a peak value of 10 at the points 0.5 and 1.5. Also compute the derivative IDL> f = gaussian( [0.5,1.5], [10,0,1], DERIV ) ==> f= [8.825,3.25]. DERIV will be a 2 x 3 array containing the numerical derivative at the two points with respect to the 3 parameters. COMMON BLOCKS: gaussian ; why is this here?? HISTORY: 2005-May-06 Forked from by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: grideval PURPOSE: Evaluates a function, supplied as a string, for all points of a supplied grid in x and y. INPUTS: KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2007-07-27 09:19:56 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: maxes PURPOSE: return the maximums of each image for a stack of images USAGE: function maxes,imgs,help=help, skymode = skymode, masks = masks INPUTS: imgs a stack of images KEYWORDS: masks Bad pixel mask. 0=bad, 1=good skymode uses to find medians; disabled, not sure why RETURNS: an array containing the maximum for each image in the stack. That is, it computes the maximum for each image individually and returns all of those, rather than maximum-ing across images. HISTORY: 2005-07-12 split from by M Perrin
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NAME: mode PURPOSE: Calculate the mode (most common element in an array) optionally with binning INPUTS: KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2004-04-23 17:48:23 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: poiss PURPOSE: Computes the Poisson distribution as a function of X and M. INPUTS: X Independent variable. Can be an array, can have fractions. M Rate for the Poisson distribution. Must be scalar KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2004-09 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: montecarlo_mean PURPOSE: given a set of numbers, uses monte-carlo methods to determine both the mean and the standard deviation of the mean. INPUTS: data a set of data KEYWORDS: ntrials number of monte carlo trials [default = 100] OUTPUTS: mean mean of the data medstddev stddev of the mean HISTORY: Began 2002-08-16 15:17:37 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: montecarlo_median PURPOSE: given a set of numbers, uses monte-carlo methods to determine both the median and the standard deviation of the median. INPUTS: data a set of data KEYWORDS: ntrials number of monte carlo trials [default = 100] OUTPUTS: median median of the data medstddev stddev of the median HISTORY: Began 2002-08-16 15:17:37 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: PURPOSE: Implements the error propagation formula for the product of two numbers, assumed to have no correlation INPUTS: KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2002-10-15 17:33:28 by Marshall Perrin
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Category: Misc
[List of Routines]
- FIND_CLOSEST - Given an array, find the index whose value in that array is closest to a given number.
- FIND_FWXM - Find the full width at X*max. i.e. X = 0.5 for FWHM.
- FINDLOCALMAX - Find local maximum near given position in image
- MRECENTER - Find precise center for a star, like RECENTER, but using MPFITPEAK to do the peak fitting.
- WHEREISMAX - Given an array, returns location and value of max pixel
- WHEREIS - Given the 1-d index of a pixel in an array, return the x and y coordinates corresponding to that pixel.
- ATV - Interactive display of 2-D or 3-D images.
- ATVMAKEMOVIE - create a movie from an image stack in ATV.
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NAME: find_closest PURPOSE: Given an array, find the index whose value in that array is closest to a given number. INPUTS: KEYWORDS: range= 2 element array. Restrict the search to this range of values. /value don't return the index, return the actual closest value. OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2005-04-20 14:04:49 by Marshall Perrin 2008-10-24 added value= keyword
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NAME: find_fwXm PURPOSE: Find the full width at X*max. i.e. X = 0.5 for FWHM. INPUTS: KEYWORDS: /plot Make a convenient plot showing the curve and the points which are found OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2005-05-04 14:24:42 by Marshall Perrin 2008-02-15 Added /plot option
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NAME: findlocalmax PURPOSE: Find local maximum near given position in image CALLING SEQUENCE: maxind = findlocalmax(im, ind, boxsize=) INPUTS: im - image ind - 1-D index of pixel in image KEYWORD PARAMETERS: boxsize - size of box in which to explore, in pixels. (default 15) OUTPUTS: returns maxind, 1-D index of local max near input ind COMMENTS: Uses 1-D index of a 2-D array, i.e. 0 < ind < N*M-1 for NxM image. This algorithm searches a box of size boxsize x boxsize centered on pixel ind, finding the max within that box. This iterates until the maximum pixel no longer moves. Boxsize should be bigger than the typical cosmic ray size, but much smaller than the typical distance between cosmic rays (and other objects). MODIFICATION HISTORY: 2000 Oct 4 - written by D. Finkbeiner 2001 07 25 - keyword silent added. MDP 2001 07 26 - modified to accept x,y instead of 1-d index by default. MDP
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NAME: mrecenter PURPOSE: Find precise center for a star, like RECENTER, but using MPFITPEAK to do the peak fitting. INPUTS: KEYWORDS: /moffat, /lorentz, /gauss what type of function to fit? see MPFIT2DPEAK for details /silent /nodisp OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2006-08-03 16:41:26 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: whereismax PURPOSE: Given an array, returns location and value of max pixel INPUTS: pro Whereismax, image, x, y, maxv, mark=mark, silent=silent,single=single note that this will return a long integer if there is a unique max pixel, otherwise it will return an long array which may be a problem for some routines 10/31/94 MCL added mark feature, which will draw a cross at the max pixel on the current window 8/19/96 MCL uses a square instead of a circle for /mark 06/22/00 MCL Added "single" keyword to always return only one value. If multiple points have the same max, return only the first 2001-07-06 MDP 2003-03-04 MDP added /NaN keyword to max
