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- pass_product.pass_product(configure_util.pickled_product)
- pdbman
- pass_util.abstract_script
- prd_script
class pdbman(pass_product.pass_product) |
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- Method resolution order:
- pdbman
- pass_product.pass_product
- configure_util.pickled_product
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, verbose=0)
- __repr__(self)
- create_script(self)
- get_New_PRD_Dir(self)
- get_New_PRD_Files(self)
- get_ODB_pickle(self)
- get_SI(self)
- get_SOIF(self)
- get_pickle_file(self)
- run_prep(self)
- Generates a file list pickle from the user selections.
- set_New_PRD_Dir(self, dir)
- set_New_PRD_Files(self, files)
- set_ODB_pickle(self, odb_pickle)
- set_SI(self, si)
- set_SOIF(self, soif)
Methods inherited from pass_product.pass_product:
- archive(self, archive_type)
- Create a zip or bck file.
- create_namelist(self)
- Create the namelist for this product.
Must be overriden by the subclasses.
- get_ccs_product(self)
- returns ccs product transfer object
- get_ccs_transfer_time(self)
- Return the ccs transfer time.
- get_config_file(self)
- Return the path to the config file.
- get_namelist(self)
- Return the path to the namelist file.
Must be overriden by the subclasses.
- get_namelist_template(self)
- get_output_directory(self)
- Get the output directory.
- get_output_file(self, extension)
- Given a file extension (the part after the dot), return a list of
files with that extension located in the output directory.
- get_pass_archive_glob_list(self)
- returns a list of files to be archived and or transfered to
pass test system on spunix
- get_rsh_logfile(self)
- Return the path to the log file for rsh output.
- get_run_name(self)
- Get the run name this product is associated with.
- get_run_time(self)
- gets the run time
- get_run_type(self)
- gets run type (test,flight)
- get_runonvms(self)
- returns runonvms flag
- get_script_obj(self)
- get_software_version(self)
- Return the software version to be used when running these products.
- get_sssp1_transfer_time(self)
- Return the SSSP/SSSP1 transfer time.
- remove(self, which_prods='o')
- Delete the current set of products.
'which_prods' must one or more characters from 'oalsnc'.
Depending on 'which_prods', the following items will be deleted:
o = output directory (and everything it contains)
l = log file
s = script file
n = namelist
c = config file
a = all of the above
- run(self, verbose=0)
- Generate this product.
- send_ews(self, node=1)
- Send products to the Engineering Workstation Data Store.
- send_sssp1(self)
- send products to sssp
- set_ccs_product(self, xfer_type='ops', string_list=['I', 'J', 'K'], pnm_directory=None)
- sets/creates ccs product transfer object
- set_config_file(self, config_file)
- Set the config file to the input file name.
- set_namelist_template(self, file)
- set_output_directory(self, directory=None)
- Set the output directory and also the scratch directory.
- set_root_output_path(self, path)
- top level of output
expected to be:
'/vms/spst_ms/' for ops run
'/vms/spst_ms/<accountname>/<date>/' for test run.
- set_run_name(self, run_name)
- set the run name this product is associated with.
- set_run_time(self, runtime)
- sets the run time
- set_run_type(self, run_type)
- set run_type parameter to either test,or flight
- set_runonvms(self, runonvms=False)
- set runonvms to true of false
- set_script_created(self, val)
- set_software_version(self, ver)
- set software version for running pass
- set_sssp1_transfer_time(self, transfer_time=2016.099:09:45:10)
- Set the SSSP/SSSP1 transfer time.
- submit(self, verbose=0)
- Submit a run of this product to a batch queue.
Methods inherited from configure_util.pickled_product:
- configure_pickle(self, pickle_directory='/data/scheduling/spss_flight_data/pass/pickles', new_pickle_name=None, verbose=False)
- configures product to pickle file.
- copy(self)
- return a copy of self with current create time
- get_comment(self)
- returns the comment line
- get_create_time(self)
- returns create time
- get_pickle_path(self)
- get_span(self)
- Span of configured product is the intersection of all the
spans of the configured files.
should be overiden by inheriting class if needed.
- get_type(self)
- returns the product type
- report(self)
- print out a detailed report of objects information
overide to add more detail if needed.
- report_sum(self)
- print out summary of objects information.
- set_comment(self, comment)
- sets product comment line
- set_create_time(self)
- sets create time
- set_pickle_path(self, path)
- set_product_type(self, product_type)
- product type must be a pickle type
- set_span(self, t1=None, t2=None)
- sets the time span for which this product is valid.
should be overiden by inheriting class if needed.
- validate(self)
- checks all configured files in product for existence
and returns false if any data is missing.
should be overiden by inheriting class if needed.
class prd_script(pass_util.abstract_script) |
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Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, pdbman_obj, verbose=0)
- write_script(self, script_dir='', script_name='')
- Gets all the parameters from the PDBMAN menu and uses them
as inputs for the regen_prd.csh script.
Methods inherited from pass_util.abstract_script:
- get_jobname(self)
- get_logpath(self)
- get_queue(self)
- get_script_path(self)
- returns script path.
- get_top_level(self)
- run(self, script_dir='', script_name='', verbose=False)
- executes pass script file.
- set_jobname(self, jobname)
- Set the jobname.
Jobname is limited to 9 characters and must begin with
an alphabetic character.
- set_logpath(self, logpath)
- Set the logpath.
- set_queue(self, queue)
- set_script_path(self, script_dir, script_name='')
- If script_name is not input, script_dir is assumed to be the
full path to the script.
If script_name is also specified, it is assumed to be the basename
without the extension. The appropriate file extension will be added
depending on whether the script is on Unix or VMS.
- set_top_level(self, bool)
- submit(self, script_dir='', script_name='', logpath='', jobname='', verbose=False)
- Execute the PASS script in batch.
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