This is a brief outline of how to do the OPM report.
Log into LRP on a VMS vaxstation -- not
an alpha! .
$set def [lrp.opm]
$DO OPM_REPORTS <lrp_name> <calendar_name>
defaults to the most recently baselined LRP, and
defaults to the most recently baselined calendar.
(This tool executes and prints a series of reports needed for the OPM;
See below)
<lrp_name>.NOT_IN_PLAN (not included
in printed stack)
<calendar_name>.SCHED (not included
in printed stack)
all LRP plots
Collect the reports and plots from the SOGS printer.
They will be collated in the order given above as they come off the
Now here comes the manual part!
Edit <lrp1>_<lrp2>.ACC
It reports visits that were deleted as completed (NP) no plan. This
may be true or not. Most of the time, it is because the visit was deleted
from assist.
Check each SU marked "completed (NP)":
Use GETSU <sunit_id> to see if the
visit exists and has an execution time.
If it is completed, leave it alone.
If the SU does not exist or is not completed, change the comment to "deleted".
Do this even if the SU is currently in assist. At the time the report was
run, the visit was deleted! So in next week's report, it will show up as
If you have to change any visit status, then
print out the updated version and replace the one in the collated stack.
Do a directory and find the latest version of the OPM report (name of the
form: <MMMDDYY>.TXT) and copy it to a new name. Use the date of the
next OPM as the name. Start editing the report as needed.
In the continuing items section there is a blurb about efficiency on the
first line--this is taken from the most recent report (e.g. 981737aa.sum)
in /data/operational1/www/html-data/spst/flight-calendars/
Alternately, you may run the unix tool:
unixprompt> opm_tool <calendar name>
where <calendar name> is like: 98243
to get this information. It also returns the number of orbits available
out of so many with open plan windows which is used in item 10. Currently,
the one drawback of this approach is that the WWW reports in the baseline_reports
must have run first. This process needs to be rearranged such that the
WWW reports run immediately at the time of the baseline_lrp.
Use the brad report (<calendar_name>.SCHED)
to find how many orbits of NIC & STIS scheduled on last week's calendar.
The top two sections tell you what you need. The total orbits is given
in the first report. You need to add up the orbits from the second report
into NIC prime orbits and coordinated orbits, STIS prime and coord orbits.
Yet more!
To get the rest of the #s for the first paragraph, detailing the SNAPs
and paralles, one may run:
$ do opmsearch <yyddd>
which does 4 searches through the gaps report file with the given date.
If you are a hardcase, you can do the searches individually by hand:
The gaps report can be retrieved and saved to a local file using lynx
or netscape from the spst/sts
calendar page or alternately, retrieve it from the VMS location in
$ sear <yyddd>.gaps " N ", par/match=and/stat
!gets the nic parallels
$ sear <yyddd>.gaps " N ", SN /match=and/stat
!gets the nic SNAPS
$ sear <yyddd>.gaps " O ", par/match=and/stat
!gets the stis parallels
$ sear <yyddd>.gaps " O ", SN /match=and/stat
!gets the stis snaps
In the continuing items section there is a blurb about # of orbits out
of so many available for building on the week. This is taken from the 1st
line of the bottom section showing visit/orbit breakdowns in the lrp by
week in the lrp_summary
report off of the web page.
In the outstanding issues, the first line has a # of orbits and %age...this
is taken from the <lrp_name>.SUMMARY
report. Add it up.
Print out the coverpage and then make 16
double sided copies of the stack.
Make sure boss man gets one!
Make a single copy of the plots for the bulletin
Most of all, have fun!
List of reports run by OPM_REPORTS
$@DO_ALL_REPORTS <lrp_name> <planning_date>
planning_date is the start of the week to be built in the format
$@BIG_SUMMARY_REPORT_BRAD <lrp_name> <start_time>
<end_time> <report_name>
This report basically tells which prime visits where scheduled in the
given time.
start_time is the start of the week just built, end_time
is the end of the just built week.
For this report name, use the start time: <yyddd>.
$@LRP_ACCOUNTING2 <lrp1> <lrp2> <output_file>
lrp1 is LAST week's baselined LRP
lrp2 is THIS week's baselined LRP
Output_files are <lrp1>_<lrp2>.ACC and
<lrp2>.ACC which is written to [LRP.ACCOUNTING]