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NAME: whereis PURPOSE: Given the 1-d index of a pixel in an array, return the x and y coordinates corresponding to that pixel. NOTES: pro whereis,image,w,x,y given the index of a pixel in an array return the x and y value jrg/ucb 94/8/16 if only one pixel, then return scalars rather than vectors 4/16/96 MCL
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NAME: ATV PURPOSE: Interactive display of 2-D or 3-D images. CATEGORY: Image display. CALLING SEQUENCE: atv [,array_name OR fits_file] [,min = min_value] [,max=max_value] [,/linear] [,/log] [,/histeq] [,/asinh] [,/block] [,/align] [,/stretch] [,header = header] REQUIRED INPUTS: None. If atv is run with no inputs, the window widgets are realized and images can subsequently be passed to atv from the command line or from the pull-down file menu. OPTIONAL INPUTS: array_name: a 2-D or 3-D data array to display OR fits_file: a fits file name, enclosed in single quotes KEYWORDS: min: minimum data value to be mapped to the color table max: maximum data value to be mapped to the color table linear: use linear stretch log: use log stretch histeq: use histogram equalization asinh: use asinh stretch block: block IDL command line until ATV terminates align: align image with previously displayed image stretch: keep same min and max as previous image header: FITS image header (string array) for use with data array OUTPUTS: None. COMMON BLOCKS: atv_state: contains variables describing the display state atv_images: contains the internal copies of the display image atv_color: contains colormap vectors atv_pdata: contains plot and text annotation information RESTRICTIONS: Requires IDL version 6.0 or greater. Requires Craig Markwardt's routine. Requires the GSFC IDL astronomy user's library routines. Some features may not work under all operating systems. EXAMPLE: To start atv running, just enter the command 'atv' at the idl prompt, either with or without an array name or fits file name as an input. Only one atv window will be created at a time, so if one already exists and another image is passed to atv from the idl command line, the new image will be displayed in the pre-existing atv window. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Aaron J. Barth, with contributions by Douglas Finkbeiner, Michael Liu, David Schlegel, Wesley Colley, Jim Brauher, and Marshall Perrin. First released 17 December 1998. ***** DISCLAIMER ***** DISCLAIMER ***** DISCLAIMER ***** This is a highly modified version of atv! It's probably buggy, and you use it at your own risk. Questions, comments and complaints should go to Marshall Perrin,, and NOT to Aaron Barth. ***** DISCLAIMER ***** DISCLAIMER ***** DISCLAIMER ***** This version is 2.0pre1-MP, which contain's Marshall Perrin and Henry Roe's modifications to ATV 1.3, merged into Aaron Barth's release 1.5 of 11 Aug 2004, and then with Jim Brauher's version 2.0. 2006-12-17: And then *again* partially merged with Aaron Barth's 2.0pre1 (but not entirely...) 2008-10-06: Partial merge with Aaron Barth's 2.0pre4 The most notable additions by Marshall Perrin: - Preserves users colormap and !p.multi for external windows - Polarimetry vector field overplotting - 'Measure' mouse mode to measure distances - Better support for NaNs to indicate missing pixels - FITS reading code allows loading multiple files from disk to a datacube (files must all be the same size) - Option for having a different title extra ("name") for each image in a cube. Set via names= keyword argument. - Image blinking also blinks the titles. - Added SQRT, ASINH stretches. See Lupton et al. AJ 118, 1406-1410 for more info on ASINH stretch WARNING - ASINH implementation is different from the ATV 2.0b4 version - Added code to preserve user's device decomposition setting. - Additional / modified keyboard shortcuts - keyboard shortcuts work while mouse button down (i.e. during vector mode) - Can save image to IDL main-level variable (code due to D. Fanning) For the most current version, revision history, instructions, list of known bugs, and further information, go to:
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NAME: atvmakemovie PURPOSE: create a movie from an image stack in ATV. USAGE: Load a 3d data cube into ATV. get the color table set the way you want it. This command will iterate through every frame of the data cube and write it to disk as a PNG file, suitable for combining into an animation via 'convert' or the like. INPUTS: KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2004-08-27 16:45:51 by Marshall Perrin
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Category: Plotting
[List of Routines]
- DRDPIX - Interactively display the X position, Y position, and pixel value of the cursor.
- HOR - Plot a horizontal line on a graph at specified y value.
- LABELOPLOT - Like oplot, but labels the plot with some text string as well.
- LOGHIST2D - Wrapper for hist2d which allows logarithmic bins and some other options
- SAVEPLOT - save a plot to disk in PNG format
- VER - Plot a vertical line on a graph at specified x value.
- ALLSKYPLOT - plot some points on the whole sky
- RADECGRID - draw a grid of lines of constant RA and Dec.
- WIN - create IDL plot windows displayed in rows in a nice tiled fashion.
- MULTIPLOT - Create multiple plots with shared axes.
- ARROWS2 - overplot an arrow on an image at a given position and angle.
- DRAWSCALEBAR - Draw a scalebar on an image.
- GETWHITE - return color table index for white, in either X or postscript mode.
- IMCONTOUR - Make a contour plot labeled with astronomical coordinates.
- IMDISP_GETAXES - create arrays with axes values for use with IMDISP
- IMDISP_WITH_CONTOURS - imdisp an image, and overplot contours using subtle colors a la Tufte
- PLOT_DRAWZOOMBOX - Draw zoom-in lines for a plot cutout.
