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Дата индексирования: Tue Oct 2 12:58:09 2012

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Scale-free Modeling Software
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Scale-free Modeling Software


* Scale-free Modeling Software                                        * 
* to predict the intrinsic and projected kinematical quantities of    *
* axisymmetric mass densities with anisotropic velocity distributions *
* in spherical potentials.                                            *


* Roeland P. van der Marel,
    1994-1995 : development of code
    address   : Space Telescope Science Institute
                Research Programs Office (RPO)
                3700 San Martin Drive
                Baltimore, MD 21218
                Tel : (+1) 410 338 4931
                Fax : (+1) 410 338 4596
                e-mail   : marel@stsci.edu
                homepage : http://sol.stsci.edu/~marel/
* Jos H. J. de Bruijne
    1994-1995 : testing and application of code
    address   : Sterrewacht Leiden
                Postbus 9513
                2300 RA Leiden
                The Netherlands
                Tel : (+31) 71 5275878
                Fax : (+31) 71 5275819
                e-mail   : debruyne@strw.LeidenUniv.nl
                homepage : http://www.strw.leidenuniv.nl/~debruyne/ 

Summary of the method
We consider the case of a scale-free spheroidal mass density with an
anisotropic velocity distribution in scale-free spherical
potential. The assumption of a spherical potential has the advantage
that all integrals of motion are known explicitly. Two families of
phase-space distribution functions are considered. The `case I'
distribution functions are anisotropic generalizations of the
flattened f(E,L_z) model, which they include as a special case. The
`case II' distribution functions generate flattened
constant-anisotropy models. Free parameters control the radial
power-law slopes of the mass density and potential, the flattening of
the mass distribution, and the velocity dispersion anisotropy. The
models can describe the outer parts of galaxies and the density cusp
structure near a central black hole, but also provide general insight
into the dynamical properties of flattened systems. Because of their
simplicity they provide a useful complementary approach to the
construction of flattened self-consistent three-integral models for
elliptical galaxies.

The method and some applications are discussed in the following paper:
   `Scale-free dynamical models for galaxies: 
    flattened densities in spherical potentials'
       de Bruijne J., van der Marel R.P., de Zeeuw P.T. 
       MNRAS, 282, 909-925, 1996 
which can be retrieved form R. van der Marel's homepage.


If you have found this software useful for your research, we would
appreciate an acknowledgment to `use of the Scale-free Modeling
Software developed by R.P. van der Marel and J.H.J. de Bruijne'.

Bug Reports
Please send bug reports and important comments or questions to
This software comes without guarantee and on an `as is' basis. It is
not being actively maintained or upgraded.
All original testing of the code was done on a UNIX Sparc 2
workstation with the SunOS operating system in the period
1994-1995. In 1997 I ensured that the code would run on a Sun Ultra
170 workstation with the solaris operating system. However, little
detailed testing of the code was performed on this operating system.
It is not guaranteed that the software will work without problems on
other platforms, with different operating systems and different
compilers. However, the code is close to standard fortran, so if any,
only minor revisions will be necessary.
I will consider all requests for use of this software. However, I do
not allow people who have received the software from me to distribute
it to third parties. Anyone who uses this software is encouraged to
send me an email with their address, so that I can send reports
of bugs and revisions.

Program structure

There are only a few files:

  README      : This file. Contains instructions and a description of the
  scalefree.f : The fortran program that does all the calculations. 
                the file also contains all necessary subroutines, some
                of which are from the Numerical Recipes book by Press et

  makefile    : makefile that allows compilation of the program scalefree.f.

  examp/      : directory with example input files for the program scalefree.f.

After installation (see below) there will be two additional files:

  scalefree.o : the object file generated from scalefree.f 
  scalefree.e : the executable file generated from scalefree.f 


To install the software issue the UNIX command

   prompt> source install.com

This will construct the executable scalefree.e and the object file scalefree.o.


The directory examp contains example input files. To run the program
with the example input files, issue the UNIX commands:
   prompt> example.e < examp/scalefree.in1.eg
   prompt> example.e < examp/scalefree.in2.eg

Known Bugs

As discussed below, the calculations of the Gauss-Hermite moments of
the projected velocity profiles (VPs) do not work well for certain
parameter ranges. The intrinsic and projected velocity moments should
always be highly accurate.

