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MIRI Operations Concept

Dr. Margaret Meixner Space Telescope Science Institute

November 4-5, 2003

MIRI European Consortium

Margaret Meixner 1


Operations Concept Document (OCD)
· The OCD describes how MIRI is to be used to achieve the science requirements. · The OCD flows requirements into the Functional Requirements Document (FRD) and feeds into the overall Mission Operations Concept Document (MOCD). · The OCD has been developed in parallel with requirements documents and instrument design since Phase A. · The OCD is under CCB.
MIRI Mission Assurance Documents JWST Level I Requirements JWST Level II Requirements JWST Science Requirements

MIRI Science Requirements Document MIRI Operational Concept

MIRI Functional Requirements Document

MIRI Interface Requirements Document

MIRI Specification

November 4-5, 2003

MIRI European Consortium

Margaret Meixner 2


Key Instrument Ops Concepts
· · · · · · · Single proposal generation & planning system for science and calibration program Event-driven, not absolute-time based, operations High level commands to spacecraft Interleaved instrument operations
­ Parallel instrument operations for calibration

8 hours/day 5 days/week shifts, after commissioning On-the-fly calibration on the ground Keep Instrument Ops Simple and Similar

November 4-5, 2003

MIRI European Consortium

Margaret Meixner 3


JWST Mission Architecture
Operations Start Here

November 4-5, 2003

MIRI European Consortium

Margaret Meixner 4

Observatory operations: built around two main processors
CTP controls spacecraft
· Assures spacecraft subsystems responds to ICDH requests properly Responds to ground commands for datadumps, uploads etc



ICDH controls the science program
· · · Home of instrument ops (and the OPE) Responsible for inst. safety Requests services from the CTP for slews, acquisitions, etc

November 4-5, 2003

MIRI European Consortium

Margaret Meixner 5


Basic principles of MIRI's operations · Event Driven Þ If campaign mode, then MIRI needs to warm up on time scale of a slew, ~30 minutes. · No MIRI mechanism movements during exposures. · Data Processing
· Average samples of pixels by MIRI FPE · Lossless (2x) compression by ICDH/FPAP

­ On Earth
· Calibration · Up-the-ramp fitting
­ Flux estimation ­ Cosmic ray removal

· Combining dithered images to remove
­ Detector defects (dead or hot pixels) ­ Gaps in short wavelength FPAs

November 4-5, 2003

MIRI European Consortium

Margaret Meixner 6


Detector Operations
ü All 3 MIRI SCAs will be
­ Read out in Multiaccum mode · FASTMode, frame time = 3 seconds · SLOWMode, frame time = 30 seconds ­ 2 SCAs for MIRI IFU will be read out synchronously ­ Parallel operations of IFU and Imager SCAs will be synchronous

ü Subarrays
­ Permit shorter exposures for bright objects, high backgrounds, long wavelengths ( > 15 µm) ­ Readout like FASTMode but subarray, frame times = 0.04 to 0.66 seconds

ü Reference pixels
­ Allow monitoring/correction of drifts in bias & dark current

ü Idle Mode
­ Prevents saturation ­ Continuously reset/clock/dump charge

November 4-5, 2003

MIRI European Consortium

Margaret Meixner 7


SCA Readout Strategy

FASTMode: nsamp=1 SLOWMode: nsamp=10 Always: nframe=1

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MIRI European Consortium

Margaret Meixner 8


MIRI has four Science Modes

1. Photometric Imaging 3. Coronagraphy 2. Low Resolution Spectroscopy

November 4-5, 2003

MIRI European Consortium

Margaret Meixner 9


MIRI has four Science Modes

4. Integral Field Unit Spectroscopy

November 4-5, 2003

MIRI European Consortium

Margaret Meixner 10


MIRI Imager: Subarrays

·128â128 for IFU target locate ·256â256 for coronagraph fields ·512â512 for bright objects, long wavelengths

November 4-5, 2003

MIRI European Consortium

Margaret Meixner 11


Activity Lists for MIRI Science Modes

· ·

The OCD describes at a high level how each of the four science modes will be done. Activity lists including target locate procedures have been outlined for each of the modes:
­ ­ ­ ­ Imaging Low Resolution Spectroscopy Coronagraphy Integral Field Unit Spectroscopy

November 4-5, 2003

MIRI European Consortium

Margaret Meixner 12


MIRI Coronagraphy

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6.

