| |
- expired_pws_report(lrp, filters=[], expire_time=None, fileId=<open file '<stdout>', mode 'w' at 0x47078>)
- Report showing SUs with plan windows in the input LRP that expire before
the input time.
- filter_cfw(llist)
- Filter out all visits that are complete, failed, or withdrawn
or are not lrp candidates.
Returns a list-like object of the same class as was passed in.
- filter_lrp_ready(llist)
- Filter out visits that do not have lrp_state=ready
- no_pws_report(lrp, filters=[], fileId=<open file '<stdout>', mode 'w' at 0x47078>, config_map_format='full')
- Produce a report showing visits without plan windows and an lrp_state of
not_ready or not_lrp_candidate.
- open_pws_report(lrp, filters=[], weekid=None, fileId=<open file '<stdout>', mode 'w' at 0x47078>)
- Product a report that shows those visits in the input LRP that
that have plan windows that intersect the input week, but are
not set to scheduling.
- opening_pws_report(lrp, filters=[], weekid=None, fileId=<open file '<stdout>', mode 'w' at 0x47078>)
- Produce a report showing those visits in the input LRP that
have plan windows that open during the input week id or the next,
but are not set to scheduling.
- processing_error_report(lrp, filters=[], fileId=<open file '<stdout>', mode 'w' at 0x47078>, config_map_format='full')
- Produce a report showing visits that have processing errors
in a given LRP.
- report_line(visit, pws, count, fileId, fr_date=None)
- run(*args)
- Produce the PC reports
do pc_reports [lrp1 lrp2] [-[no]mail] [-pc=<comma separated list of PCs>|all]
[-[no]manager|-manageronly] [-config_map=old|no_wf|full]
By default, lrp1 is the penultimate baselined LRP and lrp2 is the latest baselined
LRP. If only one LRP is provided, the input lrp is differenced against the
baselined LRP. Also, by default, mail is sent to all PCs or those listed in
<list of PCs>. Use the -nomail option if no email is to be sent.
Output will be place in files named <pc_name>_<lrp1>_<lrp2>.rpt. If the -mail
option is used, these files are deleted after they are mailed out. Otherwise,
the files are retained.
By default, the manager reports will also be generated and sent to the email
addresses in the MANAGERS list. The '-nomanager' option will suppress the
generation of these reports. The '-manageronly' will cause only the manager
reports to be generated.
-config_map may be set to the 'old' configuration mapping (WF 123 CFN A WHS CO),
'no_wf' which excludes the WFPC2 and FOC columns and adds the new COS and WF3
columns (123 CFN A WHS SL VI), or 'full' (default) which includes both WFPC2,
FOC, COS, and WF3 columns (WF 123 CFN A WHS SL VI).
- sort_by_pc(llist)
- Sort visits by program coordinator.
- unsched_report(lrp, filters=[], fileId=<open file '<stdout>', mode 'w' at 0x47078>, config_map_format='full')
- Produce a report showing visits which are unschedulabe
in a given LRP.