- Silvia Alencar - Young stellar disks and NGC 2264
- Victoria Antoci - Solar-like oscillations in intermediate-mass stars
- Steven Bloemen and Katholieke U. Leuven - Stellar masses from photometry
- Matteo Cantiello - Pulsations and magnetic fields in massive stars
- Jorgen Christensen-Dalsgaard, U. Aarhus - The state of solar and stellar models
- Zhibin Dai - Orbital period analyses for CVs inside the period gap
- Ed Guinan - The Sun in context
- Saskia Hekker - Helium in solar-type stars
- Guenther Houdek - Improving our understanding of solar physics by studying other stars
- Thomas Kallinger - Granulation in stars
- Steve Kawaler - A theorist looks at a new age for stellar physics
- Adam Kowalski - Flares on low-mass stars
- Francois Lignieres - Intermediate-mass stars: magnetic fields, rapid rotation, and seismology
- Hiroyuki Maehara - Superflares on solar-type stars
- Savita Mathur - Detecting activity cycles from asteroseismology
- Anwesh Mazumdar - Internal seismic diagnostics in stars
- Soren Meibom - Rotation of cluster stars
- Jorge Melendez - CNO in photospheres of the Sun and solar-type stars
- Andrea Miglio - G and K giants as Galactic probes
- Joanna Molenda-Zalowicz and U. Wroclaw - Expectations and limitations of Kepler ground-based follow-up observations
- Josefina Montalban - Mixing processes in main sequence stars from dipole modes in red giants
- Andrezej Pigulski - Precision stellar physics from the ground
- Norbert Przybilla - CNO in massive stars
- Ignasi Ribas - Measuring Stars with High Precision as the Key to Finding and Characterizing New Earths
- Hideyaki Saio - Evolution of massive stars constrained by supergiant pulsations
- Sebastien Salmon - Testing the effects of opacity etc. in B stars
- Aldo Serenelli - Limits on solar CNO from helioseismology
- Hiromoto Shibahashi - Radial velocities from photometry and their application
- Igor Soszynski - Variable stars in the OGLE sky survey
- Dennis Stello - Seismology of clusters in the Kepler field
- Martin Still - New stellar physics across the H-R diagram
- Klaus Strassmeier - Stellar surface features from high-precision photometry
- Willie Torres - Stellar physics revealed by planet transits
- Jeremy Tregolan-Reed - Observation and modeling of WASP-19
- Aldo Valcarce - Chile A new technique to measure ΔY/ΔZ
- Valerie van Grootel - New insights into atomic diffusion
- Lucianne Walkowicz - Rotation and differential rotation in solar-type stars
- Werner Weiss - BRITE - Constellation
- Konstanze Zwintz - New constraints on PMS models