...For Investigators And Research Administrators
Multiplatform Access for Distributed Investigators and Sponsored Research Offices
STGMS for Investigators and Research Administrators provides a system for submitting proposal budgets, tracking grants, and submitting financial and performance reports to the grantor institution. PIs can coordinate approved funding for a proposal among multiple investigators, review the funding requests of COIs, and prepare (and submit if authorized) administrative requests and reports. All documents, including grant awards, grant amendments, budgets and reports, are saved in the STGMS database for review by administrators and investigators. Standard documents are pre populated to simplify data entry. Budget screens provide for electronic submission of original and revised budgets for proposals, and for supplemental budgets for grants. The key user is the Institution's Authorizing Official (AO). A privilege hierarchy, controlled by the AO (or their designee) protects confidential information and controls the grant process from proposal to closeout. The AO designee can control thelevel of review and approval required for grant submissions. The AO controls who within an institution is notified of submissions or required Apple Macintosh, Microsoft Windows NT/2000, and popular Unix/Linux systems are supported using Internet Explorer and Netscape browsers.
- AOs have institution-wide control over users, privileges, and access to documents
- AOs and PIs are automatically notified of all submissions for a proposal and receive all award and administrative notifications.
- AOs can predefine indirect costs and overhead rates for use on proposal budgets.
- Principal Investigators (PIs) control allocation of funding for COIs through an online review and approval system.
- Previously saved budgets can be used as templates for new proposals, and a dynamically updated summary is available in a spreadsheet format.
- Investigators or administrators can request extensions, supplemental funding, or transfer of funds between institutions, subject to AO and grantor institution approval.
- Customizable reports can be broken down by institution, project, or individual grants.
- Documents and reports are stored on a secure backend system. Users can retrieve budgets and documents for review or printing.
- Java-based user interface is available on popular PC and workstation platforms.
- Communications between the user and the backend system are encrypted to ensure privacy