- PLOT_RECTANGLE - Draws a rectangle in data coordinates, optionally rotated
- PLOT_RESTORECOORDS - counterpart to plot_savecoords
- PLOT_SAVECOORDS - Save the current axis setup.
- PPLOT - produce a pretty plot for postscript.
- RAINBOW - Return a vector of color indices, from fsc_color.
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NAME: DRDPIX Exactly like rdpix, except uses data coordinates rather than device coordinates. PURPOSE: Interactively display the X position, Y position, and pixel value of the cursor. CATEGORY: Image display. CALLING SEQUENCE: RDPIX, Image [, X0, Y0] INPUTS: Image: The array that represents the image being displayed. This array may be of any type. Rather reading pixel values from the display, they are taken from this parameter, avoiding scaling difficulties. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: X0, Y0: The location of the lower-left corner of the image area on screen. If these parameters are not supplied, they are assumed to be zero. OUTPUTS: None. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: The X, Y, and value of the pixel under the cursor are continuously displayed. RESTRICTIONS: None. PROCEDURE: Instructions are printed and the pixel values are printed as the cursor is moved over the image. Press the left or center mouse button to create a new line of output, saving the previous line. Press the right mouse button to exit the procedure. MODIFICATION HISTORY: DMS, Dec, 1987. Rob Montgomery (, 9/21/92; Correct indices for case of !order = 1 2002-04-19 Marshall Perrin. Renamed to DRDPIX (for "display" read pix) and modified to use normalized coordinates.
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NAME: HOR PURPOSE: Plot a horizontal line on a graph at specified y value. CATEGORY: CALLING SEQUENCE: hor, y INPUTS: y = Y value of horizontal line. Scalar or array. in KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keywords: /DEVICE means work in device coordinates. /NORMALIZED means work in normalized coordinates. Default is data coordinates. LINESTYLE=s. Linestyle (def=!p.linestyle). COLOR=c. Line color (def=!p.color). THICKNESS=t Line thickness (def=!p.thick). FILL=clr Optional color to fill between line pairs. Fills between lines 0 and 1, 2 and 3, and so on. POINTER=pt Draw arrowhead pointers at left and right instead of lines. Arrowhead dimensions may be given as fraction of screen or plot window size, the value of pt is height, or [height, width]. For /pointer the default used is [.03,.03]. /LEFT used with POINTER to plot left pointers only. /RIGHT used with POINTER to plot right pointers only. OUTPUTS: COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: Notes: see ver. MODIFICATION HISTORY: R. Sterner, 2 Aug, 1989. R. Sterner, 21 May, 1992 --- fixed for log X axes. R. Sterner, 3 Nov, 1992 --- Added /device. R. Sterner, 20 Jun, 1993 --- Added /normalized. R. Sterner, 1994 Feb 2 --- Added THICK. R. Sterner, 1994 Jun 3 --- Added FILL. R. Sterner, 1994 Jun 16 --- Added POINTER, /TOP, /BOTTOM. Copyright (C) 1989, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.
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NAME: labeloplot PURPOSE: Like oplot, but labels the plot with some text string as well. USAGE: labeloplot, x,y,label,_extra=_extra,xoffset=xoffset,yoffset=yoffset INPUTS: x,y X and Y values of the line to plot label0 label text to annotate it with KEYWORDS: xoffset=, yoffset= X and Y offset for the label text, relative to the line. default is 1/50 of the total size of the plot. NOTE: this default won't work well for log plots, due to how IDL handles the !x.crange for logs, so set the offset manually for log plots. label= another way of specifying the label text. Redundant, but included for back-compatibility. xlocation= X value for overplotting the label. Default is the maximum of the line. OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began summer 2005 by Marshall Perrin Documentation added 2007-01-16.
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NAME: loghist2d PURPOSE: Wrapper for hist2d which allows logarithmic bins and some other options INPUTS: v1, v2 two arrays. KEYWORDS: /log1, /log2 use log scaling bin1=, bin2= bin size nbins1=, nbins2= number of bins OUTPUTS: binval1=, binval2= return the bin values. HISTORY: Began 2007-03-21 11:15:44 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: saveplot PURPOSE: save a plot to disk in PNG format INPUTS: KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2004-05-14 13:52:06 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: VER PURPOSE: Plot a vertical line on a graph at specified x value. CATEGORY: CALLING SEQUENCE: ver, x INPUTS: x = X value of vertical line. Scalar or array. in KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keywords: /DEVICE means work in device coordinates. /NORMALIZED means work in normalized coordinates. Default is data coordinates. LINESTYLE=s. Linestyle (def=!p.linestyle). COLOR=c. Line Color (def=!p.color). THICKNESS=thk Line thickness (def=!p.thick). FILL=clr Optional color to fill between line pairs. Fills between lines 0 and 1, 2 and 3, and so on. POINTER=pt Draw arrowhead pointers at top and bottom instead of lines. Arrowhead dimensions may be given as fraction of screen or plot window size, the value of pt is height, or [height, width]. For /pointer the default used is [.03,.03]. /BOTTOM used with POINTER to plot bottom pointers only. /TOP used with POINTER to plot top pointers only. OUTPUTS: COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: Note: see hor. MODIFICATION HISTORY: R. Sterner, 2 Aug, 1989. R. Sterner, 21 May, 1992 --- fixed for log Y axes. R. Sterner, 3 Nov, 1992 --- Added /device. R. Sterner, 27 Jan, 1993 --- dropped reference to array. R. Sterner 20 Jun, 1993 --- added /norm. R. Sterner 1994 Feb 2 --- Add THICK. R. Sterner, 1994 Jun 3 --- Added FILL. R. Sterner, 1994 Jun 16 --- Added POINTER. Copyright (C) 1989, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.
