List of Participants
Participant | Organization |
Dr. David Adler | CSC/STScI |
Dr. Ella Atkins | University of Maryland |
Dr. Anthony Barrett | Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Prof. Roman BartАk | Charles University |
Ms. Theresa Beech | GMV Space Systems |
Ms. Alice Berman | Johns Hopkins University |
Mark Boddy | Adventium Labs |
Prof. Daniel Borrajo | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid |
Bob Boyer | FUSE-JHU/CSC |
Art Bradley | Spacecraft System Engineering Services, LLC |
Andrea Brambilla | Politecnico di Milano - Dept. of Aerospace Engineering |
John Bresina | NASA Ames Research Center |
Mr. Humberto Calvani | Johns Hopkins University |
Mr. Andrew Carrel | University of Surrey |
Dr. Amedeo Cesta | ISTC-CNR |
Mr. George Chapman | Computer Sciences Corporation /Space Telescope Science Institute |
Dr. Steve Chien | Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Mr. Thomas Civeit | Johns Hopkins University |
Dr. Bradley Clement | Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Dr. Sylvain Damiani | VEGA |
Mr. Sergio De Florio | DLR |
Mr. Alessandro Donati | ESA - European Space Operations Centre |
Dr. Tara Estlin | Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Jeremy Frank | NASA Ames Research Center |
Mr. Matthieu GALLIEN | LAAS-CNRS |
Dr. Daniel Gaines | Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Dr. Mark Giuliano | STSCI |
Dr. Felix Ingrand | LAAS/CNRS |
Mr. John Jaap | NASA / MSFC |
Mr. David Jameux | European Space Agency |
Dr. Mark Johnston | Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Ari Jonsson | NASA Ames Research Center |
Mr. Ian Jordan | Computer Sciences Corporation/Space Telescope Science Institute |
Dr. Lina Khatib | QSS/NASA ARC |
Dr. Russell Knight | Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Mr. Mark Kochte | FUSE - CSC/JHU |
Dr. David Kortenkamp | TRACLabs/NASA JSC |
Mr. Laurence Kramer | Carnegie Mellon University |
Dr. Derek Long | University of Strathclyde |
Shelley Marshall | STScI |
Ms. Sandra Mau | Carnegie Mellon University |
Dr. Robert Morris | NASA Ames Research Center |
Mrs. Gina Moylan | University of Maryland, Space Systems Lab |
Mr. Marc Niezette | VEGA |
Dr. Marcelo Oglietti | CONAE |
Dr. Alan Patterson | STScI |
Ms. Misty Pendexter | Northrop Grumman Space Technology |
Mr. Michael Prior | NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center |
Mr. Erhard Rabenau | Nova Space Associates Limited |
Giovanni Righini | University of Milano |
Brennan Sellner | Carnegie Mellon University |
Mr. Robert Shendock | SGT, Inc |
Mr. Rob Sherwood | JPL |
Dr. Stephen Smith | Carnegie Mellon University |
Mr. Bruno Sousa | VEGA Informations-Technologien GmbH |
Prof. Sylvie Thiebaux | The Australian National University |
Mr. Gerard Verfaillie | ONERA |
Jenny Williams | Computer Sciences Corporation |
Ms. Terri Wood | NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center |
Dr. Mark Woods | SciSys |
Mr. William Workman | STScI |