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Expected Accuracies
In Table 14.1 we list a provisional summary of our calibration goals for Cycle 7 and Cycle 7-NICMOS. These goals will be achieved through the analysis of data obtained both from the ground testing, on-orbit during the Servicing Mission Orbital Verification (SMOV) phase, and the Cycle 7 calibration program (see Chapter 15). Observers may, and should, plan on NICMOS achieving these levels of performance. While higher levels of performance may indeed by possible (and even achieved) in Cycle 7, observers should not depend upon NICMOS being calibrated better than defined here. Science programs which require superior calibrations should request and justify additional observing time to reach the necessary calibration accuracy.
Areas of Significant Uncertainty
The present knowledge of photometric calibration does not yet permit a definitive projection of the ultimate accuracies which may be obtainable with NICMOS. We have adopted fairly conservative estimates for the achievable photometric (and, consequently, polarimetric) accuracies. Areas of uncertainty include the quality of the transformations, the long term stability of NICMOS, and (for a small portion of each Camera's field of view) the effects of vignetting.
Perforce our existing calibration data for Camera 3 have been obtained with it out of focus and therefore the estimates for its in-focus performance remain extrapolations.
The astrometric performance of NICMOS is not yet well understood. There appears to be continuing motions occurring within the dewar and the optical bench holding the detectors (which is located inside of the dewar). Additional data may become available as part of the August 1, 1997 STScI NICMOS WWW update on the coronographs performance.
Provisional Cycle 7 Calibration Goals
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Last updated: 07/24/97 15:36:25