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NAME: allskyplot PURPOSE: plot some points on the whole sky INPUTS: KEYWORDS: /usecolor read another column from the database and use this to set the color for each object. Use this for plotting survey completion status! color= use this specific color if both /usecolor and color= are set, then /usecolor takes priority. /overplot Just overplot the stars /ps plot to a postscript file /label Write the star names next to the stars as labels. declimit= Declination limit. Default = -30 (Lick) OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2004-08-26 17:34:39 by Marshall Perrin 2005-07-11 /overplot option added. 2005-07-12 color handling improved
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NAME: radecgrid PURPOSE: draw a grid of lines of constant RA and Dec. EXPLANATION: Based on from the Goddard library, this routine will draw a grid of lines at constant RA and dec across the image. The type of coordinate display is controlled by the keyword TYPE Set TYPE=0 (default) to measure distances from the center of the image (IMCONTOUR will decide whether the plotting units will be in arc seconds, arc minutes, or degrees depending on image size.) Set /TYPE for standard RA and Dec labeling CALLING SEQUENCE IMCONTOUR, im, hdr,[ /TYPE, /PUTINFO, XDELTA = , YDELTA =, _EXTRA = XMID=, YMID= ] INPUTS: IM - 2-dimensional image array HDR - FITS header associated with IM, string array, must include astrometry keywords. IMCONTOUR will also look for the OBJECT and IMAGE keywords, and print these if found and the PUTINFO keyword is set. OPTIONAL PLOTTING KEYWORDS: /TYPE - the type of astronomical labeling to be displayed. Either set TYPE = 0 (default), distance to center of the image is marked in units of Arc seconds, arc minutes, or degrees TYPE = 1 astronomical labeling with Right ascension and declination. XDELTA, YDELTA - Integer scalars giving spacing of labels for TYPE=1. Default is to label every major tick (XDELTA=1) but if crowding occurs, then the user might wish to label every other tick (XDELTA=2) or every third tick (XDELTA=3) XMID, YMID - Scalars giving the X,Y position from which offset distances will be measured when TYPE=0. By default, offset distances are measured from the center of the image. NOTES: (1) The contour plot will have the same dimensional ratio as the input image array EXAMPLE: Overlay the contour of an image, im2, with FITS header, h2, on top of the display of a different image, im1. Use RA, Dec labeling, and seven equally spaced contour levels. The use of a program like David Fanning's TVIMAGE is suggested to properly overlay plotting and image coordinates. The /Keep_aspect_ratio keyword must be used. IDL> tvimage,im1,/keep_aspect, position = pos IDL> imcontour,im2,h2,nlevels=7,/Noerase,/TYPE,position = pos PROCEDURES USED: CHECK_FITS, EXTAST, GETROT, TICPOS, TICLABEL, TIC_ONE, TICS, XYAD CONS_RA(), CONS_DEC(), ADSTRING() REVISION HISTORY: Split from May 2003 version of M. Perrin July 2003
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PURPOSE: create IDL plot windows displayed in rows in a nice tiled fashion. NOTES: default size is 256 x 256 program is optimized for my workstation & monitor! INPUTS num window number to open OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUTS title title string for the window xsize xsize ysize ysize xpos,ypos position of the window. sz edge size for a square window /small adjusted for 17" monitor (20" is default) /land Landscape mode /keep If a window with this number is already open, just use it rather than opening a new one. /max open up a really large window /external open the really large window on the external monitor, and make it even larger USES strc Written by M. Liu (UCB): 1995? 12/22/99 MCL: added /land (nice size for plots) 04/16/00 MCL: can now pass 'sz' as parameter also 10/11/02 MDP: Added /keep parameter 2003-12-13 MDP: Don't do a retall if called incorrectly, goddamit! 2006-08-22 MDP: added /MAX
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NAME: MULTIPLOT PURPOSE: Create multiple plots with shared axes. EXPLANATION: This procedure makes a matrix of plots with *SHARED AXES*, either using parameters passed to multiplot or !p.multi in a non-standard way. It is good for data with one or two shared axes and retains all the versatility of the plot commands (e.g. all keywords and log scaling). The plots are connected with the shared axes, which saves space by omitting redundant ticklabels and titles. Multiplot does this by setting !p.position, !x.tickname and !y.tickname automatically. A call (multiplot,/reset) restores original values. New: The COLSPACING and ROWSPACING parameters allow you to join plots along one axis while leaving space along the other axis. Labels are still suppressed as usual, even if space is left. Note: This method may be superseded by future improvements in !p.multi by RSI. For now, it's a good way to gang plots together. CALLING SEQUENCE: multiplot[pmulti][,/help][,/initialize][,/reset][,/rowmajor] EXAMPLES: multiplot,/help ; print this header. ; Then copy & paste, from your xterm, the following lines to test: x = findgen(100) ; MULTIPLOT t=exp(-(x-50)^2/300) ; ------------------------- erase ; | | | u=exp(-x/30) ; | | | y = sin(x) ; | UL plot | UR plot | r = reverse(y*u) ; | | | !p.multi=[0,2,2,0,0] ; | | | multiplot ; y------------------------- plot,x,y*u,title='MULTIPLOT' ; l| | | multiplot & plot,x,r ; a| | | multiplot ; b| LL plot | LR plot | plot,x,y*t,ytit='ylabels' ; e| | | multiplot ; l| | | plot,x,y*t,xtit='xlabels' ; s------------------------- multiplot,/reset ; xlabels wait,2 & erase ; TEST multiplot,[1,3] ; H------------------------ plot,x,y*u,title='TEST' ; E| plot #1 | multiplot ; I------------------------ plot,x,y*t,ytit='HEIGHT' ; G| plot #2 | multiplot ; H------------------------ plot,x,r,xtit='PHASE' ; T| plot #3 | multiplot,/reset ; ------------------------ ; PHASE multiplot,[1,1],/init,/verbose ; one way to return to single plot % MULTIPLOT: Initialized for 1x1, plotted across then down (column major). OPTIONAL INPUTS: pmulti = 2-element or 5-element vector giving number of plots, e.g., multiplot,[1,6] ; 6 plots vertically multiplot,[0,4,2,0,0] ; 4 plots along x and 2 along y multiplot,[0,4,2,0,1] ; ditto, except rowmajor (down 1st) multiplot,[4,2],/rowmajor ; identical to previous line OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: help = flag to print header initialize = flag to begin only---no plotting, just setup, e.g., multiplot,[4,2],/init,/verbose & multiplot & plot,x,y reset = flag to reset system variables to values prior to /init default = flag to restore IDL's default value for system variables rowmajor = flag to number plots down column first (D=columnmajor) verbose = flag to output informational messages colspacing, rowspacing = set margins betweel columns and rows. These should be fractions between 0 (the default) and 1, and indicate how much space to leave between columns and rows, defined as a fraction of the size of a column or row. Outputs: !p.position = 4-element vector to place a plot !x.tickname = either '' or else 30 ' ' to suppress ticknames !y.tickname = either '' or else 30 ' ' to suppress ticknames !p.noerase = 1 Common blocks: multiplot---to hold saved variables and plot counter. See code. Side Effects: Multiplot sets a number of system variables: !p.position, !p.multi, !x.tickname, !y.tickname, !P.noerase---but all can be reset with the call: multiplot,/reset RESTRICTIONS: 1. If you use !p.multi as the method of telling how many plots are present, you have to set !p.multi at the beginning each time you use multiplot or call multiplot with the /reset keyword. 2. There's no way to make an xtitle or ytitle span more than one plot, except by adding spaces to shift it or to add it manually with xyouts. 3. There is no way to make plots of different sizes; each plot covers the same area on the screen or paper. PROCEDURE: This routine makes a matrix of plots with common axes, as opposed to the method of !p.multi where axes are separated to allow labels. Here the plots are joined and labels are suppressed, except at the left edge and the bottom. You tell multiplot how many plots to make using either !p.multi (which is then reset) or the parameter pmulti. However, multiplot keeps track of the position by itself because !p.multi interacts poorly with !p.position. MODIFICATION HISTORY: write, 21-23 Mar 94, Fred Knight ( alter plot command that sets !x.window, etc. per suggestion of Mark Hadfield (, 7 Apr 94, FKK add a /default keyword restore IDL's default values of system vars, 7 Apr 94, FKK modify two more sys vars !x(y).tickformat to suppress user-formatted ticknames, per suggestion of Mark Hadfield (qv), 8 Apr 94, FKK Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 Added colspacing, rowspacing keywords. M. Perrin 2003 October Added extramargins keyword M. Perrin 2007 June
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NAME: ARROWS2 PURPOSE: overplot an arrow on an image at a given position and angle. NOTES: Like Goddard's ARROWS.PRO, except this takes a user-specified angle rather than a FITS astrometry header. Modified from ARROWS.PRO by Marshall Perrin. 2004-09-29 PURPOSE: To display "weathervane" directional arrows on an astronomical image EXPLANATION: Overlays a graphic showing orientation of North and East. CALLING SEQUENCE: ARROWS,h, [ xcen, ycen, ARROWLEN= , CHARSIZE= COLOR= , /DATA FONT=, /NORMAL, /NOTVERTEX, THICK= ] INPUTS: h - FITS or STSDAS header array, must include astrometry OPTIONAL INPUTS: xcen,ycen - numeric scalars, specifying the center position of arrows. Position in device units unless the /NORMALIZED keyword is specified. If not supplied, then ARROWS will prompt for xcen and ycen OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUTS: arrowlen - length of arrows in terms of normal Y size of vector-drawn character, default = 3.5, floating point scalar charsize - character size, default = 2.0, floating point scalar color - color that the arrows and NE letters should be. Default value is !P.COLOR Data - if this keyword is set and nonzero, the input center (xcen, ycen) is understood to be in data coordinates font - IDL vector font number (1-20) to use to display NE letters. For example, set font=13 to use complex italic font. NotVertex - Normally (historically) the specified xcen,ycen indicated the position of the vertex of the figure. If this keyword is set, the xcen,ycen coordinates refer to a sort of 'center of mass' of the figure. This allows the figure to always appear with the area irregardless of the rotation angle. Normal - if this keyword is set and nonzero, the input center (xcen,ycen) is taken to be in normalized coordinates. The default is device coordinates. thick - line thickness, default = 2.0, floating point scalar OUTPUTS: none EXAMPLE: Draw a weathervane at (400,100) on the currently active window, showing the orientation of the image associated with a FITS header, hdr IDL> arrows, hdr, 400, 100 METHOD: Uses EXTAST to EXTract ASTrometry from the FITS header. The directions of North and East are computed and the procedure ONE_ARROW called to create the "weathervane". PROCEDURES USED: GETROT - Computes rotation from the FITS header ONE_ARROW - Draw a labeled arrow ZPARCHECK REVISON HISTORY: written by B. Boothman 2/5/86 Recoded with new procedures ONE_ARROW, ONE_RAY. R.S.Hill,HSTX,5/20/92 Added separate determination for N and E arrow to properly display arrows irregardless of handedness or other peculiarities and added /NotVertex keyword to improve positioning of figure. E.Deutsch 1/10/93 Added /DATA and /NORMAL keywords W. Landsman July 1993 Recognize GSSS header W. Landsman June 1993 Added /FONT keyword W. Landsman April 1995 Modified to work correctly for COLOR=0 J.Wm.Parker, HITC 1995 May 25 Work correctly for negative CDELT values W. Landsman Feb. 1996 Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 Use GETROT to compute rotation W. Landsman June 2003 Restored /NotVertex keyword which was not working after June 2003 change W. Landsman January 2004 --- Split out to by M. Perrin --- 2006-03-23 default charsize is now !p.charsize, not 2.
