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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Fri Sep 11 17:56:14 1998
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Library and Information Services in Astronomy III
ASP Conference Series, Vol. 153, 1998
U. Grothkopf, H. Andernach, S. Stevens­Rayburn, and M. Gomez (e
Ö Copyright 1998 Astronomical Society of the Pacific. All rights reserved.
The Historical Literature of Astronomy, via ADS
Michael J. Kurtz and Guenther Eichhorn
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA,
e­mail: kurtz@cfa.harvard.edu
Abstract. Nearly every working astronomer now uses the NASA As­
trophysics Data System Abstract Service regularly to access the modern
technical literature.
The ADS has begun a long term project to put the most important
historical literature of astronomy on­line. This paper presents a progress
report, details our short term goals, and requests the assistance of astro­
nomical bibliophiles to make the collection complete and useful.
The ADS can be reached at: http://adswww.harvard.edu/
1. Introduction
The NASA ADS Abstract Service (Kurtz et al. 1993) is now a standard research
tool for the majority of astronomers; more than 15,000 di#erent astronomers use
it each month, more than 400,000 queries are made, and more than 50,000 papers
are read (Eichhorn et al. 1994).
Now that the majority of current journal articles in astronomy are published
electronically the ADS is able to give up (most of) its responsibility to create
the digital form of modern journal articles by scanning.
This frees the ADS to begin to populate the database by going backwards
in time (Eichhorn et al. 1997). Our goal is to eventually provide a complete
collection of the astronomical literature in bitmap form to our users. We also
aim to provide an index to this collection.
2. The current status
Currently the majority of ``old'' (i.e. before 1940) entries in the ADS are from
the Library of Congress (LoC) catalog; ADS contains the ``QB'' entries from
this catalog. ADS also has individual PhD theses from the beginning of this
century from University Microfilms, and a number of classic papers on specific
astronomical objects from SIMBAD (Egret et al. 1995).
Beginning in 1944 ADS has scans of AJ papers on­line, and beginning in
1950 the SIMBAD bibliography begins to be inclusive. Figure 1 shows the
number of entries in ADS per decade where LoC entries are the dotted line, and
all other entries are the solid line. The ADS is substantially incomplete before
1975, as is clear from the graph. Once the project is completed we expect that
the shape of the time distribution of ADS entries will be similar to that for LoC

294 M. J. Kurtz and G. Eichhorn
1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000
100000 LoC entries
publication date
Figure 1. Number of bibliographic entries in ADS, binned in 10 year
increments, as a function of publication date. The dotted line rep­
resents entries from Library of Congress, the solid line are all other
entries, at least back to the beginning of the 19th century. The total number of
articles should be a large factor times the number of books in the LoC.
3. Use of the Older Astronomical Journal Papers
Recently we have been able to scan copies of the AJ beginning with 1944, and
create an index consisting of author and title for these data. While the older
data is used but a small fraction of the current data, the use is still substantial.
Figure 2 shows the number of reads per paper via ADS as a function of publica­
tion year. Note that from about 1970 backwards the number of reads per paper
is about constant at more than once per year.
Figure 3 shows the percentage of papers which were read at least once via
ADS (in the six month period ending 31 March 1998). Note that this increases
for papers published before 1960.
4. Future Plans
In the next year or two we hope to be able to complete the scanning of several
major journals, back to issue one. These include AJ, ApJ, ApJL, ApJS, A&A,
A&AS, MNRAS, PASP, PASJ, and AN. We have physical copies of most of

The Historical Literature of Astronomy, via ADS 295
1940 1960 1980 2000
publication year
Figure 2. Average number of times a paper from the AJ is read
during one year via ADS, as a function of publication date.
1940 1960 1980 2000
publication year
Figure 3. Percentage of papers published in AJ which were read at
least once via the ADS in the six month period ending 31 March 1998.

296 M. J. Kurtz and G. Eichhorn
these already in hand. We also expect to begin to scan microfilm copies of
several observatory publications, created by a Harvard archiving project (Corbin
& Coletti 1995). These two projects will provide access to a large part of the
historical literature back to the early 1800's.
Once scanned, this historical literature will be available on a page­by­page
basis. The user can select a journal, volume, and page, and retrieve the selected
page. In order to make these scanned articles accessible like the more recent
literature, we need table of contents for these volumes. We appeal to all friends
of astronomical bibliography to help us in this task by building tables of contents
for the historical literature that does not contain regular tables of contents.
Another long­range project is to convert the scanned article images into
electronic text through Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. This
will eventually allow the user to search the complete literature through the ADS
search system. We intend to make the OCRd text also directly available to
qualified researches. It will not be directly available on­line since it will not be
100% correct. It nevertheless should be a valuable resource for historians for
searching word usage, determining who first used a particular expression, and
similar research objectives.
Acknowledgments. This work was funded by NASA under grant NCCW
Corbin, B. G. & Coletti, D. J. 1995, Digitization of Historical Astronomical
Literature, Vistas in Astronomy, 39, 161
Egret, D., Genova, F., Dubois, P., Heck, A., Lesteven, S. Ochsenbein, F., Creze,
M., Bonnarel, F., Jasniewics, G. & Wenger, M. 1995, Integrating Astro­
nomical Data and Information Services at the CDS, Vistas in Astronomy,
39, 195
Eichhorn, G., Kurtz, M. J., Accomazzi, A., Grant, C. S., & Murray, S. S. 1994,
Full Journal Articles in the ADS Astrophysics Science Information and
Abstract Service, Bull. American Astron. Soc., 26, #41.04, 185, p. 1371
Eichhorn, G., Kurtz, M. J., Accomazzi, A., & Grant, C. S. 1997, Historical
Literature in the ADS, Bull. American Astron. Soc., 29, #35.02, 191, p.
Kurtz, M. J., Karakashian, T., Grant, C. S., Eichhorn, G., Murray, S. S., Wat­
son, J. M., Ossorio, P. G., & Stoner, J. L. 1993, Intelligent Text Retrieval
in the NASA Astrophysics Data System, in: Astronomical Data Analysis
Software and Systems II, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 52, 1993, R. J.
Hanisch, R. J. V. Brissenden, and J. Barnes, eds., 132