PART II: Discussion of the method

Construct galaxy models for flattened systems of test-particles
in spherical potentials, as discussed in De Bruijne et al (1996).
Let b be a reference length, rho_0 a reference mass density, and
W a reference velocity.
Introduce dimensionless units:
    r = r_true / b
    R = R_true / b
    z = z_true / b
    v = v_true / (SQRT(2)*W)
    L = L_true / (SQRT(2)*W*b)
    E = E_true / (W^2)
    Psi = Psi_true / (W^2)
    rho = rho_true / rho_0
    f = f_true / [rho_0 (2 W^2)^{-3/2}]
We consider two cases for the potential:
    Let M be the total mass of the galaxy, such that Psi_true = GM/r_true. 
    Then choose W = SQRT(GM/b). In these units:
      Psi = 1 / r
    Let Vc be the circular velocity, such that Psi_true = - Vc^2 ln (r_true/b).
    Then choose W = Vc. In these units:
      Psi = - ln r
Let the mass density fall off with logarithmic slope gamma, and be 
stratified on spheroids with axial ratio q:
    rho  = r^{-gamma} (sin(theta)^2 + [cos(theta)^2/q^2])^{-gamma/2}
where theta is the polar angle such that:
    R = r sin(theta)  and   z = r cos(theta)
Since the potential is spherical, the quantities E, L^2, L_z^2 are 
integrals of motion. Let L_max(E) be the maximum angular momentum that 
can be attained by a star at energy E = Psi - v^2.
In the Keplerian potential: 
      L_max(E)^2 = 1 / 4E
In the Logarithmic potential:
      L_max(E)^2 = EXP(-2E -1) / 2
We consider even DFs that are separable functions or quasi-separable 
functions of E, zeta^2, eta^2:
     case I  : f_e = g(E) zeta^{-2 beta} j(ecc^2 eta^2)
     case II : f_e = g(E) zeta^{-2 beta} h(ecc^2 eta^2 / zeta^2)
    zeta^2 = L^2/L_max(E)^2 
    eta^2  = L_z^2/L_max(E)^2
    ecc^2 = 1 - q^2
and beta is a free parameter. With these ansatz's, the functions 
j and h are determined uniquely (see De Bruijne et al. 1996).
To allow the construction of rotating models we adopt an odd part of
the form:
  f_o = f_e * (2s-1) * (eta^2)^t
The parameters s and t determine the amount of streaming in 
the model. The maximum streaming model has t=0 and s = 0 or 1.
The total DF is f = f_e + f_o.
All the intrinsic velocity moments for the models can be expressed as
a power series in [ecc^2 SIN^2(theta)]. The program scalefree.f
evaluates the velocity moments. These are then used to calculate the
projected line-of-sight velocity moments on the sky as one-dimensional
integrals. This can be done with essentially any given accuracy,
either by Gauss-Legendre quadrature or Romberg integration (to be
specified by the user). These parts of the program should work
flawlessly for all allowed input parameter values.
In addition to the calculation of the intrinsic and projected velocity
moments, the program scalefree.f also reconstructs the projected
line-of-sight VP shapes. This however is a rather more difficult
problem than the calculation of the projected velocity moments
themselves. The approach that we have used is to characterize each
projected VP as a set of N values on an array. These values are then
related to the (known) first N projected velocity moments through the
solution of a so-called VanderMonde matrix. Once a VP is known on an
array of velocity values, characteristic quantities such as the
Gauss-Hermite moments (van der Marel & Franx 1993) can be evaluated in
straightforward fashion.
The difficulty lies in finding the solution of the VanderMonde matrix
equation, which is an ill-conditioned problem. We have implemented two
different approaches:

(1) The first approach is to solve the VanderMonde matrix equation
directly, without any regularization or other tampering with the
equation itself. This yields solutions that are oscillatory on the
scale of the velocity array spacing, due to the ill-conditioned nature
of the problem (noise amplification). Although the VP itself is
ridiculous, it turns out that quantities like the Gauss-Hermite
moments (which are integrals over the VP) are often well and correctly
determined. The question remains how many (N) projected velocity
moments should be used to get the most accurate Gauss-Hermite moment
determinations. The program chooses N by starting with a low value of
N, and then solving the VanderMonde matrix equation repeatedly until
the Gauss-Hermite moments have converged to within a preset
tolerance. The reason that this approach works is because a
Gauss-Hermite series bears a strong resemblance to a Fourier series.
Gauss-Hermite moments h_i of higher order measure power in the VP on
higher frequencies (Gerhard 1993). For high N, numerical errors cause
the VanderMonde solution to become oscillatory on the scale of the
velocity array spacing. This, however, does not influence the
observables (gamma,V,sigma,h3,h4,....), because these only measure
power on relatively low frequencies.

(2) The second approach is to add a regularization term to the
VanderMonde matrix equation, and then solve it in a least-squares
sense (cf. Section 18.5 of Numerical Recipes). This works well, but
leaves open the question how the regularization parameter must be
chosen. The program gives two options: (a) Let the user give the
regularization parameter by hand; (b) First start with the case of
essentially no regularization. This yields an oscillatory solution
with many local peaks. Then increase the amount of regularization in
steps until the solution has become such that there are no more than 3
significant local maxima (a local maximum is considered significant if
it exceeds the value of its neighbors on the grid by a preset
tolerance eps times the absolute VP maximum).