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NAME: drawscalebar PURPOSE: Draw a scalebar on an image. NOTES: Requires the data coordinates to be set up in ARCSECONDS for this to work properly INPUTS: au how many AU long the scale bar should be distance distance to the source (sets AU to arcsec conversion) KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2004-5-24 by Marshall Perrin Documentation added long after the fact, 2005-04-19
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NAME: getwhite PURPOSE: return color table index for white, in either X or postscript mode. INPUTS: KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2005-10-06 20:34:30 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: IMCONTOUR PURPOSE: Make a contour plot labeled with astronomical coordinates. EXPLANATION: The type of coordinate display is controlled by the keyword TYPE Set TYPE=0 (default) to measure distances from the center of the image (IMCONTOUR will decide whether the plotting units will be in arc seconds, arc minutes, or degrees depending on image size.) Set /TYPE for standard RA and Dec labeling By using the /NODATA keyword, IMCONTOUR can also be used to simply provide astronomical labeling of a previously displayed image. CALLING SEQUENCE IMCONTOUR, im, hdr,[ /TYPE, /PUTINFO, XDELTA = , YDELTA =, _EXTRA = XMID=, YMID= ] INPUTS: IM - 2-dimensional image array HDR - FITS header associated with IM, string array, must include astrometry keywords. IMCONTOUR will also look for the OBJECT and IMAGE keywords, and print these if found and the PUTINFO keyword is set. OPTIONAL PLOTTING KEYWORDS: /TYPE - the type of astronomical labeling to be displayed. Either set TYPE = 0 (default), distance to center of the image is marked in units of Arc seconds, arc minutes, or degrees TYPE = 1 astronomical labeling with Right ascension and declination. /PUTINFO - If set, then IMCONTOUR will add information about the image to the right of the contour plot. Information includes image name, object, image center, image center, contour levels, and date plot was made XDELTA, YDELTA - Integer scalars giving spacing of labels for TYPE=1. Default is to label every major tick (XDELTA=1) but if crowding occurs, then the user might wish to label every other tick (XDELTA=2) or every third tick (XDELTA=3) XMID, YMID - Scalars giving the X,Y position from which offset distances will be measured when TYPE=0. By default, offset distances are measured from the center of the image. /SKYCOORDS - If set, define DATA coordinates using the FITS header astrometry information (i.e in arcseconds). By default, DATA coordinates are set in units of pixels. Any keyword accepted by CONTOUR may also be passed through IMCONTOUR since IMCONTOUR uses the _EXTRA facility. IMCONTOUR uses its own defaults for the XTITLE, YTITLE XMINOR, YMINOR, and SUBTITLE keywords but these may be overridden. NOTES: (1) The contour plot will have the same dimensional ratio as the input image array (2) To contour a subimage, use HEXTRACT before calling IMCONTOUR (3) Use the /NODATA keyword to simply provide astronomical labeling of a previously displayed image. (4) The IMCONTOUR display currently does not indicate the image rotation in any way, but only specifies coordinates along the edges of the image EXAMPLE: Overlay the contour of an image, im2, with FITS header, h2, on top of the display of a different image, im1. Use RA, Dec labeling, and seven equally spaced contour levels. The use of a program like David Fanning's TVIMAGE is suggested to properly overlay plotting and image coordinates. The /Keep_aspect_ratio keyword must be used. IDL> tvimage,im1,/keep_aspect, position = pos IDL> imcontour,im2,h2,nlevels=7,/Noerase,/TYPE,position = pos PROCEDURES USED: CHECK_FITS, EXTAST, GETROT, TICPOS, TICLABEL, TIC_ONE, TICS, XYAD CONS_RA(), CONS_DEC(), ADSTRING() REVISION HISTORY: Written W. Landsman STX May, 1989 Fixed RA,Dec labeling W. Landsman November, 1991 Fix plottting keywords W.Landsman July, 1992 Recognize GSSS headers W. Landsman July, 1994 Removed Channel keyword for V4.0 compatibility June, 1995 Add _EXTRA CONTOUR plotting keywords W. Landsman August, 1995 Add XDELTA, YDELTA keywords W. Landsman November, 1995 Use SYSTIME() instead of !STIME August, 1997 Remove obsolete !ERR system variable W. Landsman May 2000 Added XMID, YMID keywords to specify central position (default is still center of image) W. Landsman March 2002 Recognize Galactic coordinates, fix Levels display when /PUTINFO set W. Landsman May 2003 Correct conversion from seconds of RA to arcmin is 4 not 15. M. Perrin July 2003 Fix integer truncation which appears with tiny images WL July 2004 Set up data coordinates properly after plotting. M. Perrin Sept 2005
