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Дата изменения: Wed Jun 16 00:37:34 2004
Дата индексирования: Sat Mar 1 23:10:26 2014

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CALSPEC: 2004 June 15

CALSPEC contains the composite stellar spectra that are the fundamental flux standards for HST calibrations. All files are in machine independent binary FITS table format. Information about the pedigree of a given spectrum is in the header of the FITS table file, which can be read with the IRAF hedit task or by mrdfits.pro in IDL.

The Table below summarizes the set of recommended standard star spectra. Columns 2 and 3 give the V and B magnitudes of the stars. More documentation on these stars, eg. coordinates, finding charts and spectral types can be found in Turnshek et al. (1990), Bohlin, Colina & Finley (1995), and Colina & Bohlin (1997). Column 4 is the computer compatible file name with the plus and minus signs converted to underscores. Thus, the actual CALSPEC file name is the prefix in column 4, plus one of the suffixes in columns 5-8, plus ".fits". For example, a standard that has STIS data is "bd_28d4211_stis_001.fits".

The pure hydrogen WD model LTE spectra of Bohlin (2000) are now Hubeny NLTE models calculated with his Tlusty code (Bohlin 2003). These fundamental primary standards GD71, GD153, and G191B2B are listed by Calibration Data Base System (CDBS) suffix in column 5 of the Table and provide the basis for the secondary flux standards. The observational spectra from columns 6-8 can be compared with the models; and in the case of G191B2B, there is ultraviolet line blanketing at the ~1 percent level. The model calculations extend to 30 microns and cover the long wavelength limits of 2.7 microns for NICMOS, 1.1 microns for STIS and ACS, and 27 microns for JWST. Vega was observed by STIS (Bohlin & Gilliland 2004a); and the new composite flux standard alpha_lyr_stis_002.fits consists of IUE data from 1256-1675A, STIS CCD fluxes from 1675-4200A, and a specially tailored Kurucz model longward of 4200A (Kurucz 2003) and from 900-1256A. The STIS and ACS observations of the SDSS standard BD+17d4708 are documented in Bohlin & Gilliland (2004b).

Column 6 lists the 20 CDBS suffix names for the second choice standard stars with STIS data from Bohlin, Dickinson, & Calzetti (2001). Tabulated in column 7 are the next best standard star flux distributions, which are composed of FOS spectra in the UV and Oke spectra at the longer wavelengths. Also appearing in column 7 are the three solar analogs that are comprised of FOS observation but do not have "_FOS" in the CALSPEC file name.

The names for the last, but largest, set of standard stars appear in column 8 of the Table. The application of corrections to the original IUE and optical fluxes produces a consistent set of spectrophotometric standards from 1150 to 9200A (Bohlin 1996 and references therein). This set of standards is composed of IUE+Oke data only.

CALSPEC also contains the ultraviolet to near-infrared absolute flux distribution of the Sun (filename: sun_reference_stis_001.fits) to 2.7 microns, which is used to model the IR spectrum of the three solar analog stars. The solar reference spectrum combines absolute flux measurements from satellites and from the ground with a model spectrum for the near-infrared (Colina, Bohlin, & Castelli 1996).

The order of preference for the choice of a standard flux distribution is from left to right in the Table, i.e. from the best in column 5 to the last choice with the lowest quality in column 8.

CDBS Files of the Flux Standards with Columns in Order of Preference(1)
Star name      V     B-V    CDBS name   Model       STIS      FOS+Oke  IUE+Oke
  (1)         (2)    (3)       (4)       (5)         (6)        (7)      (8)

AGK+81D266   11.94  -0.34  AGK_81D266             _STIS_001              _005
ALPHA-LYR     0.03   0.00  ALPHA_LYR              _STIS_002              _004
BD+17D4708    9.47   0.44  BD_17D4708             _STIS_001
BD+25D4655    9.69  -0.31  BD_25D4655                                    _002
BD+28D4211   10.51  -0.34  BD_28D4211             _STIS_001   _FOS_003   _005
BD+33D2642   10.83  -0.17  BD_33D2642                         _FOS_003   _004 
BD+75D325     9.55  -0.33  BD_75D325              _STIS_001   _FOS_003   _005 
FEIGE110     11.83  -0.30  FEIGE110               _STIS_001              _005  
FEIGE34      11.18  -0.34  FEIGE34                _STIS_001              _005 
FEIGE66      10.51  -0.29  FEIGE66                                       _002
FEIGE67      11.82  -0.34  FEIGE67                                       _002
G191B2B      11.77  -0.33  G191B2B     _MOD_004   _STIS_001   _FOS_003   _005   
G93-48       12.74  -0.01  G93_48                                        _004  
GD108        13.56  -0.22  GD108                                         _005
GD153        13.35  -0.29  GD153       _MOD_004   _STIS_001   _FOS_003
GD50         14.06  -0.28  GD50                                          _004
GD71         13.03  -0.25  GD71        _MOD_005   _STIS_001   _FOS_003
GRW+70D5824  12.77  -0.09  GRW_70D5824            _STIS_001              _005
HD93521       6.99  -0.27  HD93521                _STIS_001              _005
HZ21         14.69  -0.33  HZ21                   _STIS_001              _005
HZ2          13.88  -0.09  HZ2                                           _005
HZ43         12.91  -0.31  HZ43        _MOD_004   _STIS_001   _FOS_003
HZ43B        14.30   ...   HZ43B                  _STIS_001
HZ44         11.67  -0.29  HZ44                   _STIS_001   _FOS_003   _005
HZ4          14.51  +0.09  HZ4                    _STIS_001              _004
LB227        15.32  +0.06  LB227                                         _004
LDS749B      14.68  -0.04  LDS749B                                       _005
LTT9491      14.10  +0.03  LTT9491                                       _002
NGC7293      13.53  -0.37  NGC7293                                       _005

P041C        12.00   0.62  P041C                  _STIS_001   _001
P177D        13.47   0.66  P177D                  _STIS_001   _001
P330E        13.00   0.64  P330E                  _STIS_001   _001
SUN         -26.75   0.63  SUN_REFERENCE          _STIS_001

(1) The unit of flux in all files is erg s-1 cm-2 A-1.

SUPPLEMENTAL CALSPEC contains previous CALSPEC versions and spectrophotometry that may be useful for special purposes.

PREVIOUS UPDATES: 96feb22, 99jul19, 01Jun5, 04Feb27


Bohlin, R.C. 1996, AJ, 111, 1743
Bohlin, R.C. 2000, AJ, 120, 437
Bohlin, R. 2003, 2002 HST Calibration Workshop, ed. S. Arribas, A. Koekemoer,
  & B. Whitmore, (Baltimore:STScI), p. 115
Bohlin, R. C., & Gilliland, R. L. 2004a, AJ, 127, 3508
Bohlin, R. C., & Gilliland, R. L. 2004b, AJ, submitted in June
Bohlin, R.C., Colina, L., & Finley, D.S. 1995, AJ, 110, 1316
Bohlin, R. C., Dickinson, M. E., & Calzetti, D. 2001, AJ, 122, 2118
Colina, L., & Bohlin, R. 1994, AJ, 108, 1931
Colina, L., & Bohlin, R. 1997, AJ, 113, 1138
Colina, L., Bohlin, R.C., & Castelli, F. 1996, AJ, 112, 307
Kurucz, R. 2003, http://kurucz.harvard.edu/
Oke, J.B. 1990, AJ, 99, 1621
Turnshek, D.A., Bohlin, R.C., Williamson, R., Lupie, O., Koornneef, J., & 
  Morgan D. 1990, AJ, 99, 1243

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Last modified, June 15, 2004