The accuracy of algorithm (1) was tested as described in Appendix A of
de Bruijne et al (1996). To recap, the results are as follows. A
program was written that calculates the VP for the spherical (q=1)
case of the models by direct evaluation of the three-dimensional
integral along the line of sight that defines the VP. The
(gamma,V,sigma,h3,h4,....) calculated with the program were found to
be accurate, except for the case of a logarithmic potential and large
anisotropy (beta < -4.0 or beta > 0.8). This has two reasons: (i) the
logarithmic potential has no escape velocity so that it is more
difficult to represent the VP on a finite velocity array; and (ii) the
VP becomes discontinuous in the limit beta --> -infinity (only
circular orbits), and singular in the limit beta --> 1 (only radial
orbits) (e.g., van der Marel & Franx 1993). A second test was
provided by the f(E,L_z) case (beta=0), for which the
three-dimensional VP integral could be calculated as in Qian et
al. (1995). Again, the (gamma,V,sigma,h3,h4,....) calculated with the
VanderMonde algorithm were generally found to be accurate, with the
exception of rather flattened models q < 0.6 in a logarithmic
potential. This is understood from the fact that the VPs of these
models become contrived and double-peaked for large flattening (Dehnen
& Gerhard 1994). In both test cases inaccurate results were
accompanied by non-zero values of h_1 and h_2, which should be zero by
definition. For the general case one may therefore take the values of
h_1 and h_2 as an indicator of the numerical accuracy of the
VanderMonde algorithm. From this it was found that the algorithm (1)
fails only for the case of a logarithmic potential, large flattening
and large anisotropy.

If knowledge of the actual shape of the VP is required (rather than
just a measurement of Gauss-Hermite moments), then algorithm (2) is
the only possible solution. The algorithm (2) was implemented into the
software after the de Bruijne et al. paper was written, and no
detailed study of its accuracy was made. It is likely that the
algorithm can be optimized further, in particular the choice of the
optimal regularization parameter. Users may want work on this
themselves. It appears useful for many application to compare the
results of approach (1) to those of approach (2), as a test of the
accuracy of the results. Note that algorithm (2) is likely to be
inaccurate for the same set of parameter ranges for which algorithm
(1) is inaccurate (see above).


de Bruijne J., van der Marel R.P., de Zeeuw P.T., 1996, MNRAS, 282, 909

Dehnen W., Gerhard O. E., 1994, MNRAS, 268, 1019

Gerhard O. E., 1993, MNRAS, 265, 213

Press W. H., Teukolsky S. A., Vetterling W. T., Flannery B. P., 
     1992, Numerical Recipes, Second Edition. 
     Cambridge University Press, Cambridge

Qian E. E., de Zeeuw P. T., van der Marel R. P., Hunter C., 1995, 
     MNRAS, 274, 602

van der Marel R. P., Franx M., 1993, ApJ, 407, 525

PART III: Description of program in- and output

The program works in straightforward fashion. Several questions are
posed on the command line, and the user merely needs to let the
program know what he wishes it to do. The command line information,
combined with the discussion in this file, should be sufficient to
figure out what needs to be done. 

After the user has entered the required model parameters, and has
answered to the program how it must deal with the various numerical
details, the user can let the program know what information he/she
wants. If the user requests information on intrinsic properties, the
program will return:
         rho       v_ph     v_r^2    v_th^2    v_ph^2

at a given angle theta in the meridional plane. If the user requests
information on projected properties, the program will return for a
given position angle from the major axis:

       rho_p        v_p     v^2_p     v^3_p     v^4_p

as well as the VP characteristics:

     true      (gam,V,sig)
     Gauss-fit (gam,V,sig)
     h0, h1, h2, h3, ...  

and the actual VanderMonmde matrix VP solution VP(v) (in a table). If
additional properties are required (such as  or
h_10), the fortran code can be easily modified to return those.

Users are advised to run the program with the input files in examp/ to
get a better idea of the workings of the program. The model in these
input files is a spherical model with density proportional to r^{-4}
in a Kepler potential. The results for this case can be compared to
those in Table 1 of van der Marel & Franx (1993), who calculated the
VP analytically as an integral over the line of sight. The input files
in examp/ are for this model, but for the two different approaches of
solving the vanderMonde matrix equation to get the VP. The
Gauss-Hermite moments obtained with both approaches agree well, and
with the results in van der Marel & Franx.

                                       Roeland van der Marel.

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Last modified December 8, 1998.
Roeland van der Marel, marel@stsci.edu.
Copyright © 1998 The Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. All Rights Reserved.