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NAME: imdisp_getaxes PURPOSE: create arrays with axes values for use with IMDISP NOTES: By default, if the axes span more than 120 units, they are divided by 60 (i.e. converted into arcmin instead of arcsec) INPUTS: image an image INPUT KEYWORDS: /center if set, forces the axes origin to be the exact center, OR ELSE center= 2d array containing the pixel coords for the axes zero point (if not present, default is brightest pixel in the image) platescale= platescale for the image. Can be 1 element or a 2d array for differing x and y scales. Default assumption is arcsec pixelscale= synonym for platscale. /reversex flip x axis sign (e.g. for RA) /arcsec display output in arcsec /arcmin display output in arcmin (i.e. divide by 60) OUTPUTS: xr= xrange array suitable for using with imdisp yr= yrange array suitable for using with imdisp x= array of x axis coords converted to arcsec y= array of y axis coords converted to arcsec HISTORY: Began 2005-10-22 17:24:51 by Marshall Perrin 2006-06-07 Added documentation
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NAME: imdisp_with_contours PURPOSE: imdisp an image, and overplot contours using subtle colors a la Tufte INPUTS: image REQUIRED KEYWORDS: (unless you use the pixelscale= keyword) xrange,yrange X and Y range for whole array xvals,yvals X and Y for each pixel contourlevels array giving levels for contours OPTIONAL KEYWORDS /axis draw axis /alog, /asinh what scaling to use? /noscale display image exactly as provided min=, max= min and max for scaling nonlinearity= for asinh /negative black-on-white display contourcolors colors for contours contour_step offset between regular plot colors and contour colors default = 40 contour_image plot contours of this image instead of main image (useful for overplots or smoothed versions) contoursmooth= median-smooth the image by this much before contouring. /nocontours don't plot contours! (kind of silly give the routine name, but sometimes useful...) force_contourcolors= numerical color value override (can be array) contourstring= string to call fsc_color with (useful for pstscript due to IDL brokenness requiring fsc_color call *after* image display) OUTPUTS: out_position output position used to plot (see HISTORY: Began 2007-01-04 14:59:55 by Marshall Perrin 2007-06025 all the bugs out. 2009-04-16 added ccols_out keyword
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NAME: plot_drawzoombox PURPOSE: Draw zoom-in lines for a plot cutout. INPUTS: pixelx, pixely center of zoomed in box in image pixels pixelw size of zoomed-in box in image pixels KEYWORDS: xvals,yvals x and y value per pixel, such as from imdisp_getaxes OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2007-06-02 23:18:26 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: plot_rectangle PURPOSE: Draws a rectangle in data coordinates, optionally rotated INPUTS: KEYWORDS: rot rotation angle in DEGREES OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2005-03-08 14:04:11 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: plot_restorecoords PURPOSE: counterpart to plot_savecoords INPUTS: KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2007-06-02 23:37:25 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: plot_savecoords PURPOSE: Save the current axis setup. INPUTS: KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2007-06-02 23:36:17 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: pplot PURPOSE: produce a pretty plot for postscript. NOTES: This is a semi-intelligent wrapper for PLOT, intended to handle displaying dark images (where you want white axis tick marks) with axis labels (either white text on a black screen, or black text on white paper). By default, this assumes the image is mostly black, so : Screen: everything's white Postscript: black titles and labels outside the image, white ticks inside If you set 'negative' then it assumes the image is mostly white: Screen: white titles and labels outside the image, black ticks inside. Postscript: everything's black CAUTIONS: This code assumes that !p.background = WHITE (or the actual paper color) !p.color = BLACK (or something which shows up on your actual paper color) If you have mucked around with color tables such that the above is not true, this probably won't do what you want... INPUTS: KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2003-10-24 14:09:39 by Marshall Perrin 2005-10-06 20:01:22 added /negative
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NAME: rainbow PURPOSE: Return a vector of color indices, from fsc_color. NOTES: requires Dave Fanning's Note that for output to file you need to call this AFTER you call psopen. INPUTS: KEYWORDS: n=n how many colors do you want? this will repeat the rainbow enough times that you have at least n colors. /more Return more colors (16 elements to the rainbow, versus the default 10) /pale return a pastel rainbow instead of the usual vibrant colors. /dim make any of the above color tables half as bright /light inverse of dim: make any of the above twice as bright. OUTPUTS: a vector of color indices HISTORY: Began 2005-04-20 14:50:34 by Marshall Perrin
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Category: Programming
[List of Routines]
- CHECKDIR - Check whether a given directory exists
- GETMYNAME - Returns the name and file path to the source code of the calling procedure
- STACKPOP - pops a variable off of a stack. NOTE If the stack only contains one item it becomes undefined after the item is popped off. see also
- STACKPUSH - pushes a variable onto a stack. If the stack is undefined, it is created.
