A Guide to Kermit Data
Kermit writes data as FITS files which are fairly standard but
nonetheless there are a few details you may want to be aware of.
Data Format
Kermit FITS files contain an NxNxM array of 32 bit integers. N may be
one of {64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048}. M will usually be 1, but may be
2 for images read out in "CDS no subtraction" mode (which saves both
the initial and final CDS reads separately), or may be > 2 for fast
subarray frames mode.
The values stored in the 32 bit integers are the sum total of counts
read at that pixel during the exposure. If NREADS > 1, this means
that the value stored in the FITS file is the sum of all the reads,
while you probably want their average. To achieve this normalization,
you almost certainly want to normalize the image by dividing it by the
NREADS FITS keyword value.
The values in the image are also the sum of all the coadds. If you want
the total amount of flux during the entire integration time (for
instance if you care about photon noise statistics) then this is fine.
If instead you want to know the average counts read in per each single
coadd, then you should also divide by NCOADDS.
Exposure Time
Describe EXPTIME, COADDTIM headers here.
The DATE-OBS keyword records the start of
exposure time in accordance with <<relevant FITS
standard>>, for instance "2004-03-22T08:19:18.409182". This
time is in UTC. A caveat: While this time is recorded to microsecond
precision, it's actually the time that the C driver software send the
expose command to the DSP electronics. The actual exposure time begins
a small fraction of a second later, after the DSP has received and
processed the command and clocked out the relevant waveforms to the
detector. This delay is variable between <<<compute range of
possible delays>>>. Furthermore, the actual photon-sensitive
exposure doesn't begin until after the chip is reset NRESETS times,
which further delays the actual exposure start from the DATE-OBS value.
Subarray Position
Subarrays smaller than 1024x1024 are positionable. These positions are
not arbitrary but are controlled by the readout channel and coadder
board geometries. The location of a given subarray is stored in the
FITS header; you'll need to pay attention to this for darks, flats,
etc. The location is potentially stored in three different ways:
- All Kermit data contain the keywords SUB_COAD (which coadder
board read out this subarray) and SUB_OFFS (what offset into the
readout channel was used). The combination of subarray size (NAXIS1),
SUB_COAD, and SUB_OFFS, is sufficient to uniquely identify a subarray
location - these are the same three numbers used for Kermit exposure
mode strings.
- Kermit data more recent than
2004-03-13 also contain the EXP_MODE
keyword. This is the same exposure mode string as used in the Kermit
Exposure Palette window, and contains potentially NAXIS1, SUB_COAD,
SUB_OFFS, NREADS, and NRESETS. This keyword is redundant with the rest
of the FITS header but is provided for convenience. By sorting on this
keyword you can identify and organize different exposures without
having to worry about paying attention to multiple keywords.
- Kermit data more recent than
<<<<date>>>>> also contain the SUB_X and
SUB_Y keywords. These keywords give the coordinates of the lower left
corner of the active subarray relative to the lower left corner of the
entire array.
- Kermit data more recent than <<<<date>>>>
also contain the CCDSEC keyword. This keyword gives the subarray
position relative to the entire array formatted consistently with the
IRAF CCDSEC convention, "[startx:endx, starty,endy]". Note that
this notation starts with pixel 1 in IRAF convention rather than pixel
0 as IDL would use. For instance [1:2048,1:2048] would be the entire
chip, while [100:356,768:1024] would be a 256x256 subarray located 100
pixels in from the left edge and at the top of the first
quadrant. CCDSEC is technically redundant with NAXIS1, SUB_COAD,
and SUB_OFFS, but the conversion from one to the other is highly
non-obvious unless you know all sort of annoying chip geometry details,
which none of you probably care about, so just use CCDSEC. :-)
Motor Positions
Kermit has four movable elements. Three of these move between named
positions. The current position names are stored as the FILTER, M2, and
PUPIL FITS keywords. The Focus stage moves to numerical positions
between 0 (longest focus, array is farthest from the telescope) and
-8900 (shortest focus; array closest to telescope). The physical
distance corresponding to this motion is about two centimeters. The
current focus position is stored as the FOCUS keyword.
The raw numerical positions for all motors are also stored as the
MOTORS keyword. This is particularly useful if any of the first three
motors have been offset slightly from their nominal positions using the
"jog" command--the offsets will be recorded here.
page last updated on 2004-03-24 by Marshall Perrin.