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Дата индексирования: Tue Feb 5 12:05:49 2013

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Jam es W ebb Space Telescope Town Hall
Eric P. Smith JWST Program Scientist NASA Headquarters

2008 Progress
­ JWST has successfully completed its Non-Advocate Review and Confirmation Review processes and has been approved to begin the Implementation Phase ­ All observatory components, except for the spacecraft and membrane management system of the sunshield, have successfully completed their preliminary design reviews ­ All science instruments have successfully completed their critical design reviews

Telescope and Mirrors
­ All flight primary, secondary and tertiary mirrors have completed machining and are in various stages of rough polishing, smooth out and figure grinding ­ Mirror "Manufacturing Percentage" progressed from 41% to 55%

­ Sunshield Preliminary Design Review held in February 2008 ­ Observatory Integration & Test control room opened at NGST

Ground Segment
­ Completed deliveries of all Science Instrument Integrated Test Sets (SITSs) and Science Instrument Development Units (SIDUs) to SI teams in the US, Canada and Europe
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Program P hases Digression
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Concept Development

Design, Fabrication, Assembly and Test

science operations


Phase A
Formulation Authorization ICR [i.e., PNAR]

Phase B

Phase C/D
PDR/NAR (Program Commitment) Launch

Phase E




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2008 Progress
­ JWST has successfully completed its Non-Advocate Review and Confirmation Review processes and has been approved to begin the Implementation Phase ­ All observatory components, except for the spacecraft and membrane management system of the sunshield, have successfully completed their preliminary design reviews ­ All science instruments have successfully completed their critical design reviews

Telescope and Mirrors
­ All flight primary, secondary and tertiary mirrors have completed machining and are in various stages of rough polishing, smooth out and figure grinding ­ Mirror "Manufacturing Percentage" progressed from 41% to 55%

­ Sunshield Preliminary Design Review held in February 2008 ­ Observatory Integration & Test control room opened at NGST

Ground Segment
­ Completed deliveries of all Science Instrument Integrated Test Sets (SITSs) and Science Instrument Development Units (SIDUs) to SI teams in the US, Canada and Europe
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A1 and EDU at the XRCF

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2008 Progress continued
Integrated Science Instrument Module (ISIM)
­ MIRI - MIRI Verification Model (VM) completed, tested and achieved 6.2K operating temperature and first light! - Selected flight detectors for MIRI ­ NIRSpec - Delivered Engineering Test Unit detector subsystem to Astrium - Selection of flight detectors agreed to by NASA & ESA ­ NIRCam - Selected ALL flight detectors and filters for NIRCam - Completed bonding and vibration testing of the NIRCam ETU Optical Bench ­ FGS - Held FGS System CDR at COM DEV - Engineering Test Unit assembly begun, tunable filter etalon tested at cryo ­ Structure - Completed bonding 5 of 13 Flight Hardware Decks

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Progress to Launch Date

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Progress to Launch Date

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2009 Major Events
­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ Sunshield M em brane M anagem ent System Prelim inary Design Review, February ISIM C ritical Design Review, M arch Assem bly & Testing of NIRCam Engineering Test Unit, June O bservatory Flight Software Build 1 Critical Design, June M icroshutter device delivered from G SFC to NIRSpec, June NIRCam Flight Instrum ent build com m ences, August Electro-optical tests of ETU FG S at operating conditions, O ctober Mission Critical Design Review scheduled for December M IRI Flight Instrum ent testing com m ences
2007 Tucson conference proceedings out soon

J W S T P ro je c t s e e k in g A s s o c ia te P ro je c t S c ie n tis t fo r In te g ra tio n a n d T e s t S e e A A S jo b b u lle tin p o s itio n 2 5 4 2 0
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Sum m ary
J W S T is a fla g s h ip s c ie n c e m is s io n ; th e h ig h e s t p rio rity la rg e m is s io n in a s tro n o m y a n d a w o rth y s c ie n tific s u c c e s s o r to H u b b le J W S T is a n e n g in e e rin g c h a lle n g e , a n d th e c h a lle n g e is b e in g m e t ­ Engineering or Verification M odels for all the instrum ents are being assem bled and tested this year ­ Flight m irrors s tarted c ryo testing this year M is s io n P re lim in a ry D e s ig n , N o n -A d v o c a te a n d C o n firm a tio n R e v ie w s s u c c e s s fu lly h e ld la s t y e a r ­ In phase C! J W S T i s w e ll u n d e rw a y a n d o n tra c k fo r a la u n c h in J u n e 2 0 1 3

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