The tasks (programs) in TABLES are grouped by function into three packages: fitsio, tbplot and ttools. Loading the tables package makes all the tasks in these three packages available for use.
The fitsio package contains tasks for working with FITS files. For example, catfits displays information about the extensions in a FITS file, optionally including a complete listing of the headers.
The tbplot package contains igi and sgraph, tasks for plotting tables, but they can also plot images or text tables. igi is interactive (but can execute a script) and very flexible. sgraph is simpler to use and the default values can be changed for added versatility.
The ttools package contains of order 50 tasks for working with tables.
The programming interface included with TABLES provides functions for opening and closing tables, and reading or wrtiting header or data values. Supported tables formats are BINTABLE extensions in a FITS file, STSDAS table format, and plain ASCII files in row/column format. FITS table I/O makes use of the CFITSIO interface from HEASARC, a copy of which is included in the TABLES library. The library provides an SPP interface, a programming language specific to IRAF, which was designed for creating IRAF tasks. A Fortran interface library is also provided for most of the I/O functions. In the STSDAS package there is a C interface to TABLES (and to several other packages in IRAF and STSDAS), which can be used for creating either host Unix programs or native IRAF tasks, written in C.
Here is a brief description of all the tasks in the tables package.
catfits | Print contents (a catalog) of FITS files on tape or on disk. |
stwfits | Convert tables and/or GEIS files to FITS files. |
strfits | Convert FITS files to tables or to GEIS files. |
fitscopy | Copy FITS files: disk <-> tape and disk <-> disk. |
fits_exampl | Detailed examples of `fitsio' tasks. |
geis | Provide background information about GEIS format files. |
gftoxdim | Convert a GEIS file to one with extra dimension plus a table. |
xdimtogf | Convert a GEIS file with extra dimension plus a table to GEIS. |
igi | Interactive Graphics Interpreter. |
sgraph | Plot tables, image sections, or text tables. |
keypar | Copy an image or table header keyword to an IRAF parameter. |
keyselect | Copy selected image header keywords to a table. |
keytab | Copy an image or table header keyword to a table element. |
parkey | Put an IRAF parameter into an image or table header keyword. |
partab | Copy an IRAF parameter to a table element. |
tabkey | Copy a table element to an image or table header keyword. |
tabpar | Copy a table element to an IRAF parameter. |
gtedit | Graphically edit a table. |
imtab | Copy an image to a table column. |
tabim | Copy a table column to an image. |
taextract | Copy an array entry to a column of scalars in another table. |
tainsert | Copy a column of scalars to an array entry in another table. |
tcalc | Perform arithmetic operations on table columns. |
tchcol | Change column name, print format, or units. |
tcheck | Check table elements by printing values when a user-specified logical expression is true. |
tchsize | Change allocated sizes of various sections of a table. |
tcopy | Copy tables. |
tcreate | Create a table from an ASCII descriptor table. |
tdelete | Delete tables. |
tdiffer | Form a table which is the difference of two tables. |
tdump | Dump the contents of a table to an ASCII file. |
tedit | Edit a table interactively. |
texpand | Expand tables according to a set of rules. |
thedit | Edit or print table header keywords. |
thistogram | Make a histogram of a column in a table. |
thselect | Select tables satisfying an expression; print keywords. |
tinfo | Display table size information. |
tintegrate | Numerically integrate one column with respect to another. |
tjoin | Perform a relational join of two tables. |
tlcol | List column information for a table. |
tlinear | Use linear regression to fit one or two table columns. |
tmatch | Find closest match between rows in two tables |
tmerge | Either merge or append tables. |
tprint | Print tables, either headers or data. |
tproduct | Form the Cartesian product of two tables. |
tproject | Create new table from selected columns in a table. |
tquery | Create a new table from selected rows and columns in a table. |
tread | Read a table interactively. |
trebin | Resample a table. |
tselect | Create a new table from selected rows of a table, based on a user-specified expression. |
tsort | Sort a table (in-place) on one or more columns. |
tstat | Get mean, standard deviation, median, min, and max for a column. |
ttranspose | Transpose or flip a table. |
tunits | Convert table column from one set of units to another. |
tupar | Interactively edit table header keywords. |
tiimage | Insert an image into an array entry in a table. |
titable | Insert a table with scalar columns into a table with array columns. |
tximage | Extract an image from an array entry in a table. |
txtable | Extract array columns from a table into a table with scalar columns. |
tscopy | Copy row/column subsets of tables using selectors. |