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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Fri Sep 11 17:56:50 1998
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Library and Information Services in Astronomy III
ASP Conference Series, Vol. 153, 1998
U. Grothkopf, H. Andernach, S. Stevens­Rayburn, and M. Gomez (e
Ö Copyright 1998 Astronomical Society of the Pacific. All rights reserved.
The Bologna Historical Archives on the Web
Laura Peperoni 1 and Marina Zuccoli
Astronomy Department, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, e­mail:
Abstract. The historical archives of the Department of Astronomy
of Bologna collect papers from 1696 to 1958. The documents refer to
the scientific activity of local astronomers, including letters, drawings,
projects and manuscripts of their works. Our article describes the re­
organization of the archives and its inventory, together with the project
of availability on the Web. In fact, since the archives are often attended
by foreign scholars, due to the wide­range relationships of the Bolognese
astronomers throughout times, the best solution for an electronic avail­
ability seems to be the Internet. The project includes both string queries
and sequence approach to the archives, together with hypertext links to
the local museum and some iconography.
1. Introduction
The archives of the Department of Astronomy of the University of Bologna date
back to the XVII century, collecting scientific and administrative papers, letters
and drawings.
The astronomical institute of Bologna -- first public observatory in Italy --
was founded in 1711. The archives collect its preliminary documents, the first
observations made in the astronomical tower, then following its history until
The papers can be divided into three main archival categories: meteorolog­
ical observations, astronomical observations and 65 miscellaneous boxes.
The archives had been organized by Prof. Guido Horn d'Arturo (1879­
1967), director of the Observatory from 1921 to 1954. He followed a twofold
method, both chronological and by subject. Therefore the boxes bear a title
and are grouped according to their subject, such as ``calendar'', ``ephemerides''
or ``letters''. Within the subject, the papers are placed in chronological order.
We decided to keep this organization, thinking that informatics could cope
with some oddities in the classification. In order to select a program, at first
we considered some Italian databases for historical archives and we eventually
focussed on the program used at Brera Observatory, in Milan 2 .
1 Librarian, Economics Department, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
2 http://mahler.brera.mi.astro.it/img/port2.conf?377,76;

314 L. Peperoni and M. Zuccoli
Dipartimento di Astronomia
della Specola di
Informazioni utili
Cenno storico
Ricerca per stringa
The Bologna
Astronomical Archives
Useful information
Brief history
Search by string
Osservazioni pubblicate
Authority file
Galleria dei direttori
Testi di Marina Zuccoli, Laura Peperoni, Fiorella Foscarini
Pagina Web a cura diLaura Peperoni e Marco Lolli
Figure 1. The home page of the Bologna historical archives
2. Our choice
Our choice was a Web interface, putting the archives on the Web server of the
Astronomical Observatory of Bologna 3 . The Web interface appeared suitable
not only for aesthetical reasons, but also for its hypertextual structure and
3 http://www.bo.astro.it/#biblio/Archives/copertina.htm

The Bologna Historical Archives on the Web 315
added values, such as e­mail, network­based information retrieval, and document
The home page opens with general information about the archives and an
interactive form for microfilm requests. A brief history of the Observatory is
linked to a list of its directors. An English version of the historical introduction
and of the main information services is provided.
The main part of the site is the archives' inventory. The database, written
in HTML, is made of files, all with uniform structure. Each file contains a
description of the documents (or set of documents) collected in a box, or the list
of notebooks of observations.
Our choice of the HTML language is based upon two reasons. The first
is that, HTML being a standard format for description of document structure,
Web browsers can view the files directly. Secondly, the wide­spread di#usion of
the Internet and of the Web interface ensures future maintenance and updating
of the involved protocols and tools.
The database can be accessed in sequence and searched by strings.
The sequential approach is available through the hypertextual guide and its
frame structure. The Web page is thus divided in two sections: a static section
on the left side, bearing the list of the archival series, and a larger one on the
right, showing the item selected from the list.
Since taking care of the historical archives is not the only duty, and maybe
not the first one for the astronomical library, the work goes on slowly. The Web
interface allows to present the archives even if work is still in progress. In fact,
a first look at the archives is possible through the summary in the frame. As
soon as an item in the list (e.g., a new box) is examined and decribed, a new
file is linked to the summary. In the end, all items in the summary will have an
analytical description on the right of the screen. Abstracts of each letter will be
a further step in document description. Anyway, letters are available at present
with their date, place and names of sender and addressee; only a few of them
are already abstracted.
Search by string has been developed trying to meet the users' needs, as they
had been expressed during the last years. The archives are generally visited by
university researchers (astronomers, historians of science and of meteorology)
and by students attending the course of history of astronomy. Our historical
archives deal mainly with astronomy, but some mathematics, physics, mete­
orology and other disciplines are touched by its documents. The life of the
observatory itself is of paramount importance for historians of science. In fact it
started its activity under the Pope's government, was closed by Napoleon and, in
the XXth century, it bore the consequences of having a Hebrew director during
Fascism. This makes the archives interesting for a wide range of users, whose in­
formation needs are not entirely predictable. Therefore, search by string should
be available on a very analytical database, even if archival theory suggests to
stop description at series level.
Information retrieval is possible through WWWWAIS.C (2.5), an ANSI.C
program downloadable from the Net 4 . It works as a gateway between other
programs creating indexed file catalogs, such as freeWAIS or SWISH, and a
4 http://www.eit.com/software/wwwais/wwwais.html

316 L. Peperoni and M. Zuccoli
forms­capable Web browser. Search by string should follow the instructions
supplied, using boolean operators AND and OR, and the asterisk as a wildcard.
3. Work in progress
The page ends with a ``Work in progress'' section, comprehending three projects:
the directors' gallery, the published observations and the authority file.
. The directors' gallery is a development of the directors' list showing, for
each director, a portrait, a biography and a complete bibliography. By
now the first such director's page (of Eustachio Manfredi) is available.
. The published observation project is based on the idea that the archives
are strictly connected with the astronomy library and museum. The pres­
ence of the instruments used for observations in the observatory, together
with the astronomers' notebooks and their books, create a unique witness
of eighteenth­century astronomy in Bologna. Analysis of bibliographic
sources shows that, in the XVIIIth century, for each observed phenomenon
a short communication was published in Italian after a couple of months.
This brief account, usually not more than two or three pages long, was gen­
erally with no printer's name nor date. Today this kind of document would
be called ``grey literature''. After some years a longer paper, in Latin lan­
guage, used to appear in the proceedings of the Bologna or Paris Academy
of Sciences. Our project aims at creating a link from the manuscript ob­
servations in the archives to the published observations, indicating which
ones are owned by the astronomy library. Another link goes to the instru­
ment mentioned in the observations and present in the museum, whose
catalogue is available on the Web.
. The creation of an authority file is needed, in order to refine search by
string. In fact the list of accepted forms of names can help to solve cases
of synonyms and to identify the correct names of towns and people. En­
tering the accepted form as a string to be searched would allow easier and
prompter searching. A future development of the authority file could even
include subject headings, but the hypothesis is not in our plans, at the
Our present task is to complete the description of the boxes still missing to
put them on the Web, supplying the astronomical community with an important
tool for historical research.
Acknowledgments. The authors wish to thank Marco Lolli for his help.
Further Reading
Hensen, S. L. 1983, Archives, personal papers and manuscripts, Washington:
Manuscript Division, Library of Congress