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Surface Brightness Parameters from Deconvolved PC Images of
Elliptical Galaxies
Laura Ferrarese and Holland C. Ford
Johns Hopkins University and Space Telescope Science Institute,
Baltimore, MD 21218
The spherical aberration affecting the HST primary mirror (Burrows
et al. 1992) can seriously alter the core brightness profile of
elliptical galaxies. Excellent results in recovering the original HST
performances have been obtained by means of deconvolution techniques,
improved and updated during the past two years in order to suit HST
data (Hanisch 1993). In this paper we test the
performance of deconvolution in recovering the original surface
brightness profile in the case of elliptical galaxies observed with the
HST Planetary Camera (PC). We analyze whether the results of
deconvolution depend on the intrinsic morphological properties of the
galaxy (e.g., the brightness profile or the ellipticity), or on small
variations of the PSF due to jitter, position
on the chip, or spectral shape of the point source.
Elliptical Galaxies, Deconvolution