- STRUCT_MERGE - Given two structures, A and B, each of which may be an array, and which may have different tag names, create a new structure C which is the union of both A and B.
- TIMEIT - test how long a given IDL command takes to execute.
- WHICH - Prints full filenames in IDL !path search order for a particular routine.
- print a string and then let user enter a number just like READ command, except can enter
to choose default and will re-prompt if user doesn't enter a number - GETYN - get a reply to a yes/no question, allowing the user to hit
to select the default respone - HASNANS - does an array have NaNs in it?
- GETYN - get a reply to a yes/no question, allowing the user to hit
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NAME: checkdir PURPOSE: Check whether a given directory exists NOTES: Given a string supposedly naming a directory, checks whether it (a) corresponds to a valid directory (b) has a trailing slash present If (a) fails, the routine stops and gives an error. if (b) fails, the routine silently adds a slash. If called with /expand, it will expand any ~usernames in the given string to the full directory path needed by IDL. If called with /make, it will create the directory if needed. USAGE: checkdir, dir INPUTS: dir String containing a directory KEYWORDS: expand expand ~'s in the path. fallback if dir doesn't exist, try using this one instead HISTORY: Aug 21, 2001 MDP 2003 June 25 Added fallback option. MDP 2005 Sept 21 Added /make MDP 2009 Oct 15 Switched to path_sep() instead of just /. MDP
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FUNCTION: getmyname PURPOSE: Returns the name and file path to the source code of the calling procedure NOTES: In other words, if you're executing FOO from /some/path/ then getmyname, name,path sets name="FOO" and path="/some/path/" INPUTS: KEYWORDS: dir outputs directory not including file name OUTPUTS: name name of calling procedure path path to file containing calling procedure HISTORY:
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NAME: stackpop PURPOSE: pops a variable off of a stack. NOTE If the stack only contains one item it becomes undefined after the item is popped off. see also INPUTS: stack an array functioning as a stack KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: returns the last element of the stack, and shortens the stack accordingly. HISTORY: Began 2002-04-01 00:48:36 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: stackpush PURPOSE: pushes a variable onto a stack. If the stack is undefined, it is created. NOTES: stackpush,stack,var see also INPUTS: KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2002-04-01 00:48:36 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: struct_merge PURPOSE: Given two structures, A and B, each of which may be an array, and which may have different tag names, create a new structure C which is the union of both A and B. NOTES: Fields present in each of A and B will be copied into C. Fields present in one but not the other will be copied from that one where present, and filled with blanks or zeros for the one where not present. i.e. if one = {name: 'one', value=4} two = {name: 'two', something="test"} then struct_merge(one,two) is the array: [{name: 'one', value=4, something=''}, {name: 'two', value=0, something='test'}] This is sort of like Dave Schlegel's '', but it handles gracefully the case where the structures have partially-overlapping lists of tag names, and also appends the second structure onto the first to build an array. INPUTS: two structures OUTPUTS: the merged structure, as described above WARNINGS: This will fail if structures A and B have conflicting types for the same tag name. This will also fail if either of the structures themselves contain a substructure as a member. HISTORY: Began 2006-04-20 20:55:24 by Marshall Perrin 2009-01-25 If either struct is a proper superset of the other, preserve the tag order of the superset in the combined structures.
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timeit PURPOSE: test how long a given IDL command takes to execute. NOTES: takes a string specifying an idl command. Executes it some number of times (default=5) and prints the mean execution time. This actually has to be implemented as a batch file so that it executes at the same level of IDL rather than going inside of a procedure or function call, since then none of your variables would be accessible and the statement you want to time would presumably not work. USAGE: IDL> cmdstr="some string of commands" [optional: IDL> timeitloops=] IDL> @timeit HISTORY: 2001-07-25 by Marshall Perrin
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NAME: which CATGEORY: General utility PURPOSE: Prints full filenames in IDL !path search order for a particular routine. NOTES: proname (input string) procedure name (.pro will be appended) to find 24-Aug-92 JAV Create. 10-Mar-93 JAV Fixed bug; last directory in !path ignored; pad with ': '
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PURPOSE: print a string and then let user enter a number just like READ command, except can enterto choose default and will re-prompt if user doesn't enter a number INPUTS prompt string to print (no colon) defval default value KEYWORD /noquery don't actually ask user, just return the default value This is useful for making an "automatic" mode. USES strc, isnumber (JHU/APL) 05/12/99 MCL 05/31/00 MCL: bug fix - returned value was a string, now it's a float 2003-11-25 MDP: added /noquery
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PURPOSE: get a reply to a yes/no question, allowing the user to hitto select the default respone Usage: getyn, qstr, def, noquery = noquery, help=help INPUT qstr string to be printed (the question) OPTIONAL INPUT def default answer (0=no, not 0=yes; yes is default) KEYWORD PARM noquery if this is set, then returns the default answer w/o asking any question (seems useless, but actually useful for some programs, particularly when you want to have an automated mode that skips asking the questions.) RETURNS 0 = no 1 = yes EXAMPLE if getyn('print something?') then print,'something' HISTORY: Written by M. Liu (UCB) 09/04/96 06/27/00: added /noquery M.Liu 10/09/00: Documentation cleaned up. M.Perrin Please send comments/questions to
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NAME: hasnans PURPOSE: does an array have NaNs in it? INPUTS: KEYWORDS: OUTPUTS: HISTORY: Began 2007-07-27 09:39:40 by Marshall Perrin
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