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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Thu May 11 17:59:58 2006
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Sun Dec 23 08:37:31 2007

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AN X-RAY TOUR OF MASSIVE STAR-FORMING REGIONS WITH CHANDRA Not Your Grandmother's HII Regions Leisa Townsley Patrick Broos Eric Feigelson Gordon Garmire Konstantin Getman Junfeng Wang
The Penn State Chandra/ACIS Star Formation Group Orion: Chandra Orion Ultradeep Project (COUP, PI Feigelson) 2005, ApJS 160 30 Doradus diffuse: Townsley et al. 2006, AJ 131, 2140 30 Doradus point sources: Townsley et al. 2006, AJ 131, 2164 C e p B /O B 2 b : G e tm a n e t a l. 2 0 0 6 , A p J S 1 6 3 , 3 0 6 NGC 6357: Wang et al. 2006, ApJS, submitted M17, Rosette diffuse emission: Townsley et al. 2003, ApJ 593, 874 M 1 7 p o in t s o u r c e s : B r o o s e t a l. 2 0 0 6 , A p J S , to b e s u b m itte d in M a y

REVEALING THE LIFE CYCLE OF A MASSIVE STELLAR CLUSTER · Chandra/ACIS shows all stages (UCHIIR to SNR) in the life cycle of massive stars and their effects on their surroundings. · Massive stars often show surprisingly hard X-ray emission ­ this may be a new indicator of close binarity. · In the Spitzer era, Why X-rays? Chandra routinely penetrates AV > 100 mag with little confusion or contamination to reveal young stellar populations, unbiased by disks. · The vast pre-MS populations in these clusters are finally revealed; a typical Chandra observation finds 500­1500 young stars, down to 1M. · Chandra detects diffuse X-ray emission generated by massive star winds and separates it from the stellar population. · In older complexes, cavity SNRs are revealed by much brighter diffuse X-ray emission.

M17, THE OMEGA NEBULA: AN X-RAY CHAMPAGNE FLOW · D = 1.6 kpc; 10 4.7 pc. · Age 1 Myr. · Edge-on version of Orion K-L: blister on the edge of a GMC with UCHI IR, water masers, massive core M17SW. · 100 stars earlier than B9 (Orion has 8). 14 O stars, several form a 1 ring.

15 â 15 2MASS image

The 40-ksec Chandra/ACIS-I observation of M17 (17 â 17): 0.5­2 keV; 2­8 keV. We see over 900 point sources + soft diffuse emission, kT = 0.6 keV, LX ,corr = 3.4 â 1033 ergs/s.

A combined Spitzer/Chandra view of M17. The 5.8µm IRAC image courtesy of GLIMPSE (E. Churchwell & B. Whitney).

NGC 3576: AN M17 ANALOG? · D = 2.8 kpc; 10 8.1 pc. · Age < 1 Myr. · Obscured, IR-bright massive star-forming region with UCHI IRs, masers; ionizing stars not identified yet! · Velocity gradients imply large-scale outflow. 60-ksec, 17 â 17 ACIS-I: 0.5­2 keV; 2­8 keV. · Large "bubble" seen with ROSAT, as in M17.

Central 4 â 4: soft X-rays (0.5­2 keV), hard X-rays (2­8 keV).

NGC 3576 MSX 8µm + soft X-rays (0.5­2 keV); note closed lower bubble, open upper bubble in IR data, X-ray shadowing.

MSX 8µm + DSS red + soft X-rays: M17 analog confirmed!

W3: IONIZING SOURCES REVEALED · D = 2.0 kpc; 10 5.8 pc. · Age 105­several Myr. · W3 Main contains all morphological classes of HII regions, populous IR clusters. · IC 1795 is an older cluster that may have triggered recent SF. · W3(OH) is the prototypical UCHIIR; the region contains an embedded cluster, strong maser sources. · W3 North is a powerful parsec-scale HII region ionized by an O7 star.

Spitzer: W3 Main & W3(OH)

An 80-ksec ACIS-I mosaic of W3: 0.5­2 keV; 2­8 keV. We see 1300 sources total: · small embedded clusters in W3(OH), · maybe diffuse emission in IC 1795, · > 700 sources in a rich cluster around W3 Main, · and no cluster in W3 North.

W3 Main, 8 â 8. ACIS has 0.5 resolution on-axis. We see IRS5 (AV = 150) with kT = 6 keV, L2-8keV = 5 â 1031 ergs/s. Could be a colliding-wind binary or a cluster wind.

THE GREAT NEBULA IN CARINA: SWARMS OF STARS AND THE REMAINS OF A SUPERNOVA · D = 2.3 kpc; 10 6.7 pc. · Age 1 Myr. · Trumpler 14: a very rich cluster on the edge of a GMC with several embedded IR sources. · Contains at least 30 O and early-B stars, including an O2 star; evolved Wolf-Rayet stars are nearby (so maybe supernovae).

28 â 28 2MASS image

MSX 8µm + ROSAT soft X-rays: hot gas fills this proto-superbubble, LX 1035 ergs/s.

Tr 14 in Carina, 57-ksec ACIS-I: 350­790 eV; 790­970 eV; 970­1650 eV. We find 1600 point sources + harder diffuse emission. New result: HD93129A and HD93250 are likely colliding-wind binaries! We also see softer, bright diffuse emission requiring high abundances of Ne, Fe; probably a "cavity" supernova remnant!

30 DORADUS: LIVE FAST, DIE YOUNG, BLOW SOME BUBBLES · D = 50 kpc; 10 150 pc. · Age of "super star cluster" R136 is 1 Myr. · Most luminous HI I region in the Local Group. · Several O2 and WR stars; many WR-WR, WR-O, & O-O binaries. Spitzer 8µm (Bernhard Brandl) + MCELS H (You-Hua Chu), 20 â 20. · 2 msec pulsars, SNRs, SN1987A, many SN-filled superbubbles

The 21-ksec ACIS-I observation of 30 Doradus

· Bright, soft diffuse emission (0.5­0.7 keV, 0.7­1.1 keV, 1.1­2.3 keV) dominates the field. · L X ,c o r r = 0.2 - 16 â 1035 ergs/s. · These are supernova-filled superbubbles. Townsley et al. 2006, AJ 131, 2140

The new 90-ksec + old 20-ksec ACIS-I observation of 30 Doradus (0.5­0.7 keV, 0.7­1.1 keV, 1.1­2.3 keV).

Evolution: 107K plasma ; 104K ionization fronts ; 102K dust.

We resolve > 100 massive stars in R136; brightest are WR-WR and WR-O binaries.

O STARS, CRADLE TO GRAVE ¨ ¨ OB winds: the 104K Stromgren Sphere is really a Stromgren Shell filled with 106-7K plasma in many cases. Massive star-forming regions show many stellar denizens: magnetically-active pre-MS stars, massive star microshocks, and colliding-wind binaries. Chandra provides a disk-unbiased stellar sample for IR study. Chandra chronicles the life cycle of massive stars: · OB winds: M17, NGC 3576 · Massive protostars: NGC 3576, W3 · IMF diversity: W3 · Main sequence: M17, Tr14 in Carina · Colliding-wind binaries: all fields · Cavity supernova remnants: Carina, 30 Dor These are not your grandmother's HII regions!