Slew Guide Star Acq. Perform target locate procedures autonomously Select coronagraph mask and corresponding diaphragm and filter combination Exposure Repeat exposures as required

November 4-5, 2003

MIRI European Consortium

Margaret Meixner 13


MIRI Coronagraphy Target Locate Procedure:Triangulation

1. Select neutral density filter 2. Expose and calculate "centroid" 3. Offset (<20") to coronagraph sweetspot, 5" from center 4. Quad-cell to center on sweet spot

5. Repeat 3 & 4 for sweetspot #2 6. Repeat 3 & 4 for sweetspot #3 7. Using stored locations of sweetspots # 1,2,3 to solve for offset to center of mask with 5 mas error

November 4-5, 2003

MIRI European Consortium

Margaret Meixner 14


Instrument Calibration
· STScI will coordinate the development of an integrated calibration plan by all the instruments
­ ­ Commissioning = PI responsibility Post-commissioning = STScI responsibility


STScI benefits from HST experience
­ ­ Calibrations planned using the integrated planning tool Yearly cycles for calibration programs tied to TAC


Calibration data will come from 3 sources:
1) 2) 3) science data observations done in parallel with science observations observing time dedicated to calibration

November 4-5, 2003

MIRI European Consortium

Margaret Meixner 15


Calibration Modes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Dark Current Flat field calibration Wavelength calibration for the IFU spectrograph Wavelength Cal. For LRS Read Noise Calibration

November 4-5, 2003

MIRI European Consortium

Margaret Meixner 16


Data Volume, Rates and Communications
· Requirement allocations:
­ 10 MHz X-band, rate limited to 8 Mbps ­ Contacts limited to one ground station contact per day (8.25 hours) ­ Maximum 232 Gbits Engineering and compressed Science data


Highest data-rate science:
­ Broadband imaging at 25 µm
· Frame size: 1024 â 1032 â 16 bits = 16.9 Mbits · 3 sec per readout Þ 5.64 Mbps = 2.82 Mbps of compressed data · 24 hours Mission elasped time Þ 243 Gbits

· ·

Typical MIRI science has 3 to 200 seconds per readout MIRI is used a third of the time
­ NIRSPEC+NIRCAM+FGS Tunable Filters = the other two thirds

November 4-5, 2003

MIRI European Consortium

Margaret Meixner 17


Open Issues: 1. 2. Dewar for MIRI means we may turn MIRI off to conserve cryogens
- campaign modes needs to be studied as an option

Coronagraphic target acquisitions

November 4-5, 2003

MIRI European Consortium

Margaret Meixner 18


Summary ­ Operations Concept
· Concepts for operations of JWST & MIRI are well-developed for the current stage of JWST
­ STScI brings HST experience to JWST ­ MIRI OCD developed in parallel with requirements since Phase A ­ MIRI Operations Concept in concordance with JWST Mission Operations Concept ­ MIRI used for Science


Keep Instrument Ops Simple and Similar
­ NIRCam, NIRSPEC, FGS-tunable filter MIRI all used by the same astronomer ­ Science-driven ­ Event-driven

November 4-5, 2003

MIRI European Consortium

Margaret Meixner 19


Backup Slides

November 4-5, 2003

MIRI European Consortium

Margaret Meixner 20

MIRI capabilities: 5-27 µm Imager (5-27 µm):
· 1 1kâ1k Si:As Sensor Chip Assembly (SCA) · 0.11"/pixel · Imaging with filters
­ 112"â84" FOV


Integral Field Unit (IFU) Spectrograph (5-27/28.3 µm):
· 2 1kâ1k SCAs · 4 IFUs
­ slice widths: 0.18" to 0.64" ­ FOVs: 3.6"â3.6" to 7.6"â7.6"

· Coronagraphy
­ 4 FOVs, ~28"â28"

· Low-resolution spectroscopy (5-10 µm, R~100)

· R~3000 spectroscopy
­ 12 gratings, 3 per IFU

November 4-5, 2003

MIRI European Consortium

Margaret Meixner 21

MIRI Coronagraphy Peakup: Procedure I, Iterative offsets


1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

Select neutral density filter Expose and calculate "centroid" Offset (<20") to coronagraph sweetspot, 0.5" from center Quad-cell to center on sweet spot Offset (0.5") to mask center

Note: Science exposure repeated from 3 different sweetspot locations to minimize persistence effects.

November 4-5, 2003

MIRI European Consortium

Margaret Meixner 22


Science drives Requirements
· Most of time on statistical studies of faint objects
­ Dithering and good calibration required to maximize S/N ­ Pointings last several hours to several weeks, typical ½ day


OpsCon optimized for bulk of the science program
­ Capabilities that are required infrequently can be less efficient without hurting overall efficiency
For example: · Þ dithers should be time-efficient · Þ coronagraphic target locates need not be time-efficient

November 4-5, 2003

MIRI European Consortium

Margaret Meixner 23